Beautiful Assassin

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Beautiful Assassin Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Celine, what are you doing?” Marcus asked.

  Tears filled Celine’s eyes. Could she kill him? He was the love of her life. Her heart ached something terrible.

  “Did you do it?” she screamed.

  Marcus glanced from Celine to Brian, then the men crowded the room.

  “Celine,” Marcus began, “whatever you need to discuss with your husband, you guys can discuss alone. There’s no need for the weapon.” He made sure to remind her that Brian was her husband, and she was currently threatening his life.

  “Did you know?” Celine flung her question at Marcus.

  “I don’t know what this is about, but clearly you’re not in the right frame of mind. Put the gun down.”

  “Or what?” Celine pulled back the handle. “You’ll kill me, Marcus?”

  Cedric pulled out his gun and aimed it at Celine. Brian’s focus left Celine and went to Cedric. “Put your motherfucking gun down,” he growled.

  Cedric hesitated but did as he was told. They were all confused, but Brian obviously wasn’t.

  “You did it, didn’t you?” Celine asked. Her voice shook along with her hand. More tears ran down her face. “Please, baby, tell me you didn’t. I need to hear you deny it.” She cried, desperate for him to claim his innocence.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Oh yeah?” Celine let off a wild laugh, her face wet as tears continued to flow. “What do I think, baby? Huh? Tell me. Because I THINK you ordered the hit on my husband then coached me into thinking it was Zeus who’d taken out the order.”

  The room was silent. Too silent.

  “Did you do it?” she yelled.


  A gun shot rang out followed by another. Brian covered his chest, his eyes following his movement. When he didn’t see blood, he glanced up questionably. Celine dropped to the floor knees first, and everything else happened in slow motion.

  Blood seeped from her chest, her eyes wide. “I… loved… you,” she said before falling into a heap on the floor.

  Sade stood a few feet from Celine in the doorway. A smoking gun tight in her hand. She stepped deeper into the room.

  “Celine! Brian fell to his knees.

  Marcus barked orders at the men to get the doctor and take Sade to the shipping room. Brian continued to shout Celine’s name, but she couldn’t hear him.

  Flashes of her life sparked Celine’s mind. Images of her father holding her up in the air to twirl her around in her youth. Images of her mother sitting stone-faced in a chair like a zombie after shooting heroin into her veins. Images of Caleb on their wedding day, during date nights and working on their car in the garage.

  And then the flashes stopped.

  And everything went black.

  The End or maybe not…

  Read chapter one of Beautiful Assassin Part 2






  Or get part 2 now!

  Chapter One

  “Get your motherfucking hands off me!” Sade screamed.

  Cedric released her, blocking her exit. They were in the shipping room. It was dark and cold with pockets of light that glowed from a pull chain bulb hanging overhead.

  “You have lost your damn mind!” Sade shouted. “You know better than to put your hands on me. I’ve done nothing wrong!”

  “You shot the Queen, Sade,” Cedric stated.

  “Looks like you may have killed her, too,” Dominique added, “but for your sake, you better hope not.”

  “I just did what you two pussies were afraid to do! She had a gun on our Boss. No one threatens him; I don’t give a fuck who they are. And you two imbeciles will see that when Brian throws your ass in here for bringing me down here!”

  Cedric and Dominique glanced to each other. Not that long ago, they would’ve bet their lives that Sade would become Brian’s Queen. They moved in sync, and the men also took orders from her. Brian let it go on like it was the normal thing to do, even telling the men that she could give orders on his behalf. But that time had come and gone. And it was a good thing Cedric and Dominique didn’t bet a dime because they would have to pay up.

  “If Brian didn’t want you down here, you wouldn’t be here, so I think you better get used to it,” Dominique said.

  “Fuck you, Dominque.” She looked to Cedric for help. “You pulled your gun out. You had the same instinct I did. How am I wrong?”

  “You also heard his response. You’re lucky he didn’t shoot you on the spot,” Cedric countered.

  “The fact that you’re still alive is enough for me to believe one of two things,” Dominique said. “One, he’s not done with you yet, or two, he wants you to suffer. Either way, neither could be good for you.”

  “Besides, we all know why you did it.” It was the first time Raphaël had spoken since they entered the room. The men nodded, all of them in agreement without having to speak the reason.

  Sade placed her hands on her hip. “Where the fuck is your sense of loyalty, guys?”

  “Says the woman who just shot her Queen.”


  The men looked to each other again. “And therein lies the problem,” Cedric responded.

  “Ugh! This is ridiculous!” Sade paced. She needed to get to Brian. Surely, he would understand why she’d done it. If he killed her, at least she’d taken that bitch out first. Sade groveled in her thoughts. Her heels click-clacked on the dusty cement floors.

  “Well, well, well. Looks like the tables have turned.”

  Sade whipped her head around, her eyes falling on Carter sitting at a table in the far corner of the room.

  “Bitch, mind your business, okay?” Sade threw her hand up and continued to pace.

  Carter laughed. “Looks like you’re one step closer to being strapped to that wooden board over there. Go ahead and tell me in advance which fingers you would like to keep.”

  Sade threw a deadly glare at Carter. “Yeah right, bitch. In your dreams.”

  “Oh, it’s happened in my dreams, too. But I saw this day coming from a mile away. You’re pretty easy to read, and your disdain for your Queen was bound to have you end up in here with me. But not for long. Now that you’ve fucked up, and I’ve shown my loyalty, it’s only a matter of time before you’re in my shoes and I’m in yours.” Carter laughed again. “And I mean literally. You have an excellent catalog of shoes from what I’ve seen. I’ll make sure to keep them sharp. I’ll also make sure to treat the Queen with respect and just maybe you’ll never see the light of day again.”

  Sade folded her arms, nostrils flaring. “If you really think Brian would bring you into the family, you’ve lost your mind for sure.”

  Sade turn toward the men. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

  They shrugged, and she shook her head. “Good for nothing.” She paced again. “Good for fucking nothing!”

  Sade dropped her arms and folded them in her angst. Truth be told, she was worried as hell. Celine managed to come into their lives and completely take over. No bitch had ever done that in the time Sade had been at Brian’s side.

  He’d straight up kick her to the side and married Celine, and Sade was still seething about it. But she realized shooting Celine wasn’t in her best interest. However, she was banking on Brian coming to her rescue. The Brian that used to make love to her until the wee hours of the morning. The Brian that put her in charge of daily operations once she’d proven herself. The Brian that kept her on his arm for any meeting or formal event.

  He had to come back to her; she was desperate for it because if he didn’t, Carter might be right, and she couldn’t stomach the thought of losing him for all time. She’d worked too hard. Everything would be in vain. A part of her hoped Celine did die. But another part hoped maybe she just ended up a vegetable so Sade could take the spot that was rightfully hers.

  The door to the
shipping room opened, and Sade whipped around.

  Marcus stepped into the room. He looked from Sade to the men. “The main house is on lockdown. He doesn’t want to be bothered unless he calls. You all have your burners?”

  “Yeah,” they chimed.

  “Good, get out of here. Check your blocks then go home and keep your damn phones on.”

  “What about her?” It was Cedric who spoke up.

  “What about her?” Marcus said.

  “Did he say what he wanted to do with her?”

  “No. But he did say to put Carter in the guesthouse.”

  Sade’s heart dropped, and Carter laughed, rising to her feet. As she sashayed past Sade, she spat, “Told ya…”

  The men filed out with Carter in tow.

  Get Beautiful Assassin

  Part 2 Revelations!

  More Books by Stephanie

  Trouble In Paradise

  Vengeful Intentions (Trouble In Paradise 2)

  For Better and Worse (Trouble In Paradise 3)

  Until My Last Breath (Trouble In Paradise 4)

  Mistaken Identity


  Reckless Reloaded

  Everything I Always Wanted (A Friends to Lovers Romance)

  Beautiful Assassin

  Beautiful Assassin 2 Revelations

  Against All Odds (Surviving the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) *Non-Fiction

  Golden (Rapunzel’s F’d Up Fairytale) *May 19, 2017*

  Check out Stephanie’s Amazon page

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  About the Author

  Stephanie Nicole Norris is an author from Chattanooga Tennessee with a humble beginning. She was raised with six siblings by her mother Jessica Ward. Always being a lover of reading, during Stephanie’s teenage years her joy was running to the bookmobile to read stories by R. L. Stine.

  After becoming a young adult her love for romance sparked leaving her captivated by hero’s and heroines alike. With a big imagination and a creative heart, Stephanie penned her first novel Trouble In Paradise and self-published it in 2012. Her debut novel turned into a four book series packed with romance, drama, and suspense. To date, Stephanie has self-published twelve books which include ten full novels and two short stories. They can be found at and Amazon. Stephanie is inspired by the likes of Donna Hill, Gwynne Forster, Eric Jerome Dickey, Jackie Collins, and more. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband and one-year-old son.




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