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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 155

by Sy Walker

  William sank down onto the floor. He could feel his father’s eyes on him. He knew that his father thought that he had won. “I won’t do it.” He said weakly.

  Lachlan Stewart’s smile didn’t fade. William had always been a bit of a cry baby in his father’s eyes. “You have until you are beheaded to change your mind.” Lachlan reached through the bars and put his hand on his son’s head. “You are still a member of this family by blood.” Lachlan closed the door behind him, but he could still be heard screaming at his jailers just outside the door.

  “Is that how he always asks for help?” James was walking over to offer his hand to William who was struggling to get off of the floor.

  “That was much nicer than the last time actually,” William smiled, “I don’t think he realises that he nearly had me killed.” William laughed to himself, “Or at very least he doesn’t care.”

  “How are you feeling?” James lowered William onto the bed and sat down beside him. It was very disarming for William as he was still naked. He knew that there was no hiding his attraction to his cellmate. William was not ashamed of his body. He was 20 and still had very little hair on him. His muscles were all lightly defined. William had always been a slight boy, his strength as a warrior was his agility and skill. James on the other hand was tall, nearly a foot taller than William, and the slightly older rebel was much thicker in the arms and chest.

  James wrapped the blanket around William’s shoulders, “Don’t want you to get a chill.” He let his hands linger for only a moment on William’s arms. The nobleman could feel warmth exploding through his body. He could still feel the strange twinges of pain in his muscles, but he was craving James’ touch. “Save your strength,” James said as he laid William down and walked back to his dark corner. William wanted to say something, but sleep took him too quickly.

  When he opened his eyes again the only light was firelight and William could feel the rumblings of a large group of men walking toward his cell. He turned quickly to see four guardsmen coming toward him. “Get up!” The first man yelled as he grabbed a handful of William’s blond hair. William followed the pull with his head and tried to get to his feet, but he was forced to the ground, “Should we have a bit a fun, or are you ready to go see daddy?”

  The first guard was trying to undo his pants as two of his companions came to hold William’s arms. William had forced his jaw shut as the fourth man came forward and punched him in the gut. “Play nice and you may make it to the throne room.” The fat man had menacing, brown-toothed grin as he hit William again. The men were strangers to William which told him that the new recruits had already arrived. William looked to see where James was, but he was smacked again by the brutish guard.

  “Grrr,” The low guttural snarl from William’s dream was back. The guards froze and threw William to the floor. They were tripping over him and each other as they tried to leave the cell. A large furry figure passed over William’s head and a chunk of bloody flesh dropped on his head. William looked up to see the tail leave the cell. The first guard, pants still around his ankles was on the cell floor, his throat missing the chunk of flesh in William’s hair.

  “James!” William thought, but his friend was nowhere to be seen. The beast came back and for a second William was frozen with terror, but then the beast brushed himself against him and started off out of the dungeon. William bent down to steal the dead man’s pants but the wolf came back and snapped at him. He was clearly trying to help William escape.

  “There’s a back way.” William said as he motioned to the wolf to follow him. William, who had been playing in the castle all his life, led the wolf out of the back door that the jailers used to drag the dead bodies to the pit. William had reservations about leaving the castle naked, but he knew he didn’t have much time.

  As he opened the door, William saw the beautiful full moon and felt the light on his skin. He could feel a tingling that was spreading across his entire body. Just relax, it was more than a voice in his head. He words were calming him just like James’ words had when his muscles had been aching. Everything is going to be fine. It started on his arms and then his chest. It tickled as his nipples exploded with an ever thickening coat of hair. William noticed that he was being pulled toward the ground. His hands were changing and his nose was growing. When the sensations stopped William could see that he was a wolf.

  He was a lighter grey than the other wolf and quite a bit smaller. He was struggling to keep up with the gait of the other wolf. It was just good to feel warm again. Even in this cold night air, the wolf fur was better than a blanket. William was loved the feeling of running through the forest. He had always loved it, but this was a whole new sensation. He was going faster than he ever had before. He was diving over logs and jumping through hedges with ease. William had lost track of the larger wolf, but he could still sense him, and William knew that the other wolf could sense him too.

  William saw a figure standing over by a small pond. William knew it well, he had been fishing there with Fingon most of his life. As he got closer to the figure he noticed that his fur was getting sparse. The balding wolf was looking down at his front paws as he hit a log and went tumbling. He landed at James’ feet.

  “Sorry, I am just getting used to this,” James smirked, “I have never turned anyone before. It is really intoxicating, the power I mean.” William got himself up to his knees and tried to talk. “You can’t speak right now, because I’m not letting you.” James’ words didn’t seem cruel. He was clearly just testing the limits of his new abilities. William noticed that James was naked as the taller man stopped in front of the kneeling nobleman, the rebels cock was only inches from William’s mouth.

  “Look up at me,” James commanded. It didn’t feel like William was doing it, but still his eyes went up to meet James’. “Don’t move.” James smiled down at the smaller man as he reached out and placed his large manhood on William’s upturned face. William could feel the hunger growing inside him as the half engorged member crawled its way along his lips. James looked skyward and dank in the moonlight as he felt the tug of William’s skin against his foreskin.

  William had never felt this alive before in his life. He couldn’t move, he was powerless, but he could feel. He felt the cool air turning his arms into a sea of goose bumps. He could feel the power surging through the rod that was stiffening slowly as it crossed his face. His lips delighted under the pressure of the shaft. As the head brushed against William’s eye he could feel it with his whole person.

  James sat back and drank it all in. He watched as William’s loins filled with blood. James’ bite had linked them forever. William would always carry a piece of James. James could feel every bit of skin and neuron in William’s body. He could feel how desperately William wanted the larger man to be thrusting inside of him. James could feel the William’s moans inside his own chest. James grabbed a clump of William’s hair and released his hold on the kneeling man.

  Suddenly William could feel his muscle tense. He could move again. It had stretched across his face from his chin to his forehead and William grasped it with both hands and stuffed the head down his throat. He had never wanted anything so badly. He worked his hands down the shaft. James was moaning and looking skyward, William could feel a quivering in his lover’s legs.

  James pulled William to his feet and kissed him deeply. William barely had his feet on the ground as the muscular arms that surrounded him caressed his body. He opened his mouth and james’ tongue darted quickly in and out of his mouth. He tried to grab it with his own lips and tongue, as James slowly lowered him back to the ground.

  James grabbed William’s head and turned him around. William found himself holding onto a downed tree as James licked and prodded him from behind. His knees were sore in the rocky dirt, but he barely noticed. He felt a huge glob of spit hit his puckered hole and then he felt the head of the large cock pressing gently. James moved slowly at first. He could feel William’s muscle reacting to each
thrust. He pressed himself deeper with each stroke.

  Soon James was pounding with wanton abandon as his bottom pushed back against him each time. “Ohhmmm!” William moaned as he had never felt anything so large inside of him. With James’ arms on his hips, pumping against him he felt complete.

  James could feel the pressure building and as he released he could feel the eruption from William’s groin as well. As James pulled himself free, and stood up, William collapsed onto the ground. James walked into the pond to cool down. William rolled over and tried to follow. His body was still healing and adjusting to its new condition. James felt guilty, he should have waited, but he knew that William had wanted it too.

  “What is going on?” William asked as he sat down and immersed himself in the shallow pond.

  “What do you mean?” James laughed, “I turned you into a wolf. That was the medicine I have been talking about. I wasn’t sure it was going to work, because only certain werewolves can turn people. You were going to die anyway.” James shrugged.

  “If you’re a werewolf, how did you even end up in the dungeons?” William asked as he splashed water over his face. He was over being shocked by anything at this point, he was just curious.

  “I was picked up for public drunkenness,” James started walking out of the pond. William was mesmerized by the figure James cut through the moonlight. “I heard that the Lord was about to send his son to the dungeons, and I thought I would wait around to meet you.” William could feel James pulling him to his side. He was powerless to resist, but it was exciting more than scary. He was at the mercy of the statuesque man-wolf and William wouldn’t have it any other way.

  James walked over to a tree and reached into a hole in the trunk. He pulled out a tunic and a pair of pants. “Sorry, I didn’t know you would be with me when I stashed it.” James said as he threw the tunic to William. James put the pants on as he watched William slip the tunic over his head. The big man was not sure he was ready to leave the pond just yet, but he knew he had to get back to see his Uncle Angus before they decided to attack Ulva Castle on their own.

  “Shoes?” William asked, as James started to move down the path.

  “We aren’t far,” James said without turning around, “We will have everything we need once we get to the holdfast.” William hated the feeling of the rocky ground between his toes, but he knew that James had saved his life so he tried not to complain.

  The smell of venison filled the air as they approached the small stone outpost that James had generously called a holdfast. It was little more than a watch tower. William stopped he knew that he was not welcome here. William had been fighting rebels for as long as he could hold a sword. This was the hall of Angus MacCreedy. A leader of one of the lesser house of the MacQuarrie clan, the absence of a true Macquarrie Angus had been the acting head of the clan. As leader, Angus had been stirring up trouble for the House of Stewart since before William was born. At once William knew that he had just made love to the leader of the rebellion.

  “It’s ok,” James said, “You’re welcome here, you are with me.” James took William by the arm and pushed him forward. They laughed as they walked. William could feel his nervous energy melting away. He was sure that James would protect him. At this point it seemed like James was capable of anything. James threw his arm around his shorter companion and led him to the door.

  Inside the hall it was smoky and cramped. William felt like he had never seen so many people in his whole life. They were all pressed together around tiny tables. Waves of mead and ale were flying around the room as people swayed to the music of a group of minstrels off in the far corner. The aisles were not long enough to pass through without rubbing against people at the tables. With only a loose fitting tunic on William felt quite exposed.

  William could also feel eyes all over him as he walked. Men were spitting on the floor as he passed. The band stopped playing and the room fell silent.

  “Nephew!” Boomed the large man at the end of the hall, he was seated in a carved wooden throne. “I see you have captured a usurper.”

  “William is with me.” James said casually. William could tell that the message did not sit well with Angus.

  “I see,” Angus stood up and wiped his chin as he discarded a large plate of deer meat. “So the rumours are true. You have come to lead us into battle.” The tone was sinister as Angus started undoing the leather string that held his tunic in place.

  James didn’t wait for his uncle to finish undressing. James shifted and ran forward along the wooden boards of the nearest table. William wanted to shift too, but he didn’t know what to do. Be the wolf, he thought to himself, but nothing was happening. Angus had no trouble he shifted and knocked James out of the air just as the younger wolf reached the end of the table. James was not down long as he sank his teeth into Angus’ leg and threw him backwards.

  William feared for his own safety as he scanned the crowd. A ragged soldier in tattered leathers ran at him sword held high. William dove forward, as there was no place else to go, and dropped a shoulder into the man’s gut. William grabbed the sword in one motion as he felt the man’s swing coming toward him. The trained swordsman knew he would be fine now. He punched the ragged man and sent him reeling.

  Other men were starting to gather around the fighting wolves with swords drawn. William got on the table and ran toward James. William leapt of the table and swung at a large blond ruffian who was about to swing. William caught his blow, spun off of hit and sliced the man’s arm. A fat man with a large wooden club glared at William. What have I got myself into?

  The tide was turning on James’ favor as Angus, his wolf’s fur dark as midnight, was starting to tire. The men around William dropped their guard and watched as James bowled his uncle over and held his throat to the ground between snarling jaws. James shifted back and lay naked on the floor with his fat uncle at his side. Angus was cut badly, but the blood barely had time to spill as the gash closed very quickly.

  Attendants were quick to bring robes to the combatants. William noticed that one was the man whose arm he had slit open. The man now had only a ripped shirt. Maids brought ale for the men in the fray and Angus smiled and held up his mug. The crowd followed his lead, “To the new Clan leader, A true MacQuarrie,” Angus looked his nephew in the eyes, “To James!” The toast rippled through the tables as the men slammed their mugs together and rejoiced.

  James put his arm around William, “Thank you for standing with me, I couldn’t have done it without you,” James motioned for William to take a seat. One of the maids escorted William to a table near the back of the room. James and his uncle walked over to the head table. William didn’t like being so far away from James. He could feel the eyes on him again and he was still only in a tunic.

  “Have some mead?” The maid asked as she helped William down onto the bench. He must have seemed like a fish out of water. Before his little trip to the dungeons William had only ever eaten at the head table. He had never sat with the common people. He watched as James and Angus ate the best cuts of deer and drank strong brown ale. There were chunks floating in William’s watered down mead and the meat he was eating was stringy.

  A fat man with a blank expression was seated across from William and his eyes didn’t move. William didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to meet this man’s unblinking gaze. William had dropped the sword by his feet so there was no way to get it fast enough for it to be of use. He tried to look anywhere else as the feast continued around him.

  While there were many people who seemed completely oblivious to William. The nobleman was focused on the growing crowd of commoners who seemed to be encircling him. He stared at his plate and chewed the same bit of tough meat that he had been chewing for the last twenty minutes or so. He was trying to communicate with James who seemed not to notice what was going on at all. A hand went to William’s shoulder and spun him around.

  The hand belonged to the blond man with the ripped shirt and completely h
ealed arm. William reached for the sword, but the man punched him in the chest so hard that the world stared to go dark. “We’re even,” the man said, William nodded to him as he walked away. The others started to disperse as well. One man even refilled William’s cup. Then he felt the sword move around his feet.

  “Sorry, it’s my sword though,” the ragged soldier slid the sword back into his scabbard as he started to walk away. William was no longer the focus of attention as he was just a member of the crowd. William cut into his slab of deer, and chewed another gulp of mead. It was a terrible taste, but he was no longer in a dungeon, and he was miles away from Lachlan Stewart.

  “Come on,” James said as he pulled William from the table. “We have to be ready, we have company coming.” James led William to Angus’ bedchambers.

  “Ahhh, right there!” Angus was screaming from an adjoining dressing room. William thought he recognized another voice from the room as the maid who had brought him mead.

  “Uncle,” James called out, “We have business!”

  “I! Just! Need! A! Minute! UHHH!” Angus called out from the next room only seconds before he entered tying up his robe. “So, that old bastard is coming for us, eh?” Angus’ face was still beet red as he grabbed onto the map table in front of him. It looked like he was studying the map, but it seemed more likely that he needed the table to prop himself up. “Sure am glad you’re fighting on the right side laddie.” Angus winked at William and gave him a pat on the back.

  William had clashed with Angus on several occasions. The old man was just lucky he could heal so quickly, William thought. It was nice for William to finally know the reason he couldn’t kill the old rebel. They had fought twice on the field as individual combatants and every time Angus had been carried off the field and every tie William had been certain that he had killed the rebel leader. William knew that he had stabbed Angus no less than seven times.


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