Runaway: The Sequel to Secrets, a sexy and dramatic western romance (Finding Love ~ THE OUTSIDER SERIES)

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Runaway: The Sequel to Secrets, a sexy and dramatic western romance (Finding Love ~ THE OUTSIDER SERIES) Page 7

by Lorhainne Eckhart

  Laura froze and stared at his incredible chest and the dark hair that lightly covered it. He stood up and walked straight for her, and she felt her face heat and probably turn a nice shade of red.

  “Laura, you better get used to this, because I’m not changing in the bathroom.” He chuckled under his breath and slid his hand behind her neck, his other in her wet hair, and he leaned down. She swore he was about to kiss her, he was so close. He touched his nose to hers, and she couldn’t help breathing in how he smelled. It was earthy and, good God, made her knees weak. His scent was indescribable and all man, her man.

  “I need a shower,” he said and went to pull back, but Laura reached her hand up and slid it over his whiskered cheek.

  “You smell so good.”

  He smiled his sexy smile and touched his lips to hers, and she couldn’t stop the tremble that shot through her, making her weak in the knees. He must have known, as he slid his arm inside the housecoat. She couldn’t think how he managed to untie it so easily as he caressed her belly, the small of her back, sliding his rough hand over her bare skin, running his thumb under her breast and his other around her bottom as he used his tongue to deepen the kiss, tasting her until she was taking his breath as hers.

  Andy caressed her rounded cheek, touching her so she lifted her leg up to hook around his hip. Her large belly poked into him, and he pulled away, grabbing her as his bathrobe fell open wide and she was naked before him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” He was breathing hard, but she doubted he was anywhere near as out of breath as she was.

  Laura went to pull the housecoat closed in front, but Andy stopped her. “No, wait. I want to see you. My God, you’re beautiful.” He slid his hand over her large belly, running his other hand up her side and over her breasts, which had grown throughout her pregnancy. He placed his palms over both her nipples and watched her as he ran his hands over her breasts in a circle.

  Laura held on to his arms and could feel his control as his muscles flexed under her touch. For a moment, she felt safe. He leaned down slowly again to taste her, to touch his lips to hers, and she wanted him so much that a moan slipped out just as his lips covered hers and she opened for him. He pulled his lips away, resting his forehead against hers.

  “I’ve got to stop now.”

  “What if I don’t want you to stop?” She licked her lips as she watched his heavy gaze and the sizzle that deepened the blue ring of his iris. God, how she loved his eyes.

  “No, not until I talk to the doctor and find out if it’s safe.” This time, he stepped back, and when she grabbed the edge of his housecoat to close it again, he put his hands over hers. “I love to look at you. Don’t hide yourself.”

  She couldn’t help the warmth that rocketed through her center. “I’m not very attractive right now.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong.” He slid his hands over her shoulders until she relaxed and just stood before him. “Get in bed. I’ll be right there. I’m going to grab a shower, a cold one, I think.”

  He was halfway to the bathroom when she finally said, “Andy, I don’t have a clean nightgown. Those clothes that arrived earlier, there was no nightgown in there.”

  He smiled and rested his arm above his head on the door jam. “Yeah, I know,” he said, and then he disappeared. A second later, she heard the shower pop on.

  Laura perched on her side of the bed, still wearing Andy’s bathrobe. She loved the feel of the silky material and the fact that he’d worn it. She could smell his scent in it, and she didn’t want to take it off, but the thought of sleeping naked with Andy, taking off the robe and slipping under the covers now with nothing on, pressed against her husband—oh, she wanted to do it. She dreamed of having the courage, but she’d never been as comfortable in her own body as he was, strutting around as if it were the most natural thing.

  “Are you going to sit there all night, or are you going to get in bed?” Andy came to stand in front of Laura, a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. How long had she been sitting there, day dreaming?

  All Laura could do was shake her head as she stood on shaky legs and slid off his robe, tossing it to the foot of the bed and pulling back the covers to climb in.

  Andy, of course, watched her every move closely, his eyes filled with heat. He reached for his robe and tossed it across the room, where it landed on one of the chairs. The towel soon followed. He didn’t just stride in his cocky way, fully erect, around to his side of the bed; he watched her as she lay on her side and faced him, and he pulled her into his arms. She rested her head on his chest and ran her hand down to touch him, but he grabbed her hand.

  “Not a good idea.”

  “I feel fine.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Yeah, well, I don’t, and I’m not taking any chances until I talk to the doctor. So go to sleep.”

  “Sleep? Are you kidding, Andy? I’m not tired. I’ve been in bed all day.”

  He ran his hand over her head, smoothing down her hair, and then down her back, tracing tiny circles in her lower back. She kissed his chest and wondered how much control he had, as being in bed with Andy had always meant him taking her as his. She knew he had a healthy sexual appetite, and right now she wanted him, to connect with him, have him inside her, just to feel again.

  He started to pull away.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To take another cold shower.”

  Chapter 14

  Laura felt far from rested, snuggled in Andy’s very comfortable large bed. Andy had been gone when she finally woke late in the morning after a long restless night. Even after his cold shower, she could feel how tight he was as he held her and how much he wanted her still.

  Now it was almost lunchtime, and Laura was settled in bed, wearing a peach-colored maternity tracksuit, which was very comfortable. The price tag that was attached had nearly given her a coronary. She couldn’t believe what Andy tossed away on clothes, even though it was the most comfortable outfit she’d worn in months.

  Dr. Richardson ripped off the black cuff. “Well, your blood pressure is better.” She folded it up and tucked it into her bag, pulling out her Doppler to listen to the babies’ heartbeats just as Andy pushed open the door and strode in, looking sexy in his dark jeans and white t-shirt. He had shaved.

  “How’s she doing?” He didn’t stop until he was standing beside the bed, watching over Laura. His hair was brushed but a little on the longish side.

  “Blood pressure is good. Just about to check the heartbeats.”

  Laura scooted down on her back and pulled up her shirt. “Could you hurry? This is really uncomfortable.”

  The doctor squirted a bit of that cool jelly on Laura’s bare abdomen and pressed the white Doppler to a few places on her large belly, searching for a heartbeat. It didn’t take long for one to register. “There’s one. Hear that? Wow, nice and strong.”

  Andy was grinning ear to ear, and for the first time ever, his eyes softened and shimmered with a joy she’d never seen before. My God, he was going to love those babies. How could she ever have considered hiding them? She was ashamed and had to look away.

  “There’s the other, nice and strong, too.” The doctor turned up the volume so the only thing Laura could hear in the room was the echo and beat of the babies’ hearts. The sound made it so real.

  “We should talk about delivery options, especially with twins. Have you two talked about what to expect?” The doctor used a small hand towel to wipe off the jelly.

  Laura yanked down her maternity cotton shirt and scooted up as the doctor shoved a couple pillows behind her back. She couldn’t read the look in Andy’s eyes. “We haven’t talked about anything like that, but I’d like to know when I can get out of bed. There are some other things we wanted to ask you, too.” Laura felt her face heat and had to look down at her hands as she heard Andy’s chuckle. The bed sank a little beside her as he sat right next to her and took her han
d in his.

  “Doc, I want to know about sex. Is it completely out of the question, or is it safe?”

  Laura groaned and grabbed his arm, wanting to bury her head into his wide chest and hide.

  “Oh, I see,” Dr. Richardson said with a hint of humor in her voice. “Well, for now, as long as you take it easy and don’t do anything rough, it should be okay, but if you feel any discomfort, stop.”

  Laura couldn’t look at the doctor, but she did smile shyly at Andy and sensed he wanted nothing more than to walk the doc out and shut the door and have his way with her right now. That was fine with her.

  The doctor cleared her throat. “Okay, you two, it’s good to see you resolved some things and that you’re back home, Laura. Now let’s talk about the babies’ delivery. Have you two talked about natural, drug, epidural, and what’s involved with delivering twins?”

  “I don’t want to do drugs, Andy.”

  He just watched her and didn’t take his eyes off her when he spoke to the doctor. “Can you walk us through what to expect? Laura doesn’t want to do drugs, but I don’t want her hurting, either.”

  Oh, boy, was he ever saying the right things, and for the first time, she felt her heart softening and leaping to the moon at the thought that maybe her prince charming more than just cared for her. That inkling of a happily ever after with Andy had her heart so full she though it would burst.

  “Well, with twins, it’s hard to tell. You’re having two babies, so double everything, and it can take a while after you’ve had the first before you dilate again to have the second. That’s if we don’t have to do a C-section, if everything goes well. There are options, and I suggest that you start a prenatal class, one that also walks you through labor and delivery so you can learn breathing and what you can do, Andy, to help Laura through her labor. Don’t get stuck on a birth plan, because just about every couple who’s outlined one has to toss it out the window come labor. I don’t want you to be disappointed. Just know your options.” She dug out a booklet and handed it to Andy. “Read up, and if you have questions, just ask. Also, you’ll note Debra Kirk’s name and number on the last page. She’s a labor coach who runs a class. I suggest you call her.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” Andy leafed through the booklet and then handed it to Laura. “Looks like we have some reading to do.”

  Laura frowned as she glanced at the twenty-page booklet. She didn’t remember being offered anything like this when she had Gabriel, but then, she’d been pregnant at fifteen and barely turned sixteen when she’d gone into labor alone, with no help, at a county hospital, pumped with drugs, screaming and crying. It had been a horrible experience.

  “Hey, it’s all right.” Andy’s hand was covering hers, which now squeezed the booklet and was shaking.

  “You’ll be with me?” She needed to know. She needed to hear him say it, even though she couldn’t imagine him not being there. She didn’t want to go through this alone even though she had been very much prepared to do so before he showed up again. The fact was that she wanted him there.

  “I’m not letting you do this alone. We’ll do it as a team.”

  The doctor cleared her throat again. “Well, unless you have any other questions, I will let myself out.”

  “Doctor Richardson, can I get out of bed? Please tell me I don’t have to stay cooped up here in this room, because I am getting really board,” Laura asked.

  “Well, I’ll tell you what: You can if you promise to take it easy, no brisk walks, getting up only to eat. Spend most of the day resting, no lifting or bending.” The doctor took in both Andy and Laura with her stern gaze.

  “She’ll spend most of the day in bed, resting, Doc. You have my word,” Andy said in a way that let Laura catch his meaning.

  “Well, okay then. I’ll be by tomorrow, same time. I’ll see myself out.”

  The door shut behind the doctor, and Laura sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth and slid her hands up Andy’s arms, which were still planted on either side of her. He took a deep breath and let it out in a way that sounded more like a groan, then leaned closer and kissed her, softly at first as she opened and he tasted her, deepening the kiss. She felt herself getting pulled into him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid his hand up and over her breast, which was throbbing. She moaned into his mouth.

  Then the door banged open.

  “Andy, Andy, Mommy!”

  Andy pulled back. Laura was dizzy and stunned as Gabriel leaped across the room and landed on Andy.

  “Oh, sir, and Laura, I’m sorry he got away from me.” Jules was standing in the open doorway, and Andy wrestled a giggling Gabriel at the foot of the bed, tickling him.

  “Jules, I got him,” Andy said as he quirked his brow at Laura. “Well, I think I better wear this big guy out so he’s tired and in bed early tonight. What do you think?”

  Laura sighed because she didn’t think she’d ever get tired of hearing Gabriel laugh and giggle the way he did with Andy. Gabriel loved him.

  Andy tossed Gabriel over his shoulder and stood up. “Don’t race any marathons. Better yet, stay in bed. I want you well rested for tonight.”

  He left, and this time, when he shut the door, her heart swelled. She didn’t leap out of bed but sighed, realizing she was a goner. Her heart was full, tender, and vulnerable because she loved him, too. She stared at the ceiling, wondering what she was going to do when there was a soft knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Laura said. She waited as the door opened and Aida stepped in, wearing her blue and white apron over her black dress. She was still wearing her hairnet.

  “Laura, I just came up to see how you are.” Aida stood there in the doorway, holding the doorknob and glancing around as if she shouldn’t be there.

  “Aida, I am so glad you came up here. Please come in.” She patted the spot beside her on the mattress and watched as Aida shut the door and strode across the room to her, taking in the gold trim and all the expensive furnishings in the room.

  “Andy gave me more money. I had it stuffed in my purse for you.” She reached her wrinkled, bony hand into her apron pocket and handed a wad of cash to Laura. “I didn’t count it, but any fool can see it’s a lot of money.”

  Laura reached for the folded bills, thick and heavy, and set them on the bedside table.

  “Are you back here because you want to be, girl?” Aida asked.

  When Laura stared back at the old cook, who’d been like a mother to her, she let out a heavy sigh. “I love him, and I wasn’t being fair, keeping him from his babies, not telling him.”

  “No, you weren’t, but I told you that. I’m just glad you see it. He’s not a monster, Laura, and no man worries and hands cash over to someone he barely knows to give it to his wife who’s all but disappeared so she can buy food, pay rent. Only a man who cares does that.” Aida didn’t sit on the bed. She did, though, stand right beside the bed, looking down on Laura. It was the first time Laura noticed how tired the old woman looked.

  “Are you okay, Aida? I mean, you look so tired. Is everything all right?”

  “Oh, posh tosh, I’m fine. Just my knees aching a little bit lately. Don’t worry about me but I need to know if you’re staying and what you’re doing. Is Andy treating you okay? Are you still going to divorce him? What about Gabriel? I’ve been watching those two together since Andy brought you two back here yesterday. He loves that boy, and Gabby worships him. You can’t come between that, Laura.”

  “I know, Aida. I never realized how much Andy cared for Gabriel. I guess I never paid attention, because when Andy showed up yesterday, Gabriel was in his arms, he wouldn’t let him go, and he looked to Andy to keep him safe, protect him, and not to me. I don’t know what to do, Aida. I just know I don’t ever want to be treated like nothing again.” She stared at Aida, who firmed her lips and nodded as if deciding something.

  “Then you need to make sure he respects you. You set the ground rules. You may be young, but you have common se
nse. You also need to decide with Andy what’s best for you and him, him and Gabriel, and both you and the babies. Do you want a life without Andy?”

  Laura already knew the answer to that, and Aida had a way cutting right through the bullshit. She had never once told her what to do. She listened without judgment and told her flat out when someone was doing something right or wrong. She never took it on herself, and Laura knew that whatever secrets she kept, she’d take them to her grave. Aida had a look about her as if she carried a lot of people’s secrets, and maybe a few of her own.

  “Yes, I want a family with Andy. I want a life with him. I want him to be a father to Gabriel, and I want him to love me.”

  “Well, then. Sounds to me as if you’ve figured out a few things. Knowing what you really want is all good, and all that sounds more than reasonable, so don’t settle for anything less than all of it.” This time, Aida pressed her hand to Laura’s forehead and then brushed back her hair. “Don’t underestimate how that man feels about you. You are not powerless here, not in any of this, so it’s time you and your husband got to know each other, don’t you think?” Aida patted her arm and then hurried to the bedroom door. “Just one thing, Laura: When dealing with a man like Andy Friessen, you can’t push him. You need to let him in.”

  Laura watched the closed door after Aida left and pressed her hand over her battered and bruised heart. She wondered if she’d have the courage to ever allow someone completely in.

  Chapter 15

  Laura didn’t think she could get any bigger, and if anyone had told her six weeks ago that she’d get a lot bigger yet, she’d have thought they were kidding. She’d long since lost the ability to see her feet, so, as she climbed on the scale in the morning, she was now using a hand mirror to see her weight.

  “What are you doing?” Andy strode in the bathroom butt naked, his hair sticking up, and yawned.

  “I gained another two pounds.” Laura set the mirror down and stepped off the scale, glimpsing herself in the bathroom mirror, horrified at her size and how she looked like a beached whale. “I’m huge, and I want my waistline back, and my back hurts…. Sorry, I don’t mean to complain.” She sighed, and Andy stepped behind her and slid his arms around her naked front. She could still feel the twinges of him inside her as he woke her this morning. It was erotic and hot and…


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