Labyrinth: Acropolis Series Book II

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Labyrinth: Acropolis Series Book II Page 15

by Ryals, R. K.

  Emma pushes me off of her, leaning up to examine the wound, and I shake my head so she knows not to heal it.

  "It's okay, Em," I whisper.

  The wound is too shallow to worry about now. We need to conserve our energy.

  "You're slowing it down some, Bruno," I call out. I saw it before it got to Emma."

  My words are strained.

  "Damn it!" Bruno growls. "It's not enough. Come hybrids!"

  The group moves together, each circling Emma, touching her so she can call on their powers. They've done this before in the training field outside their cottage, their show of strength for Marcas. Emma motions at me.

  "Your powers can help," she says, and I join them, laying a hand against Emma even as my eyes search the room.

  Whatever this thing is, it's playing with us, leaving wounds not deep enough to kill, but deep enough to hurt like hell.

  "Shit!" Lyre cries out.

  Blood wells up along her forearm. It looks deeper than the cut Gwenyth received.

  "Hurry!" Bruno says urgently. "It's getting more precise."

  Emma's brows furrow as she works harder to call on our powers. She looks up at me, and our eyes meet.

  "Love conquers all," she murmurs, and I know she's using my emotions.

  A light emanates around us just as a small cut appears across Emma's cheek. She winces but doesn't falter. I start to move toward her, but Lyre grabs my arm.

  "It's not bad. Stay. We're going to get cut to pieces if we don't do something soon."

  I settle back, letting Emma pool the power before she reaches over unsteadily and places a hand against Bruno's arm.

  Bruno practically arches backward, his eyes going blood red as his body absorbs the energy. He glances around the room, his eyes stopping near the chamber's entrance.

  "I see him," Bruno says, his accompanying smile ruthless. His red eyes narrow.

  "Wraith," he says slowly. "You coward. You play games when you could destroy."

  Gleaming eyes appear in the dim chamber surrounded by nothing other than shadows. A wicked blade gleams next to it. Fiona and Gray gasp.

  "No name," they say together.

  Fiona glances at us, her hand tightening on Emma, her jaw firm. "This Demon plagues the dead and ambushes men. He also haunts cemeteries. He has no name. It's easier to refer to him as Wraith, but he isn't a ghost."

  I eye Bruno as he faces off with the figure.

  "Can it be destroyed?" I ask.

  Gray leans in closer.

  "No, but it can be slowed down."

  Just then Bruno crouches, his red eyes hard.

  The gleaming, green eyes are there one moment, and then gone the next. A deeper, more troublesome wound appears above the other on Bruno's arm.

  Bruno doesn't flinch, he roars instead, lifting his unwounded arm before placing his hand over Emma's on his shoulder. His eyes go redder as he feeds on the power.

  "You bane of darkness!" Bruno cries out as he sends power throughout the room.

  I'm not aware of what he intends until Wraith's glinting blade is suddenly flying through the air. Bruno catches it easily, his growl obvious.

  "Come after me now," he yells.

  Bruno pushes Emma away from him gently before lifting the blade and running to the boulder. He reaches for the spear. There's no time to stop him, no time to test whether or not touching the ancient weapon will destroy him.

  Bruno's hand closes around the butt of the spear, and he goes down on one knee. The gleaming eyes are now opposite him on the other side of the boulder, but when the green, sickly gaze moves to Bruno's hand, it shrieks before flying back against the chamber walls.

  Bruno seems weakened, his face deathly pale, but he still breathes as he looks first at our group and then at the cavern ceiling.

  "We have your spear, Enepsigos! Get us the hell out of here!"

  I stand to move next to Bruno. My hand joins his on the metal. There's a strange tingling sensation in my arm, but it doesn't hurt. My eyes meet Bruno's, and he nods.

  Another hand covers mine, and I look up to see Emma standing over my shoulder, her eyes dark. Two more hands come down. Fiona and Lyre are opposite us, their hands near the spear's tip. Dark skin meets pale as Deidra places her palm against Bruno's hand. Gray's comes down over Fiona's and Gwenyth's closes over Lyre's. We're all touching the spear now. The tingling increases.

  Emma looks up.

  "Enepsigos!" she calls, and then pauses, her expression thoughtful. "M-mother . . . we have completed the task. Join with our king. Together we are stronger."

  Nothing happens, and the group eyes each other, our gazes sad, tired. A tear slips down Gwenyth's cheek, the path it travels clear through the grime on her face.

  The tear is a catalyst. We're suddenly all on one knee, angry and resolved, our hands united on the spear, our eyes on the cavern roof.

  "Release us!" we yell.

  A bluish-white light suddenly floods the chamber, and we all blink. It is replaced by a woman, a beautiful woman, tall with midnight hair and pale skin. Her lips are red, her eyes ebony. Enepsigos.

  "Daughter . . . " she says gently, her gaze on Emma as she nods once before her eyes sweep the rest of the group.

  "Stand. All of you. Son of Tephras. Son of Iudal. Daughter of Onoskelis. Daughter of Pleiades. Daughter of Ephippas. Imp."

  Enepsigos' eyes move to my face. "Son of Paul Reinhardt. Stand. Take the spear and tell your king I will speak with him."

  And with that, Enepsigos lifts her hands.

  Before us, a portal opens, an exit, the blurred image a replica of the field near the hybrids' cottage. It is a sight for hungry eyes.

  "You've proven yourself well," she says, her eyes on Emma. "Go now!"

  She vanishes, leaving us in darkness, the portal beckoning.

  All of the hybrids exhale, their breathing more rushed, excited.

  "Hurry!" Bruno says.

  Gwenyth is the first one through, followed closely by Lyre, Fiona, and Gray. Deidra skips after them, her face bright. Only Bruno, Emma, and I remain. Emma stares at the spot vacated by her mother.

  Bruno glances at me, and we share a look. No words pass between us, but the silent conversation is enough. Bruno nods before stepping toward the portal, exiting with the spear. I place a hand on Emma's shoulder.

  "Emma," I say gently. "It's time."

  She looks at me, her eyes sad.

  "We've lost so much here," she says.

  I don't disagree.

  "We've gained a lot too, Em. Understanding for one. Comradeship."

  I lean in closer. "For me, tolerance. A new beginning."

  She turns, her face peering into mine.

  "Tolerance?" she asks.

  I nod. "Tolerance and more. People fall in love too easily. They feel desire and its suddenly love. I've been there. Many times. But only love can drive out hate. Only love can make you question every decision you've ever made. I'm at that place now. I'm definitely at that place, and it's a new place for me."

  Emma's eyes widen, and she starts to open her mouth, but I stop her, placing a finger gently against her lips.

  "To new beginnings, Emma. No holding back. Let's go."

  Her eyes shine even as I take her hand in mine, my fingers weavng confidently through hers before stepping through the portal.

  To new beginnings. No holding back.

  Chapter 27


  We stumble out of the portal, and I land hard on one knee, my breath labored. Something about the portal hurts, drains the strength from my body. Conor is next to me, panting, and I hold his hand like a lifeline as I squint into the sudden, bright light of day, my heart overcome by grief, yearning, and even happiness. It's a strange mix.

  The sky is blue overhead, a nice contrast to the dim, putrid cavern we have just escaped. I only have a brief moment to wonder how long we've been gone when the tears come, streaking down my face in waves.

  There are moments at the end of any jou
rney when a body feels empty. It's like the feeling people get when family comes to visit and then leaves to return home. It's nice having the house back to normal, but there's a hollow feeling left behind in their absence, in the silence that rings through the halls. I have that feeling now.

  My gaze finds Conor. He is next to me on both knees, his face streaked with dust, his ripped sweatshirt fluttering in the chill breeze. Dried blood covers shallow wounds.

  The labyrinth is behind us, but the emotional scars are new and terrifying. There are ghosts over us now, but there are also new beginnings. Conor's eyes meet mine. No holding back.

  I look away. To my left, Deidra lays coiled on the ground, her fists in her stomach. She groans but is otherwise unharmed. The portal obviously hurt more than just Conor and me.

  Lyre sits opposite Deidra, and she looks up, her eyes haunted. The labyrinth has healed Lyre in many ways, healed her past with Conor, healed the hatred between us. I think we've all learned to let go of the past, learned to embrace who we are, learned to use love over hatred. Lyre looks at me now and nods, her eyes moving between Conor and me. There is new respect in her gaze.

  Bruno curses from behind me, and I look back to see him grab his arm as he pushes himself up to one knee, the spear in his wounded hand. The gash on his bicep is long. The blood makes it look worse than what it is, but there's no doubt he'll need stitches if his body is too drained to heal it quickly.

  Gray is next to Bruno, his arm supporting a silent, pallid Gwenyth and a quiet Fiona. Two lives have been lost in the labyrinth. Hesther Garner and Ace, both emotionally tied to someone else. Their absence cuts deeply, and new tears join the ones I have already shed. My chest is tight, painful. The tears on Gwenyth's face tell the same story. Both of us have lost a piece of our heart.

  Gwenyth looks up, and my gaze meets hers. Her grief is overwhelming, and I close my eyes, letting calm emotions move from me to the twin. I know without looking Gwenyth's composure changes, her tears slowing. My tears increase. I have better control over my powers now after leaving the labyrinth. I've learned something about them and about myself. My reaction to other people's emotions is where my power comes from. My power doesn't come from their emotions, but mine. It's okay to feel. It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to be different.

  I am suddenly pulled into Conor's embrace, and I take comfort in his strength as figures approach us from a distance. Marcas, his face solemn. Behind him, Dayton's red hair is obvious. Will is with them as is Alessandro and his mother, Maria. No one else follows.

  Bruno stands quickly as they near, wavering some as he moves toward the hybrid king. In one hand, he clutches the Spear of Destiny.

  "For Hesther and Ace," Bruno says, his voice weary but strong.

  There are silent sobs from Gwenyth, and I press my lips together firmly, my hand clutching Conor's shredded shirt. If I'm hurting his wounds, he doesn't let on. His chin settles on the top of my head, and I let a tear fall because it seems right. A tear for Ace. A tear for Hesther.

  Marcas' gaze moves over us, unreadable, He motions with his hand, and we all fight to rise. Conor doesn't release me, and I notice each hybrid is supporting another. Unity.

  We are on our feet when Marcas startles us all by going down on one knee. He does it gracefully, his unreadable gaze on Bruno and the spear.

  "For those we've lost, and for the kingdom you now gain."

  I'm reminded of the stained glass windows on the doors leading into S.O.S. headquarters as I stare at our king. A knight kneeling among death, among blood. Predator versus prey. Victory. I'm not sure the windows represent what I'm feeling, but it seems to fit. We've lost so much in the labyrinth, it's hard to appreciate what we've won. But we embrace the victory. And now Marcas bows before us.

  His people.

  Chapter 28


  Bruno lowers the spear, and Marcas holds out his hand, receiving it reverently. He winces only slightly when it touches his palm, and Bruno drops his hand before backing away.

  Bruno breathes a sigh of relief, and I know a burden has been lifted.

  When Marcas stands, the hybrids lower their heads. I think it's their way of giving him the same respect he gave them.

  Dayton and Will look uncomfortable behind him. They're both restless, and I know all they want to do is approach us. Will's eyes are sad. He knows what we lost. He's had time to spend with the hybrids while I was away, and the grief in his eyes is obvious. I try to smile but nothing comes.

  I still have Emma in my arms, my chin on her head. I hurt where the wind sweeps across raw skin, but I know I will heal.

  I catch Alessandro gazing at Emma. His look is raw, open, even hopeful. I want peace for him. I want Emma to know she's never been alone.

  Maria smiles next to Alessandro, her old face wrinkled in that secret, mysterious way she has, the one that says she knows things no one else ever will.

  But then abruptly, Maria frowns, her hands clutching her rosary.

  The skies above us darken, and I notice Marcas clench his jaw as our gazes move to the air.

  I stiffen as Emma's fingers dig into my skin.

  "No," I hear Will mumble next to Dayton.

  It's not until they land that I feel the anger sweep me. Gargoyles. Lots of gargoyles, and they are led by none other than Roosevelt Franklin. Roach.

  Roach grins as he claps his hands.

  "Such a touching moment, Reinhardt. Your father would roll over in his grave if he saw you now."

  I lift my chin, my eyes narrowed. Marcas steps toward me, but I wave him away. There are too many gargoyles. Hundreds. Enough to fight the hybrids and Alessandro's men. I won't risk it.

  I don't have to speak. I don't have to ask Roach why he's here. I know as soon as he pulls the document out of his jeans, the thick cream colored paper bearing the gargoyle seal, why he's here. He flew in as a human rather than in his serpent form. He only does that when it's for official reasons.

  The paper crinkles unnaturally loud as Roach unfolds it, his beady eyes on me. He has the words memorized.

  "By the order of the gargoyle council, Conor Philip Reinhardt and William Andrew Reinhardt are hereby ordered to appear before the courts where an order of extermination has been issued. Until then, they are to be removed into custody. For the crimes accused, they are allowed no rights until an execution date can be determined."

  Emma cries out, and my arm tightens around her waist. My day of reckoning has come. I had known running was not an option, and asylum by the S.O.S. was a fluke, The gargoyles are too strong, their numbers too large.

  Will's gaze meets mine over Emma's head. We know running now will achieve nothing. His head lowers, and I gently release Emma.

  "No," she breathes.

  Bruno has stepped up behind us, still weak, but determined.

  "We'll fight them," he says evenly. "You know we will."

  I smile at him.

  "No. No more deaths."

  Roach approaches Will, pulling his arms behind his back before clamping steel handcuffs around his wrists. Dayton spits at him, but Roach merely grins as two gargoyles come in behind Will and lead him away.

  "Why now?" I ask loudly. "Why now in a time like this?"

  Roach looks up, his eyes hard. "Because I like a dramatic entrance. Because taking you now when they already hurt so much is the only punishment Gibson will afford me. I would see them dead if I could. Dead if it wasn't for the damned hybrid king."

  Marcas' rule is important to the good side. It means he could throw his lot in our favor one day. The hybrids have sworn allegiance to him by going after the spear. They are safe because of it. I step toward them, but pause when a sob escapes Emma. Roach is approaching when I look back, and I smile wickedly before turning just long enough to pull Emma firmly into my arms.

  My lips meet hers hard and fast. She doesn't pull away despite the people surrounding us. She kisses me back instead, her lips desperate, firm. The kiss is deep, and it tells her things I
haven't gotten to say, promises her things I haven't gotten to promise.

  When I pull away, I keep my eyes on hers even as Roach yanks me backward, pulling my arms behind my back.

  "Done now, Romeo?" Roach snarls.

  My eyes are on Emma's. Her gaze on mine. It's all that matters.

  "Add that to my list of crimes," I say lightly.

  Roach hisses as the metal snaps closed around my wrists.

  My eyes are still on Emma's even when the gargoyles begin to lift into the air, Will and I among them. I feel the hybrids' eyes on me, Marcas' and Dayton's as well. They're all still plainly in view when I let my mouth move, voicing the feelings that move through me now.

  "Don't hold back."

  Chapter 29


  "We can't let them do this!" I say, my voice broken by sobs.

  Bruno's hand lands on my shoulder even as his eyes search the sky.

  "She's right," Dayton says, and I hear emotion in her voice as well. She and Conor have been friends since childhood, and the gargoyles have just announced that Conor and Will are to be killed, executed. We can't let it happen.

  My gaze moves to Alessandro.

  "Can't you stop them? They claimed asylum among your group? Does that mean nothing?"

  Alessandro's eyes lower.

  "I will begin negotiations with Gibson. The fact that the Reinhardts claimed asylum will delay execution. It doesn't guarantee that I can stop it."

  I feel slightly more hopeful.

  "But it might?" I ask.

  Alessandro doesn't nod. "I will try my best."

  "We should go after them," Lyre says suddenly, and we all look at her. She shrugs. "We can't place everything in the arms of chance."

  Bruno nods. "He shed blood for us. We'll do the same for him if necessary."


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