His Ward

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His Ward Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She was so sweet. He needed to have a taste of her.

  Luca moved his thumb out of the way to suck on her clit.

  She cried out his name as he bit down, grazing his teeth across the swollen bud before soothing the pain with his tongue.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he glided his tongue down to torment her hole. Circling her entrance, he drew back up to play with her clit, driving her crazy. Her hands held onto the edge of the table.

  “Please, please, please,” she said.

  “You want to come on my tongue?”

  “Yes. Please, I’ll do anything.”

  “I’d be careful what you promise.” He kept her pussy open as he worked on her clit, sucking, nipping, and biting. He noticed that a little pain seemed to drive her pleasure higher, and he was addicted to the sounds she made. They were so perfect and right for him.

  When she couldn’t handle the pleasure anymore, he slid down and fucked her cunt with his tongue, giving her time to gain control. She thrust her pussy onto him, begging for more.

  Letting go of her cunt, he gripped her ass, pressing his face against her pussy, wanting to drown himself in the scent of her. She was his addiction.

  He’d never really cared about women before his accident. They’d been nothing more than a thing to use. An object.

  When it came to Mavis, he didn’t want to use her. He wanted to own her. To protect her. To care for her.

  It wasn’t love. There’s no way he could love an eighteen-year-old.

  He wasn’t used to these kinds of feelings though. They were driving him crazy. His cock leaked wave upon wave of pre-cum.

  Sliding his tongue down her slit, he fucked her before moving back up to flick across her clit. He wanted her so damn badly, couldn’t get enough of the taste of her. No matter how much he tried to convince himself this was wrong, he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He wanted her orgasm, relished it, needed it.

  The taste of her was everything he’d known it would be. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he pushed two fingers inside her, adding a third as she got accustomed to the feel of him deep inside her cunt. His cock was so hard it hurt, but he wanted to feel her come, to taste her essence as she flooded his mouth.

  Her climax started to build, her pussy tightening around his fingers as he worked her clit until she finally exploded.

  One day soon he’d have her wrapped around his length again and he’d feel her come apart, splinter for him. He wanted to explore so much with her, to take his time for her to enjoy everything.

  He drew every ounce of pleasure from her, and only after she finished did he land a kiss to her clit before leaning back in his chair. Running his hands up and down her calves, he thought that he’d gladly look at her all day long.

  Mavis rested on her elbows, staring at him.

  Her foot moved and pressed against his crotch. “I want to do the same to you.”

  “You want to suck my cock?”

  “Yes.” She ran her foot up and down his length.

  “You think you’re ready for that?”

  Her tongue slid across her plump bottom lip, and he wanted her so badly. More than anything he wanted her lips wrapped around his dick.

  In response, she moved her foot away from his dick and slid before him. He saw her hands shaking a little as she started to open the belt and zipper of his jeans.

  He didn’t help her though. This was up to her, not him.

  Resting his feet out from his body, he watched and waited. She pulled the denim open and reached in for his cock.

  Her nerves turned him on.

  He was going straight to hell. No doubt about it.

  There’s no way he could push her away.

  She pulled his cock out, her hand moving up and down the length, pulling back his foreskin to reveal the glistening tip.

  He loved the way her tongue danced over her lips. It was like she wanted to eat him and couldn’t wait to taste him.

  This woman had come out of nowhere, ventured into his dark world of a life, and now he didn’t think he’d ever be the same again. In the few weeks he’d known her, she’d dominated his world.

  He’d done things he’d never have done, spanking her being top of the list.

  “Don’t use your teeth,” he said. Keeping his hands on the arms of the chair, he waited. Her big blue eyes smiled up at him, and then her mouth was on his dick, and he was nowhere near hell. He’d gone straight to heaven.


  Luca tasted musky and a strange combination of hard and soft. Mavis moved her mouth off his cock, leaving a trail of saliva. She was completely fascinated by his dick. Wrapping her fingers around the wet length, she slid them up and down, easing the foreskin back. Flicking her tongue across the tip, she tasted his pre-cum as it leaked out of the little slit.

  Sliding her tongue down across the vein, she moved around, and then went right back up to the tip before she sucked more of him into her mouth. She closed her eyes, loving the feel of him as he slid between her lips.

  When he hit the back of her throat, she came up and bobbed back down. Keeping her teeth back, she used her lips, wanting to drive him crazy. She wanted to get this right, and she’d seen a lot of videos online but the women had choked on the length. The last thing she wanted to do was vomit. That shouldn’t be the memory of her first time sucking cock.

  “You like my dick in your mouth?” he asked.


  He teased a strand of her hair. Staring at him, she took as much of him as she could, feeling tears spring to her eyes before she pulled off.

  Luca put his fingers around his length and worked up so that he was against her lips. His hand turned so that he touched her mouth.

  “Fuck, that is so sexy. I knew you had a good cock-sucking mouth, and you’re proving it right now.”

  Up and down she went, taking more of him, needing him.

  She held onto his thighs, feeling him get bigger in her mouth. More and more of his pre-cum kept spilling out, coating her mouth, and she swallowed him down.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m going to come, baby. You better stop, otherwise you’re going to get a whole load of this.”

  She knew exactly what he was going to do.

  “I want it,” she said, pulling off his dick long enough to let him know she was ready.

  He gripped the back of her head, holding her steady as he pumped his hips. One, two, three, and he erupted.

  Wave upon wave of his cum filled her mouth, and she swallowed it.

  Slightly salty, but she didn’t mind.

  She milked him for everything that he had, and only when he was finished did she sit back on the heels of her feet, licking the last drops of cum from her lips.

  Mavis waited. Tense. She didn’t want him to push her aside.

  The dress she wore had fallen back into place, hiding her lack of panties. She’d put them on and taken them off four times before tossing them into the laundry basket and giving them up.

  She’d never gone without panties before, or a bra. It was an entirely new experience for her, and she was loving it.

  He tucked his cock back into his pants, running a hand down his face.

  She watched and waited. This could be bad or good.

  “Would you like me to show you the rest of the ranch?” he asked.

  “The rest of it?”

  “I know I’ve only showed you the garden and the house. We’ve got a few fields and pastures.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “You’re going to need to wear something more practical.”

  “I will.”

  She got to her feet and ran upstairs.

  At the top she was about to turn left when her name being yelled made her stop.

  “Come here,” Luca said.

  He didn’t sound happy at all.

  Taking the steps slowly, she stopped at the bottom and stared at him.

  “What did you do wrong?” he asked.

  “I have no ide

  “You don’t have a clue what you’ve done wrong?”


  “Don’t get smart with me. That’s an extra two.”


  “Do you know people die from falling down the stairs.”

  “I wasn’t falling down them. I was running up…” She stopped.

  “Exactly. At any time, you could have tripped, fallen, and then what would have happened? You could have been injured or broken your damn neck. You think I want you to get hurt? You need to learn to take care of yourself, and it looks to me like I’m going to have to be the one to make sure you do.” He released a sigh. “Go to my office now. Stand by the sofa. I’ll be in in a minute.”

  She was losing her damn mind.

  Her pussy was on fire, and not because of what they’d just shared.

  He was going to punish her for running upstairs, but not only that, he cared enough about her that something as simple as running annoyed him.

  She shouldn’t be happy about that, shouldn’t even care that she’d upset him, and yet, she couldn’t help but be thrilled that he cared enough about her.

  Standing in his office, she hated this space. It reminded her so much of home, of the corporate life with the brown leather chair behind the mahogany desk. Was this another reminder for him of the life he left behind?

  She didn’t know how long she waited.

  Clenching her hands into fists, she waited more. There were no pictures in the room. No personal touches or artwork. Just the standard office furniture.

  Her father had loved his office.

  She’d sat in one of his sofas for hours watching him. She was sure he’d forgotten she was there. Especially when one of the maids came in and dropped down behind the desk.

  Mavis recalled being angry. Not because her father cheated, as her mother cheated too. No, it was because she’d been there and he’d forgotten all about her.

  Pulling out of the memory, she looked behind her as Luca entered the room. He was rolling up his sleeves. The dark blue jeans and white shirt were out of place in the office, but with him, it suited. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, another part of him that didn’t go with the outfit of work.

  Biting her lip, she waited.

  He took a seat on the sofa, and he took her hand.

  “I want you to know this is going to hurt me more than it’ll hurt you.”

  She scoffed. He wasn’t about to have a spank.

  Still, as he pulled her over his lap, she couldn’t help the spark of arousal that rushed through her. She loved his thighs. They were large and strong. He didn’t make her feel fat, frumpy, or out of place. Being over his knee had started to become a comfort to her.

  Especially when he held her in place, keeping her steady.

  She loved it when his hand wrapped around her. She closed her eyes, just enjoying the moment, the few precious seconds as he held her and the world no longer felt so damn scary.

  I’m all alone.

  She closed that thought off, refusing to allow any part of her to think or feel that. She’d been alone long before her parents died.


  The first hit made her gasp. The dress didn’t provide any protection.

  She felt him lift up the skirt of her dress, and the next blow was on her naked ass, like the other night. Keeping her eyes closed, she relished every burn as he brought his hand down.




  She cried out as each blow hit her ass. The heat went straight to her clit, but now it built, going through her entire body, shocking her with the pain and warmth.

  After another six smacks, he stopped, his palm on her ass, not moving.

  She took several deep breaths, reeling from what had happened. Tears flooded her eyes, and she quickly batted them away.

  She wouldn’t cry.

  He rubbed her ass.

  “Whenever you put yourself in danger or risk hurting yourself, I’m going to smack your ass until you realize you’re important, Mavis.”

  “And if I don’t hurt myself?” she asked.

  “If the action would have hurt you, you’ll get punished. Now, go and get dressed.” He helped her to her feet, tucked some hair behind her ear, and kissed her head. “I would hate for anything to happen to you.”

  She turned on her heel and walked out of the room. She took the steps slowly, not running.

  This time she didn’t go to the en-suite bathroom. She went to the one where the mirror was.

  Lifting up her skirt, she turned so her ass faced the mirror and she saw the red of his handprint.

  He’d marked her.

  Running a finger down one cheek, she couldn’t help but smile. He’d cared enough to punish her.

  What is wrong with me?

  Both cheeks were a glowing red, and she couldn’t believe how happy she was because of it.

  He cares.

  That’s what kept going around and around in her head.

  He cares.

  Nothing else mattered, not really.

  Luca cared enough.

  To her, that meant a great deal.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been a long time since Luca had taken a trip out to all parts of the ranch. He hired men to come in and keep the fences active. Without any cattle he didn’t have to worry about poachers on his land.

  “What are you going to do with all this?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  He didn’t have any ideas. The land gave him comfort, the fences offering him the quiet, solitary life.

  “Are you hiding?” she asked.

  “I’m not hiding.”

  “You are.” She looked out the window.

  He used his four-by-four to get them as far from the ranch as possible. The land was green but not overgrown. Again, he had someone come out to mow the lawns.

  “I’m not going to argue with you about this,” he said. Tapping the steering wheel, he glanced back at her.

  She’d changed into a pair of jeans and long shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

  “How is your ass?” he asked.

  “Still where I last saw it,” she said, turning toward him.

  He chuckled.

  “It’s fine. A little sore, but I shouldn’t have run upstairs. Don’t worry, I’ll be a good little girl.”

  “You’re dangerous.”

  “No, I’m not. What made you buy this place?” she asked.

  “I needed somewhere that was out of the way, and this was the only place that was available at the time. Also, it was going real cheap because the guy that lived here before had run it into the ground.”

  “So, you got it for a good price?”

  He sighed. “I could have got it for a good price. He put it on for a ridiculously low price. I’m fair, and I offered him the correct market value for it.”

  She laughed. “So the big, bad businessman couldn’t even steal from a desperate man.”

  “Not all businessmen are bad people.”

  “Not all of them, but most are. The most I’ve seen are only after what they can get.”

  He wondered if she talked about Ryan, about her mother. From what he remembered of Ryan, he’d not been a bad guy, but her memories were not the same.

  “Are you talking about your parents?”

  “Do you really want to know?”


  “Yeah, I was. Everything was always money to them. What deal would make them more and I get it. Money is all most people think about. Those that don’t have it want it, and those that do want to try and stop others from having it.”

  “It’s not all bad.”

  “It’s not all good either. I don’t even know how you can defend them after everything you’ve been through. You were cast out by the very people you helped make money. Don’t you feel angry? Hurt? Anything?”

  “I did.”

  “You don’t anymore?”
she asked.

  “It … I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “Why not answer it with the truth? If you could go back, would you have gotten into that fight that scarred your face? I mean, why didn’t you press any charges? The guy shoved you through a window. He changed your entire world for the rest of your life, and for what? Sleeping with his wife.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Does it bother you? Were you in love with her?”

  “I didn’t have any feelings for the woman. I was a cocky piece of shit. You think I was any different from them? I could wave my money, and men and women would flock toward me. I loved the power. Relished it and used it for my own gain. I didn’t think, nor did I care about anyone else. This scar, I hate it. Nothing can be done about it though. They can try and repair the damage, but they risk making it worse.” Glass had gotten under the skin, and splinters had made the cuts rough and not even. Surgery had been an option, but he’d seen plastic surgery go wrong.

  He wasn’t willing to risk it.

  So, he lived with the scar.

  Rather than stay and fight, he’d run.

  “Mom said that your face now matched your personality. That you were a monster on the inside and your face looked the same. She’d always laugh as if she done some great thing by pointing it out. I saw your picture, and I didn’t think you were ugly. I thought you were still handsome, and I felt sorry that the entire world had turned against you.”

  He brought the car to a stop.

  There was a tiny little lake near some trees. It had been a long time since he came here as every time he did, he’d see his reflection in the water and he hated it.

  Mavis climbed out of the car, her hands in the pocket of her jeans.

  “The bastard that did this to me, he doesn’t deserve my time. I don’t like talking about it because it’s my own weakness that caused this. I shouldn’t have slept with the man’s wife, and I should have walked away. I was as much a part of the fight as he was. I could press charges, but I would have gotten the same back at me. I was scarred, damaged, and I wanted it all to stop. Your mother was always a bitch. She didn’t like that I could see right through her bullshit act. I saw who she really was, and she didn’t like it.”


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