Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance) Page 136

by Sy Walker

  The horses outside were making a ruckus, so I stood up and pulled my nightshirt close, making my way toward the front door so that I could take a look and see what was happening. If there was a wolf, I thought that maybe I could take one of Blake's shotguns and protect the horses myself. Unfortunately, I didn't have any time to grab the gun before three men shoved their way inside the homestead. One of them grabbed me by the shoulders and cupped his hand over my mouth as I tried to cry out in fear.

  “You shut your mouth missy, or this will be bad for the all of us,” he hissed.

  The men began to fumble around in the home, throwing items in bags and joking with each other. I was terrified, and the man holding me kept saying gross things into my ear, and pushing his body to close to me. I squirmed and tried to get away, but he was too strong. My elbow wouldn't reaches John like I wished it would, and instead he seemed to enjoy the struggle, and pulled out a knife and held it to my throat, so I stopped. I wish that Blake didn't disappear and leave me vulnerable to these terrible bandits.

  As soon as Blake entered my mind, I heard a growl come from outside of the front doorway. Before I could see what was happening, a massive black wolf leapt inside, burying its teeth in the man who was holding me. The man was furious and slashed at the wolf, slicing it in both its cheek and its shoulder. The wolf cried out in pain, sending a shiver through my body, and lunged at the man's throat, dragging him outside and tearing him apart. He did the same to the other men before they had the chance to shut the door on the wolf, and I heard their screams of pain and terror as the wolf protected me from them. I was frozen in place and expected to be the last to go. I thought the wolf would surely come and take me next, but instead, it entered and looked around the room, as if for another bandit. When the wolf didn't see anybody else, it turned its ice blue eyes on me and blinked slowly before turning away and running off into the forest.


  I was too terrified to sleep that night, so I set up at the kitchen table and waited for him to return. My hands wouldn't stop shaking, and I cried as I remembered the sounds of the men being disemboweled by the wolf. I felt very grateful to be left alive, but all I wanted was some human company to soothe my nerves. Blake seemed to be very good at making me feel better, so I held my arms around my body until I heard a noise at the door.

  My heart leapt into my throat, and I was about to reach for the shotgun that I put on the table when Blake entered. He was as naked as the day he was born, and just as beautiful. When he turned to look at me, I gasped. Beside his blue eyes was a long cut, the same size as the wound that had been left on the wolf. Impossible thoughts began to flood my mind, and I shook my head at them, unable to believe what I was seeing. It must have just been a coincidence, I tried to convince myself, but then I saw the same cut on his shoulder as well and everything began to fall into place in my mind.

  “You're hurt," I said to him, approaching him cautiously. I opened and closed my mouth, and somehow he seems to know exactly what I was thinking.

  “You're not crazy, but I had hoped that you would not find out like this."

  “How did this happen? I don't understand. I thought this is just a myth."

  “Well it's not," he said, as I led him toward the washbasin. I took a cloth out and poured some water on it to clean his wounds. I dabbed them gently and he didn't even flinch. “I didn't want to tell you, most people are just scared and they don't understand. I wish I could have been honest from the beginning. I needed a way because the townsfolk have been suspicious of me for a long time. And I didn't want to take a wife, not someone who I would make wolf pups with. She wouldn't know what to think when they started changing. Sometimes they even do it right in the womb and it feels like murder. No regular women would be able to handle that. I just wanted a simple life.”

  He said the last part so mournfully that I brought him into my arms. He let me hold him closely, surprised by the fact that I wasn't more afraid of him. I felt him go from very tense to very relaxed and he sighed very deeply.

  “It's been so lonesome, I couldn't be honest with anybody my whole life. And if anybody knew the truth they would burn me at the stake. Please don't tell anybody. I'll give you whatever you want. I'll pay you. Just please don't go, please keep being my wife.”

  I pulled away from him and looked him deeply into the eyes.

  “I have no intention of doing anything else," I said to him. “You may be the most bullheaded man I've ever met, but you're also the best man I've ever met, and the best man I could ever find myself being with. I've never known such a gentleman, even if you are part wild animal. What excuse did the other men have?”

  We laughed together at this, and I sat the cloth back into the washbasin. Suddenly, his strong hands were around my waist, lifting me up to his mouth. He kissed me sweetly, and carried me into his bedroom. I felt the fire from the night before return, and he laid me on the bed and undressed me with skilled fingers. I felt a blush creep across my cheek as his tan mouth kissed my pale skin. I've never been quite so exposed to a man before, but I quickly forgot my modesty when his tongue found me deep inside and I buckled against him and cried out in pleasure.

  This encouraged him to work more slowly, until he climbed up over me, showering my whole body with kisses as he reached my face and our middles were touching. I felt his long member growing stiff against me, swelling even bigger than I remembered it. I moaned loudly as he began to push himself inside, the both of us gasping and kissing each other passionately as he mounted me and took my virginity with one hard thrust. The combination of pleasure and pain brought my fingernails dragging down his back, and his handsome face broke out into a grin, sending another thrill through me as he unleashed his true animal nature on me.

  His hands became tangled in my long hair as he showed me what a man was really capable of, and his perfect body shone in the golden sunrise peeking in at us through the windows. I closed my eyes and felt the fullness of my desire merging with his, and cried out in ecstasy as I became elevated into my climax. I squeezed my eyes closed tightly and bit my bottom lip as my body clenched tightly around him. He unleashed a deep growl of pleasure as the hot flood of his own lust burst deeply into me, letting me and elevating my climax to a whole new level.

  He stayed inside me, lingering for a moment before he pulled himself out and flopped onto the bed, his face completely exhausted. I knew just how he had felt, considering I had been up most of the night. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his strong arms around my small body and nuzzling my ear and neck with his chin, which was beginning to feel a little bit stubbly. For some reason I found the scratching feeling of his face comforting and we fell asleep together, the most comfortable feeling I had ever had in my entire life.


  Two weeks later, we were wed in one of the most beautiful and elaborate ceremonies I had ever witnessed. I had gone to many weddings before in my time, but nothing quick compared to what Blake had in mind. Surprisingly, most of the townsfolk attended the ceremony, even though it was held at the high peak in the mountain range where we had sat on the tree together after my first horseback ride.

  The townsfolk were kind and supportive, and very curious and nosy. I could tell they had their suspicions about my new husband, and they wanted to know everything that I knew. They did their best to stay in my good side, hoping that if anything ever became revealed to me, I would feel confident in confiding in them. However, their fears did seem to be subsiding, and they didn't think that anybody could be part evil if he could land such a beautiful bride.

  Although it bruised the egos of many women in the town, women who would never in 1 million years have been able to access Blake's unique identity, they were all very happy that he had found someone to settle down with. As far as Blake and I were concerned, as long as they didn't continue prying into our lives, everything would be all right. We could have a normal life.

  After the ceremony, somebody hosted a large meal for us all, and we at
e together and celebrated the love that Blake and I had recently developed toward each other. I felt like the luckiest woman alive to be with such a strong and able-bodied man who had a heart of gold. Even if he was picky and stubborn, he was still mine and I was the same way. The two of us had really met our match with each other, and I couldn't be any happier if I tried.

  The night of our honeymoon rolled around and I lay in my new husband's arms after many hours of lovemaking. He seems to be tired, but I wasn't quite ready to be finished. I grinned mischievously and climbed on top of him. His tired eyes creaked open and I kissed him on the cheek.

  “I don't think we're done yet," I whispered in his ear as I nibbled and licked him.

  “We're not?" He asked, his voice sleepy.

  “I can't rightfully stop until we've got a litter on the way. I know you want a regular family, and I want that for both of us to. It's up to you whether or not you want that, but if you do want pups, I don't mind being their Mama any more than I mind being your wife. I would love to be both.”

  His eyes widened in surprise, and he flashed me the smile that I come to love so dearly. He wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his excitement against my thighs.

  “Are you sure that's what you want?" He asked me, kissing me all over my face.

  “That's what I want. I love you," I said, my thighs hot against his.

  “I love you too,” he said, his blue eyes deep and sincere. “Well alright, little darlin'. Looks like we got our work cut out for us.”


  Engaged to the Bear

  Lady Beatrice Ceri looked out of the small window of her bed chamber and sighed. She would miss the wide, rolling hills of Stirling that stretched out before her. It was a view that she had loved as far back as she could remember—one that she never tired of looking at. As a small girl her father had made up stories of the fairies that lived in the hillside, and ever since it had been a magical place for her.

  This would be her last morning of waking up in her own bed, in her own chamber, or indeed of looking out at the view, for today she was to travel to Inverness in preparation of her marriage to Lord Selkirk in three days’ time. She had never met the man but his reputation went before him. He had a name for being cold and mean. This marriage would be one of convenience, arranged by her father to bring peace between their two warring clans. For too long there had been bloodshed and war, and the time had come to call a truce. The death of the late Lord Selkirk had brought about changes, and Lady Ceri would be the sacrifice for peace.

  The journey would take all day by carriage, and the 18 year old young woman prepared for the long journey. She wore her warmest gown and would wrap herself up in her thick cloak and take several woolen blankets to keep her cozy. Her dog Henry would be her sole companion, a tan and white spaniel pup that would be her only comfort, her only friend at her new home, Selkirk Manor. All the servants were needed at the house, and none could be spared to travel with Lady Ceri. The vast fortune that she would have inherited had long been spent on costly battles, yet another reason for the arranged marriage.

  Trying to hold back the tears she bid farewell to her parents; her father was committed with a steely resolve to the peace treaty, but inwardly his heart ached at the loss of his daughter, although it was not the same as losing a son. Her mother couldn't hide her despair at not only losing her daughter, but not being able to be present at the nuptials. She had been ill for many months and could not possibly travel the distance required. She had never been strong since the boy Michael had died.

  The journey was long and the further they travelled up the country; the bleaker it became. Gone were the soft hills and gentle slopes of the Lowlands, and they were soon replaced by the rugged mountains and desolate heathery moorlands of the Highlands. Apart from the small dog on her lap she felt alone and about to marry a man she did not know.

  Lord Thomas Selkirk had set his eyes on Beatrice ever since he had seen her as a young girl aged 14 during a visit to the Lowlands. He had been struck even then by the sheer beauty of the young, raven headed girl with the piercing blue eyes, and as she grew older she beguiled every man she met. Some said that she was a witch; a woman of great powers and her looks definitely caused the men to look and the women to whisper.

  She had only seen a portrait of Thomas, a small miniature enclosed in a silver locket that she wore on a blue ribbon around her neck. At 38 years of age he was much older than her; a dark and handsome man with dark brown, amber eyes and full red lips, if the small painting was a true likeness.

  Beatrice worried about the stories she had heard. Thomas had never married, and was rumored to be mean and bad tempered to his servants; beating his dogs and horses and sometimes even his own men. He also had a reputation as a magnificent yet fierce warrior and was said to have killed many men in battle. The only thing that stopped her turning back and returning home was that the warring had stopped and a sense of peace now reigned between the two clans. The battle for lands stretching between the lowlands and highlands had raged for years and hundreds of lives had been lost as well as fortunes in the process.

  She hoped the peace would last, and that her sacrifice would be worthwhile.

  It was nightfall by the time she reached Selkirk Manor—an imposing building of grey stone towers and arches. She feared for the worse as she followed a servant up the stone steps leading to house; it looked cold and unfriendly. The Master was not home to meet her but a fire had been laid in one of the smaller rooms and all comforts had been made available to her. She had been surprised by the welcome, expecting nothing but harshness and meanness from his repute, yet no expense had been spared. There was even a little red velvet cushion for the dog.

  Exhausted from her journey she almost fell to sleep beside the fire after eating a hearty meal of venison and wine. The wine had been strong and didn’t take long to affect her. Just as she was about to nod off, Henry who had been fast asleep on her lap, sat up suddenly, his silky ears raised to attention. He had heard something and jumped from his mistress’s knee and trotted across the stone flagged floor towards the door. With hackles raised he started barking, pawing at the wood as if needing to be let out.

  “Henry –you stop that”, Beatrice feared he would wake up the whole household for everywhere was quiet. Rushing to the door she scooped him up in her arms, yet he continued to bark.

  “Now Henry”, she scolded the dog “stop that at once you hear”, and opening the door she stepped through into the hallway to show the little dog that there was nothing there.

  The front door of the house stood open to the elements and in the open doorway stood the bulky shape of a man. His face was in the shadows but he seemed somehow distressed, almost as if in pain. She could sense something in the air; something powerful as she moved slowly towards him.

  There was something about the man stood before her that made her shudder and as she approached the little dog jumped out of her arms and went scurrying away to the corner of the hall and began to whine and cower. The poor thing seemed frightened half to death.

  The moon was full and cast its pale glow as it moved out from behind the clouds, shining directly into the open doorway. Beatrice could feel the room start to sway, the thing before her seemed half man, half beast. As the creature walked towards her she passed out onto the cold stone floor.

  The rain beating down on the casement window woke Lady Beatrice from her dreams and for a moment she had forgotten where she was. The room was strange and was not her own. Then she remembered her journey to the Highlands the previous day and the reason for being there. Her heart fluttered slightly in her bosom at the thought of her impending marriage.

  Henry, her little dog, had been sleeping by her feet on the bed and on seeing his mistress awake scampered up the embroidered quilt and nuzzled into her arms.

  Poor Henry, he had been startled last night.

  Last night! Her heart raced as images of the night before flooded back to her; the strange
vision in the doorway. She couldn’t remember anything after that except waking up in her bed that morning.

  Lifting up the quilt she glanced tentatively below; someone had undressed her and put on one of her nightgowns. She blushed to think of a stranger removing her clothing. Her maidservant Jane had often helped with her hair and toilet back home, but she had preferred to dress and undress herself.

  And the man, or beast, or whatever it was. Surely that had been a figment of her imagination? She had been exhausted and the wine wouldn’t have helped but had she been dreaming? It had certainly seemed real at the time but the mind can play strange tricks. Her emotions had been all over the place too –apprehension at meeting the man she would spend the rest of her life with, and at this moment still a stranger. An odd feeling passed over her causing the hairs on the back of neck to stand on end as she gave an involuntary shiver. There was something here that wasn’t quite right; she could sense it.

  Since a girl she had been known for her powers of intuition. It wasn’t as if she could foretell the future or anything like that; it was just that she was aware when something wasn’t right –like the time she had woken the household, just before a fire had started in the kitchen –saving all their lives and the house. It had all begun when her twin brother Michael had been killed in a hunting accident –he had been just 8 years old and had fallen from his horse. She missed him every single day and still felt a strong attachment to him; as if she were now living both their lives. He often visited her in dreams to warn her when she was in danger. She had not dreamed of him for a long time.


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