His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4)

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His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4) Page 10

by Anya Summers

  Cole swung up in the saddle behind her and adjusted his body until they were snug against one another. Mia was practically on his lap, the backs of her thighs and calves pressed against his legs. At the solid feel of his chest against her back, she bit back a sigh. She had never been so attuned to another human in her life. The scent of horse and man surrounded her.

  Her body responded to his nearness. Her nipples ached. The vee between her thighs was wet and her sex pulsed. She wanted his hands on her, everywhere.

  His muscled arms slid around her waist and his hands grasped the reins. In this position, his hands were between her legs. They rested on the pommel so close to her pussy, all she had to do would be to rock her hips forward half an inch and they would be rubbing her plump folds through her jeans. Her breath caught, wondering, hoping he would make contact and take the decision out of her hands. But then he moved his knees and Oreo ambled forward.

  “What were you doing out here alone, city girl?” Cole asked. His baritone made goosebumps break out on her skin.

  “Just taking a walk.”

  “I haven’t seen you around much,” he murmured.

  She shifted slightly. She could feel every flex of muscle, every shift in his powerful form as he commanded the horse up the trail. And it was turning her insides into a melted marshmallow. Like there was an internal forge and his every movement caused the bellows to blow against the fire, expanding the heat.

  “I’ve been busy—writing,” she explained, and winced at how husky her voice sounded.

  “I thought you said that you weren’t doing much writing lately.”

  “Because I hadn’t been. I came to the resort because I needed a breather, because what little bit of writing I had been doing was crap.”

  “It couldn’t have been that bad,” he replied, and the deep vibrations of his voice curled in her chest.

  “It was. I acknowledge it. But you were right, I think,” she admitted, rather chagrined as she did so, all while trying to keep her body from going up in flames.

  “About what?” he asked, and she could practically hear the grin spreading over his face.

  “Getting back to nature being some of the best medicine. It’s why I went for a walk today,” she said. And it hit her that Cole had a way of making her drop her guard around him. That she found him easy to talk to because he actually listened.

  “Well, I’m glad this place is rubbing off on you and doing you some good, city girl,” he said quietly, so quietly, she had to lean into him. “I see it. Big son of a bitch too.” He whistled and Oreo came to a halt. The stallion snorted with impatience. “Easy, boy. We’re going to take an off-road trip around him.

  “Mia, I want you to hold onto the pommel there for me. We’re going to circle around the snake,” Cole said. She gripped the pommel as he steered them into the tall grass. He and Oreo moved together.

  “Um, Cole, couldn’t there be more snakes in the grass?” she asked, looking through the dense tall grass, searching for danger.

  “Most likely. But with any luck we’ll avoid them. And hopefully the vibrations of the hooves will send them scurrying away,” he replied calmly, like they were just taking a stroll through a park and had nothing to worry about. She only wished that were true. Because the more she was with him, the more she found herself leaning into his strength, and wanting him—and not just for the night, either.

  They encountered no problems as they passed through the grass, cutting a wide berth around the rattlesnake sunning himself on the path.

  Cole maneuvered them back onto the trail. His stallion trotted forward without missing a beat. After a few minutes, when Cole didn’t stop Oreo and put her back onto her own two feet, Mia said, “Thank you for your help but I think you can put me down now. I can make it back to my cabin.”

  “I plan on seeing you up to the main lodge, so you may as well settle in. I’d rather not have to come back to rescue you.”

  “Why? Have a hot date?” she asked jokingly.

  “Something like that,” he murmured.

  Her heart plummeted. So he was seeing someone. That explained why he kept pushing her away, why he’d shocked her with his defense about being a Dominant. It explained why he had turned her down. The news that he was seeing someone wasn’t what she wanted to hear. But at least it mollified her somewhat.

  Then her stomach decided to growl, rather loudly. Cole chuckled. Even his laugh was sexy, dammit, and made her want to rub against him like a cat in heat. It wasn’t fair that he was already spoken for.

  “You should fix that when we get back,” he murmured.

  “I’m going to the restaurant for dinner as soon as I get back.”

  “Then that’s where I’ll drop you off.”

  They emerged from the trail near a set of cabins. It reminded Mia of her first day there. Had it really been no more than a week ago that she’d almost flattened these two with her car?

  If someone had told her a week ago she’d be riding with the sexy surly cowboy on his horse, she’d have thought they were crazy. They trotted up near the external entrance of the restaurant. Cole brought Oreo to a halt. The door to the restaurant opened and a couple emerged. The man was handsome, like Cole. But the cowboy, in his denim and flannel, with a Stetson crowning his head, was clean cut. The small tufts of hair visible beneath the brim of his hat were a light caramel brown, but the structure of his face was familiar. The woman at his side was ravishing. A foot shorter, her vibrant red hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she had on an ivory chef’s apron. The gentleman’s arm was possessively around her waist.

  “Was wondering if you were going to make it back in time,” the man said. His gaze roamed over Mia and Cole atop the stallion.

  Cole swung down from his saddle and gave the guy a frosty glare. “Of course I’m back. You know I never miss poker night. Not if I can help it,” he retorted.

  Poker night? So he didn’t have a hot date like he’d led her to believe? The jerk.

  “Good, that way I can earn back what I lost last time,” the man quipped with a smirk.

  But Cole ignored him, swiveling on his heel and reaching up for Mia.

  “Poker night?” she asked as she set her hands on his shoulders and his hands clasped her waist. He lifted her out of the saddle and held on until he was certain that her legs would hold her upright. After her last fiasco, she didn’t blame him. But she caught the hint of a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth that he tried to hide.

  “And where are my manners? I’m Mason, Cole’s brother, and this is my fiancée, Emily. We didn’t realize Cole had company on his ride today.” Mason held out a hand toward her.

  Cole rolled his eyes. “This is Miss Evans, the guest from cabin D. She was waylaid on the trail by a rattler and I helped get her back here safely.”

  Mia shook Mason’s hand. And then his fiancée said, “My future brother-in-law, rescuing damsels in distress, what more can a girl ask for?”

  Cole snorted. “Can it, you two. Emily, Mia needs to eat, if you wouldn’t mind taking care of her—on me.”

  “Certainly. You two have fun at Carter’s. Tell Jenna I’ll be by this week like we discussed,” Emily said, then directed her kind gaze Mia’s way. “Come on. You must be famished. And I know just the thing after a long hike.”

  Mia nodded and turned to Cole. “Thank you for coming along when you did.”

  “Any time, city girl,” he murmured, his dark gaze simmering.

  Mia blushed and followed Emily inside the Elkhorn restaurant, but only after Emily kissed Mason, a few times, before leaving him with a don’t stay out too late cause you know I got another delivery look.

  Seeing Mason’s scorching glance at Emily, Mia guessed it was likely something for the bedroom. But there was a longing inside her as she watched the couple. What would it feel like to have a man look at her that way, with such heat and devotion?

  She watched the brothers banter back and forth. They looked alike; the
shape of the jaw, the proud nose and forehead. Cole was perhaps an inch shorter but even their builds were similar. There was a closeness and familial ease between them. Cole gave Mason the finger before he swung himself up onto Oreo’s back and rode off.

  At least he was going to poker night and not on a hot date. Because of their audience, Mia had not had the chance to ask him why he’d done that, made her believe that he was seeing someone else.

  Chapter 11

  Cole rode Oreo down to the stables. He could still smell Mia; the peaches and cream scent that hovered around her. During their unexpected ride, it had taken every ounce of control he possessed not to give in to the desire pounding in his veins. At the feel of the plump globes of her succulent butt pressed against his crotch, he had damn near come in his jeans like an unschooled teen.

  She was this forbidden fruit that he craved a taste of and was beginning to become obsessed with. It wasn’t lost on him how her body had fit against him. That they fit together.

  He had to stop thinking about her, he told himself. Which seemed to have the opposite effect on his body. He didn’t want to admit how many fantasies he’d entertained this past week with her in the starring role.

  When he reached the stables, he dismounted from the saddle, and led Oreo into the paddock and stable beyond.

  In Oreo’s stall he removed the horse’s harness, saddle and blanket, then gave his coat a good brushing. Oreo loved getting rubbed down after a trail ride. But Cole used the opportunity to check him over as well, make sure that he’d not injured himself in any way while they’d been riding.

  By the time he’d finished, Oreo was head butting him in the chest.

  “All right, you rascal. I know you want your dinner,” Cole chided him with a pat on his flank.

  Cole added an extra scoop of oats to Oreo’s feed—since he’d had the extra weight on the tail end of their ride today, he could use it. Once he was satisfied that the horse was bedded down for the night, he left Oreo in his stall and hoofed it home. He’d most likely be late for poker tonight, but there was nothing he could do about it. The extra time it had taken to help Mia had set his schedule back but it couldn’t be helped. There was no way he could have let her go off by herself on the trail. He was just glad he’d come along when he had. Cole knew all too well how dangerous it could be. And the thought of Mia being injured and alone on the trail made his heart stutter.

  Once home, he headed upstairs to his room that was at the opposite end of the hall from Mason’s. Since Emily moved in, she’d added feminine touches like vases full of wildflowers and bowls with potpourri around the house. They were nice, homey touches. And she tended to rule the kitchen with a bit of an iron fist—not that Cole minded at all. Although, he had started to watch the number of biscuits he consumed every morning when his belt started feeling too tight.

  His room was more utilitarian than anything else, with a large king bed, dresser and nightstands. He walked into the attached bathroom, tugging his clothes off. He was still semi hard from feeling Mia against him. Ignoring the lust chugging in his system, he took a quick shower, washing off all the dust from the ride. Instead of drying his hair, he pulled it back at his nape with a small band and then dressed, certain Mason was chomping at the bit to leave.

  Cole ambled downstairs and found both Alex and Mason waiting for him.

  “Dude! Took you long enough,” Alex said. Alex Hunt was one of his best friends, but there were days when the guy got on his nerves. He had gotten some sun recently and the tan on his face nearly matched his thick ginger head of hair.

  “Don’t mind him, Alex, he’s always had to preen in front of the mirror,” Mason teased.

  “If you fuckers are ready, let’s go,” Cole said, moving past them both toward the front door. He planned to relieve these knuckleheads of their hard-earned cash.

  “Oh, don’t get your boxers in a twist,” Mason said as he and Alex followed him out the door. They took Mason’s truck, mainly because they took turns on who got to be the designated driver and tonight it was Mason.

  “Feeling any better, Alex?” Cole asked. “I hope like hell you are.”

  “Yeah. I stayed away on Friday just as a precaution. But I’m feeling loads better and hungry as a damn bear.”

  “Well, Jenna always makes sure we have a lot to eat,” Mason said.

  “And did Emily send anything along?” Alex asked.

  “Not this time,” Mason said. Then he glanced in Cole’s direction. “You and Mia Evans looked quite cozy together on Oreo.”

  “Can it,” Cole snapped. He sure as shit didn’t want to talk about Mia tonight. What he wanted was to drink and play poker with his buddies. He’d gone to the club last night with the intent of finding a sub to play with, only to head home after a single drink because every woman he found was lacking—because she wasn’t what he wanted. Or rather who he wanted.

  “What’s this? Cole, you never told me you were seeing someone,” Alex said.

  “I’m not. She’s a guest. Mia’s nice, we were out on a fishing trip this week, and when you were sick on Friday, I took her on a trail ride. That’s it.”

  “Not what it looked like to me. And when was the last time you had anyone up on Oreo with you?” Mason said.

  “Dude, there was a rattlesnake on the trail. Big bastard too. She was thinking of following the trail around in the other direction. I couldn’t leave her out there like that. It’d be bad form to lose a guest that way,” Cole replied, gritting his teeth at the inquisition. He wasn’t going to mention how electrified he’d felt having her sweet body flush against his, or the pleasure that had perversely spread through him at her obvious disappointment when he hadn’t corrected her hot date statement. It had been cruel on his part, but she’d been jealous of a possible date. Cole had enjoyed the way she’d stiffened against him, showing her displeasure and jealousy. It had made him feel better to know that she was as affected by their connection as he.

  “You keep telling yourself that,” Mason said with a grin on his face that Cole would like to smother. “I remember not too long ago, I was telling myself the same thing. Those who protest the most usually fall the hardest.”

  Cole’s entire being tightened and he glowered defensively. “I’m not falling for her. I haven’t even slept with her—”

  Mason laughed. “Ah, but you want to. I can hear it in your voice. Can’t you, Alex?”

  “Yep, he’s got it bad,” Alex added, a teasing light in his voice. “Too bad I missed the spectacle. I can’t remember Cole being so defensive over a woman before.”

  “That’s because it hasn’t happened for a long time.” Mason shot Cole a look. “Dude, your life didn’t end. Lana would have wanted you to be happy. And if you have a thing for this Mia Evans, I say fucking go for it and stop acting like a monk.”

  “I never said it did. And I know what Lana would have wanted for me. Nor am I a monk. I’m at the club nearly every week.”

  “Not lately,” Mason said.

  “Jesus, stop being so concerned about my sex life,” Cole bit out.

  “Wait, did you say Mia Evans?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah, why?” Cole asked, glancing at Alex in the rear-view mirror.

  “Don’t you know who that is?” Alex said. Excitement laced his voice and he looked like a kid about to be set loose in a candy store.

  “She’s a nice lady from Chicago who is staying at the resort for the next month,” Cole replied.

  “Seriously you two, we need to work on your pop culture references. Mia Evans is a big time author. She had her books turned into the television series Union Pacific,” Alex explained.

  Cole shrugged. “She said she was a writer, but I’ve never heard of her.”

  “That’s because you spend most nights in your cabin these days,” Mason said. “It’s a good show. Emily and I have been watching it religiously. But I hadn’t made the connection.”

  “So? What does this have to do with me? Or my sex life?” C
ole said.

  Alex said, “It means she’s a big deal. She’s done the whole Hollywood thing, was an esteemed professor of history. Although I heard she left Northwestern a while back. Around the same time as her aunt died.”

  “And she’s probably not likely to stay. Maybe I shouldn’t push you in that direction. You need a woman who’s here,” Mason added.

  “Lay off, will you? Even if I was interested, Mia’s as vanilla as they come.”

  “So was Emily when we first met, and she’s become quite the submissive. People do change, Cole. And if Mia is someone who interests you enough to even consider her preferences, you might want to consider taking her for a spin,” Mason said as he pulled onto Carter’s land and drove toward the house.

  “We don’t sleep with guests. It’s bad form, and one of the cardinal rules we established when we started the lodge.”

  “Such a stickler for rules. We don’t sleep with employees, either, but in the end it worked out rather well for me. Not a day has passed that I’m not glad I took a chance with Emily. She’s the best damn thing that ever happened to me. Look, all I’m saying is you haven’t been happy for a while, and if being with Mia brings a little happiness your way, then go for it. The two of you don’t necessarily have to be forever. Maybe you just need a for right now,” Mason said, cutting the truck’s engine and opening his door.

  Carter’s house was lit up. The wooden showplace glowed golden in the darkening night. From the looks of it Spencer, Jackson, and Garrett were already present.


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