Beautiful Assassin

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Beautiful Assassin Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “A honeymoon you mean?”

  “I never liked to call it a honeymoon, sounds so cheesy.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, well a vacation. Of course, you think I’d marry you and not take you for the ride of your life?”

  “First of all, you know I don’t fuck with heights, so this ride better be on the ground.”

  He bellowed up a heavy laugh. “But you trust me, don’t you?”

  She pierced him with a glare.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Don’t even, Brian. I’m not playing with you.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but where we’re going, you must fly.”

  Celine sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. “Well, I figured that much but no bungee jumping, hang gliding or jumping out airplanes. I ain’t with that shit, and I don’t love you that much.”

  Brian’s mouth fell open. “Damn girl, break a man’s heart on his wedding night why don’t you.”

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’ll shoot a motherfucker dead over you though.”

  He laughed and pulled her closer. She nuzzled into his neck, and they relaxed, falling into a peaceful slumber.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When the plane touched down at Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas Virgin Islands, Celine was more than ready to bolt off the aircraft. She was the first one out of her seat when the seat belt sign went off. She grabbed Brian’s hand and fled. Inside the airport, people from different ethnicities walked about, some coming, some going. Celine stood at the baggage line to claim their luggage.

  “Sweetheart,” Brian pulled her into his chest, “you know we don’t have to stand here, right?”

  “I thought we were alone this time.”

  “Not exactly.” Her eyes widened, and she gut punched him. “Ow, what I do to deserve that?” He groaned.

  “You said we would be completely alone.” She pouted.

  “What is with you and wanting to be alone, baby? No one’s ogling you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  She took her palm to her forehead. “No, that’s not it at all.” She thought for a second. “I guess I just want it to be me and you, no extra people. I realize our position, but we can handle ourselves.”

  Brian’s husky laugh was warm and exotically dangerous. He caressed her chin. “I’ll send them away if that’s what you want.” His eyes penetrated hers.


  He grinned. “Of course, we can handle ourselves, right?”

  Celine relaxed in his embrace. “You betta know it.”

  Brian’s gaze left her and fell on two tall men waiting not too far from them, trying to be nonchalant. One man glanced over to him, and Brian nodded. The men dispersed, remaining out of sight but still available nonetheless. Without a shadow of a doubt, Brian and Celine could hold their own, but their enemies had doubled. After the wedding, Brian received word that Zeus indeed reached out to Simon Cross, the ruthless head and CEO at Cross and Fields Supply Company.

  He was notorious for trafficking women and guns. Everyone who was anyone stayed out of his territory for fear that they may end up sold to the highest bidder. Brian and Simon had an arrangement. One that they’d upheld for the past three years. But now information was coming in that Simon meeting with Zeus happened three separate times in the span of two weeks, which was excessive for any visit from a Boss.

  Brian wasn’t leaving things up to chance or hope. He was not that kind of man. His men were prepared in the case anything unexpected happened, but Celine was unaware of Zeus’s movements. Brian had every intention of telling Celine after their honeymoon, but for now, he’d keep that bit of information to himself. Besides, Celine was always ready in his opinion, even when she wasn’t.

  “I love you.” She purred. Celine lifted her head from his chest to his face, and he placed a warm kiss on her lips.

  “I love you, too. What do you say we get out of here?”

  “Let’s go.”

  Celine reached down for her bag, but Brian covered her hand. “Please don’t insult me.” His deep voice sent shivers through her.

  She removed her hand, and Brian hoisted the bag over his shoulder. With a strong hand, he gripped another, also tossing it over his shoulder.

  “At least let me pull the one with wheels,” she said.

  “No.” His matter of fact response gave her pause.

  “Why not, I’m perfectly capable of…”

  With a searing kiss to her lips, Celine’s words were silenced. His tongue invaded her mouth and fell on a moan being released from her throat. Breathless, she pulled back, her hand covering her chest.

  “I know you’re capable. But you’ll need to have our backs in case something goes down. You did make me send our men away.” He waited for her response. Her sultry eyes left his mouth and traveled around the airport.

  “Sorry,” she panted, still breathless. “I wasn’t thinking about that. At least let the chauffeur help.”

  Brian shook his head. “What am I going to do with you, woman?”

  “You’re gonna love me.”

  His smile lit up the place. “Damn right.”

  Stepping through the sliding doors of the airport, Celine and Brian were greeted with high sunny skies, thick humidity and tropical surroundings. Brian strolled to a silver Mercedes Benz Jeep and popped the trunk, tossing their bags inside.

  “What happened to our chauffeur?” Celine asked.

  Brian closed the trunk door. “I never said we had one. You told me you wanted to be alone. So this is our ride. I’m driving.” He winked and tugged at her jaw.

  Celine pursed her lips, a smile growing steady on her face. “Okay, yeah. I’m so up for this.”

  “Well hop in.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.”

  They settled into their seats and pulled away from the terminal. Celine watched his profile as he drove, very familiar with the structure in his chin, neck and broad shoulders. Watching him now transported her back to the night he’d come back into her life. She was a mess, her mind in a state of shock as she mourned the death of Caleb. The motel was one of the dustiest rooms she’d ever been in. At the time, reuniting with Brian was the furthest thing from her thoughts. But now, Celine knew that giving in to him was the best thing she’d done since Caleb’s death. Brian was her ride or die. He stayed right by her side, always wanting to hold her hand and make sure she was okay and had everything her heart desired.

  Fighting him was easy to do, but being with him nursed her mental health. Celine had always felt alone on this earth. Ever since her father died. And even though Brian wasn’t there when Caleb passed, it wasn’t his place to be. Celine knew that now. She’d pushed him away, and he was only granting her wishes.

  Sensing her watching him, Brian asked, “You’re in love with me, aren’t you?” He reached for her hand, covering it with his.

  Celine intertwined their fingers. “Hell yeah.”

  “That’s what you better say.” He glowered.

  A smooth laugh flowed from her. Her gaze dropped to his seat belt then to the speedometer. “You should probably put your belt on.”

  He peered at her from the corner of his eye. “Here we are on St. Thomas Virgin Islands, alone. One of the most notorious families and you’re worried about a seat belt?”

  Celine folded her legs in her seat and squeezed his hand. “Yep. We can’t control other drivers. It’s unlawful to shoot someone in the head for running into us.”

  A thunderous laugh fled Brian. “Unlawful?”

  “What?” Celine shrugged.

  “Woman, tell me you’re kidding.”

  Celine shrugged again. “I’m not.”

  Brian guffawed even harder and caressed the side of her face.

  “Thank you,” Celine whispered.

  His laughter died down with his gaze lingering on her longer than it should’ve. “What are you thanking me for?”

  “You’ve been more than my lover. You’ve been a fri
end, you’ve been my partner and confidante. Most importantly, you love me for who I am, and I don’t have to hold back with you. That means more to me than you know.”

  It never occurred to Celine how much it meant to be loved completely. Honestly, with Caleb, she thought the way he loved her was enough. But having to hide a part of who she was wasn’t as fulfilling as being able to be herself. Completely, one hundred percent. Brian pulled to the side of the road and put the jeep in park. He reached over and grabbed Celine, pulling her into his lap. Without fuss, she straddled his lap and his crushed his lips to hers.

  Celine moaned into his mouth, her hands snaking around his neck. His hands tightened around her throat then roamed down her shoulders, over her breasts, around her waist and up her back. Her temperature rose to inferno levels as they devoured each other on the side of the highway. After several heightened minutes, Celine pulled back for air and caught a glimpse of a car sitting in the background a few feet down the road. Becoming more aware, she peered at the vehicle then back down at Brian. His jaw was tight with amusement in his eyes.

  Celine swatted him, “We’re not alone. You lied again!” She tried to wiggle off his lap, but he held her firm.

  “Don’t hold it against me, babe. I don’t want to lie to you, but you leave me no choice sometimes.”

  “I leave you no choice?” Her voice was elevated. “Sometimes? What else have you lied about?”

  Brian groaned, his head falling into her chest as he held her firm. “Come on, baby, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Yeah, how did you mean it?”

  “Baby, listen.” His hefty hands slid up and down her shoulders. “I have reason to believe that Zeus and Simon are preparing to go to war on us.” Celine didn’t move, blink; she only watched him speak. “You know I’ve beefed up security, right?”


  “That’s the reason. I know you want to be alone, and trust me, the men are not watching what we’re doing. They’re watching our surroundings so we can enjoy each other. If they weren’t here, we’d be on guard every moment. We couldn’t be caught slipping like the night I came for you.”

  He watched for her response, but she only stared. “Are you with me, sweetheart?”

  Celine exhaled a breath and leaned in, placing a soft kiss against his forehead. “You should’ve told me sooner. I wouldn’t be so hell bent on us being solo.”

  “You’re right, but I’d rather us enjoy this time together without thoughts of a pending war because when we get home, we’ll have plenty of time for that.”

  Celine thought about the war to come, no doubt it would, but she would do what her husband asked and enjoy their trip.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The week in St. Thomas went by quicker than Celine expected. When they made it back to Chicago’s airport, they were greeted by a caravan of six trucks fully loaded with custom leather interior, tinted windows and guns of every caliber. The doors opened, and their men filed out, gathering around them like a shield.

  “Damn,” Celine lamented.

  “You good?” Brian turned to her.

  “Yeah, baby, just taking it all in.”

  They strolled to the last car, getting inside. The procession pulled away, heading in the direction of the Devereaux Estate. Three miles down the road, the first two trucks made a right, taking Jefferson Avenue. The next two trucks went left and the last two kept straight.

  “Marcus, will you be a sweetheart and turn on some music?” Celine asked. “I swear I don’t see how you all ride in silence. Drives me crazy.”

  Brian chuckled, and Marcus turned on the radio.

  “Baby, where’s my gun?”

  Brian pulled down the middle console and pressed a button that popped open the inside compartment. Celine smiled at the sight of the black leather and red edges of the custom piece. With swiftness, she pulled it out, checking the clip and the chamber before putting it back on safety. She reached inside and pulled out her holster, strapping it around her mid-thigh. Brian retrieved his nine millimeter and went through the same check as Celine.

  She glanced over to him. “Is it crazy that this is our life?”

  He shrugged. “We’re playing the hand we were dealt, right?”

  Celine agreed. “You know having this much coverage is going to drive me crazy. I mean I’ll only be able to have all these people around me for so long before I’m so irritated that I’m taking it out on you.”

  With a lazy grin, he turned to her. “I’ll make sure to calm your nerves.”

  “Oh yeah, how do you suppose you’ll do that?”

  He winked. “I’ve got my ways.”

  Celine shook her head, a sultry laugh rising through her. “Mr. Devereaux, you have no shame.”

  His smile widened. “I have no reason to be shameful, sweetheart. You and I will be—”

  His words were cut off when a Suburban truck slammed into them from the side. Brian’s vehicle turned a full flip, the tires rotating as the truck went airborne before tumbling into a riverbank. Celine propelled from her seat and through the windshield, shards of glass swirling around her in a tornado.

  The impact of the landing knocked everyone unconscious, and gas began to leak from the tank. Marcus’s head laid on the steering wheel, causing the horn to blare. In the back, Brian sat slumped in a bloody heap on the floor. Gunfire rang out above them, but none of the bullets were aimed at them. On the road, Raphaël, Cedric, and Dominque crouched behind their truck. They’d been behind Brian, Celine, and Marcus when they were hit. With their guns blazing, they let loose round after round of gunfire, shooting at goons laced in black ski masks and gloves as they hid behind the Suburban doors.

  “I said get your ass back here now!” Cedric yelled into the phone. He held his gun out and released more rounds, popping one man in the head. Another truck rounded the corner. Cedric did a double take. It wasn’t their men. They were surrounded.


  Cedric turned to the cavalry of men and let off gun shots. He tossed his phone to the side and pulled two semi-automatic weapons, firing them at the same time. The doors to the truck opened and more goons unloaded, aiming their guns at the three men. There was no way they could win.

  Cedric continued to shoot, but Raphaël grabbed his shoulder, pulling him inside their truck.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Cedric yelled.

  “I’m saving your motherfucking life, now get down!” The three men dove to the floor board as a rocket launcher broke the skyline, exploding on impact into the cargo of men behind them.

  “Fuck!” Cedric screamed. “Brian is going to be so pissed!”

  “Brian has bigger problems,” Raphaël said.

  “What could be worse than us setting off a damn missile in the middle of Chicago!”

  Raphaël glanced at him. “We’ve got a mole.”


  When Celine’s eyes opened, the white haze in the distance grew further and further away. Slowly she blinked as darkness grew around her. Her mouth parted, her breathing becoming labored. Her memory was sharp. Flying… she remembered flying through the car window. They were attacked, and she was dead. As the darkness began to take shape, Celine thoughts traveled.

  I must be going to hell, she thought. And to think she didn’t believe in hell. Yet here she was surrounded by darkness. Celine attempted to move.

  Pain shot through her shoulder, causing her to release a guttural scream.

  Finally, her blurry vision became focused. Trees, a dark sky, the moon. Celine breathed a sigh of relief. It was the moon. Her mind raced. Surely she wouldn’t be looking at the moon in hell. She let out a breath of fresh air. She was alive, not dead, not yet. Again, she tried to move. Another sharp pain flew through her head.

  “Aaaaa shit!” Her voice caused her head to throb even more. Celine gritted her teeth and tried relentlessly to calm herself. Her heart raced. Celine shut her eyes and counted down silently. When they reopened, she sat for
ward before she had a chance to think it over. The pain was unyielding, and heat enraptured her arm. She turned to check it out, only to find a thick glass shard sticking out of it. She reached for the glass and snatched it out.

  A howl like that of an animal fled from deep down in her gut. Blood gushed out of the wound, the intensity of the pain causing her body to tremble. Celine whimpered and bowed her head. The need to control herself was critical. At any moment, her enemies could attack her. She was vulnerable, and it was the best time for them to kill her. The thoughts made her wish she hadn’t screamed so loud. But it was too late now. With renewed strength, Celine pulled her V-neck halter top over her head, using her mouth and hand to tie it around her leaking wound. She accessed her legs. There were cuts and gashes in both of them. A smaller piece of glass stuck out of her ankle, and the cut burned as if she’d been dragged across it.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  A thundering pound beat against her temples, reminding her that no sound was better than any. Celine checked her thigh holster. Her weapon was gone. Oh, this is just getting better and better, she thought. Celine rolled to her knees, groaning as she pulled herself to a standing position. The pain in her ankle caused her to buckle, with one knee going to the ground. She stuck her hand out to catch her fall, causing another round of pain to bristle from her head to her shoulder through her core.

  Voices… they were in the distance but close enough to make her move through the pain. Lifting again, Celine reached to her ankle and pulled the glass out. Her head fell back as she bit down on her jaw to keep from shouting. After a beat, she regained her strength. Applying pressure on the ankle wasn’t so bad, but the wound was gushing now. Celine contemplated removing the shirt from her arm to her ankle. Then decided against it. She put one foot in front of the other and moved swiftly, making a point to hide in the shadow of the trees. The heel of one of her shoes was broken, so she reached down and snapped the other one. She tossed the broken heel and her eyes fell on chrome. It was the only symbol of hope she’d found so far. Her gun, red and black with a chrome bottom.


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