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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 124

by Sy Walker

  Gabriel's hand traced her side, savoring her curves. There was tender affection in the way he moved that Nate had never shown her. When the hand arrived near her breast, Gabriel stopped.

  "Do you want to share this with me?" he asked. Anna knew that if she said yes that nothing would change, that Italy was still in his future. Gabriel had bigger ambitions than a cute, curvy artist who was a little more than okay. Nothing she did could change the fame that waited for him, and even had she been able to hold him back, Anna never would have wanted to. Given the chance, Gabriel would have the world eating out of his hand. She wouldn't ever take that away from him. But even though Gabriel couldn't give her a forever, she knew she'd never forgive herself if she stopped now.

  "I do," she whispered back. He smiled, and then his hands were upon her. Each touch was electric, and for as much as she had lusted after Nate, now she pined for Gabriel. Thoughtful and affectionate, he roused her passion before he continued. The buildup was slow, but it was worth it. Almost an hour passed between the time he'd laid her upon the bed and the time all of their clothes lay on the floor, but by then Anna had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Gabriel.

  "Take me," she bade him. Nestled amongst his sheets, breathing in his woodsy scent, in that moment Anna could pretend that she was his. What a beautiful dream it was. When Gabriel did part her thighs and his sizable shaft plunged deep into her, the dream felt more real than ever.

  Hours felt like minutes. Just like in the studio and while he performed on stage, time warped around Gabriel and left Anna without her bearings. The first time he came inside of her they were both too caught up in the other's body to care. The second time Gabriel had enough sense to ask her permission, which Anna gladly gave him. Gabriel bred her womb full of his seed until the early hours of the morning when both of them were too exhausted to stay awake, and then again when they both awoke. By the time Anna left that afternoon, she'd never felt more whole and complete.

  Only the man who made her feel that way wasn't hers to keep.

  The rest of the semester progressed in a similar fashion. Gabriel wouldn't commit, and at times the thought drew Anna into Nate's arms for comfort. When she was strong and Gabriel enchanted her, she would spend the night in his apartment making love. As Gabriel's exhibition loomed near, Anna distanced herself from Nate and focused on Gabriel and the art to be arranged. He'd carved a series of breathtaking sculptures for display, and it was her job to make sure transport and set up was done correctly. If only she wasn't feeling so sick.

  Two weeks of nausea left Anna crippled, and it was only when the tracking app she used reminded her the night before the exhibition that her period should have started that Anna realized it hadn't. A panicked trip to the pharmacy followed by the most gut wrenching trip to the bathroom she'd had to date followed, and when the three minutes it took for the test to display results was over, Anna couldn't believe what she saw.

  Two bright pink lines. Pregnant.

  Neither Nate nor Gabriel had used protection, as caught up in the moment as they always were. Now Anna had no idea who had fathered the life she carried.

  It was hard to sleep that night, and when Anna arrived on scene at the studio to pack the sculptures for the exhibition, she couldn't bring herself to look or speak to Gabriel. The chance that she might have ruined his life by getting pregnant weighed heavily upon her, and even when he pestered her about her unusual silence, Anna couldn't bring herself to tell him. When the time was right he would know, but that time was not now. Not right before his big show.

  Almost a hundred guests had gathered at the venue. Anna, clad in a sparkling black gown, had seen each sculpture set up and had occupied a corner of the room with her own art. Influential art critics and bloggers wandered piece to piece, and Gabriel's professors were on scene to assess his progress. Every face was distinguished, either young and haughty, or old and wizened. Then, amongst a sea of refined artists, a face she'd never thought she'd see at an upscale event appeared.


  He looked uncomfortable in his suit and tie; higher class did not suit him. Black grime still stuck beneath his fingernails, and Anna remarked a streak of it near his ear. He navigated the salon with purpose, and struck Gabriel upon the back with playful affection. Gabriel turned to look at him and grinned, and the two embraced.

  What was happening?

  Anna watched them from across the room as they chatted, then Gabriel gestured in her direction, and both men turned to face her. Nate's eyes flashed with recognition as he took her in, and he turned sharply towards Gabriel and grabbed him by the lapel. There was no mistaking the hostility in his gesture, and the breath caught in Anna's throat. She'd been found out.

  The floor was swarming with men in suits and women in beautiful gowns, but through the masses Anna could see Gabriel shove Nate away, his eyes narrowing in anger. How did someone as refined as Gabriel know someone as crass and unsophisticated as Nate? As Anna pushed her way through the crowd, determined to break them up, she tried to piece it together.

  Nate swung his fist right at Gabriel's face, but Gabriel caught his hand with his palm and clenched down, drawing Nate through the crowd and towards the back doors. They were going outside. They were going to fight in earnest. Anna's heart raced, every part of her trembling as she tore through the guests she had been tasked with directing. Gabriel and Nate were fighting over her, and neither of them knew her secret.

  Both men burst through the back doors, Nate shoving Gabriel from behind so that he stumbled across the pavement. Then the doors closed, and Anna could no longer track them. The stretch she ran between where she stood and the back doors took an eternity, and when she finally followed them into the deserted back space behind the venue, Nate and Gabriel were gone. Instead, Anna found herself standing not even ten feet away from two towering, snarling brown bears.

  At nearly seven feet tall, they were formidable creatures. Each had risen upon his back feet. One of the bears had grappled the other, his mighty paws sunk into his opponent's back. The victim's head was locked between the aggressor's arms, but he had not given up. The throaty sounds he made were aggressive and fearful, and Anna stopped dead in her tracks. Bears? Where had bears come from? A terrified squeak escaped her lips, and she clasped her hand over her mouth to quell it. It was enough to catch the bears' attention.

  Everything grew still, both beasts frozen. The bear who had the advantage on his opponent fixed his eyes on her, and Anna noticed the warm amber flecked across them. She'd seen those eyes before.

  "Nate?" she asked as the hand dropped from her mouth. She swallowed hard. "Oh my god, is that you, Nate? And... And Gabriel? Please don't fight. Not over me. I'm not worth it."

  The bear with the amber flecked eyes loosened his grip, and the bear beneath him reared away. Both of them dropped to all fours, and both turned to look at her. There was silence. If these bears really were the men she had involved herself with, Anna needed to come clean. Maybe this way they could back out and fade out of her life without having to commit to a break up — not that she was official with either of them. Neither man wanted commitment, only a good time.

  "I slept with both of you," she told them. Dark, unblinking eyes watched her, neither bear making a move. "Neither of you ever wanted anything serious, and I... I didn't think it was wrong. I didn't think that you knew each other. If I knew you were friends I wouldn't have done it. But now we have bigger problems."

  A sob had been building up, and as she inhaled deeply to ground herself it rattled her breath. The darker eyed bear took a small step towards her, and she could see concern in his eyes.

  "It's so stupid," she whispered in sorrow, "talking to bears like they could actually be people. Maybe you'll just maul me and that'll be the end of it. Neither of you deserve this. Neither of you asked for this. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, and I don't know which one of you is the father."

  The sobs could be held back no longer. Anna started to cry, each heavy outbur
st ugly. The makeup ran from her eyes, and she knew shameful red blotched her cheeks. The darker eyed bear disappeared, and Gabriel stood in his place. He was naked and disheveled, but otherwise intact. Without wasting a second he crossed the distance between them and pulled Anna into his arms, setting one hand on the back of her head to comfort her. The bear with amber eyes lingered where he had been, watching the two of them.

  "You're okay," Gabriel whispered into her hair as she sobbed. At that moment, learning that Gabriel was also a bear didn't matter. All Anna cared for was the feel of his skin against hers, and how soothing it felt to be with him. "We're okay. I'm here for you. We're going to get through this together."

  Together. Together was all she'd ever wanted. Anna sobbed against his bare chest, arms wrapped around his neck.

  "I'm not leaving you to raise a bear shifter baby on your own. No matter who fathered that baby, Kempton blood runs through his veins. I'm ready to step up."

  Kempton blood. Even as she sobbed, the pieces started to lock into place. Nate was at the art show because he knew Gabriel, and he was obliged to come because they were brothers. They had to be. United by a last name, sharing the same strange shifter genes, somehow she'd stumbled into both of their lives without realizing the bond that linked them.

  Behind them Nate had shifted back into his human form. The suits they'd worn had been discarded in haste to the side of the door, and he moved to the mess to dress slowly.

  "I don't do relationships," Nate said, voice like stone, "I don't do babies. If you leave me out of this, I'll do my part and end contact. If you need financial support I'll man up, but I'm not ready to commit. This one's on you, Gabe."

  Gabriel shot Nate a look over his shoulder, eyes narrowed. Still, he ran his fingers through Anna's hair and held her as the sobs simmered into nothing.

  "She's mine now," Gabriel warned his brother, something near a growl in his voice. "The mother of my child, and the children to come. If you touch her, I won't hesitate to take you on again. I will fight to the death to defend my family, Nate. No more games."

  The thought occurred to her, no matter how brief, that the first night she'd coasted into the garage and met Nate that he might have been able to smell Gabriel on her with his bear senses. Had his involvement with her all been a game? Anna didn't let herself consider it too deeply; what Gabriel had said was much more important.

  "Mate?" she asked. "Children to come? What about Italy? You have so much potential, and I can't ask you to give it up for me."

  "We will figure it out together," Gabriel assured her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Nate had dressed, and now that he was fully clothed, he ducked by them and entered the venue as if nothing had ever happened. "Maybe we'll go together, as a family. You, me, and the baby in a vineyard in the country. What do you think of that?"

  Sunshine and simple living. Laughter and love. Anna blinked away the last tears and managed to smile at him.

  "You mean it?"

  "With all my heart," Gabriel assured her, and Anna had always known his words to be true.

  Italy wasn't his future anymore — it was their future. And there in Gabriel's arms, adored and valued, Anna knew that all of the poor choices she'd made had turned out for the best. The heart of the talented bear shifter was hers and hers alone. She'd walked into Gabriel's life expecting an internship, and instead she'd found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

  Despite the hardships suffered, she wouldn't trade him for anything.

  The End.

  Return to the Table of Contents

  Honeymoon with the Dragon

  “Knock knock,” Suzy’s mother said as she knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” Suzy replied, adjusting the long, white veil as it hung from atop her head. She was standing in her childhood bedroom at her mother’s house, giving herself one final fitting to make sure that everything was a go. As she gazed at her reflection, she wasn’t sure if the wedding gown needed work, or she did. She still had time to lose weight. The wedding was in a week, not today. Thank goodness for that.

  Two hundred and eighty pounds were not easy to shed within a year, especially when one’s nerves were as wracked as Suzy’s.

  Her mother came into the room and stood behind her, showing up in Suzy’s reflection and giving her a strange look.

  Finally giving up on making the veil sit right over her blonde curls, she turned towards her mother. “What?” Her mother was the quiet sort, but usually when she was this quiet it was not a good sign.

  “Dan is on the phone,” the mother of the bride-to-be said nervously. “He said he needs to talk to you. It… It didn’t sound good.”

  Oh great, Suzy thought. What now?

  She hustled out of the room with a rustle of taffeta. This dress was going to have to do, even if she looked like a beluga whale in it. Before it was altered to fit her so snuggly, it looked perfect. Now… It would just have to work. There wasn’t time for any more adjustments.

  “Hello? Dan?” she said into her mother’s landline phone, the curling cord way longer than anyone could ever have use for.

  Her fiancé’s voice was gruff. “Hey, Sooz,” he said. The sounds of clinking glasses, hard to understand music, and loud chatter could be heard behind him.

  She scoffed into the phone so he could hear her annoyance. “Are you in a bar? Jesus.”

  “So what if I am?” he snapped. He’d obviously been drinking; she could practically smell the booze coming through the phone. “We need to talk, Sooz. I can’t—” He was out-louded by someone shrieking near him.

  “What?” Suzy asked, holding the phone as close to her ear as possible. Boy, could he pick a place for a ‘we need to talk’ conversation. “I didn’t catch that last part.”

  Dan cleared his throat. “I can’t do this,” he said slowly, articulating each word as if she didn’t understand English.

  “Can’t do this?” she asked. “What do you mean you can’t do this? You can definitely drink…” Suzy felt ridiculous, standing there in her mom’s kitchen, leaning over the counter on a landline phone, in her tight wedding dress. It was as if she was in high school again, chatting with boys until her one hour’s worth of phone privileges was up.

  He slammed his fist down hard on something; she assumed it was a countertop. “I can’t marry you!” he bellowed.

  All at once, all of the sounds stopped. He continued talking in that noisy place, but Suzy couldn’t hear any of it. All she heard were his death knell of words on repeat. I can’t marry you. I can’t marry you...

  When she was finally able to pick up sounds again, he was ending his monologue on why a marriage with her wasn’t actually a good idea. “—and we’ve only been together six years. There’s a whole lot more life in me, Sooz. There is so much more I want to see and do with my life. I can’t rush into this. I gotta be me.”

  Tears welled up in her hazel eyes. “I see. You’ve gotta be you, right? I get that. You’ve gotta be you and I’ve gotta be me... And… And, you know what, fuck you!”

  Suzy slammed the phone into the receiver on the wall and sent the entire phone careening down onto the laminate floor. She looked down at it, stunned to have caused that, then burst into sobs.

  Her mother came into the kitchen as though summoned by the sound and hugged Suzy close. “What happened?” she asked, patting her daughter’s back as Suzy wept onto her shoulder.

  “The wedding’s off,” Suzy cried. “He doesn’t want to be with me anymore. It’s—It’s over.” She continued blubbering. “And I can’t blame him, I mean, look at me. I’m stupid and fat in this dress.”

  Frowning, her mother shook her head. “You’re neither stupid nor fat,” she said, petting Susy’s long, curly hair.

  “Yes, I am, Mom!” Suzy shouted, reaching to her back and loosening the zipper of her gown. “I look like a whale. Saying that I don’t is not going to fix it.” She did her best to shimmy out of the dress, but it kept catching against he

  Grabbing ahold of the fabric, her mother helped to wrench the dress down til Suzy was standing in the kitchen in her underwear, the dress a white puddle on the floor. Suzy kicked off her heels and put her face in her hands.

  They had spent so much money on this damn wedding. They had spent so much time and effort for nothing.

  She watched sadly as her mom picked up the gown and rolled it over one arm, as if it were a flag, something that commanded reverence even still. Suzy was grateful that her mom said nothing and just took the offending garment away. They were going to have to cancel plans now. They were going to have to send out notices that the wedding was off.

  Suzy had only invited two hundred people.

  No biggie.

  All of that would have to wait, though. Right now, grief stricken and hating herself, all she could do was stand there and let the tears fall. She was a big girl, but right now she felt extremely small. She hated Dan, and she hated that he was able to break her like this. But she supposed that that was what love was. Heart-breaking.

  It took Suzy two days before she was able to bring herself to go through all of the plans that had to be cancelled. She’d sent out her announcements that the wedding was off, so no one would come into town expecting it, and was already receiving sympathetic responses by the time she pulled out the plane tickets.

  The wedding was canceled, but the tickets to Scotland were non-refundable. The hotel room was not cheap and, she had a feeling, would not be one hundred percent refundable either. She’d been looking forward to the honeymoon, maybe even more than the wedding. It would have been an adventure…

  She started to write up an ad on Craigslist for the tickets, but the more she typed the more she realized that it was silly to not go on this vacation. So what if she wasn’t going to be a bride? So what if she’d be alone? She’d be alone in freaking Scotland.


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