His Ward

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His Ward Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  The white lace bra, the glimpses he got, were tempting as fuck. He wasn’t into young women, and certainly not those only a few months past jailbait. But Mavis didn’t look straight out of high school. No, with her tempting curves and kiss-me lips she made him think of anything but a schoolgirl.

  The more he saw of her, the harder it was to keep his needs in check.

  Sitting with her, watching her study while he dealt with his own work, was pure fucking torture.

  Even the floral scent she wore called to him.

  What didn’t help was the tempting way her ass would sway as she walked out of the room. It would remind him of how good it felt to have his hands on her, and how he wanted her so damn much.

  She’s your best friend’s daughter.

  You’re old enough to be her damn father.

  Not that eighteen years was that big of an age gap.

  You’re her guardian.

  You’re supposed to be protecting her.

  Stop being a dirty bastard and get your mind in the game.

  She flicked her hair over her shoulder, and he gritted his teeth as he wanted to wrap that hair around his fist, hold her in place, and fuck her until she was sore.

  It was just the two of them.

  He shouldn’t be thinking about fucking her.

  She’s a child.

  Her ass didn’t feel like a child’s when he was smacking it. She hadn’t even cried out. It was like she didn’t even feel the hits.

  She’d made him so mad with how she spoke about his old friend. He couldn’t allow himself to believe for a second that Ryan would get rid of her just because she didn’t fit that perfect, slim, pristine beauty that plagued the world they lived in.

  He didn’t want to believe, but he knew her mother, and the call of the money.

  Mavis released another sigh, drawing his attention once again.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just … bored.”

  “It’s schoolwork. It’s supposed to be boring.”

  She chuckled. “Did you like school?”

  “Nope. Fucking hated it.”

  “You swear a lot.”

  “Get used to it.”

  “I don’t mind.” She pushed some more hair off her shoulder, leaning back in her hair. She moved her hands up in the air, pushing out her tits as she gave a moan with her stretch.

  “Get to work,” he said.

  Don’t look at her.

  “I will. So, do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

  “Do I look like the kind of guy that would have a girlfriend?”

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t see it.”

  “The scar?”

  “You know it’s the scar.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not that big, nor is it that scary. Some people are just dicks is all. So, you don’t have a girlfriend?”


  “Shame. You’re here all alone.”

  “Why are you suddenly curious about why I’m here?”

  “Don’t you screw the women that come and work for you?”

  He stopped trying to pretend he was getting any work done. “Why?”

  “I’m curious.”

  “I’m not your parents.”

  “I know that. I wouldn’t be here if my parents were alive.” She gave another little shrug. “Does it bother you I’m here? I can go back to the boarding school. I’m sure they’d be happy to have me.”

  “I don’t like those places. They’re prisons for kids.”

  “It’s not so bad when you’re there all the time.”

  “It’s an all-girls school, right?”


  “I can’t even believe they have them in the twenty-first century.”

  “Don’t worry. A lot of the girls sneak out to be with boys.”

  “They do?”

  “Yep. Just because we can’t have them in class doesn’t mean we don’t have them when it counts.”

  “You ever sneaked out?” he asked.

  “No. I’ve never been around guys long enough for them to want me that way.” She twirled some of her hair around her finger. She’d left it down today, and the waves kept falling over her face, making him want to tuck it behind her ear.

  Touching her was out of the question.

  Getting close to her was out of the question.

  One day soon she’d be going off to college, and she had an entire life out there which didn’t involve him.

  “Why did you fall out with my parents?” she asked.

  “You really want to know?”


  “It’s stupid now, especially after your revelation of catching them in an open marriage.”

  “You caught one of them with another person?”

  “Yes. I didn’t think it was right. Obviously, I was in the wrong.”

  “It’s cute,” she said.


  “In a way, you believe in the sanctity of marriage. You don’t think someone should be with more than one person.” She looked up at him.

  Her blue eyes were temptation.

  He didn’t like what they seemed to beg him to do.

  Did she even know how expressive she was? How open her face was?

  The fact she hadn’t cried over her parents’ passing wasn’t lost on him. The blonde child protection officer had told him that she’d yet to cry after he’d asked. He did find it odd that she hadn’t cried.

  From what he learned from her though, she hadn’t had any relationship with her parents for a long time. They were strangers to her.

  “If you’re screwing other people, it’s not a marriage.”

  “I read an article that said you slept with other men’s wives,” she said.

  “First, you need to stop reading shit off the internet. Most of it’s fake and lies.”

  “And the second?” she asked. “You made it sound like you had a couple of points to make.”

  “The second, don’t go looking things up about me. You’ll be sorely disappointed.”


  “Because you don’t need to know anything about me. You’re finished for the day.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he watched as she slowly put her books away.

  “You’ve got a test tomorrow,” he said.

  She looked up at him then, tilting her head to the side. “Why? You’re not a teacher.”

  “You still need to be able to handle these things. I expect you to get a hundred percent.”

  “And if I don’t?” she asked.

  “You’ll keep on studying until you get the right grade.”

  “With you sitting right there, watching?”


  “Don’t you have anything else to do other than watch me study?” She held her books in one arm, and she’d come close to him, one hand flat against the table.

  “I do what I have to do.”

  “Sounds kind of boring.”

  “Go wash up. I’ll make some dinner.”

  “You’re very bossy. You’re not my dad,” she said.

  He stood up. He had a good foot on her. She tilted her head back, looking up at him. She looked so fragile, small, like he needed to take care of her.

  Why did she bring out this protective instinct that also made him want to put her over his knee and smack her hot ass?

  “If I was, you’d have been over my knee so fucking fast you wouldn’t be able to mouth back.”

  He expected her to back off. What he didn’t expect was her to smile and what came out of her mouth next.


  She turned on her heel and walked away.

  He watched her go, wanting nothing more than to follow after her like a fucking puppy.

  This woman—no, girl; he had to keep remembering that she was nothing more than a girl—was driving him crazy.

  He had to get some control of this, as otherwise she’d completely fuck
with his head.


  The days were spent studying. They’d share an evening meal and Mavis left him alone to enjoy some peace. Not that she wanted to. She just didn’t want him to see or to even think that she was trying to lure him into bed. That wasn’t how to win a man, to be blatant with him.

  She wanted to push him.

  The truth was, she’d love to be over his knee again, this time without the jeans, and to see if it felt even better with his hand on bare skin. She’d never been one to get any kind of punishment. At home she’d been ignored, nothing more than an irritating piece of furniture to her parents that they were responsible for. Boarding school had been a real blessing to them as it meant they could get rid of her for most of the year. When she was at school, she was invisible. Her teachers didn’t even care if she attended classes. They didn’t seem to notice, or if they did, her parents didn’t respond to the warning letter that came out.

  All in all, she wasn’t used to being cared about.

  Luca cared.

  In his own way.

  She also knew she was driving him crazy. She’d caught him several times watching her, his gaze on her tits or running down her body.

  She loved wearing clothes that enhanced her curves.

  A lot of the girls had told her to go on a diet. Seeing as she had no reason to, and was more than happy with her body, she’d always ignored them.

  “No one’s going to want to fuck the fat girl.”

  “Eww, could a boy even find your cunt?”

  It didn’t matter how cruel or crude they became, she ignored them. She was used to it. Her own mother had called her every single name under the sun in front of people as well. Name-calling meant nothing to her. Cruel comments rolled off her like water.

  She was happy, so she ignored everyone else.

  In a pair of shorts and a vest shirt, she left her bedroom. She was thirsty and a little hungry. She’d not eaten a whole lot at dinner.

  Luca had been on a call, and eating while he’d been distracted hadn’t appealed. She wanted his attention.

  Dinner time was supposed to be about them, not about business or work. Or whatever the hell was going on outside of the house. She liked eating with him. Sometimes he didn’t even cook what Susan left for them. She adored his stir-fries, or even his burgers. They were all good.

  She’d also noticed in the past few days he’d stopped covering up his scarred face. She loved seeing his scar. To her, it made him more real. She’d read all about the fight that caused it, and she also knew the people behind it were richer than sin now because of it. They couldn’t handle him, so they set out to destroy him.

  His reclusive life was because of two horrible human beings. She didn’t know what Luca was like before she’d met him.

  From past news articles she’d read, he’d been a grade-A asshole. Not that it surprised her. Her parents hadn’t been much better. Both of them had been assholes.

  She was walking past the sitting room with the large television when she heard the sound of slapping flesh and sexual moaning. There was no mistaking that sex was happening, and it made her freeze on the spot.

  It was late, a little after eleven.

  Luca didn’t have a girlfriend.

  He’d told her he didn’t, and she believed him.

  Who would he be having sex with?

  Susan wasn’t here, nor were either of the cleaners he hired. She’d seen the look of longing on both their faces, and she’d hated it.

  Luca was hers.

  Stepping close to the door, Mavis pressed on it, wanting to see what was going on. She expected to see Luca screwing some woman senseless, but instead, she looked at the sofa to see him sitting all alone. His cock stood hard and proud in his hand.

  A tube of lubricant was on the seat beside him. His hand ran up and down that amazing length. He’d pulled back the foreskin to reveal the bulbous head.

  The sound of a feminine moan brought her attention to the television screen.

  She couldn’t help but smile.

  Luca was watching porn.

  Was this because of her?

  Did he watch it often?

  The woman on the screen was completely naked. Her tits were fake, and perspiration covered her entire body. The man between her thighs was heavily inked. His dick was so long as it slid inside her.

  Again, the woman looked dry, but the moaning and grunting were turning Mavis on. Glancing back at Luca, she saw him groan. His head was resting against the sofa, his legs spread open, his hand moving up and down, but not too fast.

  “That’s it, fuck her. Take her. Fuck her hard. Make her beg for it.”

  Hearing him talk to the television was so hot. She felt her body heat up. Even though she should move on, she couldn’t.

  Mavis leaned against the doorframe, alternating between watching him and the screen as she slid her hand inside her shorts. Cupping her pussy, she ran a finger between her slit, touching her clit. She was already wet and was getting even more so as she listened to the screen and Luca.

  The woman didn’t matter to her.

  She watched as the woman was pulled, turned over, and her ass held apart as the guy placed his swollen dick back inside her. He held her hips and pounded away, both of them grunting.

  “You’re a dirty fucking whore. You want my cum, don’t you?” He slapped her ass, making her cry out. Her ass was red with the taps.

  So hot.

  Looking at Luca, she saw his hand moving up and down his length.

  She wondered if he imagined fucking the woman or someone else.

  “Spit on it.”

  Returning her gaze to the screen, she watched the woman lean forward, sucking on the guy’s dick, choking on his length as more saliva erupted from her mouth. Mavis found this part a little disgusting, but now that he was covered in her spit, he grabbed the woman’s neck and shoved her over the hard desk. She’d not even noticed he was fucking her on the desk.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Fuck her ass. Give it to her. Make her take it.”

  The woman on screen held her ass cheeks open as the man started to push his dick into that tight hole.

  She’d seen a lot of porn in the past few weeks, but she was always mesmerized by how an anus opened up around a fat cock. Even when it shouldn’t fit, the asshole always gave way. The on-screen woman let out a little cry as he started to deep-fuck her ass.

  With his cock all the way inside her, he held her tits, using them as leverage, to plunge his cock deep into her ass.

  This happened for five minutes, and as Mavis felt her orgasm getting closer, she watched Luca’s movements. He was getting close.

  Her arousal peaked, and she returned to the television as the guy pulled out of her ass and forced the woman to take his cock. She watched his cum spurt out of the tip, coating the woman’s tongue and face with his spunk.

  “That’s it, taste your fucking ass.”

  Her mouth wrapped around his cock, moaning as he forced her to suck his cock, lapping up all of his cum and tasting herself on his length.

  Luca came, and Mavis watched as the white ropey drops of his cum coated his stomach. Seeing his arousal set off her own and she came, holding in her gasp, not wanting him to know or see what she’d done. Just as she finished, she pulled her fingers from her panties. Getting to her feet, she tripped from the pleasure and hit the door.

  If he’d not known she was there before, he did now.

  With her heart hammering inside her chest, she rushed toward the kitchen. She heard him call out to her, but she ignored him.

  Her mouth was dry.

  Every single part of her was screaming to run.

  She got to the kitchen, and the door looked way too inviting.

  There’s no way she could look at him. Not now.

  Opening the kitchen door, she darted out. She didn’t know where she was going, only that she couldn’t face him, not yet.

  The moment her feet hit the wet grass, as it had be
en raining all day, a spark of thunder rumbled.

  The sound of her name was drowned out. She had to keep on running. Luca hadn’t rejected her yet, and right now, she didn’t know if she could handle it if he did.

  Chapter Four





  Luca couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid watching porn. After watching Mavis for the past couple of weeks, he’d needed a little something to relax. The only thing he could think to do was to go back to his collection of porn. He’d not watched it in a long time, and he only used it when he really needed to.

  Growing up, he’d not needed it, not even to get off.

  A long line of willing women had meant porn was no good for him. He didn’t need it.

  Now, however, being trapped with Mavis, he was close to losing his mind.

  She’d seen him.

  She’d been at the door, watching, and she’d seen enough to know.

  He didn’t like that she’d run off, nor did he like that she’d run outside. It was cold, dark, raining, and dangerous.

  She should have been in bed, and when he got his hands on her, he was going to smack her ass. She’d learn to stay in bed at night and not go running outside. Charging out of the house, he followed close behind her. He didn’t attack her as the last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

  “Mavis! Stop!”

  She kept on running.

  He followed her.

  The moment she hit the bottom of his garden near the pool and the small pool house that he’d built near it for after he’d taken a swim, she’d have no choice but to turn back to look at him. The ranch was huge, and rather than run toward one of the open fields, which would have made it impossible for him to catch her, she’d come here, to where he’d find it quite easy to do so. A few feet, and he stopped, blocking her escape. This was where he came when he wanted to get away from it all and to remember what his life used to be like before the accident that scarred him.

  She looked left and right before turning to face him. Her tits pressed against the front of her vest, the rain making it so he saw the red tips of her nipples. She took several deep breaths as she faced him.


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