To Hunt a Sainte (Westlake Enterprises Book 1)

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To Hunt a Sainte (Westlake Enterprises Book 1) Page 6

by Marie Harte

  “The Formati, oh yes. Benjamin Anthony, the owner, is a very good friend of mine.” He watched her absorb the news with a calculating gleam in his eyes.


  The Formati Hotel had appeared in the files she and Cole had stolen from his warehouse. Rebecca had also been staying at the Formati before she’d disappeared.

  “Ben and I go way back,” Peter continued. “He’s a helluva guy. Perhaps, if you have some time tomorrow, we could meet for lunch and I could introduce you?”

  Alex knew of Peter’s tie to the hotel owner. The pair had roomed together at Harvard before finding one another again five years ago when they had partnered up to buy the Formati Suites. Peter obviously preferred that his partnership be kept silent.

  “That would be nice.” Alex looked down at his watch and gasped. “I can’t believe it’s already after two. I’ve got to get back to my hotel and get some sleep. I’m supposed to meet with my agent tomorrow to discuss my cover shoot for Chic.”

  Peter nodded and stood with her. “Let’s go.”

  She paused. This wasn’t in the script. She was supposed to say goodbye, part ways, and leave. He wasn’t supposed to come with her. “Please, I don’t want to take you away from your fun.”

  “It’s not fun without you. Come on, honey. I’ll see you safely to the hotel.” He took her by the elbow and walked with her down the stairs. She could feel Thorne’s stare burning a hole in her back and knew her brother would be beyond riled should she deviate from the plan.

  Still, what harm could Omaney really do, considering the listening device on her dress? If he got too pushy, she had Cole, Thorne, and Max for help. A glance behind her showed Thorne following several strides away. The disapproval on his face stung as well as irritated. Yet another male telling her what to do.

  “Thanks so much, Peter. I wasn’t looking forward to a cab.”

  They pressed through the crowd toward a private exit blocked by a hulking doorman.

  “Mr. Omaney.” He nodded to Peter and smiled at Alex while he held the door for them. Outside, a limo waited several yards away. In minutes, the limo rounded to pick them up. Alex knew it was do or die time. She took a deep breath and entered ahead of Peter. Seated, she glanced around her, hoping to find something to take back to her brother. She could only imagine what he’d see off something from Peter’s private vehicle. Unfortunately, she saw nothing to take.

  Peter sat next to her, and the limo rolled away. “Tired?” he asked. He stretched out an arm along the back of her seat and toyed with a lock of her hair. Before she could say anything, he lowered his hand to her neck and began rubbing.

  Had she not known better, Alex might have thought she’d met Mr. Perfect. Charming and handsome, polite and gentlemanly, Peter Omaney hadn’t put one foot out of place tonight. She wondered if those had been Rebecca’s thoughts before she’d been taken against her will.

  “You’re so tense.” Peter frowned.

  Of course she was tense. She sat next to a man who looked like an angel, but was suspected of human trafficking. Don’t screw this up, idiot. You wanted out from behind the desk, now you’ve got it. Act. She eased her shoulders down and relaxed into her role.

  Alex winked at him and his frown receded. A glance out the window behind him showed her that they’d almost reached the hotel. Thank God.

  “I’m just worried that if I’m too relaxed, I’ll fall asleep and miss my alarm tomorrow,” she teased as his fingers skimmed her jaw. She shuddered, and Peter chuckled, misconstruing her disgust for arousal.

  He leaned close to nip her earlobe, then whispered, “I can make sure that doesn’t happen if I wake up next to you.”

  Crap. Her brother, Thorne, and Max were listening to this. How best to play the part?

  He took hold of her hand and placed it in his lap.

  “Oh!” She squeezed without thinking.

  He groaned. “Is that a yes?” he asked and sucked on her earlobe.

  Alex jerked her hand away. “I wish.” She sighed. “Not tonight, Peter. I really do need to focus on tomorrow. This shoot can make or break my career. But does that invitation to lunch still stand?”

  She must have sounded sincere, because Peter nodded with satisfaction. He rapped on his window and the door opened. His chauffer assisted her out of the vehicle.

  “Until tomorrow, Alex. I’ll leave you a message at the desk. Forgive me if I don’t see you to the door,” Peter said ruefully.

  Alex waved and strode with confidence into the hotel, quaking on the inside. She couldn’t believe she’d pulled it off. Her first successful undercover mission. Now if she could just make it to her room without throwing up.

  HUNTER SEETHED. WHAT the hell was Buchanan Investigations up to? They stood on the fourteenth floor of the posh hotel while he waited for J.D. to work his mojo. Aware of all the electronics in the place, and specifically of the cameras in place on each floor, J.D. concentrated and disabled the devices long enough for them to enter Alex’s suite undetected.

  Once inside the hotel room, J.D. nodded at Hunter. “We’re clean.” He referred to the surveillance devices. “Now, remember, keep your temper,” J.D. cautioned, as he’d been cautioning since he’d called Hunter an hour ago.

  Hunter couldn’t believe Alex thought she could get away with it. What the hell did she think she was doing, cozying up to Peter Omaney? Didn’t she realize Omaney ate blondes for breakfast? Did she really think some harmless flirting would satisfy a man like him, let alone have him spilling his guts about his every misdeed?

  Thinking about the last time he’d been in a confined area with the little witch, Hunter closed his eyes and prayed for patience to keep things easy between them. No more touching, and definitely no more kissing.

  He opened his eyes and growled, “You’d better go get her. There’s no telling what I’ll do if I go in there.”

  “I’m telling you, buddy. If you could have seen her in that little red number she was wearing. Hot damn.” J.D. fanned himself and moved to retrieve Alex. “You most definitely would not be thinking about strangling her.”

  Not strangling her, shoving some sense—and several other body parts—into her. Hunter forced himself to remain calm, to call on his training and discipline. He wouldn’t allow any interference in this investigation. Lives were on the line. He refused to contemplate the fact that thoughts of Alex and Omaney together made him see red, then green.

  J.D. knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Cole?” Alex sounded groggy.

  Hunter heard the door open, then Alex hissing something before slamming it shut. J.D. reappeared and plunked down in the taupe sofa facing away from Alex’s bedroom.

  “She’ll be out momentarily. For the record, that dress she wore tonight had nothing on what I just saw.” J.D. sighed with pleasure.

  Fury rose like a tidal wave inside him. “You’d better start thinking with your brain instead of your dick, or you’re off this case. We’ve got a job to do.”

  J.D. glared. “Get a grip, Hunter. Some of us can appreciate beauty without losing our heads. Or our control,” he added, his eyes bright with challenge.

  Hunter would have responded, but Alex joined them. She wore a large, fluffy white robe and a glare hot enough to melt ice cream.

  “You again. What a surprise,” she said in a flat tone.

  “Tell me about it.” Hunter wished he had something more clever to say, but he had a hard time looking past her smart mouth just begging for a kiss. God, the fantasies he’d had of those lips hugging his cock...

  Silence filled the room until J.D. coughed. “Alex, fancy meeting you here.”

  She scowled and sat with a huff in the chair adjacent to the couch. Her robe parted at the knee. Hunter was quick to follow the flash of bare skin. Alex flushed when she noted his fixed gaze and hurriedly tucked the material around her.

  “Do you mind?” she asked testily. With her hair tumbling over her shoulders and her face flushed, she looked as
if she’d just left a lover behind.

  The thought made him want to punch something, but, conscious of J.D.’s interest, he pulled hard on his control. “Mind? Not at all,” Hunter said smoothly. “Now, why don’t you tell us what the hell you’re doing nosing around Omaney? Didn’t I tell you before not to interfere with our investigation?”

  “I am doing my damnedest to find Rebecca Mitchell, you jerk. Believe it or not, Buchanan Investigations wants to find her alive and well. Take your pissing contest elsewhere, Greye. You can’t corner the market on justice.”

  Hunter approached until he loomed over her. He couldn’t decide whether to throttle her or make love to her. A glance at J.D. showed the man captivated by their byplay. The jackass wiggled his eyebrows, as if to say, follow your own damned advice. Hell. He’d have to settle for verbal castigation. “We? So I take it your brother’s around here somewhere? Your other guard sure as shit left in a hurry. Nice to know you’re well protected.” He couldn’t help his sarcasm, angry all over again at thoughts of Alex in harm’s way.

  She didn’t respond.

  “Alex?” Familiar with the mutinous set of her mouth, he knew he would need to prod her into an answer. He crouched down in front of her at eye-level and used the excuse to touch her, stroking soft blonde hair that felt like satin. She jumped under his palm, and he pulled back. “Answer me, or do you want me to ask again, my way?” He centered his gaze on her mouth, his intent clear.

  She quickly stood and moved behind the chair, putting distance between them. “Cole’s working on this with me, but he’s not here right now. He’s still bartending at Seneca’s and will be for the next few nights until Omaney leaves the area.”

  Hunter rose and turned to J.D. “We need to update Jurek on the situation.” He looked back at Alex. “And bring Buchanan in as well, before we start stepping all over each other.”

  “I’ll go make a few phone calls. But, Hunter?” J.D. paused when he stepped behind Alex. Think with your head and not with your dick, he mouthed with a smirk and disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Hunter glared at J.D.’s retreat. Still, the ass had a point. Hunter was way too aware of Alex in her robe. What was it about finding this woman in various states of undress? He tried to clear the unruly lust from his brain. Where had his professionalism gone? He didn’t have time for sex, and especially not with Alex, a woman who rocked the balance he’d strived for years to perfect.

  “Care to explain what the hell you thought you were doing?” he asked calmly.

  “Want to explain why you thought it necessary to bust into my hotel room?” she answered, just as coolly. She crossed her arms over her chest and regarded him with amusement. “Upset you can’t intimidate me? The mighty Hunter Greye not used to being told to kiss off, hmm?”

  He zeroed in on her mouth at the word kiss. “You know, angel, I could have sworn we already had a conversation about you keeping your pretty little nose out of this.”

  Fury darkened her face. “You condescending ass. I’m working a case, not playing at being grown-up.”

  “You’re all grown up, all right.” He licked his lips, wishing he could put them over her breasts again. Or better yet, venture between those slim thighs for a taste of the woman underneath the anger. He stalked her, pleased when she refused to back away. Hell, he was beginning to really like her. Anyone who didn’t shy in the face of his frown demanded respect. “So you thought you could get to Omaney with a little seduction?”

  “Why not? It worked on you,” she said so sweetly that it took a moment for her statement to process.

  “You little witch.” He pounced before she could escape, taking her into his arms. “I don’t think you remember clearly.”

  To his shock, she pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt. “No, I’m not mistaken.” The sly look in her eyes should have warned him, but his cock wouldn’t let him focus on anything but his erection straining to break free.

  When she kissed him, it was only natural to return the embrace. Her hands hooked into his shirt, just as her lips softly pressed his, her tongue seeking more. She stroked the nape of his neck, soothing the hungry beast wanting to slake his needs.

  Her hands continued to pet him, running through his hair, over his shoulders, and down his chest until he wanted to explode. Her mouth wouldn’t let him go, forcing him to deepen the kiss to taste more. The things he wanted to do to her...

  He gripped her ass and pulled her closer, grinding against her. When she sighed and nipped his lip, he nearly lost his mind. He smelled her arousal, could sense their energies in line with one another, and knew she was his for the taking.

  Until she pushed him back, smoothed down her hair, and raised her eyebrows in question. “You see? I’m not mistaken. Seduction brings the mightiest to their knees every time. Just. Like. That.” She snapped her fingers.

  To her good fortune, J.D. interrupted them. Because Hunter wanted to grab her by the neck and show her just how things were going to be between them. The urge to claim her shook him, and he took a few minutes to gather his bearings before speaking.

  J.D.’s amusement didn’t help. “Well, well. Sorry to interrupt...things.” He coughed. “Alex has a meeting scheduled with her agent at eight a.m. sharp—in our conference room. We’ll discuss everything then. Max and Cole will be there too.”

  “Oh, goodie. A group discussion.” Alex sighed.

  Male satisfaction replaced his irritation when he noted how hard she was working to regulate her breathing. Her hands shook, but when she saw him looking, she shoved them in the pockets of her robe and glared at him. Good. The little liar wasn’t unaffected. Far from it.

  Damned if she didn’t give as good as she got.

  J.D. continued, “After I explained things to Jurek, he agreed that we and Buchanan Investigations need to pool our resources. Apparently, Max agreed. Feel free to call your uncle to confirm it.”

  “Oh, and, angel? Make sure you’re prepared to tell us exactly what happened tonight with Omaney,” Hunter growled. “And don’t skimp on the details.”

  J.D. grinned at the hand gesture she shot him.

  “Promises, promises,” Hunter returned.

  She tore past them to the front door and turned around, her robe parting to reveal golden skin and the slopes of two perfect breasts. All in all, a decent way to end what could have been a shitty evening. Even J.D.’s presence couldn’t mar the sight of Alex nearly naked.

  She pointed at the door. “Get out already. I’m tired.”

  And frustrated. He had a bead on her now. He walked toward her. “Sweet dreams, angel. We’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” He kissed her hard and quick, lingering over those soft lips.

  “Hell,” J.D. muttered.

  Alex pushed them out the door and slammed it behind them.

  They stood in silence for a moment before J.D. opened his big mouth. “You know you’re going to make this joint operation harder to handle by sexing it up with a Buchanan.”

  “Not a Buchanan, a Sainte,” Hunter said with a smile, in a surprisingly good mood considering the mess they’d stepped in. “Don’t worry, J.D. I know how to handle her.” One kiss at a time. “By this time tomorrow, she’ll no longer be our worry.”

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, Alex couldn’t wait to knock Hunter Greye off his pedestal. Dressed in a conservative pair of slacks and a soft cream sweater, she looked nothing like the vamp from the previous evening. Slipping out the back door of the hotel into a waiting car helped clear her mind. While Cole drove them in a random pattern to shake anyone who might think to trail her, Alex pondered the changes her life seemed to be taking.

  No longer the protected younger sister too fragile to get her hands dirty, Alex had successfully acted in her first undercover operation. Though the bottom line remained that she would do everything in her power to save Rebecca, she also felt a liberating sense of empowerment.

  I’m finally doing it. F
inally a real part of Buchanan Investigations.

  Not that information gathering wasn’t important, but she grew tired of always sitting back out of harm’s way to make Cole and Uncle Max feel better. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but sparring with Hunter made her feel just as free. An odd reaction to a man who put her back up, but besting him last night had been a thrill. Until he’d ruined it by kissing her in front of J.D. and reducing her to a puddle of mush. That’s all she needed, to be treated like a girl by a strong Westlake type.

  And he was strong. She shivered, then tamped down her emotions when Cole suggested turning down the air conditioner. Kissing Hunter Greye was an experience in itself. Dear God, he’d given her an orgasm in her own bathroom. She’d tried hard to pretend it hadn’t happened, but she wanted to feel that again.

  The dreams she had of them together felt so right. His muscles appealed to her, a controlled strength she found utterly sexy. He knew just how to touch her, how to bring her the most pleasure. She thought about him all the time. She’d be studying the case files and drift into an almost fugue state. Reminded of his eyes, the wild scent of untamable man, or his unyielding power, she dwelled on Hunter Greye, wanting him more and more. None of her confused feelings were rational, and she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about him. He haunted her when she should have been focused on this case—her one chance to become a true part of the family business.

  Hell, the sexual attraction for the obnoxious man was driving her crazy.

  Alex couldn’t get enough of his lips. That magic mouth, when he used it for anything other than words, brought her nothing but pleasure. She’d never had such an intense orgasm in her life as when he’d touched her in her apartment. And last night, in the hotel room? She’d set out to prove a point, that he couldn’t push her around.

  She’d proved it, all right. And she’d nearly fallen under her own spell, completely in lust with a man she wasn’t sure she liked.


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