Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance) Page 126

by Sy Walker

  The only thing about him that appeared to stay the same was his green and gold eyes.

  That wasn’t enough to keep her calm.

  “ARGH!!!” Suzy screamed. Her legs gave out from under her and she fainted.

  Finn brought one of his pointy, black-clawed forefeet down and scooped her up before flapping his great wings and taking off into the sky.

  Suzy slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the sky and reached her hands out to feel around, to try and figure out where she was lying. She felt too afraid to move. The last thing she’d seen was Finn turning into a dragon. She hoped that she’d dreamt it all.

  Her fingers entwined with long blades of grass. She pulled them out and admired them. It was the greenest grass she’d ever seen, but it didn’t answer her question. Seeing no recourse, she sat up and looked around. Grassy hills surrounded her as far as the eye could see.

  Just then, she heard a low, purr-like growl. She slowly turned to the left and saw the huge, green dragon. He was lying down, looking at her through his glowing eyes.

  “Where have you taken me?” she asked him, scared. “What are you?”

  He rose up onto his haunches, keeping his large eyes on her. “My name is Finn Dryden,” he said. “I’m a dragon shifter… obviously.”

  As smoothly as before, the ground set to rumbling and he shifted back into his normal human form. But was it normal? Suzy didn’t quite know what normal was anymore.

  “Can you control it?” she asked him.

  “Of course,” Finn said. “Much like you change your clothing.” He came towards her as she sat there, not knowing if she should flee or not. She wasn’t sure where she’d even go. They were in the middle of nowhere now.

  “What do you want with me?”

  He slowly sat beside her, looking into her eyes with those same dragon eyes. A chill went through her spine. “The same thing you want with me,” he said, gently brushing a stray wisp of blonde hair behind her ear. “And you can’t tell me you’re not still thinking about it. Beyond the ‘ooh, scary dragon!’ thoughts, you’re still thinking about the dragon in my pants.”

  Her chest heaved as she looked at him, feeling the same amount of half rage, half attraction towards him and his words.

  Finn’s glowing eyes flashed. “See? I’m right on the money.” He lunged forward and locked his lips with hers. Before long, he had pulled her dress off over her head. As he lay over her, gliding his tongue along the side of hers, she suddenly jumped a little.

  “Your tongue!” she shouted.

  He looked at her quizzically. “Oh, yes. Forgot about that. ‘fraid that’s not something that goes away.” He brought his tongue back to hers, letting its two-pronged tip flick against the tip of her tongue.

  Suzy moaned a little, wondering how she’d failed to notice that aspect of his physicality. Most people didn’t think to note whether or not someone had a normal tongue. Before she could stop herself, she thought about another wonderful use for a tongue like his…

  Finn pulled away, chuckling down at her. “You saucy wee minx.”

  Lowering himself past her hips, he gently kneaded them for a moment as he kissed her inner thighs.

  She let out a gasp and arched her hips toward him, leading him further. He hooked his fingers under the elastic band of her panties and pulled them off of her. Starting with just some lingering, hot breaths against her wet, willing pussy, he slowly licked her labia and clit at the same time.

  “Ohhh,” Suzy moaned shakily. “I was right!”

  Finn chuckled darkly against her most sensitive skin, licking and sucking at her. He took a break for air, licking her juices off of his lips before going down for more.

  Hips bucking upwards, she came as he flicked his two-pronged tongue against her opening. “Finn,” she whispered out, gazing down at him. She lifted her legs and rested them on his shoulders. “I want your other dragon inside me now.”

  He smirked up at her and whipped off his jacket. She sat up and helped him unbutton and remove his silky shirt and tie, becoming too distracted by the dragon tattoo on his right pec to watch him remove his pants. She massaged it with her fingertips. “You got a tattoo of yourself?”

  Looking down at it, he shrugged. “It’s more like a brand.” He removed his black pair of boxers and climbed atop her, pushing his lower dragon into her without warning.

  “Ahhh!” she shouted, not expecting it. She could feel her body stretching itself in response. She was a big girl; she wasn’t so big that a penis that big couldn’t fill her to the brim.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he unfastened her bra and threw it off in the direction he’d thrown her panties. They could worry about finding their clothing later. He fondled her large, heaving breasts for a quick moment, getting her nipples nice and hard before wrapping his lips around her right tit. He started biting and sucking as he sped up his thrusts.

  Suzy lolled her head back, raking her fingers through his curly hair. She hadn’t been planning to have a run in with a dragon; she had simply longed for a cute, Highland boy. But now that she had Finn, she wanted to keep him with her. Especially inside of her. Her eyes widened as he moved himself deep inside her and she wondered if she had missed that he had a two-pronged cock, too.

  “Finn,” she moaned into his ear.

  He hissed in response, arching his back as he somehow rammed his full length into her. With a shudder, he looked into her eyes. “Come for me, Suzy Hathaway,” he growled. “COME. FOR. ME.”

  Wrapping her legs around him, she bounced up and down on his cock for a few blissful seconds before reaching her moment of maximum ecstasy. “Fuck me, Finn! Yes! Yes!!!”

  Suddenly, he clamped his hands down hard on her upper arms and pressed her into the grass, gyrating himself into her faster and faster until he suddenly let out a fiery howl that could awake all of the sheep in Scotland and have them trembling in fear.

  He sat himself up atop her and, mouth open wide, sent a cascade of red and gold flame out of his mouth. Then, as if that was totally common, he lay back down and nestled his head within the tight space between her breasts.

  Once he had calmed down some, he slid himself out of her and went to fetch their clothes.

  She rolled over onto her side and watched him. The skin on her back was covered in grass and grass stains, but she didn’t care. That was the least of her worries now.

  “Finn?” she called, watching from far away as he bent over and grabbed each strewn article. “What do we do now?”

  He came back, holding the clothes in his arms as though they were a baby or firewood. He handed Suzy her dress, bra and panties. “I couldnae find your socks,” he said, sitting down beside her again. “What do you mean ‘what do we do now?’ You’ve gotten your wish. You’ve fucked me. Was there something else you wanted?”

  Suzy stared into his eyes, feeling sadness for him even though she didn’t understand why. “What are you cursed with?” she asked. “Did someone turn you into a dragon?”

  “Oh,” he said, smiling faintly. “No, it’s nothing like that.” He suddenly seemed embarrassed. “Right, so, em… Story time, I guess. Back in 1928, when I was twenty, I got into a bit of a brawl with a young lord. I think it was about some lass. It’s been so long and it doesnae really matter, but anyway, this little lord accused me of stealing from him. And he cursed me. He said that from that day forth I must live a life of servitude in order to repent for my thievery or whatever… The thing about it is I don’t know what he was talking about. I’d never stolen from him. But I have a theory.”

  She sat listening to him, captivated by his story and also his accent. She thought that Finn Dryden could read the phone book to her and it would be sexy. “What’s your theory?” she asked, mainly as a prompt to get him to keep talking.

  He smirked at her and shook his head. “I believe that it wasnae gold or property or anything like that I stole from this lordling… I stole the heart of his lady love.”

  Suzy gulped.
“You stole her heart?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said solemnly. “It isnae a widely known fact, but dragons are fond of eating human hearts.”

  She shrank away from him, feeling like she was going to be sick. Meanwhile, Finn leaned in closer and closer to her, giving her a wicked, frightening grin.


  Play With Fire

  Leaning in towards Suzy, Finn suddenly cackled and pulled back. “You should have seen your face! You were so scared!”

  She blinked, confused by his sudden change in manner. “What?”

  “Of course I don’t eat human hearts,” he said, grinning at her. “That’s absolute bollocks. I was cursed because I wooed the lady friend of the lord. It was completely one-sided, though. I didn’t want to be with her. Hence why I cannae remember her name or even if that was the real reasoning behind it. The point is! …I am cursed to a life of serving humans, because I am so naughty.”

  Suzy continued to stare at him, not sure when he was being serious or not. However, he didn’t say anything after that, so she assumed that was the end of his story.

  “So what you’re saying is that you’re a heart-breaker?” she asked. “You didn’t have to sit me down and tell me a story for me to know that. One look at you and I knew that.” It was her turn to smile now. “The whole becoming-a-dragon thing isn’t your curse, then?”

  Finn shook his head. “Alas, no. I was born that way.”

  “And you are bound to do my bidding?”

  “Ye know, it’s less fun if you put it like that.”

  That just made Suzy’s smile grow. “Come back to my hotel with me,” she told him. “Be my tour guide.”

  He shook his head again. “I’ll do you one better, lass. Come and live with me in my underground castle.”

  “You have an underground castle?”

  Finn slowly nodded once.

  “You want me to live with you?”

  Slow nod again.

  “In your CASTLE?”

  “Och, just come with me!”

  She’d become used to the low rumble underfoot that came whenever he shifted. It amazed her that no one in Scotland was after his head. She supposed that was why he shifted in places like alleyways or on the tops of mountainous hills.

  This time, when he had transformed into a dragon, she looked up at him and felt somewhat powerful herself. He wasn’t just a giant, frightening, fire-breathing dragon. He was her slave, apparently. She knew she shouldn’t feel so good about that, but it made her feel happy anyway.

  She didn’t know anyone who had a dragon sex slave.

  It was a very good thing that she hadn’t come on this trip with Dan.

  Dragon Finn lowered his head down, extending his long neck. “Hop on,” he instructed, his voice like a thunder clap. “And don’t let go of me.”

  Suzy grabbed ahold of his scales, marveling how hard and not slimy they were. His scales were more reptilian, more like armor than she’d imagined.

  “You don’t remember because you’d fainted, but you’ve flown with me before,” he said.

  Carefully, she positioned herself between his shoulder blades, holding on to the base of his neck. She was holding on rather desperately considering they weren’t even up in the air yet.

  With a chuckle and a puff of smoke from his nostrils, Finn began flapping his great wings. “Hang on tight!” he bellowed, taking off into the sky.

  She closed her eyes as the wind struck her face. Feeling the sinewy muscles of his neck beneath her hands, she felt safe somehow, even though they were miles and miles above the ground. Peeking one eye open, she saw the clouds that surrounded them. She slowly opened both of her eyes and admired the view. Scotland looked so green. It was a rainy, cloudy place, but there was a certain beauty in it that she wouldn’t have noticed had she not seen it from atop her dragon friend.

  Finn made his landing back in the alley where they’d left. Mary King’s Close was still there, close by. He transformed back into his human form, the shiny scales morphing back into his suit as though the suit was part of his body even though she knew full well that it wasn’t. He must have devised a magic, form-changing suit. She watched him, more curious this time than afraid. He was gruff and a bit unhinged, but he seemed to be harmless.

  “If I really meant you harm, I would’ve dropped you back there.”

  Suzy blushed. There was his ability to read her thoughts. That wasn’t exactly harmless.

  “Now you tell me that. See if I get back on you again…”

  His eyes glinted mischievously in the fading light of evening. “Oh, you’ll be back on me again. And I’ll be back inside you. Trust me on that one.” He took her hand. “Come on.”

  He led her to the front of Mary King’s Close. She gazed up at the sign, not understanding at all. “We’re back here.”

  “Yes,” Finn replied.

  Walking up to the front door of the centuries’ old stone building, he pulled out a large, copper key. He placed it in the lock and opened the building. He held the door open for her, gesturing for her to enter first.

  Her jaw dropped in amazement. “You had a key the whole time,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Again, yes. Now stop lurking in the doorway and come inside. Entrez, s'il vous plaît.” The way he rolled his Rs when he spoke French was even more mesmerizing than when he spoke English. Suzy supposed it was because the Rs in French were meant to be rolled…

  She followed his lead and went inside. He came in behind her, letting the door shut. The space inside was a typical gift shop. It wasn’t too exciting, beyond the fact that it sold Scottish things like tartans and stuffed cows.

  “This is Mary King’s Close?” she asked, disappointed. “I thought it would at least be a lingerie shop or something.”

  Finn let out a laugh which echoed throughout the store, subtly hinting at its hidden vastness. “Aye, up here it’s a store. But downstairs is my castle.”

  The way he told her things made everything sound so unbelievable and earnest at the same time. But she had her doubts now that he actually lived in a castle. There was no way that a castle could be under a building.


  Leading her by the hand, he took her to a door in the back of the shop. He opened it with the same copper key he’d used before. “Watch your step. It’s dark and uneven down there. But just you wait.”

  Suzy stepped down into the cold, stone room that awaited her. Only, it wasn’t a room at all. It appeared to be a long, dark tunnel full of rooms. “Is this… the ruins of a castle?” she asked him.

  He grinned back at her and led her, by the hand, down into the depths of what appeared to be a very, very old street. “This is a close of old Edinburgh,” he explained. “It’s sort of like a neighborhood. But when the city was re-built, this street in particular survived. And now, it is my home. Mi casa.”

  Suddenly, he blew a stream of flame down the street and the place came bursting to life. The rooms filled up with furniture, decorations and things that made the entire block appear more like a long house than a creepy historic town. There was a glimmer of gold in one of the rooms closest to Suzy.

  She regarded it all in a state of shock. After everything he’d shown her before, she couldn’t say this was too much of a surprise. “But still no lingerie,” she joked, looking at him.

  Finn laughed and it echoed thunderously throughout his so-called castle. “This only exists when I’m here and I make it exist,” he explained. “It’s a tourist attraction, so I can’t rightly be here smoking up the place when paying customers are about. Though I do sometimes sneak in here and pretend to be a ghost, to scare the paranormal nutters.” He beamed, proud of himself.

  Suzy stepped into his dining room. “This looks just like a mansion or something,” she exclaimed. “Except in an obviously very old place. And what’s with all that gold back there?”

  “What’s a dragon without a bit of gold?” he asked. “Don’t worry, it was all earned by
me. Yes, I convert my paychecks to gold instead of putting them in a bank. Do I not trust banks? Maybe not… But you’re welcome to use my gold to buy yourself whatever frivolous souvenir your heart desires.”

  She eyed him. “Why are you doing all of this for me?” she asked, touching the dark, oaken dining table to make sure it was real. It was cold, but it was real.

  “I thought that was obvious,” he said, leaning against the stone wall in front of her and giving her a pouty, vaguely disappointed look. “I love you, Suzanna Hathaway.”

  Her eyes widened. “But you don’t know me!” She pounded her fist against the table once. “You just met me!”

  “It doesnae take long to love you,” Finn said, coming towards her and bringing her plump face into his hands, gazing fondly into her hazel eyes. “That’s what was wrong with that bloke you broke your wedding off with. He didnae try at all.” His eyes were as green as the hills she’d looked down on. As greeny-gold as his scales when he took his other shape. He was frustratingly so mysterious, but the kind of mysterious she felt she could never grow tired of.

  “How do you know all that?” she asked.

  He tilted his head, looking at her through heavy eyelids now. “I told you. There’s not a lot I don’t know about…”

  She moved forward a little, pressing her lips against his. They kissed each other deeply, holding onto each other as though they were both in the air again and couldn’t let go. The rooms seemed to spin around them, making Suzy wonder if they were really underground at all or if this was real life, down here with this dragon in his lair.

  “I’m only supposed to be here for a week,” she said sadly. “That was the pla—”

  He broke her words off with another passionate kiss, calming her tongue with his own untamed one. “Stay with me,” he said, petting her cheek with the back of his hand. “Let me be your husband.” His eyes flashed a little.

  She wasn’t supposed to have noticed it, she realized, but she had.

  “What?” she asked, not comprehending or believing what she’d heard.


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