Perfect Timing

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Perfect Timing Page 3

by Aimee Brissay

  “We’re still on the road, aren’t we?”

  Shawn paused, thinking, but he couldn't find any valid argument to refute Valentin’s logic. Shrugging, he let it go and settled more comfortably in the seat.

  “So, where are we going?”

  Valentin shrugged. “As far away from here as possible.”

  “You have got to be kidding me. You kidnap me but you don’t know where you’re going?”

  The vampire shrugged again and offered no further clarification, but his scent changed, arousal being slowly replaced by uncertainty. The silence stretched on, Shawn watching him intently, while Valentin fidgeted, obviously uncomfortable being the center of attention.

  “Have I said something wrong?”

  Valentin shook his head, not meeting his gaze. If anything, his turmoil became stronger. Deciding things weren’t going in the right direction, Shawn tried a different approach.

  “How long have I been out?”

  Visibly relieved, the vampire jumped at the offered chance of a change of topic. “Over an hour. I was worried for a moment that you might have a contusion. How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve been hit by a truck.”

  “You’re not far wrong.”

  “Yeah. My brother and his goons.” He knew he sounded bitter, but he couldn’t help it.

  Finally, Valentin chanced a sideways glance at Shawn.

  “What happened back there?”

  Shawn sighed. “Just Lucan acting like the ass he is.”

  He rested his head against the headrest of the seat and stared out the window. He had no plans for his life, nowhere to be. Until today he had a place to live and a family, no matter how dysfunctional it was. But he’d lost everything in the span of a single hour. He walked away from any chance he had at claiming the pride as his own, but he knew in his heart he did the right thing. He didn’t want to challenge his prime just to please his stepfather. Alec was a good leader, strong and fair. His stepfather just had to find someone else to do his dirty work.

  Now, all his worldly possessions consisted of the car, the money in his wallet, the clothes on his back, and whatever little he had in his duffel bag. And apparently a vampire with an attitude as a companion.

  But, damn, the man smelled good. A bit odd, like there was something off about him, but good nonetheless. In spite of everything, he found himself getting hard again and he hoped like hell Valentin couldn’t smell out his arousal. What was wrong with him? He was never attracted to men. Ever. What was it about this man?

  The silence stretched on, each of them wrapped in their own thoughts.

  “Why did you warn me off? At the bar.”

  “You seemed like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. I thought you needed a friend.”

  “How did you know I was being followed?”

  “I didn’t.” Shawn faced away from the window to stare at Valentin. How could it be? How could he not know? No vampire could miss the scent marking a pride’s territory. Especially not when the pride was as big and as powerful as his. Or the smell of the pack of werewolves that shared the pride’s territory. Then again, maybe the vampire was just a very good actor.

  “Why the warning then?” Valentin’s gaze locked on Shawn’s. “Why, Shawn?” The words were spoken in a serious tone, and those big, dark eyes bore into his, silently asking for the truth.

  “You don’t know?” Couldn’t Valentin see Shawn’s interest in him?

  A gust of wind brought in more rain and fresh, new scents. Shawn stilled, his survival instincts going into overdrive. He drew in a deep breath, tasting the air on his tongue, letting his senses separate each of the smells. There were bloodsuckers nearby, two, maybe three, so close he could sense their excitement over the hunt. And he’d bet everything he had that Valentin was the prey.

  Amazingly, Valentin seemed oblivious to everything around them.

  “Er, friends of yours, Valentin?”


  “The vampires on our tail. Are they friends of yours?”

  Valentin’s eyes bulged, dread coming off him in waves. His shoulder hunched and, for a moment, he looked downright dejected.

  “I’m so sorry I dragged you into this. It wasn’t my intention. I should have known better. I should have never stopped at the bar. I knew they were close. But I was tired and cold and I wanted a break from everything. That’s it. I swear I didn’t mean to put you in any danger.” He was babbling. “Please believe me.”

  Valentin turned to Shawn, the panic on his face shocking Shawn. “I swear.”

  Shawn couldn't do anything but nod.

  “I cannot win against them. I am so sorry… Wait! How do you know about vampires? Or even better, how can you sense them?”

  Oh my God, he was serious! Shawn burst out laughing. “You are kidding me, right? How can you not smell them? They stink to the moon!”

  “They stink?”


  Valentin paused, his head cocking to the side. “What. Are. You?”


  “No, really.” The vampire glanced sideways at him, his face the image of incredulity.

  “Do you want to have this particular conversation now? You might want to find a good spot to pull over.”

  “You are not listening to me. I stand no chance against them.” He spoke slowly, like he was trying to explain things to a mentally challenged child.

  Shawn frowned in confusion and inconspicuously sniffed the air. Lies had their own scent, just like anything else in the world, and he could pick out even the most subtle of them. There was none of that in the air. Just plain-out honesty. He worried at his lower lip. Before anything else, he needed to know one thing.

  “In the parking lot. Why didn’t you stay out of it?”

  Valentin’s fingers tightened on the wheel.

  “It wasn’t a conscious thought. I just reacted. I couldn’t let them kill you.” He turned to face Shawn again and looked him straight in the eye. “Your blood and your scent called to me like nobody else’s ever had.”

  Shawn nodded. He understood the attraction. He checked his side mirror, half expecting to see all hounds from hell on their tail, before sending Valentin a wide grin.

  “So. What did you do to have bloodsuckers chasing after you? Stole something?” Shawn shook with laugher before the words were out of his mouth.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just trying to picture you breaking and entering into a vampire’s lair to steal something.” Valentin glared at him. “Oh, come on! You broke the damn window just to get into my car. You can understand my lack of confidence in your stealth skills.”

  By then, Valentin was shooting daggers at him. Oh yes, just as he suspected. Annoying the vampire was fun.

  The scent of their pursuers was getting so strong even Valentin had to feel it. They were gaining ground by the minute, but there were no vehicles in sight.

  Something smashed into the right side of the car, pushing it over the road’s axis. Valentin swore, fighting to keep the SUV on the road. Shawn gripped the door handle to steady himself. He turned around, trying to locate the source of the attack.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “Didn’t we just have this conversation?” Valentin’s tone was harsh, but his distress was genuine.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Let’s just say that the expression things that go bump in the night is not just a figure of speech.” He felt them a second before the car was hit again.

  “Shit! Hold on!” The smack was followed by another and another, each stronger than the one before. The SUV fishtailed off the road, coming to a stop fifty feet away in a pool of mud. Valentin caught Shawn’s eyes, mouthed an apology, and then he was out of the car.

  Shawn watched him bolt through the door and shook his head. He undid his seatbelt and reached for the door handle. The metal had been damaged and required a serious kick for Shawn to push it open.

  Shawn steppe
d outside and faced his opponents for the first time. They were vampires all right, three of them, and most likely old, but just how old was anyone’s guess. Shawn couldn’t see them yet, just feel them stalking from the shadows. Valentin was leaning against the other side of the car, body poised, eyes trained on the spot over Shawn’s shoulder. Shawn’s head snapped around, following his gaze, but he couldn’t see anything through the curtain of rain.

  “I see you got yourself a watchdog. How thoughtful of you. It won’t do you any good, but I appreciate you going to all these lengths to entertain us.” The voice was downright evil and cold crept up Shawn’s spine. He was beginning to see where Valentin’s fear was coming from.

  “I don’t care for being called a dog.”

  “No one asked for your opinion, mutt!” A second voice, just as evil as the first one, drifted through the night.

  “Theodore, please, let him go. He is not part of this,” Valentin pleaded.

  “You made him a part of this. You stupid fuck! You should have died with the rest of them! It would have saved us the nuisance of tracking your stupid ass halfway across the continent.” The owner of the third voice came into view from somewhere on their right. He was tall and bulky, the black clothes he was wearing made him look dangerous.

  “Oh jeez! I’m sorry I didn’t take into account the trouble you’d have following me when I fled for my life.”

  “You’ve always had a big mouth. Too bad you can’t measure up to it.”

  Shawn shifted his weight slightly, bracing himself. From the darkness around them, the figures of the two vampires that had spoken earlier finally took shape. Both tall, wide, and from the vibes coming off them, extremely dangerous. The three of them had Shawn and Valentin surrounded, and Shawn didn’t like one bit the position he was in. He shifted on his feet again, his back plastered to the side of the car, and faced the threat head-on.

  “You are in for a treat. You get to watch the pooch die. When we are done with him, it’s your turn. And for all the trouble you put us through, your death will be even slower than his. I will personally make sure of it.”

  “Really, guys, the mutt thing is getting old. If you’re planning on insulting me, you could at least get your facts straight.” None of them were listening.

  “Matheus, he’s all yours.”

  At the leader’s sign, the vampire closest to Shawn, a huge guy with black hair and pitch-black eyes, leaped forward. He’d expected it, but the ferociousness of the attack still caught Shawn off guard. He managed to dodge it, barely. The vampire hit the car with a loud thud and turned to face him again. Fangs bared, eyes gleaming, fingers curled like claws.

  The rattle of another fight in progress coming over from Valentin’s direction reached Shawn’s ears, but the sounds barely registered, his entire focus directed at his opponent.

  Careful not to lose his footing, Shawn took a few steps to the side, leaving the protection of the car behind. The vampire snarled and charged again, and this time Shawn wasn’t fast enough. Their bodies clashed, teeth rattled, and clothes tore. Matheus’ talons dug into his flesh and it felt like bones were being crushed. He squirmed, fighting for room to maneuver.

  The vampire aimed for the throat, his fangs sliding over Shawn’s collarbone and sinking into the soft skin between the neck and shoulder. Shawn tangled one hand in Matheus’ hair, jerking hard. He lifted up a knee, smashing it into the bloodsucker’s body, going for the man’s nuts. Old rules rang in his ears. No place for mercy in a fight to the death. You’d be shown none.

  Matheus grunted and pulled a step back, and that was all the space Shawn needed. He untangled his hand from the vampire’s hair and shoved his fists into the other man’s chest, sending him stumbling back.

  The beast inside of him screamed to be released, gums aching, skin tingling. Shawn drew a deep breath and called forth his second nature. His body elongated, the bones rearranged themselves. Fur spurted from beneath his skin. Pieces of clothing flew all over. In Shawn’s place, the jaguar stood proud, roaring his rage and challenge into the night.

  * * * *

  Valentin was in over his head and he knew it. Theodore, Matheus, and Daniel were all older than he was. Millennia older. He couldn’t begin to imagine the kind of power those three mastered. Cold-blooded killers, they sold themselves to the highest bidder, rarely acting solely on loyalty, or what passed as loyalty for their kind. The leader, Theodore, was well over fifteen hundred years old and no one knew for sure how many, both mortals and immortals, had died under his hands. Matheus and Daniel were younger but just as vicious.

  Valentin could sense the menace rolling off them, pressing onto his chest, choking him. He could hear Theodore’s voice whispering in the back of his head, and while the words were fuzzy, the message was clear—he was going to die, and he was going to beg for death long before they’d be done with him. A few hours ago he might have welcomed it and the peace it would bring, but all that changed. Now he had a reason to live. He had Shawn to take care. But if the chances for him to live through this night were slim, the ones for both him and Shawn to survive together were next to nothing.

  He saw Daniel’s pupils dilate. His fangs extended and he lunged forward. Daniel went for Valentin’s throat and missed, his nails leaving crimson scratches over Valentin’s chest. Valentin found an opening and sank his fangs into Daniel’s shoulder. Blood rushed into his mouth, fresh and rich. His hunger rose and the bloodlust took over his senses. He whimpered at the taste of old strength and latched harder onto the wound he’d made. More. Seven hells, he wanted more. It tasted like power. Like his late sire. Oh, how he missed the taste.

  With a hiss, Daniel slammed his elbow into Valentin’s stomach, unhooking his fangs from his body. The flesh tore with a loud rip. The sound sent a wave of excitement through Valentin’s body, his skin breaking out in goose bumps. He could almost, almost, hear each drop forming. And he could definitely hear the blood running down Daniel’s throat.

  Daniel dug his fingers into Valentin’s ribs. Bones crumbled under the pressure. Daniel shoved Valentin against the SUV. The car creaked and slid further into the muddy earth by the side of the road. Daniel snaked a hand into Valentin’s hair and pulled it hard, exposing his throat.

  “Don’t worry, little fledgling, I just want a taste. The fun won’t start until later.”

  Daniel’s voice, softer than a whisper, sent chills up Valentin’s spine. The man’s breath brushed over Valentin’s neck and he knew he was going to die. Sorrow pooled in his stomach. Oh God, why now? Cold lips closed over his throat. Sharp fangs grazed the skin just before puncturing. Blood rushed through his veins and his eyesight tunneled just when an earth-shattering roar pierced the night.

  Daniel stilled in place, still latched onto Valentin’s neck, and Matheus’s cuss penetrated the fog in Valentin’s head.

  “Shit, that’s one helluva dog!”

  “That ain’t a dog!”

  Daniel lifted his head to look over to where Matheus stood, and his grip on Valentin’s body slipped. That was all the respite the skinny vampire needed. He bared his fangs, and before his intentions could register in the man’s mind, he ripped Daniel’s throat out. Blood gushed from the wound and Valentin drank and drank, taking in all the power and the memories and the very core of the vampire’s being. Daniel struggled against him, pushing and shoving, but Valentin held him fast until he went still, his eyes wide and shocked.

  * * * *

  The jaguar smelled the fear and the fresh-spilled blood and it spurred him on. Adrenaline rushed through his body. His eyes locked on Matheus’, and he could read the shock and uncertainty in them. The vampire paused, and Shawn lunged, claws and fangs tearing clothes and flesh, blood splashing around them, mixing up with the rain. Matheus went still under him, but his victory was short lived.

  Shawn sensed the second vampire a moment before he was on top of him. They stumbled together to the ground in a tangle of paws and limbs. Theodore’s nails left deep trails i
n Shawn’s fur. His fangs chewed at the cords in the jaguar’s neck. The mane, wet and slippery, too thick for the vampire to do any real damage, allowed him to roll over on his back under Theodore’s body. This position, whilst making him feel vulnerable, enabled him to use his claws on the vampire’s exposed stomach.

  Shawn dug into the bloodsucker’s flesh for all it was worth as Theodore made another try for his throat. With the last remains of his strength, the vampire pushed himself off the jaguar. A second later his shape blurred and in his place there was just mist dissipating slowly into the rain.

  What the hell happened? Shawn, still in his animal form, stared at the empty space previously occupied by Theodore. If it weren’t for all the blood covering his fur and the scent lingering in the air, he would have thought his imagination was playing tricks on him.

  The jaguar rolled over onto his stomach, put his legs in front of him and stretched out until the soreness of his muscles faded. He got on all fours and shook the water and blood from his pelt, very much like a dog would have done. He winced inwardly at the comparison.

  Sounds of retching from the other side of the car pulled him from his thoughts. Oh my God! Valentin! Shawn had completely forgotten about him. Shawn sniffed the air and the scent hit him hard. Valentin was hurt. He was bleeding.

  The jaguar rounded the back of the truck and peeked from behind the vehicle. Sure enough, there was Valentin, a hand braced against the side of the car, puking his guts out. His retching spasms finally stopped and his companion’s head fell backward, allowing the rain to clean the blood on his face and bring relief to his wounds.

  He was alive. The feline inched closer and sat gingerly on his haunches, purring loudly. Valentin was fine. All was well.

  Chapter 4

  The vampire whirled around and stared at the black jaguar in front of him. He’d expected to find another of Theodore’s mercenaries or even the head of his line himself, but he wasn’t prepared to get up close and personal with the most gorgeous cat he had ever seen. Not to mention deadly.


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