Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion Page 47

by Anthology

  People milled around, greeting each other as old friends, or politely ignoring each other’s presence when they found them erotically engaged. She had been concerned that she was walking into a lawless environment, but everything worked like clockwork. Each person seemed intent on freeing themselves of their inhibitions in some way, and she found herself feeling less and less ashamed of her secret fantasies.

  An orgy of sorts filled and spilled out of the next massive bedroom. At least eighteen bodies were tangled in an erotic train of quivering limbs that sought only pleasure. There were women fucking men and other women alike, and she even saw one man giving another a blow job while his partner ate a bound and gagged female’s pussy. The idea of so many hands, mouths and bodies pleasuring each other was exquisitely erotic, and Marley’s G-string grew damp. She could easily envision herself joining in with the right group, but perhaps not in the middle of the hallway where everyone could see her.

  She continued on past the orgy room to a set of closed doors. A pair of bracelets dangled from the chrome door knob, and Marley frowned at them curiously.

  “The bracelets mean the room isn’t for viewing. Whoever is using it isn’t comfortable being watched,” a tall man walking by explained. “I would say seventy percent of the attendees have no shame or embarrassment about what they do, and actually get turned on by being watched, but there are a few who take it private when they’re ready to play. Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, but I saw the look on your face.”

  “It’s no problem, and thank you for explaining. I’m glad to know it’s not required to put on a show. I’m not sure I could do that yet,” she said honestly, giving him a small smile. He was handsome in a boyish way, and he didn’t even seem to be hitting on her, just trying to help.

  At least six and a half feet tall, he towered over her, but his body was long and lean like a runners. There was nothing in his demeanor that made her want to kneel for him. In fact, she could see herself enjoying a dinner party or beers at a ballgame with the tall man. She liked him instantly.

  He laughed, and patted her shoulder, “That’s okay; not everyone is into every flavor. That’s the best part about these events. You get to taste flavors you never thought you would and avoid the ones you don’t like, like black licorice.”

  She joined the stranger in his laughter. “Personally, I like black licorice, but I hate cherry.”

  The man looked askance at her, “Oh you poor dear girl. Cherries are a delicacy around here. No one has any cherry left to taste.” His misty blue eyes crinkled at the corners and he wiggled his eyebrows to indicate he was joking. “I’m Foster Craft.”

  “Marley Saltzman.” She shook his hand. “Thank you again for explaining the bracelets Mr. Craft, but how do you obtain the bracelets?”

  “Foster, please Marley. I’m not a Mister in any sense of the word. Most of the Dominants here have a pair of bracelets on them. There are a few who skip them, and then of course, the ones with permanent subs don’t bother because their subs are collared. The white bracelet is for the submissive, and the black is for the Dominant. If you look close there is a name printed in the plastic. It tells everyone that the sub is taken for the night. It’s the best way to provide a visible temporary claim at these parties. Some subs are hesitant to put on a Dom’s collar until they’ve played with them a few times, so the Doms use the bracelets as a way of marking their territory.” Foster explained. He held up his own braceleted wrist to show her the embossed words, “Mistress Ana.”

  Marley surveyed him as she chewed on the new information. He wore a pair of short shorts that clearly defined that he was packing a significantly sized cock, and two matching straps crisscrossed his lean chest. A black collar with spikes and an O-ring at the front encircled his throat. He didn’t necessarily act like he was a sub, but he was certainly dressed like one.

  “You’re wearing a collar, too, though.” She said, and then grimaced when she realized how rude she sounded. “I’m sorry; I can’t believe I said that. Just ignore me. I’m a little out of my element tonight.”

  Foster gave her a sympathetic smile, “It’s okay. The only way to learn is to ask questions, right? My Mistress has collared me, but we wear bracelets because she’s a DM here, and she wants to set an example.”

  “Dungeon Monitor.” Marley said automatically. “Like the Kink Police, she makes sure everyone is playing safely.”

  He laughed, and nodded, “So you’re not a complete tourist. Exactly right and I can’t wait to share that term with her. She’ll love that title. She’s actually on duty until dinner, so I’m just wandering around bored until she’s free.”

  “I see. So if I agree to play with someone tonight he’ll give me a bracelet not a collar?” she asked, frowning. That wasn’t what she had read in her books at all. Submissives were supposed to wear collars, not bracelets.

  “Possibly, but you could end up with a Dom who doesn’t use bracelets or you may decide not to even indulge tonight, so don’t stress. There are couples here that don’t use collars at all, some subs wear ankle bracelets, or rings, and a couple even have tattoos. We pretty much prefer to allow everyone the ability to determine their own fate at these parties. The bracelets are just available as an easy temporary fix if you pair up with someone new for the night. A Dom has to have been approved by Killian to receive a set of bracelets to carry. I get that you’re knew to BDSM, but the first thing you have to understand is that each person, couple, or group prefers to set their own rules. There are very few “golden” rules that everyone abides by. The biggest one is R.A.C.K.”

  “Rack? As in everyone has to try the rack?” she asked, feeling flummoxed by all of the misinformation filling her head.

  “Risk Aware Consensual Kink. Mainly all parties have to be in agreement on what the rules are before a scene commences, and safety is the first and foremost priority of everyone involved. Once a safeword is spoken all play stops, period. No exceptions.”

  Before she could question her new friend further, dinner was announced. A flurry of activity happened in a matter of moments as people appeared from every doorway pulling their clothes on and making their way into the dining room.

  “Would you like to walk with me to dinner, Marley? I can introduce you to my Mistress if you would be more comfortable with some protection tonight.” Foster offered, as he gestured toward the door everyone was filing through.

  Marley wasn’t sure she would be able to keep anything in her stomach tonight. Not even food catered in by one of her favorite restaurants. There was too much happening around her, and so much she still hadn’t seen.

  “I’ll walk with you, but I don’t think I need protection just yet. Thank you though for the generous offer.” She took his arm, and Foster led her away from the hallway of decadence and into the dining room.

  The first person she laid eyes on as they entered the large room was her pirate. He was standing just inside the doorway and to her left as he surveyed the room around him. It was like the air was heavier the closer she got to the mysterious man, and she had to force herself to take slow deep breaths to calm her nerves and her libido.

  He was taller than she expected from her earlier view, standing at least six foot two, and his broad shoulders narrowed into a lean waist, and a perfectly bitable ass. Giving herself a mental shake, she thanked Foster for assisting her to dinner, and then joined the buffet line just so she had something to do. Someone as alluring as the pirate wasn’t the best person for a newbie. No, she needed a gentle Dom, not a powerful one.


  Lex was able to admire the stranger’s curves under the supple black material of her clothing, as she moved through the buffet line. She wasn’t overweight, but she wasn’t overly thin either. Her rounded hips and narrow waist were proportionate with her full breasts, and even at her slight stature, she had magnificent legs that carried the ribbons of her slave sandals beautifully. In his mind, he could see those silver ribbons binding her ankles and wrists, and it m
ade his balls tighten. He forced his eyes away from her so that she wouldn’t see the attraction in them if she was looking.

  Damn. She was not what he needed right now. Sure, he was at a fetish party, but he was only here for a few drinks to let off some steam while Kaia was visiting his mother for the weekend. Despite what his sister said, he had no interest in playing with a sub and certainly not a tourist. The whole time he tried to convince himself he wasn’t interested, his eyes were drifting back to the sexy female with a swan-like neck and perfectly plump ass.

  By the time he’d made it through the buffet line himself, the petite princess had disappeared, and he cursed the loss. At the very least he wanted to introduce himself and see if there were any sparks between them. His stiff erection wouldn’t leave him be until he knew for sure.

  Carrying his plate with him, he made his way back into the living room where he’d taken up residence in his friend’s favorite reading chair. Lex and Killian Whitfield had gone to college together more than fifteen years ago, and other than a brief period when Lex was deployed overseas with the Air Force, they had spoken frequently. Initially drawn together by their mutual love of sorority girls, they ended up discovering common kinks, specifically for D/s.

  It was Lex who got Killian involved in the underground BDSM community, but once Killian was set free, he spread his wings and took control as he did with everything. He was one of the leading businessmen in the country, and currently, Lex’s employer.

  Picking at his food, Lex put aside his reminiscing, just in time to see the newbie tentatively enter the living room. She held a bottle of water in her hands like it was her lifeline, and her eyes studiously avoided his.

  There was no way she’d had time to eat a full meal, but by the stiff set to her shoulders, he figured she wasn’t feeling particularly hungry right now. He’d seen many new faces come through the doors of the Lusty Fantasies parties, and it was rare that anyone truly held his attention, but something in her nervous demeanor had his inner caveman thumping his chest, determined to lay claim to her luscious form.

  Her eyes lifted and met his for a brief second before she dropped her gaze back to the ground and Lex felt his throat tighten. The act of submission was too perfect. It grabbed at him and made him pay attention, as if he could look elsewhere when she was nearby. She moved slowly into the room as though uncertain where she should sit in this new environment.

  He knew the moment it dawned on her that the only open seat was the matching chair on his right. Her entire body tensed, and her cheeks flushed as just the tip of her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. He waited while she reviewed her options, and then stiffened her spine like a battle weary soldier heading into the last skirmish of the day. Her lush hips swayed as she moved in his direction, and she gave him a wary smile.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Her voice was slightly husky, and it went straight through him to his cock. Shoving himself to his feet, he towered over the petite woman, and grinned when she shivered in his shadow.

  The petite beauty smelled like some sort of candy from his mother’s chocolate shop, and Lex’s mouth was watering to take a bite. He could see that her hair was thicker and more vibrant than he had imagined now that she was closer, and her skin was as pale and flawless as the china doll that sat atop his daughter’s dresser. Dark eyes ringed with thick black lashes, were topped with perfectly arched eyebrows, but most intriguing was the smattering of pale brown freckles that dotted her upturned nose. He wanted to kiss each one and then strip her naked to see if there were any more on her body.

  Lex was shocked at his own reaction to her. It had been more than three years since lust for a woman had hit him so powerfully. Even that submissive had been barely a blip on the radar compared to the fire that this woman lit inside of him. He fought the range of emotions that washed over him, and finally realized that she was looking at him expectantly. Shit, she asked me a question.

  Clearing his throat, he shifted his stance and apologized, “I’m sorry; I was lost in thought for a moment. What did you ask?”

  Her hand came up to cover her smile, and she said, “I just asked if this seat was taken.”

  Relief coursed through him that he hadn’t already offended her. He was rapidly coming to the conclusion that he needed to spend the night with her sexy body wrapped around his, and it wouldn’t do to fuck it up now.

  “No, it’s free, and I’d love to have you join me. I’m Alexander Gregory, but please call me Lex.” He offered his hand so that he would have the opportunity to touch her satiny skin, and he wasn’t disappointed. It was like stroking the skin of a newborn, so sweetly untouched that he had to force himself to remove his hand from hers.

  “I’m Marley Saltzman.”

  Her eyes darted up to his, and then dropped back down to the bottle of water in her hands. She was twisting it so hard that the wrapper was tearing off. Unable to resist, Lex reached out and covered her grip on the bottle, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Is this your first event?”

  Marley nodded, and allowed him to take her hand and draw her down to the seat at his side. For just a moment, he could only stare at her profile as her eyes darted around the room. Her nervousness was obvious, but she held her spine rigid. She had the bearing of royalty, but underneath, behind the smile in her eyes, he could see her fear and discomfort. He couldn’t even vaguely remember what it was like to be a newbie to this world, but he sympathized with her in ways he shouldn’t at this point.

  “It’s all right, princess. In a place with this much kink there’s no need to force the unwilling. No one will touch you without your consent. Relax, and tell me what brought you here.” As he spoke, he reached his hand out and brushed a dark brown curl away from her cheek. He could see the curve of her ear, and he wondered at her lack of jewelry. Most women would have earrings and a necklace to match the silver cuffs and bangles adoring her wrists. It was a pleasant surprise to see someone taking the less-is-more approach.

  “My friend, Killian invited me.”

  Disappointment filled his gut, and he frowned. “You’re here with Killian?”

  “No, we’re just friends. He’s the only person I know involved in all of this. I wanted to see if the lifestyle was for me, and this seemed like the best place to do so.” She looked up at him and he was so entranced by the genuine anxiety in her dark brown eyes that he almost missed her next statement. “I need to know if this is what’s been missing from my life.”

  “That’s an interesting way of putting it. Are you here tonight to observe or to play?” Her tongue darted over her lips and she fidgeted. “Relax, Marley.”

  The command was simple, but her reaction wasn’t. He anticipated her balking; instead she seemed to melt right in front of him. Her lips parted on an inhale, and her eyes glazed over slightly. He could see the increase in her pulse at the base of her throat and it matched the thrum of blood through his balls. Her submission was perfection, and he knew in an instant that he had to have her for his own. “I’ll ask again, but I don’t like to repeat myself. Are you planning on watching from a distance tonight, or would you like to play, princess?”

  An insanely long heartbeat later, her answer nearly broke his perfect control. “I’m not sure yet.”

  The slow, wicked smile that spread over his face was probably scary to a newbie, but he couldn’t have held it in if he tried.

  * * *

  Marley’s heart stopped when Lex smiled at her. The smile turned his dark and dangerous countenance to seductive and sensual. She could feel herself trembling, and when he wrapped one hand around the nape of her neck and applied gentle pressure, she found herself leaning across the arm of the chair.

  The moment he lowered his lips to hers it was like someone had just shocked her with a cardiac defibrillator. Her entire being was electrified, starting at the point where their mouths connected and coursing through her veins. He controlled the kiss as easily as if she were a puppet on strings, and with every c
hange in pressure from his hand or his lips, her body responded, unfurling like a new bud in the spring.

  When he finally broke away, a moan slipped from her and she blushed. His grip shifted from her hair to her jaw, and he raised her chin to meet his hard gaze, “There is nothing to be embarrassed about, princess. I’m not a Dom who imposes voice restrictions often. I prefer to hear it when you’re finding pleasure in something I’m doing to you.”

  There was no way she could formulate words with her brain spinning into madness, so she just nodded. She was reminded again of how out of her element she was here. Never in her lifetime had she allowed a complete stranger such freedom with her body, and the worst part was that she wanted him to kiss her again and again, and never stop.

  Her thighs clenched together, and her stomach flip-flopped when he slid his fingers up to the clip holding her hair. With one simple flick of his wrist, he released the heavy locks to flow down her back.

  “That’s better. You should wear your hair down. It’s magnificent.” His praise meant more to her than it should. “Are the streaks of crimson natural?”

  Indignation heated her blood, and she jerked away from his addictively sensual touch. “Yes. They are. Please stop.”

  “Easy, princess. Did you think I would strip you naked and take you right here?” He looked around and then grimaced, “Don’t answer that. I suppose from what you’ve seen tonight that’s exactly what you were expecting. Kissing you doesn’t mean I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to my cave. And one kiss does not a play partner make. I apologize for accosting you without gaining your friendship first. We’ll wait and see how you feel later about participating.”

  She opened her mouth to question him further, and then froze. Was she allowed to just ask questions? Her brain spun with the information overload she had received tonight, and she questioned herself again for coming.


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