The Wild Wolf Pup

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The Wild Wolf Pup Page 2

by Amelia Cobb

  All the way home, Zoe worried about the Spooktacular. What if she froze like that when they were meant to sing their song on the night? Would everyone notice? I could pretend to feel poorly so I don’t have to sing, she thought. But then Mum will make me stay in bed and I’ll miss the rest of the Spooktacular as well!

  When they got back to the Rescue Zoo, Meep was waiting for them at the gates. Zoe was about to head straight for the cottage, but Lucy said, “I need to go over to Higgins Hall to check on a pelican. Do you want to come along?”

  Zoe said yes straightaway. A visit to Higgins Hall always made her feel better! It was the huge old manor house that sat on a hill overlooking the zoo, and it had belonged to Great-Uncle Horace’s family for over a hundred years. It had once been very grand, but when Great-Uncle Horace had created the Rescue Zoo, he’d decided to turn almost all of its rooms into homes for different animals. He had just kept one attic room for himself and Kiki, his hyacinth macaw, to live in when they were at home.

  But as they got closer to the Hall, Zoe noticed something odd. “What’s that?” she said, frowning. There was a strange flickering orange light in one of the windows of Higgins Hall, and as they got closer she realised it was a Halloween pumpkin wearing a spooky grin. “Mum, did you put that pumpkin there?”

  Lucy frowned. “No, I didn’t. How strange,” she said. “And look – there are cobwebs all over the front door! They weren’t there when I walked past earlier—”


  Zoe and Lucy froze as a howling sound came from inside the Hall. Meep squeaked in terror and leaped straight into Zoe’s arms. Zoe cuddled him, but she felt quite scared too. What was making that noise?

  As Lucy reached out a hand to the cobwebby door, they heard a deep, booming voice cry, “Who’s there?” – and both Lucy and Zoe gasped as the door of Higgins Hall burst open!

  Chapter Three

  Howling at Higgins Hall

  Zoe stared for a moment at the figure standing in the doorway. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, her face broke into a grin and she rushed forward.

  “Great-Uncle Horace!” she cried, jumping into his arms to give him a big hug. “It’s you!”

  “Wow, what a lovely surprise!” said Lucy. “We didn’t know you were back!”

  Great-Uncle Horace chuckled. He was wearing an orange jumper with a pumpkin on the front, and his untidy white hair looked even wilder than usual. His hyacinth macaw Kiki was perched on his shoulder, preening her beautiful blue feathers.

  “I hope I didn’t startle you!” he told them. “I just love Halloween, and I couldn’t wait to start decorating the Hall. I got back to the Rescue Zoo about an hour ago from a wonderful trip to North America, where I’d got awfully used to taking taxis, so I did the same when I arrived back here! And the first thing I did when I got home was fetch the box of Halloween decorations down from the attic. And put my special jumper on, of course.”

  “So you put the pumpkin in the window, and the cobwebs on the door?” asked Zoe.

  “Yes, that was me!” said Great-Uncle Horace, beaming. “Don’t they look splendid?”

  Zoe returned his smile, but she was still a little confused. “But what about that strange noise we could hear?” she asked. “Surely that wasn’t you as well…?”

  Great-Uncle Horace only smiled mysteriously in response, and then said, “All in good time, my dear! Now, why don’t you come inside and see the rest of the decorations?”

  They all stepped inside, and Zoe had to swallow her laughter as she looked around the entrance hall. Great-Uncle Horace had covered every single inch of it in silvery cobwebs, plastic spiders, rows and rows of bunting shaped like skeletons, and bunches of black and orange balloons. “You don’t think it’s a little bit over the top, do you?” he asked anxiously.

  Zoe shook her head. “It looks brilliant!” she told him.

  “Excellent!” said Great-Uncle Horace, beaming. “I’m so glad you like it. Oh, I saw a poster for the Spooktacular on my way to the Hall, and I must say, it sounds marvellous! I’m really looking forward to it. I have a fun idea for my costume too, but I think I’m going to keep it a secret for now!”

  “Wait until you hear the best bit about the Spooktacular,” Lucy told him. “Zoe and her class are going to sing! They’ve all been learning a special song at school, and they’re going to do a concert for us. Everyone’s very excited!”

  “Really?” Great-Uncle Horace clapped his hands. “Well, now I’m looking forward to it even more! Was this your idea, Zoe?”

  Zoe and Meep exchanged an anxious glance. Zoe didn’t want to talk about the concert – especially not with Great-Uncle Horace. He and Zoe were very close, and Zoe knew he would guess that something was wrong. Quickly, she changed the subject. “Great-Uncle Horace – if you’re back at the Rescue Zoo, does that mean you’ve brought a new animal home with you?” she asked. Then her eyes widened. “Is that what was making the noise?!”

  Great-Uncle Horace smiled at her. “You’re quite right, Zoe! I do have a new friend in tow!”

  Just as he said that, there was another spooky howling noise from somewhere inside the house, and Lucy, Zoe and Meep jumped again!

  “And there he is!” said Great-Uncle Horace. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  Great-Uncle Horace led them through the hallway and along a corridor, while the howling sound grew louder and louder. Finally they stopped outside a door, and Zoe held her breath as Great-Uncle Horace pushed it open…

  The howling suddenly stopped, and Zoe heard the pad of paws trotting towards them. Then a small furry face with huge dark eyes peered curiously around the door, and Zoe gasped.

  “It’s a wolf pup!”

  Chapter Four

  The Wild Wolf Pup

  Zoe knelt down carefully and held out her hand, smiling as the pup gave it a cautious sniff, then a lick. “Is it a girl or a boy?” Zoe asked Great-Uncle Horace.

  “A very boisterous little boy!” replied Great-Uncle Horace. “I found him in Alaska. He was separated from the rest of his pack by a fire in the forest where they lived. He’s too small to look after himself, so the fire rescue team asked if I would bring him back to the Rescue Zoo, and of course, I said yes!”

  “He wasn’t hurt in the fire, I hope?” said Lucy with concern.

  Great-Uncle Horace shook his head. “No, thank goodness. Just frightened at first – and he keeps howling, all day and all night, and I can’t work out why. There are many different reasons why a wolf might howl, and I still need to get to the bottom of it. But other than that, he seems happy and friendly.”

  “He’s beautiful,” said Zoe, stroking the wolf pup’s head. He was about the size of a small dog, with a dark-grey coat, pointed ears and a fluffy tail. His ears and furry paws looked a little bit too big for him, as if he needed to grow into them. Zoe smiled at him and the pup gave a bark, and then jumped up at her playfully, trying to lick her face.

  “I think he’s decided he likes you, Zoe!” laughed Lucy.

  The pup rolled on to his back excitedly, and Zoe giggled and leaned down to tickle his soft fluffy belly. The little wolf yapped happily, wriggling around and wagging his tail. Then he jumped up, nudged her arm with his head and dashed off into the room, turning to see if she was following him.

  “He wants to play chase with me!” Zoe realised, standing up and giggling. “He’s so funny!”

  “I knew you’d like each other,” said Great-Uncle Horace, nodding happily. “Perhaps you could think of a name for him, Zoe? You’re always good at that!”

  Zoe chased the little pup around the room until she was breathless. Even Meep joined in, although he scampered quickly up on to Zoe’s shoulder when the wolf pup turned around and started chasing Meep, his little tail wagging excitedly!

  “Where will he live, Great-Uncle Horace?” Zoe asked. The Rescue Zoo had a pack of Arctic wolves, but no grey wolves like the new pup.

  “There’s a spare enclosure next door to Lun
a and her family,” Great-Uncle Horace explained, “so I sent a message to Ethan and some of the other keepers a week ago, and asked them to start getting it ready. I made sure they didn’t tell you both, as I wanted it to be a surprise! We should be able to take the pup over there tonight. I’ll call Ethan on my walkie-talkie and ask him to meet us there.”

  “I still need to check on that poorly pelican,” said Lucy, “so I’ll go and have a look at his foot, and then we’ll take the pup to his new home.”

  “Oh yes, poor pelican! I’ll join you,” Great-Uncle Horace said. “He’s in one of the rooms upstairs.”

  “Why don’t I stay here with the wolf pup?” Zoe offered quickly. With her mum and Great-Uncle Horace out of the room, she’d be able to speak to the pup without anyone guessing her secret! She waited until their voices were a distant murmur and then turned back to the little wolf. “My name’s Zoe!” she said in a friendly whisper. “And this is Meep, my best friend. What’s your name?”

  The wolf pup’s tail started wagging even more eagerly when he realised Zoe could talk to him! He jumped up and put his front paws against her legs, and gave a happy bark.

  “Shadow!” replied Zoe, grinning down at the little wolf. “That’s a perfect name for you, because of your lovely grey coat. We’re really glad you’ve come to live at the Rescue Zoo, Shadow. Do you like it so far?”

  Shadow gave another eager bark. “Good! And you’re right, there are lots of places to explore here,” said Zoe, smiling. “And I think you’ll like your lovely new enclosure too. It’s right next door to some other wolves, and you’ll get to see it tonight, as soon as—”

  Suddenly Meep’s ears pricked up.

  “Zoe, someone’s coming!” he told her urgently.

  Zoe quickly stopped talking, just as her mum walked back into the room. “I forgot my medical bag,” she explained, picking it up. She tilted her head to one side and paused before speaking again. “It’s funny, Zoe – I heard you chatting to the pup just a moment ago and it sounded as if he was barking back at you. Almost as if you were talking to one another!”

  Oh no! Zoe stared at her mum in horror. Had Lucy guessed her secret?

  Chapter Five

  Shadow’s New Home

  Before Zoe could think of an excuse, her mum chuckled.

  “Silly me,” she said, shaking her head. “Can you imagine – you and the wolf pup having a conversation!”

  As she left again, Zoe let out a sigh of relief.

  “That was close!” whispered Meep.

  “I know!” admitted Zoe. “I’d better be more careful, Meep.”

  Once Lucy had given the pelican a check-up and some more medicine, they were ready to take the pup to the new grey wolf enclosure.

  “Can I carry him?” Zoe asked hopefully.

  “Of course!” replied Great-Uncle Horace, and helped her pick the little wolf up. Zoe kept one arm securely around his body so that he didn’t fall, but made sure he could sit upright and see everything around him. This was going to be Shadow’s first view of the zoo, and she knew he would want to get a good look!

  As they walked through the zoo, lots of animals peered curiously over the fences of their own enclosures to have a look at the new arrival, and to call out a friendly greeting. The pup was very excited to see so many new faces, and wriggled eagerly in Zoe’s arms, wagging his tail and letting out little barks and louder, longer howls. She had to concentrate to make sure she didn’t drop him!

  “Oh, I’ve thought of a name for the wolf pup,” Zoe told her mum and Great-Uncle Horace, smiling at Meep. “Shadow!”

  “Excellent!” replied Great-Uncle Horace. “And a rather mysterious, spooky-sounding name too, which I think suits a wolf perfectly. Years ago, people were rather frightened of wolves, you know, Zoe. That’s why they were often the wicked character in fairy tales, like Red Riding Hood.” He shook his head.

  “To look at this adorable little chap, it’s hard to believe, isn’t it? But sadly, grey wolves were almost hunted to extinction at one point.”

  “That’s awful!” said Zoe, cuddling Shadow even tighter. How could anyone have been afraid of something as gorgeous as this?

  “It’s a pity Shadow won’t have any other wolves to live with,” said Lucy. “Wolves always form packs, and they’re very social creatures. I’m worried that Shadow might find it very lonely here without any companions.”

  Great-Uncle Horace nodded. “Yes, I’ve been thinking the very same thing. Don’t worry, my dear – I do have a plan. I can’t say any more just yet though…”

  Zoe and Lucy glanced at each other. He was being very mysterious!

  They soon arrived at the enclosure. It was designed to look like a beautiful sprawling wood, full of tall trees with reddish-brown cones hanging from their branches. “These are Sitka spruce trees,” Great-Uncle Horace explained. “They’re the most important tree found in Alaska, so hopefully they will help Shadow to feel at home.”

  Zoe breathed in deeply as they stepped inside. She thought it smelled amazing in the enclosure – fresh and piney, like being inside a real forest! Shadow seemed to like it too. His ears were pricked up and he was sniffing the air eagerly. Zoe placed him gently on the ground and straightaway he started dashing round, exploring.

  Just then the wolf keeper, Ethan, arrived. “Hello, everyone!” he called, waving. “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting this little fellow. Wow, look how cute he is! Does he have a name yet?”

  “He’s called Shadow,” Zoe told him.

  “Well, I hope Shadow likes his new home,” said Ethan. “I brought him a little welcome present too.” He held up a red bouncy ball, which he rolled gently across the ground towards Shadow. The little pup gave it a curious sniff, patted it with his paws – then he leaped on it excitedly, howling and barking! Meep, who had been sitting on the floor of the enclosure, had to scuttle quickly out of the way. He ran up Zoe’s leg and up on to her shoulder as Shadow raced after the ball, leaping into the air and pouncing on it over and over again.

  “Don’t worry, Meep,” Zoe whispered with a smile. “He’s just playing!”

  “I think he likes that game!” chuckled Great-Uncle Horace as they all watched Shadow playing boisterously.

  In fact, Shadow liked the ball a little bit too much! He chased it around the enclosure, butting it with his head and snapping at it playfully with his white teeth, until there was a pop. Shadow had burst it! The little pup looked at the crumpled plastic, puzzled, and gave a sad little whine. Zoe quickly ran over to him and whispered, “Don’t worry, Shadow – we’ll get you another one.”

  Just then Lucy called, “Zoe? I think it’s time we went home and had tea. Let’s leave Shadow to get settled in. He’s had a long day.”

  “Can’t I stay a bit longer, Mum?” asked Zoe hopefully. She wasn’t ready to leave Shadow yet, and before she did, she wanted to ask him if he really liked his new enclosure!’

  Lucy smiled. “Five more minutes then. You can always come back to visit him after school tomorrow, remember.”

  While Lucy and Ethan chatted, Zoe crouched down next to Shadow. “What do you think of your enclosure?” she whispered. “Do you like it?”

  Shadow wagged his tail and gave a happy yap. The little pup loved his new home! “We’re going to have lots of fun together!” Zoe told him, smiling. “Meep and I will come back to play tomorrow.”

  Zoe gave Shadow one last cuddle, said goodbye to Great-Uncle Horace and Ethan, and then left the enclosure with her mum and Meep. As they walked down the path back to the cottage, they heard a howl coming from behind them.

  “That’s Shadow! He’s howling again!” said Zoe. She listened carefully, trying to work out whether the noise sounded sad or frightened. “Do you think he’s OK, Mum?” she asked anxiously.

  “I think so, Zoe. He certainly seemed happy, didn’t he?” said Lucy. “Remember, a wolf doesn’t only howl because it’s unhappy. Animals make noises for lots of different reasons. They might be t
rying to communicate with other animals. They might be hungry, or warning off enemies, or just feeling content! Sometimes I wish I could talk to animals, Zoe – it would be amazing to be able to ask them exactly what they’re thinking.”

  Zoe and Meep exchanged a glance. I can talk to animals! thought Zoe. As soon as I can speak to Shadow with no one else around, I’ll ask why he’s howling!

  Later that night, Zoe and Meep were in her bedroom and Zoe was getting ready for bed. She’d brushed her teeth, put on her giraffe-patterned pyjamas and went to switch off her bedroom light. As she walked past her desk, she glanced at the calendar pinned up on her noticeboard and sighed.

  “What’s wrong, Zoe?” chattered Meep.

  “There are only two days left until the Halloween Spooktacular, Meep,” she said. “And I still don’t have a costume idea…” Suddenly Zoe’s eyes lit up. “Hang on.

  Maybe I do! Meep, I could dress up as a wolf, like Shadow!”

  “That’s a great idea,” Meep replied. “Then maybe next year you can go as a mouse lemur!”

  They both giggled. “Maybe!” said Zoe. “But for now I bet Shadow would love it if I dressed up like him! We can ask him when we go back to play again tomorrow.”

  “I’m not sure I want to play with Shadow, Zoe,” admitted Meep. “I like him a lot, but he is a bit wild! He popped his new ball, and I nearly got squashed when he was chasing me earlier! I think I’m too little for games like that,” he said, his eyes wide.


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