Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance) Page 164

by Sy Walker

  I arched up all my elbows, thrusting my pelvis in the direction of his mouth, as he engulfed one of my balls into his heated mouth. I wasn’t exactly a virgin, but my experiences were not exactly what I expected. I had to do it under the cover of darkness to keep my father from finding out. My disguises were that of a commoner. I made sure that I only frequented those bars that had never seen my face in the company of my father.

  “I love how responsive you are. The lovers that you have had in the past are nothing. When you’re with one of us, we fully immerse into the experience in more ways than one. When we get horny and excited, we tend to heat up our entire body from the top of our head down to our toes. Our mouths and the inside of our bodies get superheated.” To prove his point, he blew hot steam up the length of my shaft, making it bob back and forth with a mind of its own.

  “That’s not something that any man of my species can do.” I was breathing with my chest rising and falling with each breath. I was totally taken aback by how easily he had made my cock into a rock hard stiffness that would not be denied. “I should be fighting you more, but I think I like that you have me where you want me.” Both of my balls disappeared within his fiery orifice. That hot tongue slithering along the surface felt like a hot poker branding me, as his lover.

  He popped them in and out of his mouth in rapid succession. I could tell that he enjoyed the look of the pillar of strength reaching towards the ceiling. He grasped it in his hand and even his palms felt like I was sliding into a warm glove. He stroked me with long movements of his hand, turning my shaft into a crimson color from the friction alone. It was uncomfortable and I thought for sure that I would be destroyed for any lover in the future.

  “Your reaction to what I’m doing is amazing. I’ve only had two lovers. I needed that feeling to make me realize that I was with the right one. I feel that same way with you, Robert.” He had now wrapped both hands around my package. I was sporting almost 8 inches, but it was nothing in the same scope, as what he was carrying of his own. I had this thirst to see how much of his length that I could fit down my throat. I squirmed, thrashing in my head from side to side, as he teased me mercilessly beyond the point of reason.

  His mouth came off of my balls and they soon made their way agonizingly up to the top. He slid his tongue around the eye, before making half for me appear to have disappeared. He looked up and those eyes suddenly began to show a fiery existence. The way that steam was coming out of his nose had only made me well aware of the fact that his mouth was that of an inferno. He slammed his face down on to me; kissing my mid section and using his tongue to once again give my balls the incentive that they needed to unload.

  “I don’t think that it’s a stretch of the imagination to say that you are the best that I’ve ever had.” I thought that I knew what a blow job was, but this was taking things a little further than I could ever imagine. The heat of his mouth, the scorching feel of his boiling saliva dripping down onto my balls was a good way to find that hidden pleasure switch. “I’m afraid that you have me at a disadvantage. There’s no way that I could possibly do this for you.” My balls rose up with a feel of his hot suction taking me to new places of sexual pleasure. I pulled at those chains, letting my passions unfold naturally inside his mouth.

  I had no idea how many streams shot in wild arcs, until finally I slumped down onto the hard surface of that rock. Even the rock had become warm to the touch due to his body sliding on top of it.

  He moved to kiss me, letting me share in the bounty of what I had given him. I could feel the discharge clinging to his tongue and then dripping into my own mouth. He was giving back what he got, but keeping some for himself. He was smiling, moving my hair out from covering my eyes. His long dragon tongue slid effortlessly to the back of my mouth. My eyes went wide with surprise, as he tried to choke me on that digit. The way that it flitted up to the roof of my mouth had started to tickle on those nerves. That allowed my cock to become more than just the flaccid state that he had caused. I’d never seen or felt anything like that. It was like he had personal knowledge on what made my body become hard like an iron bar.

  “That was interesting. I can honestly say that this was not what I thought was going to happen. I figured that you would fight me every step of the way and that I would have to use some force to get you to see things my way. I’m glad to be proven wrong and this is so much better than trying to keep you against your will.” He went to let me go, but I stopped him with my hand curled around his wrist. “Oh my god…you don’t want me to let you go. You’re getting some sick little thrill out of me using your body for my own amusement. That suits me just fine.”

  He got up, showing off that tight pair of globes. My tongue came out of my mouth. I wanted him to sit on my face. Tongue fucking that tight little chute would have put him in the perfect mood to drive his dragon love muscle into the deepest part of me. I’d only done that one time and I had since never done it again. I was still a virgin in fucking and I was hoping that he would allow me to service him.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We’ve only begun and there’s still a whole lot more that we can do. I want you to stay the night, until we are spent in each other’s arms with a sheen of sweat sticking to us like glue.” He stopped and turned with a bemused smile on his face. He walked over and flicked at the head of my cock, making the last little bit of my cream slip from the confines. He used his thumb to clean what was there and then he stuck it in his mouth like an aphrodisiac for more to come.

  “Normally, I would be more than happy to wallow here in your arms for hours on end. Unfortunately, I have some business to conduct with your father Peter. I know that he’s not going to be very happy with me, but hopefully this will put a fire under him to make some concessions.” He transformed, until his entire body was this orange color of scales. There was no denying that seeing something like that for oneself is a jaw dropping experience. “I just hope that he doesn’t take offense by my tactic to take you for leverage. I’m sure that he would do the same thing. In fact I’m almost positive that he would gladly do to somebody I love the same that I’m doing to you.”

  His wings folded in on themselves, as he leaped through the small opening of that window and took flight. From where I was a prisoner, I could see his brief silhouette going by the moon and then disappearing from view. I looked down at my cock and the way that he had satisfied me with his mouth. I could only imagine what he could do with other parts of his body. I had no idea how I could be so lucky and also be in a situation that could become dire. I had no idea how well received my father was going to be to his ultimatum. I was worried that things were going to escalate to the point of being a war amongst them and us.

  I wanted more of what he could give me. I waited with bated breath for him to return to give me more of the same.

  Chapter four

  I must’ve fallen asleep and by the time that I awoke, there was no sign of Drake. Come to think of it, I don’t remember seeing any of his brethren hanging around when we arrived. They were most likely keeping a low profile. The treaty that was signed made it impossible to know who was a dragon shifter and who wasn’t. They could fool anybody into thinking that they were human, until they transformed and became something that was not human.

  I had no idea what time it was. The only way that I could figure anything out was to watch the movement of the sun. From what I could gather, I would say that it was mid afternoon and that he had been gone for several hours. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. My father was one stubborn bastard. He was not one to bow down to conventional thinking. It was possible that he would take what they had done to me and turn it back around in his favor. I never did feel that we were linked by blood. It was more that he had to deal with me, as the product of my mother and his loins.

  I heard the flapping of wings and then the arrival of Drake landing by the bed. His wings spanned the room. He began to transform, until his human form was more pre
valent. He flew the expanse of the several feet between me and him, until he was landing with his 2 feet on either side of my naked body. He dropped down, grabbing my head and force feeding me an injection of beef. My lips surrounded his flesh, dragging him along the pathway to the back of my mouth, until he was tapping at it with an eagerness to feel me deepthroat him.

  “Your father is not one to be a reasoned with. He thinks that I am hurting you, but I think we both know that that’s not true” He was choking me, but it wasn’t due to his hands wrapped around my throat. That log of man meat tried to force past the resistance of the entrance to my throat. It was a good thing that his knob was soft and pliable. It found its way inside. He literally pinched my nose closed, so that I couldn’t breathe for a second. “Don’t look at me like that. You know that you like it and that you want more of it.” I nodded my head and he immediately began to fuck my face with a force of somebody that wanted to get off quickly.

  I was drooling all over it to make it easier to slide back and forth. I was having a great time showing him how much he meant to me. I knew that I had only known him for a short time, but it was more than enough to satisfy some of my otherwise naughty curiosities. I was looking up to him with my mouth full, tongue curled around him and playing havoc with his sex drive. He had gripped onto my shoulders, holding me steady, so that he could pile drive down into my mouth. I lay there taking that abuse and knowing that my throat was probably going to be raw in the morning.

  “I told your father that he had tonight to think about my offer. He either stops destroying our land, or we will be forced to kill you.” That did not instill confidence in me. My father is not one to back down. Sometimes that is a detriment to himself and his family. “I would rather that you stay here with me, but it’s really out of my hands. Your father is the one that holds your life by a thin thread.” I wasn’t sure, but maybe this was his way of making my last moments on this earth pleasurable ones.

  Every time that his knob and the first couple of inches slid into my throat, I would swallow to make it even tighter than he had already experienced from me. I became an expert at reading his body signals. The way that he would buck up against my face or moan with steam coming from his nose was good signs that I was on the right track.

  I wedged my hands out from underneath him, so that I could grip his ass and give it hard and loud spanks. This only seemed to drive him into a sexual frustration. He was moving against me and I wasn’t really doing anything. The most and I could do was squeeze tighter with my lips around him and to use my tongue to lick the underside of his balls every time that I was made to deepthroat. He was grunting and making all sorts of noises that were going to culminate with an explosion inside my mouth.

  I thought for sure that he would stop long before he had reached that point. His face had changed from that of mild pleasure to outright bliss. I knew what was going to happen and I tried to brace myself for the initial impact. His sweet cream had already left a permanent imprint on my tongue. This was going to be, so much more than just a few droplets.

  “I love that you can take all of me. You may gag and look like you’re having problems dealing with it, but I know differently. You’re the one that I’ve been looking for. You might be fortunate enough to have something that makes it necessary for me to keep you alive. There’s really only one way…one way…to find out…holy mother of god…here it comes.” My mouth was abused and I was looking for something to quench that parched feeling, when suddenly the gates opened up between his legs.

  His balls lifted quite noticeably and then he was literally firing off one shot after another. He did not stop and continued to bang my mouth, allowing the pleasure to wash over him, until finally he pushed back with his hands on either side of my legs. I had a mouthful and then some. I savored it on my tongue, letting it linger there for a time, before I finally swallowed what he had to offer.

  I licked what was left along the surface of my lips and then I stared at him in absolute awe. He was still the monument that he was before all of this started.

  He moved with an animalistic urge, until I was in a position with my feet up on his shoulders. He grabbed them around my thighs, holding me in place and then giving me the tip of this pecker. My hot hole grabbed him insistently, strangling the head and using a vacuum like suction to draw him further within my dark passage. With each inch, he opened me up even more and then he pulled out to show that I was gaping something fierce.

  “There is no better sight than seeing a man giving up that sweet ass. To see it open with an invitation to plow forward with everything I have is more than I can ever ask for.” I wanted to say something, but my mind was currently occupied with the feeling of that long slice of man fitting into my hole. It was the perfect fit and I don’t think that I could’ve taken any more, even if I wanted to. He was bigger than the three guys that I had been with in the past. It made me feel like I was in virgin territory and he probably felt the same way.

  I moved my hips up to meet his and we were soon making this very wet slapping sound every time that our thighs came in contact with each other. He was not doing all the work. I didn’t want him to think that I was just some submissive bitch that would take what he had to give me and ask for more. This was a constant give and take. I think that he admired the fact that I was willing to give, as good as I got.

  “Drake… Drake…your cock fills me up like no other.”

  I didn’t know what I would do without you. I didn’t want to find out. A sweat induced climax was threatening to burst from my loins. It was close enough that I could almost taste it. I didn’t even have to touch myself or have him do it for me. The constant pressure against my prostate was doing the job all on its own. He was pounding me hard and fast into that unforgiving rock surface.

  “I’ve been waiting too long for this day to come. It is said that a dragon shifter is destined to be with one mate for the rest of his life. I feel lucky that you are my second. I thought that I knew what sex was, but your enthusiasm has proven to me that I was only scratching the surface. Take that fucking cock…take it deep and let me give you the gift of life.” My cock shot off into the air, grabbing onto him with a rippling sensation that was meant to take him from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds.

  I felt his body move against me harder with my legs feeling numb from hanging in the air for that long. Time was inconsequential. I had no idea how long we had been doing it, but it felt like it was never going to end. I was covered with my own climax. Those sticky streams were clinging to my flesh, as he drove into me with a bit of spittle flying from his mouth.

  His legs were over top of me and he was using his dragon stamina to keep himself from losing it. He wanted to keep going and I couldn’t blame him. If I was in his shoes, I would have gladly thought of anything that wasn’t sexual to keep this thing going.

  “You are a very bad boy… I’ve never felt like my cock had no choice, but to shoot its load.” He punctuated each sentence with a sharp jab of his hips to get him in, as deep as possible. He stopped with every inch buried. I could tell from the color on his face and the way that he was looking at me that he still had some left in the chamber. The head ballooned and I could feel that vein throbbing. I was soon to feel the insertion of his manly essence.

  I was sore, but I was also feeling that there was something between us. I mistakenly thought that it was being prisoner that made me succumb to him, so willingly. His cock came out of me and then I doubled over in some sort of pain. It felt like somebody was driving a knife into my chest. I thought that he would be shocked, but it was almost like he knew that it was coming.

  “Breathe through it and before you know it the worst of it will be over.” I had no idea how he could possibly say something like that. There were tears coming down my eyes and my stomach felt like something was churning within. I saw my belly move like a wave and begin to grow, until I was certain that there was something terribly wrong. “I told you that I was going to give you the gift of
life. No mere mortal man can withstand be imprinted with one of our children. It’s only that one that will always have a place in my heart and in my bed that is able to endure the pain.”

  I was on my hands and knees, reaching out for him for some kind of aid and finding none. I held my stomach and my fingertips perceived that there was something inside me. There was something moving and that just wasn’t possible.

  “I think I’m going to die…kill me…kill me now.” I was begging him to put me out of my misery, but he could only smirk. This was something that he actually found enjoyment in. “Why the fuck are you smiling? I’m being torn apart from the inside out and you don’t even seem to care.”

  “I do care, but I think that you might be protesting a little bit too much. This is after all childbirth. I’m sure that you’ve heard horror stories from mothers that have gone through labor. Our babies are born quicker than humans. You’ll have this baby in the next month or two. On the upside, I believe that this might be the perfect leverage for negotiations with your father. You will accompany me tomorrow morning to meet him in person and to tell him of our news.”

  I could swear that there were a thousand pokers with a hot flame burning inside me. I moaned and writhed on the bed, as he stood there and took it all in. The pain was too much and I began to lose consciousness. There was no way that any man could withstand something like this and not wish for it to end. My vision blurred and then my whole body shut down like somebody had turned a switch to the off position.

  Chapter five


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