Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance) Page 52

by Sy Walker

  “If I was going to kill you, I would have done it already,” Albion said calmly, smirking slightly as he turned the dials and pushed several buttons.

  “I thought you said you didn’t have a gun.”

  He turned toward her then and produced three blasters from the recesses of his cargo pants. He placed them on the ship’s dashboard. “I fabricated that. I knew you would just shoot me if I had a weapon drawn, and that would’ve been fucking annoying for both of us.”

  Keandra looked at him, shocked and somehow appreciative.

  “You’re hurt,” he said then, blinking slowly like she saw a lizard once do in a zoo, his odd, thin eyelids moving over his reptilian eyes. “Come with me.”

  Before she could protest, Albion lifted her into his arms and carried her down the main hall of the ship and into a cabin. He laid her on the bed and ripped her pants open so he could get at her wound on her right calf.

  “Hey!” she shouted. “In case you weren’t aware, this is currently my only pair of pants!”

  Albion ignored her. He turned from her and reached into the medicine cabinet. He dumped a strange pink liquid onto a piece of gauze. Then he turned back around and immediately put the gauze on her injured leg.

  No warning. No ‘this might sting a little.’ Just bam! – right onto her open wound.

  “Star shitter!!” she swore, flailing and banging her fist against the stiff mattress. It felt like lemon juice into a papercut on her eyeball. The worst pain she could imagine. “Why??”

  He looked at her, blinking again. “You’re injured.”

  “I know I’m fucking injured,” she snapped. “But you could’ve prepared me.”

  Albion considered that. “Vlwarx may sting a little.”

  “Thank you for that,” Keandra said, taking a deep breath and then exhaling it out hotly through her nostrils.

  He continued to administer the unfamiliar medication to Keandra’s calf, while she bit her lip and kept her swears inside. It hurt like hell, but at least he was trying to help her. After a few moments, the medication seemed to be doing its job and she no longer felt pain. There was a numbness in her leg, but she preferred not feeling anything to the excruciating pain she had been experiencing.

  Once a liberal amount of the Vlwarx was put on her leg, Albion closed up the bottle and threw the used gauze into a trash bin. Then he wrapped some soft, pink bandages around her injured calf.

  “How did you crash your ship?” he asked, looking into her eyes. It turned out that his eyes were not just gold. They had a thin band of green around the pupils. His eyes did not help him appear more human, but Keandra found him attractive in an exciting and different way. Albion was alluring.

  She really hoped she could trust him.

  “My ship’s navigation system went out of control,” Keandra explained. “I think a signal came from Hoth and conflicted with my software. I was doing a routine patrol of the area to make sure our enemies are staying in line. Please, I beg you; don’t let anyone on Hoth know I’m here.”

  Albion looked at her as though considering his options. He stroked his pointed chin. Some green scruff was forming there, the same color as his scales. Keandra wondered what he would look like with a beard. If it was possible to internally roll her eyes at herself, that’s what she was doing.

  “I will not tell anyone,” he told her. “You are safe with me.”

  Keandra let herself believe him. When she looked into his eyes, she could see that he was not like the other aliens she had come across on all of her missions. He was decent. He was compassionate. He was not out to attack her or her people.

  He had to be with the Resistance. After all, the Hoths were brutally enslaving and killing off many other species in their quadrant of the galaxy. As far as Keandra knew, his race was one such species. She wondered what his race was, but of course she was not going to ask that. It did not matter, as long as he was not a Hoth.

  “Now you should get some rest. I will make some food for us.” Albion put all of the first aid tools back into the cabinet and then gently but firmly pushed her back onto the mattress so she would lie down.

  He left the cabin then, the door whizzing open and then shut behind him. Keandra did as she was instructed and stayed lying flat on the mattress, hoping that Albion’s miracle elixir would be enough to completely heal her wound, no matter how unrealistic that was. She had seen aliens achieve some pretty crazy things.

  She wondered what the dragon shifter had been up to when he discovered her crashed rocket ship. Had he been patrolling just like she was? Keandra felt extremely fortunate that he had come across her, instead of the enemy.

  If a Hoth had found her, she would have more than a stinging leg to complain about.

  When Albion returned, he was carrying a chrome tray full of food that looked remarkably similar to food from Earth. Keandra opened her mouth to question that, but he just smirked a little. For a lizard-like creature, he had nice, full lips.

  “I have been to Earth before,” he said, to explain away her puzzled expression. “I did not get to stay for long, but I was there long enough to know what a sandwich is.”

  He sat beside her on the bed and placed the tray onto her lap. She sat up and admired her meal. Sandwich, a salad that seemed mostly fine except for some purple lumps that she suspected were not eggplant… And a glass of pinkish milk.

  Keandra pointed at her milk. “What is this?”

  Albion’s face went red. “Well, there are no bovine here, obviously. It’s milk from a skrack.”

  She had no idea what a skrack was, but it did not sound as tasty as cow milk. Still, she did not want to be rude to the person who had rescued her and taken such good care of her thus far. So, instead of making a disgusted face, like she wanted to do, Keandra just took a sip of the strange milk.

  It did not taste as bad as she expected. Actually – surprisingly – it did not taste so different from normal milk.

  “Wow,” she said. “Way to go, skrack.”

  Albion smiled at her, seemingly pleased by her enjoyment of his offerings. “So, what do you do on these missions you go on?” he asked, continuing to make an effort for small talk.

  “I mostly just fly around, making sure that everything is going in an orderly way. I seek out enemies and keep them more or less in line,” Keandra said. “But I mostly just fly around and monitor things.”

  He nodded, understanding.

  “What about you?” she asked. She had to know more about this mysterious weredragon, even if what she found out was not entirely pleasant.

  Albion looked at her and then rubbed the palms of his large hands against his olive green cargo pants. Keandra got the impression that her question made him nervous; though why, she didn’t know.

  “Same as you,” he said after a few moments of hesitation. “I was out patrolling the area for any suspicious activities. I suppose you are a suspicious activity.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you making a joke?” she asked, surprised.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “You will be safe in here,” he said then. “The door will be kept secure and no one is aware of your presence. The Hoths may know I’m here, but I am flying a Gekkota ship, not an Earthling ship. Worst case scenario is that they go after me for trespassing while being a Gekkota.”

  Keandra frowned slightly at that. What he said was true; although he was not a Hoth, that only meant that he was another of their enemies. She was not any less likely to be captured now. But at least she would not be captured alone?

  “And diverting from your mission would arouse suspicion,” she added with a nod. “I understand. Well, I won’t get in the way of your work. I can keep my mouth shut, as long as you can keep yours shut.”

  Albion looked at her, tilting his head. If she ignored his scales, she could pretend that he was a normal Earthling man. Except he was light blue. A normal, Earthling man who was cold?

  She was clearly starting to feel tired and wo
ozy from the ordeal back with her ship. She finished up her meal without saying anything and soon Albion went back to his work elsewhere on the ship.

  Setting the tray aside when she was done, Keandra lay back down on the stiff mattress and closed her eyes, falling asleep to the soft sound of the humming ship’s engine and the faint, distant sounds of Albion at work.

  * * *

  Bolting back up until a sitting position, Keandra gazed around the small cabin of the spaceship as she slowly remembered where she was. She had not been asleep for very long. Twenty minutes, tops. But she felt well-rested and ready to do something. She was not the kind of woman who would just sit back and let the man do everything for her! She was a staff sergeant, goddammit!

  As soon as she stood up from the bed, she immediately regretted it. Her leg still felt like a limp noodle. Keandra held onto the bed so she would not completely fall to the hard steel floor.

  “Albi…” she called, feeling disoriented. “Albion?”

  The tall, lizard man strode into the room. He was wearing a face mask that one might wear whilst welding, but he pushed it up so she could see his face again and not be alarmed at his sudden, 1950s sci-fi appearance.

  Not that Albion knew what sci-fi was. Or the 1950s, for that matter.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Why are you out of your sleeping pod?”

  Keandra looked at the bed and then up at him, into his eyes. “I don’t want to stay cooped up in here. I want to help.”

  He pulled off the mask completely and set it aside on the counter under the first aid cabinet. He scratched his dark blue scruff. “The best way that you can help me right now is by resting and getting better,” he said.

  She kept her eyes on his. “I don’t need a hero.”

  The truth was that she appreciated Albion’s help, and she wanted to return the favor. They were going to be flying around together for a while now, unless he planned to just drop her off somewhere as soon as he could be rid of her… And it did not seem like that was his plan. They were in this rebellion together, and she wanted to continue to do her part.

  “I won’t do anything that further injures myself,” Keandra added, trying to persuade him. “I’ll even do a task that can be done sitting down.”

  He sighed finally. “Fine. Come with me.”


  Albion’s spaceship was much larger than Keandra initially thought. He led her to a room full of metallic parts. She lifted one up and admired her reflection. Her light brown skin was covered in cuts and bruises; her reddish-brown hair was unkempt from falling out of its customary ponytail during her nap. Her large, green eyes were sad and nervous-looking.

  She could see why he was so keen to keep her resting. He pitied her, because she looked absolutely pitiful. Looking back up at him, she cocked an eyebrow. “So, what are we doing here? Building a robot?”

  He shook his head at her, and then gave a small shrug. “Maybe something like that. Sit on that stool over there and polish for me.”

  Keandra did as she was ordered and limped over to a black stool. She sat down and began polishing the metal bits with a dirty old rag. It struck her as amusing that the Gekkota were not so different from Earthlings. They did mundane tasks like anyone else. And they did them in pretty much the same way.

  She looked out the window while she worked, gazing down at the gray planet below them. It resembled Earth’s moon, but it was darker, harder, and inhospitable. Turning away from it, she looked back at Albion, who was assembling the shined pieces together into something that looked more like armor than a robot.

  Was he planning to attack the Hoths? That was pretty bad ass of him.

  “I never thanked you for rescuing me and taking care of my leg,” Keandra said, feeling a bit sheepish now. “I mostly wanted to punch you for putting space goop in my open wound. But thank you.”

  Albion lowered the pieces he was working on soldering. He did another slow, reptilian blink. “You’re welcome,” he said.

  Suddenly, the spaceship rumbled and jolted upward. Keandra let out a scream. Albion dropped the armor and rushed to her, catching her before she fell. “What was that?” she asked, looking into his eyes searchingly. “Have they found us?”

  Placing a finger to her lips, he shook his head. “Probably just a passing star.”

  “Probably?” she asked him. “I don’t like that word. That’s not comforting.”

  Another jolt, but this time he was holding her so she did not feel quite so scared.

  After looking around, making sure that his metal pieces were unharmed – scattered haphazardly now, but unharmed – he gazed into Keandra’s eyes.

  “I think you should go back to bed,” he said. “It is not safe for you to be in here. Anything could happen.”

  She pouted, but he was right. At any point, she could be jostled and thrown into something, or have something fall into her. She was a distraction for Albion, and a danger to herself by being out of her cabin.

  Albion did not open it up for discussion, but rather just carried her back down the hall to her room.

  Once in the room, Albion placed Keandra on the stiff mattress. Then he did something she had not expected. He got onto the mattress with her and started kissing her. She was shocked and more than a little thrilled when she discovered that he kissed the way that she thought kisses were supposed to be. He gently ran his tongue along the edge of hers and Keandra realized, blushing at the thought, that his tongue was forked.

  Whether it was because he was a dragon shifter or because he was an alien lifeform, she did not care. She simply wanted more of it. She kissed him deeply, passionately, longingly. Keandra never knew just how badly she could want him until that moment. He had seemed such an asshole at first, adding injury to injury. But she’d been wrong about him. She was not merely safe with him. She felt like she might flat out need him.

  It was not long before Albion went for the fly of her cargo pants. They were barely even pants anymore; there was a long, gaping hole in her right pant leg from when Albion tended to her wounds. Carefully, as if he did not want to damage them further, he pulled them off of Keandra and let them fall to the floor. He did the same with her panties before gently bringing his fingers to her opening.

  He stroked and prodded at her clit. Keandra wondered if he had any idea what it was, but from the feel of it he knew exactly what he was doing. She closed her eyes and sucked in a breath. “Oh yeah, that’s good.”

  Albion smiled, glad that he was giving pleasure to the human female. After a few moments of him gently fingering her with his long, dexterous blue fingers, Keandra came. She gasped out, writhing against the hard bed’s sheets.

  “You liked that?” he asked her softly.

  Keandra bit her lip and nodded eagerly, indicating with that one small gesture that she wanted more.

  He stood up and stepped out of his green pants and t-shirt, allowing Keandra to gaze upon his tall, lean, gorgeous body. His green scales shimmered along the rest of his naked body, ending where his forest green pubic hair began. She could now see the dragon that her dragon kept down below. His penis was long and sleek, glistening and begging for her now.

  “Do you want it?” he asked her softly.

  Keandra nodded again, even more eagerly.

  Albion climbed onto the bed with her and went between her legs, kissing and biting her inner thighs, kneading her ass with his long fingers. She arched her back off the mattress, dizzy from want of him.

  At last, when he had worked her into enough of a frenzy, Albion pressed his large, lizard-like cock into her opening. He started thrusting hard into her, penetrating deeply into the tight, warm recesses of her pussy.

  It was Albion’s turn to react. He moaned deeply, feeling his way around her wet opening like an explorer unearthing treasure at the bottom of the ocean. Keandra found herself wondering, again, how he knew about sex with humans. Was Gekkota sex the same way? She found that difficult to believe, but he was so skilled that
she did not find it so hard to imagine.

  She lifted her legs up, wrapping them around Albion’s middle. He embraced her and gently lifted her up so she was sitting on his lap. He bounced her up and down against him. She shouted out, feeling him inside of her and never wanting to stop feeling the pleasure that came from his alien member.

  Albion brought his mouth to hers once more and kissed her with his forked tongue while his penis explored her other opening. If this was an alien probe, Keandra did not mind it at all. She wanted to be probed, faster and faster.

  Suddenly, he sped up his thrusts, letting out a guttural moan. He lowered her back down to the bed and then placed his hand onto her mouth, thrusting at a pace that seemed to only quicken. Keandra opened her mouth wide against his palm and screamed as she came again, feeling her wetness on his cock and the blanket beneath her. She had exploded against him, and in doing so, she caused Albion to explode in an orgasm of his own.

  When it was over, she felt sticky, wet and extremely satisfied. She sat up on the bed, cinnamon hair disheveled and eyes bleary. She smiled at him. “That was amazing.”

  Albion smiled back at her, petting her hair. He carefully pulled out of her but stayed close, holding her in his arms as if he did not want the good feelings to end. “You’re astounding,” he said.

  They cuddled each other on the bed until they were both fast asleep.

  * * *

  The next morning, Keandra awoke to discover Albion at the food of the bed. He was dressed back in his uniform, his hair neatly tidied back up in its shiny green bun. From the look of things, he had been sitting there and watching her sleep for at least a few hours. It did not appear that he had just woken up.

  “Get dressed,” he told her in a soft but authoritative voice.

  She got out of the bed, startled by his command and by his appearance in general. Keandra had slept like a baby, and she thought that Albion had been sleeping soundly beside her as well. The last thing she remembered was hearing his soft snoring in her ear and being ridiculously happy about it.


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