Perfect Timing

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Perfect Timing Page 9

by Aimee Brissay

  “You said only the elders can travel through time. How old should one be to master this… art form?”


  Shawn gaped in shock, the drink in his hand forgotten. “Millennia? As in thousands of years?”

  “I guess so.”

  “And how old are you, again?” Shawn took a long gulp of the Pepsi he was holding.

  “I’m nothing but a fledgling.”

  Shawn snorted, the lukewarm liquid bursting from his nose. “Shit. That hurts.” He fished out a napkin from the bag and used it to wipe his face. “Do you take me for a fool?”

  “What? No!”

  “You said you are three hundred years old. That hardly makes you a newborn.”

  “I said I was a little over three hundred. But I am very young for my world.”

  He dared take another sip and forced himself to get back on topic. “Speaking of years of experience. I would have thought that self-preservation 101 would be on top of the list of a how-to-be-a-vampire class.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Barging headfirst into a room where a man had just been murdered should be a big no-no.”

  Valentin frowned in confusion. “It was safe.”

  “Oh, really? And how did you know that? There was blood everywhere, and your kind isn’t exactly big on disclosing their presence by mistake.”

  “I don’t need—didn’t need—sounds to know if I’m alone in a room or not.”

  This has to be good. “Ohhh, do tell. Does this involve the same procedure where you have no use for emotions?”

  “Immortals have certain signatures. Each species is different.”

  “If it is that simple, how did you not know the coven was under attack?” That stopped Valentin short. “The two vampires that ransacked your place and killed that older guy. Did you know them?”

  Valentin shook his head, any trace of smugness gone from his face. “No, I didn’t. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I have no idea whom they belong to or how and when they got inside the house.”

  “Let’s not forget the why.”

  “Oh, no, I know why.” He was back at pacing the room, his brows furrowed in concentration.

  “A stone. An extremely rare golden ruby. Flawless. It glows red in the moonlight and pure gold in the sunlight.”

  “Okay, rare, perfect, and I’m assuming expensive. But is it worth killing for?”

  “It’s rare and perfect, so, yeah, it’s expensive. Though I doubt it’s worth killing over. Especially not an elder.”

  “The older guy in the tower was an elder?”

  “Yes, he was.”

  * * * *

  “He was my sire.”

  Shawn’s spine stiffened at Valentin’s words and dark clouds gathered in his eyes. Valentin held his breath, waiting for his lover to ask about the nature of his relationship with Yuri, but Shawn chose not to. Finally, Shawn’s posture relaxed and his gaze cleared.

  “I thought elders were hard to kill. And those vampires had gone to great lengths to do it. How could it be all over a stone? No matter how big or perfect it might be, a rock is just a rock.”

  “Well… not exactly.” Valentin paused, gathering his thoughts.

  “Sometimes a rock is just a rock, and sometimes it’s more than that. It is said that this particular one, L’Immortel grants immortality and shields against prying eyes. It offers a power boost, helps with mastering new levels of spells or anything else its owner’s needs. It is said to be very powerful. But as far as I know, that’s nothing just part of vampire lore.”

  “But is it real?”

  “I don’t know, but a lot of people want to get their hands on it.”

  “Have you seen it working?”

  “No, but it is supposed to grant immortality to vampires.”

  “Why would a vampire seek immortality? You’re already immortal.”

  “No, we aren’t. We have indeed a longer life span, but we are by no means immortals. We can still be killed, as you’ve seen for yourself.”

  Words were so difficult sometimes. How do you explain your world to an outsider? Valentin took a deep breath to compose himself, but Shawn seemed to misinterpret his silence.

  “Oh, come on, man, prying a tooth would be less painful than trying to find out something from you. You could use that mojo you have and see for yourself I mean you no harm. Let me help you.”

  “Why? People don’t go out of their way to help others. I’m a vampire, you’re a therian. I’m nothing but a quick lay for you. Why would you help me?” A lifetime of mistrust towards everyone who wasn’t a vampire and even some of his own, had made Valentin wary and the extermination of his coven had made things even worse. It didn’t matter that Shawn had been nothing but honest, Valentin couldn’t help his bitterness. He wasn’t upset with Shawn, but with himself, for being so weak and helpless to be put in the position to be taken care of by someone else.

  Shawn watched him patiently, waiting for the rant to be over.

  “Because you are my mate.”

  That took him by surprise.

  “Come again?”

  “I believe I made myself perfectly clear the first time. You. Are. My. Mate.”

  “Are you sure?” Valentin couldn’t keep the disbelief out of his voice. And damn if there wasn’t a spark of hope in there, too.


  “How can I be your mate? “You are not gay.”

  “No, I’m not, or so I thought until I met you. But mates are chosen by Fate, and there has to be a reason.”

  “How… how long have you known?” His mind was reeling.

  “A bit after we’ve met, I think. It wasn’t a conscious process. I couldn’t explain my possessiveness toward you, but now it makes sense.”

  “How can you be so casual about this?”

  “I’m not.”

  Valentin opened his mouth to voice more questions, hell, he had tons, but Shawn cut him off. He caressed Valentin’s cheek with his knuckles and the vampire shivered under the touch. The kiss was tender, just a brush of lips, and it left Valentin breathless. Shawn pulled back and stared him in the eye. When he spoke, his voice was soft.

  “You don’t know me. You have no reason to trust me. But for some reason, Fate chose you for me. I don’t know how and if it will work. I’ve never been with a man. Hell, I’ve never had a serious relationship before. But I want to try. Will you give me a chance?”

  Valentin’s heart skipped a beat at Shawn’s words. He swallowed, trying to clear his throat, his mouth drier than the Sahara desert. He tried speaking, but when no sounds came out, he settled for nodding.

  Shawn kissed him again, just as soft, taking his time. Valentin clutched Shawn’s shoulders, taking in the taste and unique scent of his lover. Their tongues brushed against each other in slow, sensual movements. Shawn flushed their bodies together, deepening the kiss. He threaded his fingers through Valentin’s hair, tilting back his head, exposing his throat. His lips found the soft spot under Valentin’s ear and nipped the tender flesh.

  “So responsive.” Whispered words, hot breath against his skin. Valentin whimpered. Oh God, just how pathetic can I be? And yet he couldn’t stop himself. It felt so good. He was so hard the zipper had to be forever imprinted on his cock.

  “One more thing.” Shawn was even closer, raining kisses over Valentin’s right cheek. Valentin trembled again and pressed his hands against his lover’s chest to keep his balance. “May I have you?”

  The man was no doubt trying to kill him. “Yessss. Now! You can have me now.”

  Shawn curled his forefinger under Valentin’s chin, lifting his face, and brought their mouths together once more. There was no rushing, no pressure. The sweetest kiss ever. Valentin clenched one fist in the cat’s tee shirt and wrapped the other hand around his neck, pulling him closer. He whimpered again, oh yeah, how manly of me, and clutched Shawn closer. His senses went into overload, the taste, scent, the hard ridge pre
ssed against his own, blood pounding so close to the skin, everything heightening his need, his hunger for the man, for this man.

  Valentin moaned, a low, needy sound, and Shawn answered with one of his own. He tried to get closer to Shawn, wanting the contact more than anything. He could feel the man’s need, and it just made him crave more.

  “Oh, God.”

  Clothes melted from their bodies, hands roaming freely over heated skin, lips and tongues following in their wake. Valentin gave up any semblance of control and surrendered himself to Shawn’s ministrations.

  * * * *

  Shawn was excited beyond belief. Every inch of porcelain skin he was exposing increased the joy of discovery, each caress of his fingers over hot flesh sent jolts of excitements throughout his body.

  He lifted Valentin off his feet and carried him to the bed, placing him gently on top of the comforter. Valentin was warm and pliant and fit perfectly underneath him.

  Shawn was aroused beyond his wildest dreams, cock throbbing painfully, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to hurry. He licked his way down that lean chest, pausing to nip the nipples, feeling them hardening under his tongue. He teased the buds until he had Valentin squirming.

  He slid lower down his mate’s body and sneaked his tongue inside the belly button, drawing out a giggle from Valentin. Shawn licked lower until he reached the band of Valentin’s jeans and stopped, unsure of what his next move should be. Valentin threaded his fingers through Shawn’s hair, whimpering.

  Shawn grinned devilishly and snapped the button open. The mouthwatering aroma of Valentin’s arousal filled the air, and any doubts Shawn had flown out the window. He lowered the zipper, careful not to hurt his lover, and pushed the cloth away, eyes glued to the cock in front of him. Pants suddenly in his way, he tugged at them, almost tearing the fabric in the process, and threw them across the room.

  Shawn’s hand wrapped around Valentin’s length and his tongue peeked out to tentatively touch the head. The skin was hot and smooth, and he wanted more. He circled it with the tip of his tongue, just under it, drawing a whimper out of the exquisite man. He licked the head, gently probing the slit, and Valentin’s hips almost shot off the bed.

  “So responsive.”

  Valentin whimpered. He was hard enough to pound nails.

  “Oh, God, oh God, oh God.”

  Valentin let out a strangled cry as a hot mouth enveloped his dick. Shawn started a bobbing motion, his hand following the same pattern. He lacked the technique, he knew it, but he threw himself into the act open-hearted. Valentin clenched his hands in the comforter, his spine arched, head thrown back, breath coming out in pants.

  “Oh God. Stop.” His hand shot up and tugged at Shawn’s hair. He lover doubled his efforts, his own excitement spurring him on.

  With a visible struggle, he fought to keep his hips still. “Stop. Baby, stop please.” He tugged again at Shawn’s hair.

  Shawn lifted his head, his face flushed, eyes glazed with lust.

  “What?” And damn if he didn’t sound pissed. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  Valentin shook his head. “On the contrary. You are doing it just right. But wouldn’t you rather fuck me?”

  Heat rose to Shawn’s cheeks and he couldn’t hear himself think over the pounding of blood in his ears. “You… Would you… I mean…”

  Valentin grinned. “Why, now, kitten, are you trying to ask if I’d let you top?”

  “Uhmm… yes?”

  Valentin reached out to caress his brow, looking him straight in his eyes. “I do love a thick cock up my ass.”

  “You do?” Shawn’s eyes widened in shock. Valentin burst out laughing.

  “Yes. I do.” He wiggled his hips under Shawn, drawing out a low groan. “What are you waiting for?”

  “You are killing me.” Shawn scrambled to his feet and shucked his pants. He stumbled over his own feet as the jeans caught in his boots, his cock jutting in the process. Valentin’s chuckle died in his throat as his eyes zeroed in on the erection the man was sporting. The prick was thick, long, straight, and so hard it was forming a perfect ninety-degree angle with his body.

  “You think it’s funny?” Shawn tried for a fierce scowl, but failed miserably. He bounced back on the bed, landing almost on top of Valentin. He wrapped a hand around Valentin’s cock, making the man jerk in response. He tightened the grip and gave a couple of up-and-down motions.

  “Do you still think it’s funny?”

  All Valentin could do was shake his head, his speaking ability long gone. He bent his knees to allow Shawn better access. Shawn settled himself between Valentin’s legs and claimed his mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Valentin snaked one leg behind his lover’s back and pushed his hips upward, rubbing their erections together. Shawn moaned and rested his forehead against Valentin’s, eyes shut, jaw clenched.

  “You are trying to kill me.” But he couldn’t stop himself from grinding their cocks together again.

  Valentin lifted his knees and spread his legs wider. “Come on. Fuck me.”

  “God, yes!” Shawn drew back a few inches and settled his cock against Valentin’s tight entrance. He pushed forward, and Valentin jerked hard.

  “Stop. It doesn’t work like this.”

  Shawn’s brows furrowed.

  “You have to get me ready. And wet.”

  “I don’t have anything.”

  “Spit will do.”

  “Okay, how do we do this?”

  Valentin smiled seductively, inserting three of his fingers in his mouth. He laved them, getting them nice and wet, never breaking eye contact, and inserted one in his hole. Shawn groaned, watching his every move.

  Valentin stretched himself, inserting another finger with the first one, going in deeper. Small whimpers rolled off his tongue as he rode his own fingers. Though he wasn’t ready yet, he added another finger, crisscrossing them.

  Seeing his mate stretching himself out, fingering his own ass, the sweetest sounds coming from him, eyes closed, a look of complete rapture on his face, was the most erotic sight ever. Shawn watched hungrily, those digits moving back and forth in that tight hole, Valentin’s other hand pulling on his own cock, back arched, lean hips lifted from the bed. He wanted that body and wanted it now.

  “Oh God, please tell me you’re ready.”

  Valentin looked at him through half-lidded eyes and pulled his fingers free with a small pop. “Oh yes, I’m ready.”

  Shawn leaned to steal a quick kiss and braced himself on top of his mate. He guided his prick to the stretched entrance and pushed the head past the first ring of muscle. His breath hitched in his throat.

  “You’re so tight.” His entire body shook with the effort to go slow. He pushed in another inch, the head passing the second ring, and Valentin’s body clamped hard around him.

  “Oh, God, you are killing me.” His voice was hoarse, words strangled. He stared down at his lover’s face, basking in the pure ecstasy he found there. Valentin’s hips shot upwards, impaling himself on Shawn’s cock. Shawn clenched his teeth against the exquisite sensation, all warmth and smoothness.

  “I’m not gonna last.” Valentin writhed under him and the grip around his prick loosened.

  Valentin sneaked a hand between their bodies and squeezed the base of his cock to stave it off.

  “Move. Fuck me hard.”

  Shawn took him at his word and snapped his hips back and forth, creating the most exquisite friction. Valentin thrashed under him, eyes closed, and his body tightened around Shawn’s cock.

  “Oh God, yes. Harder.”

  Shawn drew out completely, ignoring Valentin’s muffled protest, and placed Valentin’s legs over his shoulders, surging back in one fluid motion.

  “Harder. Harder. Harder.” Valentin chanted.

  The headboard banged against the wall and the bedsprings squeaked loudly. Shawn clenched his teeth, praying to last long enough to send his lover over before him. A warm hand caressed his back, n
ails raked over his skin, and his rhythm broke. He grunted and bit his lip, fighting for control. Valentin writhed under him and Shawn snapped. He let out a strangled cry and rammed his lover harder.

  * * * *

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh God, please.” Valentin was just as close, release just beyond his reach. He needed, he didn’t know exactly what, but he needed. Reading his mind, Shawn pulled away, still keeping their bodies connected, and bared his throat for him. The gift, coming from a strong alpha, no matter how much Shawn might deny being one, was even more precious.

  Valentin stared at the powerful column stretched out for him, eyes glued to the point where the pulse rippled the skin above.

  “Drink.” Shawn nudged him forward, his voice husky.

  Suddenly he was hungry, hungrier than he remembered ever being. His fangs dropped, the sweet scent of Shawn’s blood filling his nostrils. He pressed soft kisses over the length in front of him before he closed his lips over the flesh pulsing with life. He sucked on the skin, drawing the blood closer to the surface, flicking his tongue over the skin to numb the spot. Exerting a control he didn’t know he had, he let his fangs slowly pierce the hot skin under his mouth. Shawn shuddered in his arms and pushed harder into him. Blood flooded Valentin’s mouth, rich and oh-so-sweet.

  Valentin drank his fill in slow, deep pulls, letting the liquid fill him, warming him from inside out. His hungry body soaked it up like a sponge, and the pleasure was so intense it bordered on pure bliss. His cock throbbed and leaked and he pulled Shawn flush against him, increasing the contact between them.

  Valentin sucked harder, and the added pull pushed Shawn over the edge. Shawn drove forward, stiffened, and came, cock throbbing deep inside Valentin. The air filled with the smell of his release. The blood flowing in Valentin’s mouth became all the sweeter, and it was all it took to push him over, liquid heat spilling against his stomach. He sucked again, long, strong pulls, just to prolong his lover’s orgasms. Only when the last tremors faded and Shawn’s body relaxed on top of his did Valentin pull his fangs free and lick the puncture closed.


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