Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 29

by Anthology

  “Your wedding, that’s what’s going on, silly. If Lauren won’t go to the registry office then the wedding will have to come to the club and all that.”

  Lauren’s mouth opened and shut, and Jacqui rather enjoyed seeing her exuberant friend speechless for one.

  Having handed her over to her future husband, Jacqui took her place by her Sir’s side.

  “Happy Birthday, my sweet little dove.” Lukas’s whisper in her ear made her smile and lean into him. “Don’t let him know I told you, but Jake was beside himself with worry. Please tell me you won’t make it this difficult to get you down the altar, when our time comes, sweetheart.” He pinched her butt, when Jacqui made a big show of seeming to think this over.

  She giggled as he raised an eyebrow. “Is that your way of asking me to marry you, Sir?” she asked.

  Lukas sobered and an army of butterflies took up residence in her belly until she thought she might burst from sheer happiness.

  “What if it was?”

  “Well, if it was I think you’ll have to do better, Sir.”

  Lukas threw his head back and laughed, earning himself a stern glance from the registrar and an amused look from Jake.

  Leaning in closer he bit her earlobe and whispered the words she would never grow tired of hearing. “You, minx, are incorrigible. Just as well I love you.”

  “And I love you, Sir.”

  The End

  About Doris O’Connor

  Doris is a writer of sensual, sassy, and sexy tales involving alpha heroes to die for, and heroines who give as good as they get. From contemporary to paranormal, Time travel, Sci-fi, BDSM, F/F, M/M, and Ménage, haunting love stories are guaranteed.

  Happily married for the last twenty-five years, she lives with her husband and their brood of nine in a far too small house filled with love, laughter, and chaos.

  For all titles by Doris O'Connor, please visit her on any major retailer.

  Submitting to Temptation

  Hot in the City Book 4

  Jan Graham

  Book Description

  Accepting a position at her brother’s law firm seemed like a great way for Susan to get back on her feet after a nasty divorce. That was until she met junior partner, Blake Daniels, a man who personifies everything Susan ran away from when she left the BDSM scene years ago—Dominance.

  Blake is a patient man, and it’s a good thing he is because waiting for Susan Dean is driving him to distraction. Susan is a submissive, he’s sure of it, but getting her to admit that fact is harder than he envisaged. When Blake decides it’s time to make his move, Susan has no option but to admit her true nature and submit to his tempting ways.


  Why am I here?

  It was the same question Susan had been asking herself periodically for the last two hours. She hadn’t ventured anywhere, staying close to the bar and the perceived safety of being within calling distance of the only man she knew at Rubens tonight. Her friend’s partner currently tended the bar, pouring drinks for the myriad of club goers.

  “Another drink Susan?” Justin asked during a lull in proceedings.

  “No, I think I might head home.”

  “That’s the same answer you gave me before I poured you the last glass of wine.” He stated with a smile. “Besides one more might give you the courage to get out on the dance floor and meet someone.” Justin grinned.

  His contagious smile garnered a similar reaction from her.

  “That’s the same answer you gave me last time. And let me tell you if a third drink doesn’t work I am going home.” Justin laughed as he poured another glass of white wine and handed it to her.

  Her sister-in-law was right. This definitely was a lively club. Just as Trudy explained, there were lots of women, and younger men, lots of dancing─ some of which definitely fell into the dirty category─ and free drinks. It was the perfect place for a single thirty-five-year-old woman to socialize. Except the women here weren’t like her. They were happy, confident, looking for their perfect match. Susan wasn’t looking for anything. She’d only agreed to come to Ruben’s nightclub because she was sick of hearing her brother, John and his wife, Trudy, telling her she should be out having fun, rebuilding her life.

  Moving on with life, what a joke.

  Susan wasn’t moving on because she had no idea how or where to move on to.

  “You know; bartenders have magical skills when it comes to fixing what ails a person. So tell me what’s stopping you from getting on the dance floor and mingling, I’ll offer some sound advice and then you can go and happily dance the night away.” Justin eyed her intently as he wiped tiny puddles of melted ice from the top of the bar. Clearly he expected her reply to be more interesting than the droplets before him.

  “I don’t need you to tell me what’s wrong. I already know the answer.” Susan feigned a smile. “I’m not ready to do this and I don’t think I ever will be.”

  Suddenly a thrill of excitement ran down Susan’s spine at the sound of a man’s deep resonant voice.

  “That’s a shame, because I think you look more than ready to mingle, with the right man of course.”

  Talk about tall, dark and handsome.

  The man who seated himself next to her at the bar was the epitome of all three, and that was just from a sideways glance. Throw that rich dulcet voice into the mix and you had a man that could make a woman go weak at the knees. Luckily Susan was sitting down, so melting to the floor before him wasn’t a likely scenario. She took a large gulp of wine and tried to think of a reply.

  “Really, and I suppose…” Her voice stalled as she met the intense gaze of the deepest brown eyes she’d ever seen.

  “Yes. I do think I’m the right man.” The hint of a smile that edged his lips and the way his stare casually roamed over her body caused her face to fill with unwanted heat.

  She glanced down, following his gaze, which appeared to be currently centered on her breasts. Great, the prickly heated blush that undoubtedly filled her hot face was now creeping down her chest. She stared at the reddened skin leading down to her pushed up cleavage that peaked out over the snugly fitted bodice of the top. If it got any darker, added with her blonde hair and light eyebrows, she should be looking like one of Willy Wonka’s Oompa Loompa’s any minute now. And why was her chest heaving up and down like that? Oh that’s right, because he was looking at her like she was his favorite meal and he was getting ready to devour her. His gaze lowered.

  Susan quickly adjusted the skirt that had somehow moved up above her knee. The question of why she’d borrowed one of her friend’s outfits screamed through her head. She should never have let her friend convince her she looked nice. She didn’t.

  You obviously look like some kind of—Oh God, what am I doing here?

  Susan reached for her wine, only to swipe the glass, sending it toppling sideways. There’d be no fortifying gulp of alcohol to calm her nerves and still the raging arousal flooding her body.

  “Justin.” She hoped her voice didn’t sound as panicked as she felt. Luckily Justin was already on his way over with a cloth to clean up the spill.

  “Could you call me a cab please I need to go home.” Even to her own ears she sounded completely flustered.

  “No need for a cab, I can drive you home.” Susan didn’t look at the man beside her, nor did she reply to his offer.

  The question of, what the hell am I doing here, did one more lap around her head before Justin came to her rescue, in a manner of speaking.

  “I see you’re using your usual dominant charm again tonight, Blake” Justin addressed the man next to her. “You’ve not only made Susan spill her drink but she seems scared to death. I suggest you buy her another wine and try to be more charismatic.”

  It wasn’t the rescue she had in mind. Justin was supposed to call in the cavalry, aka a taxi, not encourage the interaction to continue.

  “I don’t want one, another I mean…I just wan
t to go home.” Susan stated.

  “Don’t look so terrified, Susan. Let me introduce the two of you. Susan Dean, meet Blake Daniels, Blake this is Susan. He really is a nice bloke, and he knows your brother if that’s any consolation. So, if you choose to accept his offer then I’ll vouch for him. Blake will treat you right.” Justin winked at her before turning his attention to the next customer waiting for service.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Susan.” Blake lifted her hand to his lips and tenderly kissed her knuckles. “And the offer of a lift home is genuine. I promise to deliver you safely to your bed.”

  Oh God, just breathe, deep breaths in and out, Susan. That’s it. Her body flared with arousal, this wasn’t her. She didn’t react like this to men, well, not just any man.

  She smiled at Blake and nodded, not trusting her voice to betray the desire that filled her. At least she would get home safely if he was a friend of John’s. Justin wouldn’t let her go with Blake if he thought she’d be in danger. Since arriving back in Sydney, Trudy and her friends had become like mother hens, taking her under their wings, looking out for her. Likewise, the men they loved also watched out for her, which is how she knew Justin wouldn’t lead her astray.

  “Now, tell me truthfully, would you like another drink or should we head home?” Blake asked with a sexy smile.

  Considering she’d already made an idiot of herself by stammering like a fool, glowing like a beet and knocking over her drink, Susan figured Blake had seen the best of her and the offer of a lift was merely a gesture of kindness to save her further public humiliation. There was no way the cool and confident Mr. Daniels found her in the least bit attractive after all that.

  “No, home is good.” Her heart raced and she found it hard to think.

  Blake continued to hold her hand as he stood and helped her down from the bar stool. As he maneuvered her through the crowded club, then outside toward his car, she couldn’t escape his touch. His hands warmed wherever they touched, the small of her back, her shoulders, her arm. His actions were innocent, directing her to their ultimate destination. Her response was anything but— desire flared deep within her. His body remained close, as if he was guarding her from anyone else intruding into their personal space. By the time he deposited her in the passenger seat of his Mercedes, Susan was grateful for a reprieve from the onslaught of arousal that assaulted her.

  She watched as he walked in front of the car. His dark hair shone in the moonlight, the suit he wore didn’t hide his broad shoulders, or his narrow waist and hips. The top few buttons of his white shirt were undone, revealing smooth lightly tanned skin. He was definitely not the sort of man who should be looking at her the way he had in the club. If anything he should have a young, slim, sexy woman named Barbie hanging off his arm. Not a frumpy divorcée in snugly fitting and way too revealing, borrowed clothes sitting in his car.

  * * *

  Once Susan was in the car Blake allowed a groan of frustration to escape him as he walked around to the driver’s side. He never expected he’d be so hard so fast and all because of Susan Dean. He’d seen her before, not that she realized it. The night of her welcome home party at her brother’s. She’d appeared completely overwhelmed meeting so many new people that he’d chosen to avoid an introduction. Initially he was surprised at his instant attraction to her, an attraction that had grown steadily over the period of the night as he’d watched her move around the room and mingle.

  He had to admit the transformation between then and now was staggering. At the party she’d been covered in a flowing empire style dress. Tonight she wore a fitted top that showed a hint of cleavage, and skirt that accentuated her hips and flowed loose to just below the knee. The outfit was tasteful, not trashy, and it emphasized every alluring curve to perfection.

  At the party he’d made a decision. He wanted their first meeting to be memorable and tonight he was well on his way to achieving that goal.

  It didn’t take a genius to ascertain Susan’s attraction to him. Her flushed skin and shallow breaths in response to his touch indicated such. What he didn’t understand was the obvious nervousness toward him. He hoped it would ease over time and put it down to the fact she wasn’t ready to enter into any sort of relationship just yet. After all, the separation from her husband was a fairly recent thing. She’d need time to recover, to sort her feelings out. Blake was prepared to give her that, but he also wanted to leave her in no doubt that when she was ready to move forward he was interested in being the man she moved forward with.

  “It’s just over here on the right.” Susan indicated the driveway of her brother, John Dean’s home.

  Blake would save the discussion about him being a partner at her brother’s law firm for another time. When she walked into the office to start her new job at the firm next week would probably be a good timeframe. Surprise. Blake grinned, anticipating the look of revelation on her face once Susan realized she wouldn’t be able to avoid him. Tonight though, remained about making an impression she wouldn’t easily forget. As Susan rummaged through her purse, presumably looking for her house keys, he exited the car and walked around to open the passenger door. As he escorted her to the entry of her flat, located at the side of the Dean’s home, he resisted the urge to lower his hand from the small of her back onto her lushly rounded ass. She was definitely a woman who had a bottom designed for spanking and one fleshy enough to mark nicely with a few strikes of his cane.

  “Thank you for driving me home.” Susan spoke nervously as she fumbled to get the key into the lock. “I’m fine to take it from here.”

  Blake stood close behind her, intentionally crowding her toward the door. He reached his hand over her shoulder and placed it over hers, assisting her trembling hand to successfully slide the key into the lock. He then tightened his grip on her fingers, preventing her from turning the key. She braced her free hand on the frame of the door as he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her firmly against his body.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to tuck you into bed and kiss you goodnight, Susan?” He whispered the words into her ear and felt a shudder run through her body as he exhaled a slow stream of warm breath to caress her neck.

  Susan shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “I know, I heard you tell Justin at the club. You’re not ready.” Blake ran his hand upward over her midriff before cupping her breast. He felt the tightened bud of her nipple through the fabric, and pressed it into his palm as he gently squeezed her flesh.

  Her breathy moan encouraged him, as did her head falling back to rest on his shoulder, and her bottom pressing onto the erection beneath his trousers as she arched against him. He removed his hand from over hers and swiftly positioned it to cup her mound, pressing her skirt between her legs and pulling her harder against the stiffness between his legs. He pinched the peaked nipple beneath her clothing as she began to squirm against the hand between her legs.

  “Blake, why are you…” the low moan that rose from within her caused his cock to flinch with demand. He’d made his point.

  He moved both hands to rest firmly on her hips.

  “I want you to remember who I am, Susan.” He ensured the tone of his voice was firm because he wanted her to know that he expected her to comply with his demand. “When you’re ready, I expect you to come for me, do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Her breathless reply caused him to smile. As did the fact that she stood with her hands still braced against the door.

  “That’s my good girl.” The sharp slap he placed on her ass as he prepared to walk away, caused her to squeal and spin around. The arousal in her eyes spoke an undeniable truth. “Yes, you like that don’t you?”

  Susan didn’t need to say a word. He could see the answer written all over her horny body and her beautifully blushed face.


  Pens flew across the desk, coffee mugs trembled, and the files she carried launched skyward as Susan landed on her ass.

  Shit, damn and hell
… at least no-one could see her sitting on the floor, so she had time to regroup and hide the mortification she felt at her latest office-circus performance. She moved to her knees and peered over the lip of the tabletop. Six men stared down at her from their seated positions around the boardroom table. Their expressions varied between slight alarm and indifference, with one exception. Blake Daniels stared at her like he always did—curious amusement. If she’d know he worked here, was in fact a partner, she would never have accepted the offer of work at her brother’s law firm. Weeks later she still trembled with arousal every time she remembered their first meeting, and the way he’d touched her when he took her home.

  “Sorry about that, just give me a minute to gather the files up.” She ducked back down and started crawling around the floor trying to collect the assortment of far flung documents.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” Her brother, John asked from above.

  “Um, yes, I’m fine. I’m just having a clumsy day by the looks of it.” What else could she say? Everytime I’m within five feet of your heavenly looking junior partner I lose control of every bodily function except my bladder. That would go down a treat. Especially considering said heavenly lawyer was sitting in the room, and had already made her hornier in one brief encounter than she’d been throughout her whole married life. That was not something her brother needed to know about.

  She attempted to ignore the dark tailored pant covered legs that appeared, and the large strong hands that collected the files from the floor across from her. Her heart raced and she knew her face was flushed because of the heat radiating from it. She told herself it was an early onset peri-menopausal hot flush and not the fact that she could smell Blake’s divine aftershave as he drew closer to her.


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