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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 88

by Sy Walker

  “This is excellent,” he replied. They still kept their voices low and reverent around the cow, in case something spooked her. Alexander opened the door to her paddock and beckoned for Eleanor to follow him inside.

  He sat on the milking stool and carefully placed the bucket under the cow’s udders. He was so used to doing this that he did not feel the fear that Eleanor felt, but he was still cautious because he knew that Eustice could become dangerously ornery.

  “Come and sit with me,” he told Eleanor.

  She obediently came forward and sat on his lap. She let out a little giggle, because the milking stool was not the biggest place for two people to sit. But it was wonderful to sit on his lap and feel his strong arms as they wrapped around hers. He took her hands in his and slowly guided them to the cow’s udders.

  Eustice did not flinch when they touched her. She seemed more interested in just eating her straw and wagging her tail back and forth every so often. She was a changed cow. It was almost as if something had happened to her overnight to make her more docile. Alexander wondered if maybe this was a sign that the large, old cow approved of his wife.

  Carefully, Alexander helped Eleanor milk the cow. She let out a soft giggle as they worked and he was delighted because not only was she a great person to work with, she also had such a pleasant, cheerful personality that helped to make life on the farm fun. He had been at it so long that he had forgotten how fun and adventurous it could be.

  The task of milking Eustice had started off scary for her, but soon Eleanor found that it was sort of thrilling and fun. The milk smelled sweet and she could not wait to taste it.

  “I know what I want to do with this milk,” she told him. “I would like to bake a wedding cake.”

  Once all of the milk had been given by Eustice, they each gave her a soft pat in thanks. Eleanor fed the trio of sheep and gave them some soft pets too, so they would not feel left out. She got the feeling that they missed her presence in the barn. After they were finished with the morning’s chores in the barn, Alexander and Eleanor brought the bucket to the house and he carefully bottled it so it would stay fresh. Normally, he would sell the milk in town, but today they were going to celebrate the special occasion by using it themselves.

  Together, they worked to bake a cake using Eustice’s milk and some eggs from their hens. Eleanor was even able to whip up some frosting so their cake would not be bare. When they were finished baking, they admired their handiwork.

  “That’s a beautiful cake, Mrs. Montoya,” he told her with a smile.

  She smiled back at him. “Why thank you, Mr. Montoya.”

  They sat down together and ate it. It was the best cake either of them had ever tasted.

  The End

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  A Love for Lacy

  Chapter 1

  Lacy had spent the majority of her young life living in an orphanage run by the Sisters of Mercy in Denver, Colorado. The building was old and a bit run down, but Lacy had grown to love the orphanage and the people who ran it. They had saved her life in more ways than one. When she was a young girl, she had lived on a small homestead a hundred miles south of the city with her parents and her siblings. One night, fire had torn through their little home, stealing her family from her and leaving her with scars across a third of her body, including the right side of her face. A local doctor had kept her stable and, as soon as she had been declared fit to travel, she had been sent to the nuns and their orphanage. It was there that she had truly begun the healing process and she was eternally grateful to the nuns for working around the clock to save her life.

  She was even more grateful for the orphanage because it was the one place where nobody ever looked at her scars with either horror or pity. Outside of the walls of the orphanage, complete strangers often gawked and stared at her. In those walls, she was safe and free to be herself. It was for that reason that she had not taken an apprenticeship with a seamstress or laundress at an earlier age and left the nun's care as many of the other girls had. She, instead, stayed until her 18th birthday, helping the sisters to take care of the younger children.

  As her birthday approached, she knew that she had a difficult decision to make. The options for a woman in the west were limited to begin with. Most had the choice of marriage, joining the church, or some sort of manual labor or maybe working as the teacher at a one room school house in one of he most remote towns if she was lucky. Lacy, while educated enough to teach, did not want to expose herself to the teasing of children about her scars. She had had enough of that in life. Her thought had always been that she would join the nuns and stay at the orphanage. She knew that it would be hard work, but it would be no harder than any other job she might find and she would have the peace of mind of knowing that she was working for a cause very dear to her heart.

  She had never considered marriage for herself, not since the fire. She had no illusions about romance. She thought that no man could look past her scars and so she had out her dreams of a love and family of her own away. It was only her friend Jana who did not accept that. They had been close since they were very young. Jana, 2 years older than Lacy, had watched over her since she came to the orphanage. At 17, she had left to marry a young man who worked in the bank just down the street from the orphanage.

  Now, she was pregnant with their first child. Though Lacy was so joyful for the blessings in her friend's life, she had missed her deeply. Weekly, though she went to her little house for tea and to talk about all the changes in both of their lives. It was on one such visit that Jana pushed her about the choices that lay ahead of her. She made it very clear what she thought, that Lacy should do all that she could to have a family of her own, even if it meant that she needed to consider live as a mail order bride to a groom living in some of the most remote regions of the West. It shocked Lacy that was so adamant in her opinion and her first instinct was denial.

  “Jana, I can't,” she said, nearly dropping her tea cup in shock at her friend’s suggestion.

  “Lacy, you deserve a life of your own, not one of servitude to others,” Jana insisted, cradling her pregnant belly as she spoke.

  “And what do you think I will do as a mail order bride, be the lady of the manor?” Lacy teased, trying to lighten the mood. She had never even considered marriage at all, let alone allowing herself to become a mail order bride.

  “My dear friend, I am afraid that there is no easy road for you, but at least if you try to find a husband you will not go through it alone. Besides, at least then your hard work will be for the benefit of your own family,” Jana insisted, her eyes locked on Lacy’s as she spoke.

  “Family? Those men do not see mail order brides as any more than a hired hand,” Lacy said, unwilling to tear open the old wound of her desire for a family. She had shoved those dreams aside and giving herself the hope that she could have them was only the road to more pain.

  “Maybe not, but your children will not see you that way. Someday, you will be a mother,” Jana countered, knowing her friend well enough to see the desires of her heart.

  “That dream is not for me,” Lacy answered, fighting tears.

  “But it could be. I have watched you with the younger children at the orphanage. You are so nurturing. You should be a mother my dear,” Jana said tenderly, wrapping her arm around her friend as she spoke.

  “Children should come from love. Otherwise they will end up like us, alone in the world,” she answered, thinking of all the children at the orphanage who were not their because of loss, but because their families had dissolved and they had had nowhere else to go.

  “We are not alone. We have each other and those children will have you,” she pointed out, trying to make Lacy see what Jana had always known, that she deserved to live a full life.

  “But who will my husband be?” she asked, beginning to allow herself to consider the possibility, as scary as it was to her.

  “Does that really matter?” Jana asked, unable to suppress a laugh as s
he spoke.

  “I think it might,” Lacy said with a smile as she sipped her tea. Leave it to Jana, who had been head over heels for her husband since the first day she saw him, to think that such a thing did not matter.

  “You are so strong. You can endure anything. Besides, he might be the love of your life,” Jana said with an excited smile that told Lacy that Jana was sure that she would find not only a husband but also a love. Her own doubt that that was possible stung as she shook her head.

  “No man could love me,” she said stoically. She had no illusions about her scared face and she could not afford to develop them as she prepared to take the next step in her life.

  “You do not know that.” Jana argued.

  “Yes I do. Look at me,” she said, with sadness in her eyes as she gestured to her ruined face.

  “Lacy, you have a beautiful soul and your features are lovely. You cannot help that they are covered in scars,” Jana said, angry that her friend could not see her own beauty.

  “I dare you to find a man who will see it that way,” Lacy answered with a sad smile. She could not and would not allow herself to believe that such a thing was possible because she knew how much it would hurt to let herself believe it only to lose hope once again.

  “And I dare you to see yourself as I see you,” Jana pushed, unwilling to allow sadness and fear to rule Lacy’s future.

  “If I take out an ad, will you leave this alone?” Lacy asked in frustration. Though she did not think for a moment that any man would answer an honest ad, it might at least get Jana to give up on her quest.

  “Will you really?” Jana squealed in excitement, wrapping her arms tightly around her dearest friend.

  “Yes and I will be painfully honest about myself. When no man writes to claim my hand in marriage, I will take it as a sign from the heavens that I should join the convent or seek another position, maybe at an orphanage or a hospital run by the church,” she said, confident that the Lord would help to guide her to the right path.

  “I accept your deal my dear,” Jana said, smiling as though she had won a great victory.

  “Whatever path I choose, I will miss you terribly,” Lacy said, tears threatening again. They had never been apart for more than a week. The thought of being any real distance from her friend, the closest thing to family she had left, was the greatest pain she had felt since she lost her family.

  “I will never be more than a letter away,” Jana said, clearly also very emotional at the thought of their pending separation.

  “You are my family, blood or not,” Lacy said, hugging her friend close and trying to memorize the feeling of being in her presence.

  “And you are mine,” Jana said confidently.

  Chapter 2

  Lacy did just as she promised Jana. She put forth an honest ad, seeking a man who would accept her for who she was. It had said simply:

  18 year old hard working, God fearing woman seeking husband

  Dark brown hair, blue eyes, scarred face

  All responses should be addressed to the Sisters of Mercy Orphanage, Denver

  She had written it quickly and honestly and sent it off to the local mail order bride office. Some of the girls in the orphanage had taken the same path so she had no trouble getting the address. She had done it believing in her heart that it was a futile effort, that she would not get any response at all and that she could then move along in her life. The orphanage had allowed her to stay on in her old room, helping out as she always had until she made her choice. She saw the ad only as a formality.

  She was completely shocked a month later when she received a response in the mail. It was from a miner in his late twenties named Terrance. His letter described a homestead with animals and fields that needed tending while he worked in the mines. He needed a partner, someone willing to work hard in exchange for a roof and meals, plus the safety and freedom that marriage provides to a woman.

  His letter was written bluntly, with no flowery language or promises of a loving life together. He simply offered a life of honest, hard work. There was something in the way that he wrote it, in the way that he did not try to sell her on an idealistic future that she found appealing. She was shocked to find herself considering his offer. He lived in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. She had never imagined leaving Denver, let alone the state of Colorado. Still, the thought of a new life was not something she could easily dismiss.

  After a week of reading and rereading his letter and staring at a map of California that she had found in the library at the orphanage, she shocked even herself by writing him back and accepting his offer. Soon enough, she bought her train ticket and packed everything she owned in to an old trunk that the nuns gave to her. She shared a tearful goodbye with the women who had raised her and with Jana, the only family that she had left. Then, alone, she made her way to the train station and, from there, towards California.

  The trip took days and she experienced every emotion possible as the train chugged along towards her new home. On the last day, though, her predominant emotion was fear. Primarily, it was a fear that Terrance would not be standing there on the train platform when she arrived. She disliked being in public much. She hated to have her scars stared at and she hated to have to speak to strangers, let alone make her way alone in a strange town.

  As the train approached the small platform near the tiny town that Terrance had told her to buy her ticket for, she was relieved to see the figure of a young man perched on a wagon to the side of the station. He was keeping himself separate from the rest of the waiting crowd, which suited her just fine. As she departed the train, she gathered her trunk and fought her way through the small crowd, keeping her face shielded to avoid the stares she was often met with in public.

  She saw him swing himself down from the seat of his wagon and move to meet her. He was nearly 6 feet tall, with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He had a short beard that obscured the lower half of his face, but it could not hide his strong features. Though he did not smile, he seemed relaxed enough, which put her at ease.

  “Hello,” she said gently, unsure what one should say to their future husband upon their first meeting.

  “Welcome. That your only trunk?” he asked as he lifted it from her hands. She felt him looking her over, but he did not stare at her face. Instead, he seemed to be looking over her form. She suspected that he was trying to determine if such a petite girl could do the work that he needed his wife to do. She knew that she would have to prove herself to him, but she had no doubts that he would soon be pleased with her. The one thing she had always been most confident in was her ability to work hard.

  “Yes. I'm Lacy,” she said awkwardly.

  “I know from your ad,” he said bluntly, still not smiling at her.

  “Oh yes, I suppose you do. Sorry,” she said, still feeling a bit uncomfortable. He seemed very closed off, but not unkind. That, she thought, she could live with well.

  “The wagon is this way,” he said as he turned and walked away from her, carrying her trunk. He was clearly eager to get back to his homestead and she was anxious to leave the crowd of the train platform behind them. The thing that she had missed most since she had been forced to move to the orphanage in the city, was the sounds of nature that one heard out on a remote piece of land. The thought of returning to such a quiet life had been a large part of why she had decided to accept Terrance’s offer.

  “Alright,” she said, more to herself than to him. She squared her shoulders and walked after him. While he loaded her trunk in the back of the wagon, she swung herself in to the seat, not waiting for his assistance. He looked up at her and seemed pleased with that. He quickly joined her in the front of the wagon and took the reins in his hand and pushed the horse forward towards their new life.

  “I hope you meant what you said about not having a problem with hard work,” he said as they pulled away from the small town of Silver Flats.

  “Hard work is all I have ever known,” she said h
onestly, giving him a small smile to show him that she was not intimidated by hard work. In truth, she was eager for it. The awkwardness of traveling and meeting him for the first time had taken her far outside of her comfort zone. All she really wanted was to roll up her sleeves and get to work. Then, she knew, she would feel more at home in her new life.

  “Then we will get along fine,” he said, nodding his head and returning to his silence. He did not even look over at her, instead keeping his eyes locked on the trail ahead of them. She, for her part, was happy to be off the train. She could not get enough of the beauty surrounding them as he continued to pilot the wagon.

  The trail kept getting rockier and rougher, but it did not bother her to be jostled around. She simply held on tight and looked at all the amazing landscape that would be her new home. After nearly an hour in the wagon, he veered off the main trail and soon enough they arrived at a small farmstead nestled between the mountains.


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