Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set

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Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set Page 49

by Paris Morgan

  “This is over. Any relationship that has this many problems has no future. For me this is worse than if you’d slept with someone else. Now, I’m not going to argue or defend myself anymore. I have work to do. You have ten minutes to be out of the hotel.” She raised her voice just a little. “Adam, can you please make sure that Jerome is escorted out and to the airport.”

  “How did she know we were listening?” I was amazed at her powers of hearing.

  “No problem, Leslie. I’ll also take care of your luggage and make sure that you have a new room just in case he tries something crazy.” Adam stood and walked out to the porch.

  I stayed back because I didn’t want to give Jerome any extra ammo to throw at Leslie, and having me around would be just that. She hadn’t killed him, but the evening wasn’t over yet.

  “Thank you, Adam.”

  Jerome strode through the doors, shoving past Adam and heading for the elevator. I waited until he wasn’t casting hateful glances back at Leslie before going outside.

  “Hey, wanna take a walk on the beach?” I suggested.

  She looked at me with tear-filled eyes and whispered, “Yes.”

  Thankfully she didn’t try to argue that she needed to go right back to work.

  We walked to the beach and landed in some of the chairs that the hotel had out for their guests.

  “I wish we had time to enjoy the view,” she whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Did I do the right thing?”

  “You’re asking a guy’s opinion, but yes, I think so. When I saw him earlier, I knew that it wasn’t going to go well, but we got that call and it took priority over boyfriends that weren’t where they were supposed to be.”

  “I knew that he was jealous of you, but this goes way beyond that. He was being clingy, and I’m positive that some part of it was to make sure that I’m not doing anything behind his back. It’s just way too much to handle when we have to deal with life or death situations on a regular basis.”

  “I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say at the moment. I’d never been good with tears.

  “Thank you, but it’s not your fault. I don’t know why I’m so upset, but it bothers me that he would come here and distract me when I need to concentrate.” She stared out at the waves as the sun started to set.

  “You aren’t to blame. Sometimes things don’t work out. You were pretty clear, and if a woman had done what he’d done, the guy would have had her arrested. You’re upset because he didn’t care enough about you to understand the person you are is your job. It’s a part of you that can’t be separated.”

  She wiped the tears and watched the sun in silence until the last ray was gone behind the ocean. “All right, it’s time to get back to work. I can work through whatever this is when we’re done with this case.”

  “Let’s go find Dana.” She hooked an arm through mine as we made our way back to the hotel.

  I had no idea if we could focus on the case again, but we were for damn sure going to try. We couldn’t let him win, and the only way to do that was to jump back into our work.

  Chapter 11


  Devastated was the only word to describe my emotions as the evening turned into burning the midnight oil. I didn’t want to go up to my room, or any room, really, because then I’d be alone, and all I’d hear were Jerome’s words playing on a loop in my head.

  When a few of the others went off to their rooms, I curled up on the couch in the back of the room, leaning my head against the wall. The next thing I remembered was someone shaking my shoulder.

  At some point, a kind soul had found a blanket and tucked me in, but my neck was a little sore from sleeping in such a weird position.

  “Hey.” Adam was crouched down in front of me. “They have two possible locations. We’re coordinating with the local officers and will be heading out in about thirty minutes if you want to go grab a quick shower up in mine and Ryan’s room. We put your suitcases in there last night so they wouldn’t get misplaced.”

  He held out a cup of coffee and the key to his room.

  “Done, and thank you.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and snatched it from his hand as I raced up the stairs instead of the elevator for the extra exercise.

  I knocked just in case Ryan wasn’t dressed, but he answered fully clothed.

  “Is there any chance you have a charger I can use so I don’t have to dig for mine right now?” I threw my suitcase on the bed, snatching the first things my hands landed on, not caring if they even matched.

  “Yeah, throw it to me. I’ll leave it here on the dresser.” He put the last of his stuff in the suitcase, zipping it up.

  We always put everything back because you never knew when you were going to have to leave, and trying to throw everything in a suitcase at the last minute never worked out well.

  “I’ll have something for you to eat when you come downstairs,” he called out as the door shut behind him.

  Not waiting for the hot water, I stripped and jumped in, forgetting that hotels had almost instant boiling water for their customers.

  A twist of the cold made it tolerable, but I didn’t have time to worry about the temperature. I only had ten minutes to be back downstairs. We had to get Dana out of the picture today because there were at least fourteen lives at stake.

  With a rinse and dry, I threw my clothes on. There wasn’t time to dry or style my hair, so I ran a brush through it, but had to take a minute to add mascara and a little blush to my cheeks. While it seemed crazy, I didn’t want to look like the person who’d just had a sleepless night after a breakup.

  Feeling a little better with makeup and clean teeth, I shoved my dirty clothes in the laundry bag and zipped it up. I was almost out of the room when I remembered my phone.

  Phone, key card, and coffee in hand, I made it downstairs with three minutes to spare.

  “Um, I think you just made the world’s record for fastest shower. I’ve never seen a girl get ready that fast.” Adam grinned at my still wet hair and slightly damp appearance.

  “Then you haven’t met the right girl yet, because only the best can get ready on a deadline.” I grinned for the first time since last night and felt better.

  I might have a few issues to work through at some point, but I wasn’t going to let some guy ruin my life because he was too stupid to figure out how to treat a girl.

  “Where are we going?” I inquired, inhaling the freshly made coffee as I refilled my empty cup.

  “There are two spots that seem likely, and we’re headed to the closest one. The Hawaii PD is going to the other one since it’s only accessible by helicopter or small plane.”

  “We’re taking two vehicles, so let’s get going. I’ll take the lead, and Adam’s team will follow in the other vehicle,” Agent Watson announced to the few of us gathered in the lobby.

  “Let’s hope we make it in time,” Ryan muttered as we climbed in the cars.


  As we approached the rafting area, the mountain ahead had a rock that was especially reflective.

  “Ryan, do you see that? Is it what I think it is?”

  On one of the rocks, there was a spray painted Taurus symbol in a bright blue color.

  “Crap, we’re too late. She’s already taken them out.” I groaned as we approached the lower area that led to the water.

  We all jumped out and started to head for the river, where six men were in the water and a few of them were still struggling.

  Adam grabbed one of the rafts sitting on the racks near the river, and a few of the guys quickly placed it in the water, making their way to those still moving first.

  I stood on the bank, watching in horror as a body was thrown against the rock farther up and bounced, landing with a splash near those making an attempt to rescue them.

  Because we’d gotten there so quickly, the three that had been conscious were injured, but alive.

  Knowing I wasn’t going to be any help putting rafts in the water
, I went back toward the cars and started directing the paramedics to where the survivors needed medical attention.

  “We’re going to need three or four more ambulances, and send the coroner too,” one of them advised through the radio.

  “Um, excuse me. Some lady told me to give you this letter exactly at eight o’clock,” a stranger spoke next to me, handing me an envelope.

  I ripped it open and read only the first sentence. “Adam, Ryan, we have to go now,” I yelled, running toward them. “She’s on a plane leaving the airport right now.”

  They handed their charges off to the paramedics on-site and took off running toward me.

  Out of breath from running and yelling, I handed the letter to Ryan, who took a quick glance. “The airport, now.”

  We all made it to the vehicle in seconds. Adam put the car in gear, peeling out of the parking lot, having to dodge the other rescue vehicles headed the way we’d just come.

  His phone rang and he handed it to Ryan. “Sir, this is Ryan. We’re headed to the airport. She left a letter, and she’s getting on a plane in the next thirty minutes, but we have no idea which one.”

  “Yes, we do,” I spoke up. “She’s going back to Buffalo or Niagara Falls.”

  “Yes, sir. We’ll get a flight and have Kevin make arrangements for when we land. She’s not going to wait for the month to end, but is going to finish her mission now, today.” Ryan listened, and then hung up.

  “He said to be careful and bring her back in cuffs.”

  “What does the letter actually say?” Adam asked as he took a corner on two wheels.

  “I’m not sure that you’ll be in time to save anyone today, but I’m leaving Hawaii at eight thirty. Hope you can meet me at my finale destination. Do you know where I’m going to end it all?”

  “Is that it?”

  “Yep. Nothing else to go on, but I think Leslie’s right. She’ll go back to where it all started for her, the accident with her mother,” Ryan offered.

  We left the car sitting at the curb with the doors open as we raced through the lobby, showing our badges at several different checkpoints before racing to the flight leaving for Niagara Falls.

  The plane was in the air as we made it to the big set of windows to watch the take-off.

  “When’s the next flight to Niagara Falls?” Adam inquired at the desk before the attendant could leave.

  “Oh, you’ve still got time to make it. It’s been moved to the last gate on this terminal, B20.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled as we all took off running through the crowded area.

  We reached the boarding area with minutes to spare. Adam showed his badge, and the attendant let him on to search the plane while I booked tickets with the FBI’s credit card he’d given me.

  I ran up the ramp and was the last person on the plane.

  Ryan met me, and I showed him the three seats I’d been able to get in the first section after first class.

  “She wasn’t on the plane,” Adam informed me from across the small aisle as I buckled my seat belt and settled in for the long flight.

  “I doubt she was going to take this flight, or even a commercial one. We could have had it stopped or made it land somewhere once we verified that she was on it. She gave us this exact time so that we would be able to follow her. She wants us there to witness what she’s going to do for her grand finale,” I explained, using the feeling I had about it. It felt right somehow. This new gift was going to take some getting used to, and was going to be an adjustment.

  “Are you sure?” Ryan asked from next to me.

  I nodded confidently. “Completely. It feels right.”

  “Oh, no, not you too.” Ryan’s face looked at me with realization.

  “What?” I needed to hear it from him.

  He looked around, and then leaned in to whisper, “You’re psychic, aren’t you? I knew it. Did you do something to her?” he accused Adam, who only grinned.

  “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. If it gets to the killers faster, then I’m going to act like it was normal police work and not the spirits of mumbo jumbo talking.” He leaned back and closed his eyes, forgetting that he didn’t sleep in planes.

  “Guess that really threw him for a loop.” I unbuckled and moved to sit next to Adam after the seat belt sign flashed off. “I’ve never seen him sleep on a plane, much less snore.”

  “He slept on the floor next to you all night. I saw him try to at least. I don’t think his body is giving him much of an option right now. He was worried about you. We both were.”

  “Thanks.” I swiped at a tear before it could leave my eye. “It’s going to take me a while to get over the hurt, but I’ll make it. I’m tough.”

  “Duh,” Adam chuckled. “You took an arrow to the shoulder and started back to work less than two weeks later. Just know that if you need to talk, I’m here for you. He’s here for you as well.”

  “I never thought when this case started, and I met Ryan, that it would lead me to a close group of friends that would have my back like this.”

  I closed my eyes, following Ryan’s example. Even though I’d gotten some sleep, more certainly wouldn’t hurt me while I had two guardian angels nearby to make sure I was safe.

  Chapter 12


  The pilot had instructions that as soon as the wheels touched the ground, a police escort would be there to lead us off the plane. We asked the driver if he could contact any search and rescue boats that could help us when we reached Niagara Falls.

  We tried to coordinate a rescue and police effort from the vehicle as we continued to speed closer to the Falls.

  “They say they don’t have anything like the Coast Guard to help. They do have rescue boats, and they’re getting those ready now,” Ryan explained in frustration to Kevin over the phone.

  The police escort arrived on the bank, and we slammed the car doors in our haste to make it to the waiting boat.

  Before we could even explain what we wanted to the captain, his passengers started screaming and pointing to the middle of the water where a small boat with about nine people on it was headed in the direct path of a larger tour boat.

  The large tour boat shifted slowly to the right, and would have missed it completely, but Dana came from around the side, putting herself directly in front of the boat. She didn’t give it any time to move before the smaller vessel was run over.

  When a few of the passengers had seen where she was headed, they had jumped out.

  We watched in horror as they were pulled under the strength of the falls and crashed into the rocks. They hadn’t stood a chance of survival with the strong undertow from the falls and the boat plowing over them.

  The rescue boats were making their way to the scene, but I already knew in the pit of my stomach there wouldn’t be any survivors.

  My phone dinged with an email alert. I was going to ignore it, but realized the timing was too much of a coincidence.

  It was titled—Dana’s Confession.

  “I’m sorry that it had to go down this way. I had nothing to live for after my family died. Mrs. Andrews tried, and she was the only person that ever really cared about me. As I worked in different corporations, I came to realize that secretaries and interns were overlooked when they really did all of the work. When the Zodiac Master found me, I jumped at the chance to make some of those men pay. The ones who use the successful ideas and hard work of others to make it to the top. I’ve made my point and can rest at peace knowing that people will always think of me when it comes to the small list of women serial killers. I didn’t need revenge, but I did want to make a difference for others who feel as I do. Can you see that I’m buried with my mother? Her name is Ginger Arella, and she died trying to save children in that accident almost twenty years ago today. I know it’s not what you wanted for the ending of a case, or even justice for the dead, but you did all that you could. It couldn’t have ended any other way. Signed, Dorothy Arella, a.k.a. Dana Andrews.”
  I sank into the seat behind me.

  “What’s wrong?” Ryan had noticed that I wasn’t focused on the useless rescue efforts.

  I simply held out the phone with the email still displayed and took a deep breath. Trauma affected everyone differently, and while I didn’t like her methods, I could sympathize with her goal of finding peace. I’d see if we could get her buried with her mother if they were able to recover her body.

  The Zodiac Master wasn’t just looking for people willing to kill, he was preying on the weak, and those who needed mental health help like Dorothy and Nancy. If they’d been taken to counseling instead of recruited as murderers for hire, I might have been out of a job.

  Ryan handed me back the phone.

  “I’m going to go find out how to make those arrangements, and then I want to go home,” I informed him.

  I wasn’t tired really, and my wound was almost healed, but my heart wasn’t. I needed a few days by myself to recover and deal with everything that had happened in the past few weeks. Maybe seeing a therapist would be a good idea, but for today, I simply wanted to sleep in my own bed, eat ice cream, and have a good cry before going back to work.

  “I think that can be arranged.” Ryan reached over and gave me a comforting hug. “Things will work out eventually. I know that doesn’t make it better now, but it will.”

  I nodded, pulling away, because if I allowed myself to be comforted, I would start crying and never stop.

  Adam approached us. “Agent Watson suggested that you return home for some R&R, and he’ll call you Monday.”

  “Already on it.” Ryan went over to explain things to the police who had arrived on the scene and were aiding the rescue efforts.

  “You have to embrace the sorrow, otherwise it will eat you whole. There will come a day when all the anger and sadness you’ve been accumulating will get to be too much. It can compromise your abilities. We need you to be able to finish this.” Adam’s gaze pierced my emotional armor.

  “You sound like my friend Flora.” I smiled, trying to hide behind it.


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