Perfect Timing

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Perfect Timing Page 19

by Aimee Brissay

  “No. But they are here.”

  “Show them to me.”

  Shawn sniffed the air. His gaze fixed on a standing man on the other side of the grand hall, watching him with cruel, hateful eyes, not knowing he was pointing to François, De Nemours’s second-in-command.

  “Him. And him.” He waved toward Adelmann and everyone in the audience froze. Beauviers tensed.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Valentin? Is he right?”

  Valentin swallowed the lump in his throat and mumbled his answer.


  “You destroyed a coven and you harbored a wizard. You both know the punishment for that.”

  Adelmann snarled and took a step forward.

  “I’m a member of the Council!”

  “I don’t care who you are. You broke the Law!”

  At the elder’s sign, two intimidating-looking vampires stepped forward. Sharp blades appeared in their hands and a moment later two severed heads rolled at their feet.

  Beauviers addressed the men gathered in the grand hall. “This is how we punish those who break our Law.” He turned back to Shawn and flicked his wrist, dismissing them.

  “You and your mate may leave.”

  Andrei stood his ground as Valentin got to his feet with some difficulty. The vampire leaned heavily on a still-shocked Shawn. They started for the door with small, measured steps as the werewolves followed in their wake.


  Shawn lay wide-awake in bed watching his mate sleep. The light was dim but he didn’t need it. He’d close his eyes and see his lover’s face, the curve of his cheek, the arch of his brows, the softness of his lips.

  They were in a guest room in Dana’s home where they were brought by Andrei’s friends, and Valentin had fallen straight asleep. He’d dozed on the way there, too, and Shawn had to carry him. He would have carried him to the ends of the Earth if need be. He had his mate back and that was all that mattered. On the way over the werewolves had produced sandwiches and Shawn had ate his fill. The food and the warmth of the car had sped the healing process, so when they arrived at Dana’s residence the wound was nearly closed. Dana had taken them to a spacious bedroom, saying that it would be theirs for as long as they needed, and let them be.

  Of course, that might not be that long when the Council and most of the vampire population would be after them. And most of the cat shifters and probably the werewolves and the rest of the therians as well, due to their mixed mating. Shawn wracked his brain trying to come up with a similar case and came back empty. What were they supposed to do? There was nowhere for them to hide.

  A yawn pulled at him, reminding him just how long it had been since he last rested. He should have slept, God knew he was beyond tired, but he couldn’t take his eyes off his lover. Shawn had bathed Valentin as best as he could and had pulled the comforter over his shoulders. Valentin had whimpered and snuggled in his arms as soon as Shawn joined him in bed.

  Shawn could have lost him so easily. Hell, he almost did. There was so much to learn about Valentin’s world. Why was his blood the only blood the vampire could handle? Was it because they were mates, or was it something else? And Valentin being a master vampire, well, that came out of the blue. Shawn snickered silently to himself. He’d known his mate was powerful, he’d told the man as much, but his words had fallen on deaf ears. Now he had a world of teasing to do, just as soon as he was sure his lover would pull through.

  He reached out and pulled the comforter lower to expose the man’s chest. The vampire was too skinny. He’d have to make sure he was well fed. Now it had become clear that Valentin couldn’t feed off anyone else, it was his responsibility.

  His fingers reached the sensitive area of the vampire’s underarms and the man chuckled.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “A while. But you looked too far away to tell you. What were you thinking of?”

  “You, actually.”

  Valentin frowned. “What about me?”

  “I was thinking just how beautiful you are. But you need to feed more. You’re too skinny.”

  “You think I’m beautiful? Men aren’t beautiful.”

  “You are.”

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  “Get used to it. We have a lifetime together. Why didn’t you tell me you were the master now?”

  “I didn’t know for sure.”

  “And you weren’t sure of me.”

  Valentin looked ashamed.

  “That’s okay. You had no reason to trust me. But I want you to listen and listen carefully.”

  Shawn rolled until he was settled between the vampire’s spread legs, his weight placed carefully on his hands. He felt his mate’s cock stir and rolled his hips to tease him. Valentin let out a groan and jerked up in search of more friction.

  Shawn looked the vampire in the eyes and spoke slowly to make sure he was making himself clear.

  “You are my mate and you are stuck with me. Besides, I am the only one who can feed you.”

  Valentin pushed at Shawn’s shoulders. “I don’t want your pity. I don’t want you staying with me because you have to.” The most important part was left unsaid, but Shawn understood it clearly.

  “I am not. It is true that Fate or nature or the Divine Creator has chosen you as my mate, but that doesn’t mean I have to care for you. But I do.” He swallowed, his mouth going dry. “I don’t know when or how it happened, but sometime in the few days we’ve spent together I’ve fallen in love with you. I never felt like this before and I never thought it would happen. But it did. You want me or not, there’ll never be anyone else for me. You’re it for me.”

  Valentin was speechless. He looked at Shawn with wild eyes and mouth agape.

  “Shawn, I don’t know what to say.”

  Shawn had hoped for a positive answer but he was willing to wait, as long as the vampire wasn’t telling him to leave.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I just want a chance with you.”

  “You don’t understand. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. But I didn’t dare to hope. And I think I am in love with you, too. I have been for a while. All I could think about when I was in the dungeons was you. I hoped I would get to see you again. Just once, and I would have died happy.”

  “So keeping me wouldn’t be so bad, huh?”

  Valentin laughed, a soft musical sound.

  “No, it wouldn’t be bad at all. It would be wonderful. Perfect. A dream come true.”

  Shawn leaned in and nuzzled the vampire’s neck. “Will you let me mark you? Make you mine?”

  “Mark me? Where?” He breathed his words just as he arched his back to allow better access.

  “Here.” The word, spoken against his skin, sent shivers down Valentin’s body.


  “Or maybe here?”

  He’d scooted down his mate and caught a pink nipple between his teeth.

  “Yes.” The word was nothing but a whisper and floated through the air like a feather.

  Shawn sucked on the nub and, when he got it nicely wet, he switched to the other. Valentin moaned, the sound of it music to Shawn’s ears.

  “What about here?” He glided lower, his tongue teasing the taut muscles of the vampire’s stomach.

  “Oh, God, anywhere. Anywhere. Just don’t stop.”

  “Not planning on it.”

  Shawn lowered himself even more until his chin bumped the head of his lover’s cock. It was rock-hard and leaking and oh-so-perfect. Without allowing Valentin any time to prepare for what was to come, he wrapped his palm around the base and slid his mouth over it as far as he could without gagging. The vampire nearly shot off the bed.

  Shawn started working him for all he was worth, trying his best to ignore his own throbbing dick. Valentin writhed and moaned and his hips jerked, shoving his cock deeper down Shawn’s throat. Shawn increased his sucking and used his hand to tease the
sack. He rolled the balls between his fingers and added a small twist on the upstroke. He lifted his head completely and ran his hand over the head before plunging back down. The vampire had been reduced to unarticulated sounds and his testicles had drawn taut to the base of his cock.

  Shawn let the balls go. He slid two fingers inside his mouth next to the prick and wetted them. He slid his fingers over the sensitive area of the perineum down to the crack of his lover’s ass, searching for the tightest little hole he’d ever felt. He brushed the tip of his finger over it, and it fluttered under his touch. He slid the digit inside and the walls tightened around it. Valentin’s dick swelled and jerked in his mouth. He pushed his finger further and rubbed it over the small gland.

  Valentin tugged at his hair in warning just a second before he exploded. But letting go wasn’t an option. He took as much as he could of his mate’s prick and let the warm fluid run down his throat. The vampire’s fingers tightened in Shawn’s hair until he thought his lover might pull it out by its roots. He swallowed everything his lover had to give, his finger constantly rubbing against the man’s prostate.

  The vampire went slack and Shawn let his dick slide out of his mouth with a small pop. Shawn pushed himself on his hands until his lips were at the same level with his mate’s and kissed him hard. Valentin responded just as ardently and Shawn started humping against him, his cock throbbing painfully.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

  Right then, those were the sweetest words in the world. Shawn put three fingers in his mouth and got back to preparing his mate. Valentin’s muscles gave in under his touch and he fought for deeper penetration, his dick so hard no one could have guessed he came only minutes before. Not a moment too soon, the vampire was fucking himself on Shawn’s hand, begging for his cock.

  Shawn withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his prick. He pushed in a centimeter or two and waited for the muscles to relax, happy about the extra lubrication his pre-cum was offering. His body shook with the effort to hold himself under control, a difficult feat to accomplish, especially when he could feel his mate’s arousal as Valentin writhed underneath him, whimpering in need.

  “More. Give me more.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. More. Now.”

  Shawn took him at his word and slid all the way in. Valentin’s eyes fluttered closed in pleasure, just as he arched his back and a moan escaped his lips. The vampire put one foot behind his lover’s back and urged him to move.

  Shawn tried to keep his movements slow, but when the vampire sneaked a hand between their bodies and started jerking his cock, Shawn lost it. His hips snapped and his rhythm became erratic. His eyes latched on the column of the vampire’s neck and his gums ached with the need to bite.

  Reading his mind, Valentin exposed his throat more, silently urging him on. Shawn’s canines dropped and he leaned in, raking their points over the sensitive skin under his mate’s ear. The vampire trembled and the hand on his dick faltered.


  Valentin whimpered in response.

  Shawn growled. “Mine. Say it.”


  Shawn pierced the skin, and the warm, rich-flavored liquid filled his mouth. Invisible bonds, like silken strands, locked between them, and he could no longer tell where one ended and the other started. He could feel everything his mate felt and it was intoxicating.

  Valentin was close, his body going taut. Shawn joined their hands over the vampire’s cock and pulled. It throbbed and jerked and spilled over their fingers. His body clamped around Shawn’s dick and pushed him over the edge. He came and came for what seemed like hours.

  Shawn fell on top of his mate, trying to catch his breath. Valentin ran his fingers through Shawn’s hair.

  “I should have claimed you in front of the entire pride, in the light of the full moon. There should have been a feast, and celebrations of our bonding should have lasted for days. I’m sorry I can’t offer you that.”

  Valentin him fast.

  “I don’t need any of that. Just you.” He paused, eyes flashing mischievously. “But you might want to think of a good security system.”

  “What for?”

  “For the L’Immortel, of course.”

  “What..? You have the rock?”

  “No, but I know where it is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember when I drank Yuri’s blood? I couldn’t see who killed him, but it gave me the location of the stone. Among other interesting pieces of information.” Valentin winked wickedly.

  “So you had it all along?”

  The vampire grinned. “Yep.”

  Shawn broke out laughing. Life with Valentin was going to be interesting.

  Meet Aimee:

  Born in Romania, land of the Iele and Vlad the Impaler, AIMEE BRISSAY has spent all her life surrounded by stories. She has ridden side by side with d’Artagnan and The Three Musketeers to retrieve the Queen’s diamonds, set sail on the Erasmus in search of the Japans, fell in love with Rhett Butler and roamed the Wild West alongside Old Shatterhand. She has walked in the footsteps of the Olympian Gods and searched for Zalmoxis’ sanctuary in the Carpathians. In her mind, she’s never been the damsel in distress but rather the knight in shiny armor fighting for a cause. Aimee Brissay loves each and every one of these characters with a passion, and has always had a soft spot for the men-on-men fellows.

  With a background like this, turning to writing was no surprise. Aimee discovered Men-on-Men erotica early in life and has never looked back. After that first story, she devoured all the books she could find. And when she ran out, she decided to write her own. Aimee Brissay has over 10 stories published, varying from contemporary to fantasy and BDSM, men-on-men, men-on-men-on-men or on-women, and anything in between.

  She can write anywhere, even in a crowded room or a busy subway station, but she loves solitude. When she’s not at her evil day job or she’s not torturing her characters in her latest WIP, she can be found writing or playing with her cats. Or her newly adopted dog, because 5 cats are just not enough.

  She welcomes messages from readers and promises to answer all of them as soon as possible, though that can mean anything from one hour to a month.

  Aimee Brissay can be found at:



  Twitter: @aimeebrissay

  [email protected]

  Available titles:

  Switching Wesley:


  Wesley has everything under control. He works as a Dom at the Dungeon, the only BDSM establishment in town, and while he is single, his life is satisfying just as it is.

  Then Connor, a fellow Dominant and future colleague, comes along and Wesley begins to question himself and his choices. Is he really a Top? And how can he continue working at the Dungeon as a Dominant when he wants nothing more than submit to Connor?

  Nature of the Beast

  After sorceress Alexandra tries to kill her insane father, her fae uncle expels her from the Otherworld to keep her safe. Living among humans, she wants nothing more than to leave her past behind. But working for the vampires and the werewolves doesn’t shield her for long.

  When she saves a hurt werewolf pup, Alexandra inadvertently breaks the bond tying him with the pack and becomes his new alpha. This unheard-of shift exposes her to all kind of dangers, but it’s the least of Alexandra’s worries

  Back in the Otherworld, her father has not forgotten her and dispatches an assassin to kill her. But just who is this mysterious foe, and what will their arrival mean not only to Alexandra but to the delicate balance of the world?

  Daring Adam (Taking Chances book 1)

  Breaking Ground (Taking Chances book 2)

  Coming Soon from Aimee Brissay:

  Bending to Lucas

eneath the Mask (Tangled Bonds 2)




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