Casting Lacey

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Casting Lacey Page 20

by Elle Spencer

  She didn’t lean in and lick the caviar off of Quinn’s bottom lip when it was so obviously sitting there for that very reason. She desperately wanted to, but she didn’t.

  She didn’t tell Quinn that her singing voice sounded like heaven – if heaven had a sound. And Lacey was suddenly sure it did.

  And she didn’t jump up and grab Quinn’s hand before she could fast forward the song and say, “Let’s dance.”

  Lacey had been strong. Stoic. A rock.

  Until now.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your Christmas present, silly.”

  Lacey pulled the white ribbon on the large, flat, Tiffany blue box. She took off the lid and pushed the tissue paper aside. Her hand found Quinn’s.

  “Your dad said you probably haven’t seen this one in a long time,” Quinn squeezed Lacey’s hand. “I was so touched by the gift you gave him, I wanted to do the same for you.”

  Lacey bit her lip as she ran her finger over the beautiful silver frame that housed a photo of her and her mother. Lacey couldn’t have been more than three or four when the photo was taken. They were on a beach – Daria holding on tight to her little girl in her pink bathing suit with white daisies.

  Lacey couldn’t remember ever seeing this particular photo before. She kissed her finger and touched her mother’s face as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “The nail is already in the wall – in the guesthouse. I took the liberty…”

  Lacey didn’t have words. Quinn looked worried. Lacey still didn’t have words. What could she possibly say? Thank you wasn’t enough. I love you was too much. She cupped Quinn’s cheek, leaned in and gave her the softest of kisses, the edge of her lips barely grazing Quinn’s. It wasn’t a kiss motivated by passion or desire. It was a kiss of gratitude and understanding. Lacey barely realized she’d done it. She turned her attention back to the photo. She could feel Quinn’s eyes boring into her, but she couldn’t look at her. And she still couldn’t talk.

  They sat in silence until Lacey could pull herself together enough to say something. Something that wouldn’t scare the shit out of Quinn and make her say something stupid like, you should move out. She put the lid back on the box and stood up, putting her hand out for Quinn. “Your present is in the guesthouse.”

  Lacey hung the photo on the wall and stepped back. Quinn had chosen the perfect spot. She’d be able to look at the photo before she fell asleep at night and when she woke up in the morning.

  It was the perfect gift.

  She took a deep breath and tried to lighten the moment. “Close your eyes.” She looked at Quinn. “I mean it. Close your eyes.”

  “Okay. Closed.” Quinn put her hands over her eyes.

  Lacey wheeled Quinn’s gift out of the closet. “Okay, open them.”

  “A mountain bike?” Quinn got a little closer. “A very nice mountain bike.”

  “It’s not for you. I mean, unless you want to upgrade.”

  Quinn shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  Lacey was glad the mountain bike was in between them. She put one hand on the seat and the other on the handlebar to steady herself. “I know you’re going to want to get on your bike again soon. And I’ll be worried sick, thinking about you out there all alone…unless I’m out there…wherever…with you.”


  Quinn’s mouth hung open. Lacey reached across the bike and put her finger under Quinn’s chin, closing it. “I guess we both left each other speechless.”

  “You’d really ride with me?” Quinn’s expression was one of complete shock.

  Lacey looked at the photo on the wall. “I…” Love you. “Yeah. I’ll really ride with you.”

  A small, disbelieving laugh escaped Quinn’s mouth. “That’s…”

  Love? “A miracle, I know.”

  Lacey didn’t want to come around from the bike. She was hanging onto it for dear life. But Quinn tugged on her arm and pulled her into a hug. “We’re going to have so much fun. I swear, you’ll love it.”

  “Not until you’re fully healed. This is for later, okay?”

  Quinn stepped back and tucked her hands into her back pockets, a look on her face Lacey couldn’t quite read. “Lace, I…” She took another step back, putting more space between them. “In my whole life, I’ve never had…”

  Lacey knew what she was trying to say – she’d never had a friend who cared this much. It wasn’t easy being as famous as Quinn was, always wondering what people’s motives were for wanting to get close to her. She’d even seen it at work, people in the “industry” falling over themselves to get Quinn’s attention.

  Lacey looked at the photo hanging on the wall. It was quite possibly the sweetest gift she’d ever been given. Dani’s gifts to her over the years hadn’t even come close. She looked at Quinn again, standing there with her eyes on the ground and probably a lump in her throat, not able to say the words. Lacey knew the feeling. “I know.”

  Quinn looked up and gave her a grateful smile. “Merry Christmas, Lace.”

  Lacey took hold of the bike. “Let’s get this in the garage.”

  Quinn followed behind her. “You know we’re going to have to get you some riding clothes. And a helmet.”

  “Can’t I just wear my yoga pants or something?”

  Quinn scoffed. “No! You have to wear the proper gear. It’s safer that way.”

  “It didn’t save your sorry ass.”

  “Don’t fight me on this. You’ll lose.”

  Lacey smiled to herself. The little thank you kiss hadn’t ruined everything.

  Thank god.


  J.J. was going over the “first kiss” scene with Quinn. “Can’t say I didn’t see this coming, the way you two smoke up the joint. Are you nervous? You look nervous.”

  Quinn shook her head as she glanced around, looking for Lacey. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. Your hands are shaking.”

  Quinn spread her fingers out and sure enough, they were shaking. The last thing she wanted to do was admit she was nervous as hell about their first kiss. “Too much coffee. I’m fine.”

  “We’ll try for two takes, but we have to get it right. Everyone, even the higher ups, are invested in this. They want it to be perfect.”

  “Are you trying to make me even more nervous, J.J.? Because it’s working.” Quinn rolled her head back and forth, trying to loosen up her neck.

  “So, you are nervous about the kiss.”

  “A little bit, yeah,” Quinn admitted. “It’s a big deal, don’t you think?”

  “Huge.” J.J. put up a hand. “Sorry. I’m making it worse. You’ll be fine, kid. You two have that thing that every director wants to see, so my job will be easy today.” He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Are you sure you don’t want to rehearse it a few times?”

  They’d rehearsed the lines and the blocking, but Quinn wanted the actual kiss to be natural. She shook her head and J.J. turned to walk away, but she reached for his arm. “J.J., about the getting it right, thing – will you just let the camera run? Don’t yell cut. Just let it flow and then maybe we can decide together how much of it makes the cut.”

  J.J. gave her a wink. “You got it, kid.”

  Quinn took off her robe and stepped onto the set, finding her mark in Jordan’s dimly lit apartment. Wearing nothing but a fake cast, a black tank top and tight boy shorts, she stood by the front door. “Ready whenever Lacey is.”

  Lacey found her mark on the other side of the door. “Ready.”

  “Okay, everyone, we’re rolling.” J.J. let the assistant director do his thing and then shouted, “Action!”

  Jordan opened her door and leaned against it with one hand. “It’s late.”

  Selena looked Jordan up and down, taking in her barely clothed body. “Sorry, were you asleep?”

  “Just working in bed,” Jordan opened the door all the way, letting Selena in. “What brings you out so late? Isn’t it s

  “Just a dusting.” Selena took off her winter coat and hung it on the coat rack, her eyes tracking Jordan’s ass as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here, because I’ve been dying for a glass of wine but I can’t get the cork out with one hand.”

  Selena took the bottle. “Here, let me get it,” she nervously glanced at Jordan. “You get the glasses.”

  Jordan turned away and Selena’s eyes went to her long, toned legs. Jordan got on her tiptoes and reached high into the cupboard, making her tank top ride up a little. Selena closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “You didn’t come here to fight with me again, did you? Or quit? It’s always one or the other.” Jordan set the glasses down and turned toward Selena, leaning against the counter.

  Selena poured the wine and took a quick swallow. “I didn’t come here to fight with you.” She quickly downed a little more wine and turned to Jordan. “I came here to…” she paused for a second as their eyes met. “This…” she said as she grabbed Jordan’s face and kissed her. When she didn’t get a reaction, she pulled away and took a few steps back. Jordan stood there, frozen, her mouth slightly open. “I’m so sorry,” Selena said. “I shouldn’t have…” Jordan grabbed Selena’s hand and pulled her back to her. They stared intently for a few seconds and then Jordan leaned in and kissed her back. Selena was tense at first but eventually relaxed into the kiss.

  That was where the scene was supposed to end, but J.J. motioned for his crew to keep rolling instead of cutting the scene.

  Jordan grabbed Selena’s hips and turned her, so that she was now pushed back against the counter. She kissed along Selena’s jaw, working her way to her neck, kissing and sucking as she went. Selena closed her eyes and gripped onto Jordan’s shoulders as a moan escaped her mouth. When Jordan heard the moan, she pulled back and made eye contact, before going in for another kiss.

  Lacey kept the kiss closed as much as she could for the cameras but her desire to feel Quinn’s tongue overwhelmed her, so she deepened the kiss. Quinn grabbed Lacey around the waist as their tongues collided. After a few seconds, Lacey pushed Quinn away and made eye contact again. Through bated breath, Quinn said, “Please tell me you got that, J.J.”

  Lacey and Quinn both turned to look at the crew who were all standing there in shock. J.J. cleared his throat. “And…cut.”


  Quinn opened her trailer door and found Lacey standing there, waiting. “I’m fine,” she said, before Lacey could ask.

  “You don’t sound fine.”

  The last thing Quinn wanted to do was admit how discombobulated she felt after that kiss. And god, she hoped it wasn’t written all over her face. Was she bright red? She felt bright red. “I’m just glad that damn scene is over.”

  “It sucked that bad for you, huh? Having to kiss me?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Quinn snapped back. We knew this scene was coming. Please don’t make it awkward.”

  “The only one who’s acting awkward…”

  “Oh my god, Lacey, REALLY? I’M THE ONLY ONE?” Quinn winced when she saw Amy standing there, waiting with the cart. She got in the front seat. “Not a word, Amy.”

  Amy followed the instruction and didn’t even look at her boss. That didn’t stop her from giving Lacey a worried look in the rearview mirror a couple of times. When they came to a stop, Quinn jumped out and headed straight for the Range Rover.

  Lacey patted her shoulder. “Thanks, Amy.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Amy watched Quinn get in the car and shut the door. “Is she okay, Lacey? I don’t get why she’s so mad.”

  Lacey followed Amy’s gaze. “She’ll be fine. She’s probably just nervous about the big love scene tomorrow.”

  “Well, if hot scenes put her in a mood like this, we’re all screwed.”

  Lacey laughed. “Tell me about it.” Quinn gave Lacey an impatient wave to get in the car. “See you tomorrow, Amy.”

  Lacey got in the car and slammed her door shut. She put the key in the ignition and sat back. She was about to say something, but Quinn beat her to it. “Can we please go home, now?”

  “Fine.” Lacey started the car. “Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me. Just look out the goddamned window.” Quinn opened her mouth. “I mean it.” She shut her mouth again. Lacey cranked the music and screeched out of the parking lot.


  Quinn stared out the sliding glass door. They’d finished early and Lacey was where she always was if they got home early enough to see the sunset – lying on a lounge chair by the pool.

  Quinn was angry at herself for letting that kiss affect her the way it did. That had certainly never happened to her at work before. The kisses she’d had with the lawyers and judges Jordan had slept with were very mechanical. She’d felt nothing. Less than nothing. It was acting, pure and simple.

  Taking out her frustration on Lacey was uncalled for. Juvenile. It wasn’t her fault. Lacey was just doing her job. She wasn’t the one who made the kiss ten times as sexy and twice as long it was supposed to be. That was all Quinn.

  She opened the sliding glass door and stepped outside. She slowly walked over to where Lacey was, her hands deep in her jeans pockets, looking rather contrite. She wasn’t sure what she would say, but she knew it needed to include some sort of apology. She sat on a lounge chair and motioned for Lacey to take her earbuds out. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier.”

  Lacey turned her attention back to her magazine. “You’re gay, Quinn. It’s okay to get turned on when a woman kisses you.”

  It was only the second time Quinn had ever kissed a woman. And even with people watching, cameras rolling, and the nerves roiling in her stomach, it felt magical. And that scared her. Because she couldn’t control her feelings. And she desperately needed to control her feelings when it came to Lacey. Still – she wanted to know. “Were you turned on?”

  “Very,” Lacey said as she turned a page.

  Would it hurt their working relationship to acknowledge the truth? Would Lacey even believe her if she lied? No. She’d see right through it. “Yeah, um…me too.”

  “There’s no shame in that.” Lacey turned another page. “And it doesn’t have to mean anything. Hell, I’ve felt several boners on set, pushing against my leg. I felt so bad for them when they had to stand up, but it didn’t mean they were in love with me.” She met Quinn’s gaze. “At least, that’s not what I took it to mean.”

  The amusement in Lacey’s eyes was very evident. Quinn gave her a knowing smirk. “You can tease me all you want. I deserve it. But I really am sorry.”

  “For turning me on? Because that’s not how the scene was written. Pushing me against the counter like that?” Lacey tsk’d as she slowly shook her head. “Not in the script.”

  “Neither was your tongue.”

  Lacey giggled. “They’ll probably cut that part.”

  “Good. Then I can pretend it never happened.” Quinn stood up. “I made dinner.”

  “Yeah, good luck trying to forget my tongue. And, you did?” Lacey asked in surprise.

  “Bought…is a more accurate word. I bought dinner. And I have a movie queued up that I really don’t want to watch alone.”

  “You hate my commentary when we watch movies.”

  Quinn held out her hand, helping Lacey up. “I’ll make popcorn. That’ll keep you quiet.”

  Lacey folded her magazine in half and hit Quinn’s butt with it. “God, you’re a pain in my ass sometimes.”



  Amy watched Laura put the final touches on Quinn’s body makeup, evening out any tan lines on her arms and legs. “Can I watch?”

  “No.” Quinn pointed at her right shoulder. “A little more right here.”

  “But you’re going to be making out with…”

  “Amy, if you say Dr. Sarah Covington, I swear I’ll fire you right now with no severance.”

  Amy grimaced at Laura. �
�She’s in her hot-scene mood. It’s her thing.”

  Laura put up her hands. “I’m just here to make her look good.” She winked at Amy. “But, I know what you mean.”

  “Are you ready?” Lacey stepped up into the trailer, wearing a bathrobe.

  Amy gave her a little wave. “Oh, hey, Lace.” She’d started calling her Lace after she’d heard Quinn say it.

  “Hey, Amy. How’s our girl holding up?”

  “Kinda grumpy,” Amy whispered.

  “I’m not grumpy.” Quinn put her arms out so Laura could help her put on a robe. “I’m also not deaf.”

  “Okay, you’re all set.” Laura turned her attention to Lacey. “You’re tan all over, so you won’t need much. I’ll touch you up on set.”

  “Can you ladies give me a minute with Quinn? I’ll be right there, Laura.” Lacey waited until they were both gone and the door was closed before she turned to Quinn. “You haven’t done much of this, have you?”

  “Love scenes or women?”

  “Both, actually.”

  Quinn took a deep breath. “A few…and no.”

  “They’ve got me on top, so I’ll be doing most of the work.”

  “I’m not worried,” Quinn said, unconvincingly.

  “That’s a lie. You’re worried sick.”

  Quinn tried to walk to the door but Lacey grabbed her hand. “Quinn, I need to say something.”

  “If this backfires…” Quinn sighed. “You’re right. I’m worried sick.”

  “You’re not blazing a trail, here. Other shows have gay characters and gay love scenes.”

  Quinn shook her head. “Not my show. I could lose viewers.”

  “And you’ll gain millions more. Who cares if those boycotting moms target you? Fuck them. They seem like shitty moms to me.”

  Quinn closed her robe and tightened the belt. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Lacey stepped closer. “Okay, but you need to trust me in there.” She adjusted the collar on Quinn’s robe, even though it didn’t need adjusting. “I’ve done at least fifty love scenes. None like this, because it was daytime TV, but still…I know what I’m doing.”


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