Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 21

by Anthology

  Jacqui knew her mouth had fallen open and she was doing her best goldfish impressions, but she couldn’t have heard her right.

  “Your what? You’re kidding, right? This is all one big elaborate joke to…”

  Her voice trailed off, when her friend sobered, sat down next to her on the settee, and took her hand in hers.

  “No joke. I would never joke about something that is such an important part of my life.” At her strangled groan, Lauren winced. “Sorry, maybe I misjudged my timing, but you’ve been loving the books I recommended, and you never hit it off with the vanilla guys, so I just thought—”

  “You what?”

  Her friend startled at Jacqui’s interrupting screech. She yanked her hand out of Lauren’s, jumped to her feet, and started pacing up and down the long length of the plush living room that made up her temporary home. Not that she was in the right frame of mind to appreciate the luxury surrounding her right now. She was too caught up in the conflicting emotions battering her insides at this moment in time.

  “Jacqui, look, I’m sorry, I—”

  She blanched when Jacqui stopped her rapid pacing, and hand on her hips stood in front of the other woman, simply glaring at her.

  “You’re sorry. And that makes it all right, I suppose? I thought you were my friend. I told you things that I never told anyone, and all this time you were what? Setting me up for what purpose? To sink to my knees and go ‘Yes, Sir, No, Sir, three bags bloody full, Sir?’ That’s never gonna happen. I’m not a bloody doormat, you know, and—”

  It was her turn to blanch when Lauren made a disgusted sound at the back of her throat. She rose from the settee with a fluid grace that Jacqui could only admire, especially with those killer heels on her feet. They meant that the other woman towered over her, and Jacqui swallowed nervously when her friend glared down on her.

  “Have you quite finished, Jacqui Page?” Lauren’s voice could have cut glass with its icy disdain, and Jacqui couldn’t hold her gaze. Guilt at her outburst pricked her conscience, and she was also more confused than ever. This, right, here, was Lauren in full office manager mode, and the reason her friend had recently been promoted. No one messed with her when she was in this mood. It was yet one more reason why she couldn’t reconcile the news that her friend had a Master.

  “I realize this must have come as something of a shock, and is why I didn’t tell you about my kinky side before, but, surely, it can’t be that much of a surprise after what you’ve been reading. And that doormat comment is beneath you. That’s just twatwaffle stereotyping nonsense, as you well know. Being submissive does not mean you’re ever a doormat. I chose to give my Master my submission, because…well, because it is incredibly freeing to give up control to him within the dynamic of our relationship, and quite frankly, I need to. When I’ve had a day of running at full steam and dealing with all the shite life throws at us on a daily basis, having him help me out of my head…I can’t even begin to describe that feeling.”

  She lost some of her annoyed stance as she spoke, her eyes taking on a dreamy faraway look that made a sliver of envy grasp hold in Jacqui’s psyche. She’d always assumed that the books she liked to read had embellished that part, but seeing her friend now, hearing the reverence in her voice, gave Jacqui pause for thought.

  It also made her heart beat faster, and those yearning niggles she was always left with after she’d finished a particularly good story took hold with breathtaking intensity.

  “Right, so why all the blind dates with the boring guys from hell then?” she finally asked.

  Lauren shrugged her shoulders and grinned at her. Just like that her annoyance fled and her mischievous friend was back. “Well, I had to be sure I wasn’t reading you wrong. Besides, nothing like some dates with vanilla guys to make you realize what you really want.” She gave an exaggerated shudder, which made Jacqui laugh.

  “They weren’t that bad, you know. Just…”

  Lauren gave her a pointed look and nodded her head.

  “Exactly…just…boring. Hence for your birthday, I’m going to introduce you to some Doms that are definitively not boring.”

  The way she grinned at her gave Jacqui renewed palpitations. She hadn’t realized her mouth had fallen open until Lauren shut it for her with her index finger under her chin.

  “Please, not another blind date.”

  “Of course not, silly. No Dom worth his salt would go for that. No, you, my lovely, are coming to the club with me. It’s newbie night, as it were, and I’ve put your name down and Sir agreed to sponsor you, so we’re all good, or at least we will be, once you’ve lost that God awful onesie.”

  “It’s not awful, it’s comfortable, and what on Earth does one wear to a club anyway? And come to think of it, if we’re going to a club, then why are you dressed for the office? That makes no sense.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest to hide her trembling fingers, Jacqui did her best to glare at her impossible friend. She ought to be furious with her, but, in truth, the mere thought of going to a club, at seeing firsthand what she’d been secretively fantasizing over for a long time now, meant her knickers were growing damp, her breathing sped up, and she was hard pushed not to let her excitement show. Not that she would have to fear ridicule from Lauren. Not unlike that last so called boyfriend she’d had who called her a freak for asking him to spank her. No, Lauren here had her own Master, for pity’s sake, and no doubt a spanking was tame compared to whatever her friend got up to in her spare time.

  Her next words confirmed that and conjured up all sorts of interesting scenarios in her head.

  “Sir has asked me to dress like this. As for you…Well, you could wear that, I suppose. There’s at least one Dom that I know of who would find that get up a huge turn on, but I don’t think you’re quite ready for him yet.” She giggled when she took in what was no doubt Jacqui’s renewed goldfish impression. “Lucky for you I brought your outfit with me.” She pulled out a purple and black corset, which was stunning in its simplicity, even if the see through panels made Jacqui’s cheeks heat in embarrassment. Next came an itty bitty little black skirt which would barely cover her ass cheeks, hold up sheer stockings and mercifully evening sandals with a much more reasonable heel than the ones Lauren was wearing. They were still much higher than Jacqui’s usual choice of foot wear.

  “I know, I know, you don’t do heels, but trust me. You and those babies”—she gestured toward Jacqui’s boobs—“in this corset, and with those killer legs of yours out, there won’t be one Dom in that place who won’t want a piece of your ass.”

  She grinned at Jacqui’s sharp indrawn breath.

  “Has it occurred to you that I might not want every Dom in that place to notice me?”

  Lauren waved a hand in the air, and taking her by the shoulders steered her toward the bathroom.

  “Poppycock, of course you do. You don’t have to take them up on their offer, but you do want them to offer, trust me, and don’t worry, Sir will help you through it. I’m pretty sure he’s got someone in mind to show you around, already, and he is yummy, I tell you.”

  She wasn’t at all sure she liked the sound of that, but Lauren was an unstoppable force when she got a bee in her bonnet, so with a sigh, Jacqui simply gave up.

  “Fine, have it your way. I’m going, I’m going.”


  An hour and a half later, Jacqui took in the hulking bouncer who stood outside the door to the non-descript industrial looking unit the club appeared to be situated in, and wished with all her might that she could take her acceptance back. However, Lauren was like a determined bulldog, and having paid off the taxi driver, all but dragged her out of the vehicle, and into the crowded car park.

  The place might not be obvious in advertising what it was, but it was clearly popular, and that gave her renewed palpitations, while she tried to yank her nonexistent skirt down her legs. Even though she was covered in the long coat Lauren had mercifully produced, she felt exposed in the
hardly there clothing. Not least because she had also insisted Jacqui wear a tiny see-through scrap of lace thong that was currently masquerading as her underwear.

  “I’m not wearing that. It barely covers anything.”

  Lauren had laughed at her, and winked.

  “Fine, don’t wear it then. Lord knows, I’m not wearing any underwear, but I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  To Jacqui’s horror, she’d shoved that teeny piece of material at her.

  “It’s this or nothing. Your choice, babe. No granny knickers allowed at the club.”

  Giving into the inevitable, she had opted to wear the silly excuse for underwear. It was better than nothing, after all. She now followed Lauren’s lead as gracefully as she could, while trying not to flash her whereforalls at either the smirking taxi driver, or the imposing bouncer type, who pushed away from the wall, and smiled at her friend.

  “You’re late, girl.” The deep rumble held a hint of amusement, and Lauren’s hold on her arm grew painful, as she tugged her along faster. Teetering on the heels she wasn’t used to wearing, Jacqui suppressed another groan as a gust of wind blew open her coat, and bouncer type whistled through his teeth.

  Heat rose in her cheeks when she caught the slow appraisal he gave her scantily clad body, before she hastily yanked the coat shut around her. This time he didn’t even try to hide his amusement as he pushed the heavy door open and gestured for them to step through.

  “Best get on with it subbies. Master Jake has been looking for you, Lauren. I reckon someone has earned herself a nice red ass already.”

  As if to prove his point, he slapped Lauren’s behind on the way through, and his smirk deepened at her murmured response.

  “Oh, I do hope so.”

  He winked at Jacqui as she followed her friend, and mindful of what this man had just done to Lauren, she tried for her best try that with me and you’re dead stare. One she failed at miserably when he raised an eyebrow and stuck his arms out, effectively trapping her against the steel door. With his over bearing muscle mass, and dressed all in black as he was, he made a formidable presence, and Jacqui managed nothing more than a squeak when he dipped his head to her level.

  “Sir, she’s new, you can’t…”

  Whatever Lauren was going to say, was drowned out by the sounds of heavy bass music playing as a door opened, and another male rumble filled the foyer they seemed to be standing in.

  “Lance let her go. My sub’s friend is under my protection tonight, and she can’t possibly have done anything yet to warrant that behavior. Besides, newbies are off limits, you know that.”

  Jacqui swallowed nervously the fraction of a heart beat it took for this Lance to lift his hands off the door, and step away from her.

  “Have fun, and perchance once you’ve looked around, and if it’s okay with your protector here, you and I can have some fun.”

  He smiled at her, showing an even set of teeth, and Jacqui wanted the ground to swallow her whole at the definite male interest she saw in this man’s eyes. In any other circumstances she would have been flattered. Right here and now, however, and completely out of her depth, the thought of doing anything with this man made her want to find the nearest mouse hole to hide in. Lance looked far too much of anything to her.

  Before she could as much as utter a squeak of protest, the man she assumed to be Lauren’s Master intervened.

  “That will be entirely up to Jacqui, but I already have someone in mind for her, who would suit her perfectly, I believe.”

  Dismissing the other man with a wave of his large, perfectly manicured hand, he held that same appendage out to her, and remembering her manners she took it. Instead of shaking it, like she had been expecting him to, he lifted it to his mouth and dropped a kiss on the back of it. The action made her breath hitch, and when he straightened back up and studied her, she lost herself in the quiet intensity of his grey-blue eyes. She also instantly felt at ease, when he smiled. Laughter lines crinkled up the corners of his eyes, and made him look years younger than his greying hair and the deep grooves running from his nose to his full mouth suggested him to be. Her befuddled brain couldn’t quite work out how old this man must be. Mid-forties, maybe older, not that it mattered, because he was Lauren’s as confirmed by his next words.

  “Jake Hanston at your service, my dear. I must say my sub’s description of you has not done you justice. Welcome to the Club.” He tightened his hold on her hand when she tried to pull away, and Jacqui threw a worried glance toward Lauren.

  She hadn’t said a word since Jake’s arrival. On her knees, hands clasped behind her back, head down, she seemed engrossed in the study of the floorboards that made up this foyer. Her stillness, not to mention her position on the floor, was so unlike the exuberant Lauren that Jacqui couldn’t help but stare. A slight tug to her hand wrenched her attention back to Jake.

  “I will deal with my sub in a minute. There are some rules and regulations you need to know about, and some paperwork for you to sign at the desk. Mimi will guide you through them.”

  He released her with a smile and belatedly she noticed the table and chairs located to the side, and the almost naked submissive who was smiling up at her expectantly. Judging by the low chuckle coming from Jake, her astonishment at seeing the other woman’s obvious ease at being practically naked in front of strangers was written all over her face, especially when this Mimi rose and held out her hand.

  “If you’ll give me your coat, I’ll be sure to stow it away in the lockers, together with Lauren’s, if that is all right with you, Master Jake?”

  She looked toward Jake—Master Jake, Jacqui silently amended that in her head—for there was no doubt even in her limited experience that he was anything but. The man simply oozed dominance, never more so than when he walked toward Lauren, and yanking her up to standing by the d-ring in her collar, kissed her.

  A whimper escaped the woman, as he fisted his other hand in her hair, and took the kiss deeper. By the time Master Jake finally wrenched his mouth off of her friend’s kiss swollen lips that damn scrap of lace covering her pussy was soaked through with Jacqui’s arousal. That no doubt made her a right pervert, but that kiss had been fucking hot to witness, as was Master Jake’s growled statement.

  “You were late.”

  Lauren visibly flinched as he tightened his hold in her hair, while tipping her head up until her friend had no choice but to look at him and Jacqui was shocked to see the sheen of tears in Lauren’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” She would have missed that whispered reply had she not been paying such close attention, and at the same time, she felt oddly like an intruder. Mimi seemed to have similar thoughts, because she shook her head at Jacqui and waved her over to the desk.

  “Let’s give them some space. You need to fill these in anyway.”

  Reluctantly, Jacqui followed, but not before she noticed the tender expression on Master Jake’s face as he pulled her friend in for a hug.

  “I was worried, pet.”

  Biting her lip, and marveling at the sudden stab of jealousy that assaulted her insides from nowhere, she dragged her gaze away, just in time to see Master Jake help Lauren out of her coat. He handed it to Mimi, without once taking his eyes off his sub, and Lauren resumed her position on the floor in front of her Master. Heat rose in Jacqui’s face when her friend nuzzled into what now was a sizeable erection tenting Master Jake’s trousers, and she turned her back before she saw anymore. Her hearing worked just fine, and neither Lauren nor her Master restrained their vocal responses in what was clearly her friend giving head.

  Mimi just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, Lauren’s coat now over her arm, as though these were every day happenings around here, which clearly they were.

  Hello, Jacqui, get a grip. You’re in a sex club.

  Forcing a smile on her lips for a bemused looking Mimi, and trying her best to tune out the noise effects behind her, she too shrugged out of her coat, and handed it to Mimi.
As self-conscious as she felt in her outfit, she was positively overdressed compared to Mimi. While she wore a long dress, it was so sheer that it was completely see through, and the other woman was stark naked underneath. When she bent over to stow the coats in the bottom of one of the lockers that took up the entire wall on that side of the foyer, Jacqui got a clear view of Mimi’s shaven pussy, and the twinkling butt plug decorating her ass hole. It made her own butt tingle, as Master Jake got noisier in his praising of Lauren’s efforts, not to mention the wet sounds that accompanied his smoky voice. The whole atmosphere meant that her excuse of a thong gave up all pretenses of trying to hold in her arousal, and, gingerly sitting down, Jacqui observed with somewhat grim amusement that she would probably leave a wet spot on the blasted chair.

  When she noticed the antibacterial wipes perched on top Mimi’s desk, she almost gave into the sudden need to erupt into laughter. It was only the certain knowledge that once she started, she probably wouldn’t be able to stop, and no doubt her amusement would turn into hysterics that stopped her from giving into that urge. The wad of paper work Mimi shoved under her nose also helped.

  “We have all of your medical details, already, you just need to read through and sign them. These are the rules of conduct. You need to sign here to say that you’re Master Jake’s ward, and any dominant wishing to play, will have to clear it with him first. This is for you to wear on your wrist.” She shoved a white wrist band at her, and judging Jacqui’s questioning look at the little pile of other color choices available correctly, she smiled.

  “White means you’re new and under the care of a Dom. Purple means you’re new, but willing to play. Black means you’re owned and only scening with your owner, red means that you’re a pain slut, green that you’re open to be approached willing to try most things, and so on.”

  “Right.” Jacqui’s head was starting to throb with that information overload and she was also seriously starting to wonder at Master Jake’s stamina. In her admittedly limited experience, men never lasted that long when given a blow job. Then again, he wasn’t just any man, now was he?


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