Seraphs tsc-2

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Seraphs tsc-2 Page 22

by Faith Hunter

  The boy watched wide-eyed when I placed the amulet on his bleeding wound. The mob, which had had fallen silent, began to stir.

  Thadd pointed to a knot of miners. “You men. Get some stretchers. You”—he pointed to a man in the front of the mob—“find some medics and get triage started. You. Get a fire brigade and start a bonfire to burn the spawn and succubi.” Thadd pointed at Culpepper and ordered, “You. Get the meeting hall open for the wounded.” Culpepper opened his mouth to argue, but stopped when the camera focused on him for a close-up. Casting one last furious look at me, he turned to obey. The mob began to break up.

  At my side, Ciana sighed with relief. I touched her chin and turned her face to me. “Thank you. But if you ever again step in front of a seraph to save me, I’ll beat you black and blue.” She grinned at me, a gamine expression, unrepentant. “How’s Zeddy?” I asked.

  The small girl shrugged. “Okay. I guess. I left one of those things over him.”

  Following her finger, I saw Zeddy propped against the wall of his house, Jacey bending over him but not touching him. Arching over his supine form was a pink shield, prickling with ruby lights, a shield I could see with human vision. I had never seen anything like it and moved to get a better view. “What is it?”

  “I don’t know. The pin told me to open it.”

  As we approached the edge of the shield, I inspected it with mage-sight. The conjure was a healing incantation in the shape of a bell, the force of it pulsing with power that rolled across the sides like sound waves and into Zeddy’s body. I had no idea how it was made.

  Jacey, seeing Ciana at my side, grabbed up my stepdaughter and hugged her hard, weeping, trying to get words past the joy clogging her throat. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Ciana grinned at me over Jacey’s shoulder, her legs and feet swinging.

  Zeddy opened his eyes and whispered, “You’ll crush her, Mama.” Jacey laughed, a broken sound, and set Ciana on her feet, stroking her face and hair. The huge boy’s cheeks, neck, and shoulders were puckered with wounds in half-circular spawn bites, indentations where flesh had been torn away and eaten, dried blood where the teeth had pierced. There were dozens of bites along his legs and torso. Hundreds.

  No human could survive that much poison; Zeddy should be dead already. Even a mage would have a problem surviving that many bites. The scars tracing my arms and legs zinged with remembered pain. Beneath the shield, Zeddy was alive, his bleeding had stopped, and the wounds were scaling over. It would take a while to clean all the spawn poison out of his system, but I was pretty sure he would live.

  I looked at Ciana. “Can you make more than one of these shields at a time?”

  She shrugged again, and I could see exhaustion in the set of her shoulders. “Maybe. Why?” It wasn’t fair to ask what I wanted, but if she could make other healing shields, she could save some of the more grievously wounded. I explained what I wanted, and she looked down at the pin on her chest. It was glowing softly. “I can try. But then they’ll know about me. And the pin.” She didn’t add that they would fear her, as they feared me.

  “If you want, you can pretend the shields are mine.”

  She slid her hand in mine again and said, “That elder would try to take away my pin if he knew it was me.”

  Ouch. But I agreed with her assessment, as well as the plan to fool the town. “Okay.”

  Satisfied, Ciana and I walked together toward the old Central Baptist Church. The fighting was over, but we had a second battle before us, as dangerous and difficult as the one with the Darkness. Many had been bitten by spawn and were poisoned. Except for the Flames, if they stuck around, and healing amulets, there wasn’t much that would clear spawn venom from a human bloodstream.

  For me, the rest of Saturday night and all of Sunday passed in caring for the injured while the town fathers burned Darkness and cleaned up the town. Abbreviated services—praise for the survival of the town, mourning for the dead—were held in the town hall when the kirk was found to be fire-damaged. I didn’t attend.

  It was three a.m. Monday when I locked my loft door and reset the ward over the building. Ciana was asleep in her nook of a bedroom at Rupert’s, my worn-out friends sleeping the sleep of warriors. It would be dawn before I could rest. I had too much to do.

  Before I cleaned myself, I rinsed my weapons in the kitchen sink, then thrust each into a bag of cleansing salt to remove microscopic traces of Dark blood. I oiled each blade, inspecting the cutting edges for nicks and slivers, and piled the weapons and my amulets on the kitchen table as I peeled off my ruined clothes, tossing them onto the gas-fire logs. The bloody cloth blazed up in a cloud of sulfur and acid. Darkness could use the smell to find me if they wanted. Once that would have frightened me, but now I was pretty sure the Power on the Trine knew where I was. When it was ready, Forcas would come for me again. For me, and for Mineral City.

  Standing under a hot spray of cleansing water, I inspected my hands and feet, arms and legs as caked black and crimson-rust blood dissolved and washed down the drain. I was a lot better off than I had expected. Close proximity to Ciana’s healing shields had provided a residual effect, leaving me with fresh, shiny, red skin in place of blood-crusted wounds. The new skin was thin, filled with fluid, and very tender, but it was way better than open wounds. Even my feet, which should have been burned and frostbitten, looked better than I expected.

  I had suffered three spawn bites and one really nasty claw wound—enough to kill a human—and they were partially healed as well, the surrounding flesh creased and tight, the wounds themselves knitting together. I wasn’t sick from the poison. I had learned the hard way that my childhood exposure had given me an immunity to spawn poison. As silver linings went, that one was pretty good. Too bad I didn’t have an immunity to ugly scars. The new batch were pretty gruesome, and I smeared ointment over them after the shower.

  I wasn’t thinking about the fight. Wasn’t thinking about the attack of the townspeople in the street. I was trying to keep it all, all the blood and stench and death and betrayal stuffed into a little pocket in a corner of my brain. So far I was succeeding, but as I cleaned up my body and my weapons, little bursts of memory occurred, vivid blasts of individual images. The sight of a man’s face, bled out in the snow, lips blue, skin crusted with blood and ice. A severed dragonet leg, twitching, the joint opening and bending shut. The remembered smell of rotting meat brought me to my knees, gagging. The sound of a child’s scream as it found its father dead. The crying of another child, dying of spawn bites.

  Ciana’s pin had helped to heal me, but it hadn’t restored me, hadn’t taken away the shock of real war. The only time I had fought before, except for the mock battles with Audric, was underground, alone. It had been followed by an attack on the Trine; a handful of humans, Thadd, and me against a small horde of spawn and daywalkers. Neither had prepared me for all-out war, with women, children, and men dead in the street, dinner for spawn.

  I knew I’d never sleep. And though I was exhausted, I still had work to do. I had to have a little talk with Lolo. Blinking away the images, I dressed in soft, warm clothes and turned up the heat in the loft.

  Sore in every muscle, I pushed aside the kitchen table. The five Flames had disappeared. The two I had seen wounded I had picked up and carried back to my loft in a pocket. They were now among the pile of weapons. The burned-out Flames looked like smoky quartz with black coal-like inclusions. I held one to the light and wished I could fix them both, just like their buddies had healed so many of the townspeople.

  The makeshift hospital was filled to capacity with bell-shaped healing shields and recuperating townspeople, many of whom had been healed by the Flames. Thadd had taken over the defense and military organization of the town. The reporter, whose name I had forgotten, had probably won a Pulitzer or a wartime certification for her footage on the attack and the town’s defense. And the healing of the fighters afterwards.

  I figured I was famous. Which would have really ticked me o
ff, had I any energy or emotion left for trivialities.

  I set the Flame down and cast a charmed circle, using clean earth salt. Around the outer perimeter I placed seven aromatic candles, because their spruce scent would clear my head and remove the smell of dead and burning spawn that filtered through my windows. In the center of the circle I placed my silver bowl filled with springwater, its bottom lined with a layer of moss agate nuggets for life and growth. My ceremonial knife and amulets went beside it. I didn’t need the stones or blood to scry for Lolo—all I supposedly needed were salt, water, and a calm, meditative mind—but after my last failure and the attack by Darkness, I wanted to be ready for anything.

  I closed the circle the old-fashioned way, with a call on creation energies in the center of the earth. When I had enough for the working, I placed my necklace over my head, and the power draw stopped. I called on Lolo, speaking aloud. “Lolo. Hear me. Awaken, priestess,” I added, remembering it was the middle of the night. “Lolo.” I called for several minutes but nothing happened. It was like talking to myself. I wasn’t getting through. It was as if Lolo had blocked me. Or as if I was doing it all wrong, or as if the overused and drained amulet necklace was sending feedback, any and all of which were possible.

  I wasn’t very good at scrying. It was a use of power that required that a mage’s gift be alive and open to study and attempt. I had left Enclave before I could learn, and I had never practiced. Who would I have talked to? No one knew I was alive except Lolo, and she wasn’t the chatty type. Pulling the bowl to me, I took my prime amulet in my left hand, settled myself, and leaned over the bowl. I set the amulet into the water and chanted softly, “Lolo, hear me. Open to me. Knowledge I seek. Truth I seek.”

  On the third repetition, the water in the bowl began to change, gradually darkening, growing murky. But it wasn’t the Enclave priestess I saw in the bowl. It was a small clap-board house, painted white, with a low-pitched roof and aqua shutters. It was our vacation house on the Gulf when I was a child. The only vacation we had ever taken. The only time my parents had been certified to leave Enclave and, even then, it was only a few miles east, almost within sight of the extravagant, ornamental prison.

  Palm trees waved in a brisk wind, fronds bending, all to one side. Dark clouds raced across the sky as my position changed, and waves crashed on a nearby shore. Lightning cracked across the sky and sheets of rain pounded the ocean, moving closer. But the vision was murky, cloudy, shadowed by the passage of time. I heard neither wind nor ocean nor approaching storm. Only silence. And the sound of my heartbeat as it began to race. I leaned in closer, hoping to make the vision in the bowl come clear, fearful, yet unable to look away.

  A woman walked from the front door, a mage visa around her neck glinting in the sun. One hand shaded her eyes as she looked out to sea. Her mouth opened, calling. Calling. I knew her. I knew what she was saying. I remembered this day. It was my mother, and she was calling my twin and me, wanting to get us inside before the storm hit. “Thorn-y-Rosie.” All one word, the way she always called us. “Thorn-y-Rosie!”

  I knew what I was seeing. I knew what was about to happen. Once again I had bungled my attempt at scrying. I had performed a truth vision instead. I shivered, my throat closing up, my eyes on my mother’s face as my tears blurred the scene. Out on the water, the Gulf of Mexico, a cloud twisted into a long roll along the length of the sky, a cylindrical shape, spinning, as warm and cold air masses collided; a tornado trying to take shape.

  I watched as if hanging in the air. That day, Rose and I had been playing our version of hide-and-seek, and I was searching for her, hoping to catch her in the backyard. If I answered Mama, my twin would run, reaching home before I could tag her. So I didn’t answer. And neither did Rose.

  A tornado formed over the bay, arching first one way, then the other, vaguely S-shaped, dropping slowly. When it hit the storm-tossed sea, it whitened as a waterspout developed. It headed straight at the small house.

  Mama shouted, her face frantic, mouth open wide in distress. Daddy ran from the shed in back also shouting. The wind picked up. It had been howling. So loud. Now was only silence. Daddy looked angry, and I remembered being afraid, not knowing what I had done to make him mad. Because I knew where to look, I could see myself, kneeling in the dirt beneath the lilac bush. I remembered the smell of it, lush and heady. And the roaring of wind and water, like nothing I had ever heard.

  Tears trickled down my cheeks, my eyes aching, my chest so tight it might explode.

  Over the storm’s roar, Mama screamed. The waterspout came right at her. Fast. Unearthly fast. Daddy—a stone mage like me—was in the midst of casting a shield when it hit the beach. The spout picked up Mama and spun her like a wheel, sucking her into the white roar, the serpent of swirling water. She was gone in an instant. The roof went next. The palm tree. And then Daddy. He was just gone. Gone.

  My tears fell into the water, making small rings that circled out, distorting the surface. Mama and Daddy were gone. Even after all these years, I was empty, still shocked at the sight. I couldn’t react to their loss. Didn’t know how.

  The waterspout fell apart, drenching the house and grounds with a solid deluge of seawater and rain. The lilac bush crashed around me and I fell forward in the water, instantly soaked. I pushed back to my knees, my bare skin in a puddle of water. The sun came out. Tiny fish darted through the puddle where I knelt, bright forms flashing. Silence settled on the entire world, broken only by the dripping and trickling of water as it ran off and away.

  Mama and Daddy tumbled onto the ground, landing with horrid thumps and splashes I felt through my knees. I could see them lying on the wet grass. I knew they were dead. They lay so still, twisted and broken, blue and naked, even their visas gone. I stared, unable to move, frozen to the ground as the sun came back out and threw its warmth over my shoulders. A thing dropped from the sky and stood over them, looking at them.

  It was like a man, but taller, with a blackened and twisted body, and a white head. It had wings made like Lolo’s drums. It kicked Daddy. Hard. And it laughed.

  Rage woke in me, a blaze of white-hot fury. I stood and raced at the thing, hit it at the knee and beat it with my fists. It laughed again and picked me up, holding me, dangling down, above its beautiful face. I socked it with my fists, which made it laugh harder. “I have you,” it said, “body, blood, and spirit. You are mine.”

  It spread those terrible wings; they beat at the earth. Suddenly we were aloft, racing for the clouds. I looked down through the missing roof of our vacation house. Looked into Rose’s eyes. She was saying, “No,” reaching for me, a hand extended. The image froze on a picture of her face, palm outstretched, perhaps the last thing my young mind could handle. I broke away from the vision and pulled back hard, the water in the scrying bowl murky.

  I didn’t follow the vision into the next moments, into the dark, and the cold, and the pain of spawn claws. I shuddered so hard my teeth clacked as I stared at my last memory of that day. My sister’s face, viewed through the water, its surface uneven from my involuntary movements.

  I hadn’t remembered the attack in any kind of detail. Neither had Rose; not even with the best psychiatrists and healers the Enclave had to offer. Now, I stared at my parents’ bodies tumbled in a pile on the shore. I was a lost little girl, helpless and broken. From somewhere, I heard a hopeless, helpless sound, a mewl of pain and terror.

  I was choking, staring at the broken bodies, gray-blue in death. Staring at my sister. My hands were going numb, my muscles jerking with reaction as I sobbed, making waves in the water of the scrying bowl. Remembering. Remembering it all. A snap of pain slapped me, an electric jolt that burned across my skin. With a crack, the vision vanished into blackness and I fell forward, toward the bowl, toward the telescoping night of unconsciousness.

  “Thorn?” My name brought me back, shouted, angry-sounding. My body shook like an earthquake, my head rolling. I opened my eyes to see Lucas, his beautiful face only i
nches from mine. “Thorn?” He sucked in the word on a frightened breath. I managed to raise a hand and placed it on his cheek. He needed a shave, black hairs prickling.

  Ciana appeared over his shoulder. As if mimicking me, she touched my cheek and her fingers came away wet. “You screamed,” she said. “You were crying.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. The circle’s broken. I have her now.” Lucas’ voice was unsteady, filled with some emotion I didn’t recognize. Without taking his eyes from mine, he nuzzled his daughter’s shoulder with the side of his head. “Thank you for the use of your pin,” he said to her. He raised his voice, speaking to someone nearby. “Can you make Ciana some calming tea?”

  “Sure. I’ll make enough for us all.” I recognized Rupert, and the tears started to fall again, burning my face. Forcas wanted him. Wanted Ciana and Lucas and Rupert for their blood. Wanted me. And I didn’t understand why. I heard footsteps and the door closing. Lucas slid an arm under me, lifting me, and carried me to the couch. It made a soft sigh beneath us and Lucas settled me on his lap, wrapping me in an afghan knitted of soft mist-green yarn.

  I laid my head on his shoulder. “Forcas killed my mama and daddy,” I said, my voice shattered and crushed, like the little girl I had been. “It killed them with a waterspout and it took me.” Lucas said nothing, just tucked my head beneath his chin, tightened his arms around me, and rocked me while I cried.

  As grief flooded through me, it occurred to me that Forcas might also have been the Darkness that attacked and killed my twin, Rose, leaving me the only member of my family alive. And Lolo sent me here. To its lair.

  Chapter 20

  I must have slept, because when I woke I was in bed, my head resting on Lucas’ shoulder. My mage attributes were blazing, mage-sight fully on in the soft light. I didn’t know if it was dawn or dusk or cloudy midday, but I was warm and cozy, limbs heavy with sleep. And I was safe.


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