Wood, Ean. Dietrich: A Biography. London: Sanctuary, 2002.
Wood, Tom. The Bright Side of Billy Wilder, Primarily. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970.
Wright, Edmund, ed. Oxford Desk Encyclopedia of World History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
“The Write Stuff: The 25 Best Screenplays of All Time.” Premiere, May 2006, 82–87.
Young, Desmond. Rommel, the Desert Fox. New York: Harper, 1950.
Zolotow, Maurice. Billy Wilder in Hollywood. Rev. ed. New York: Limelight, 1987.
Academy Awards (Oscars), 28, 35, 127, 134, 135, 263
The Apartment and, 244–45
Avanti! and, 321
cinematography, 190
Crosby (Bing) and, 90
Double Indemnity and, 70, 85
editing, 119, 206, 311, 327
The Fortune Cookie and, 290
Hepburn (Audrey) and, 325
Irma la Douce and, 267
The Lost Weekend, 80, 84–85
musical scores, 223, 251
production design, 311
Sabrina and, 163
Some Like It Hot and, 216
Stalag 17 and, 151
Sunset Boulevard and, 125–26
supporting actor, 213
Wilder’s six awards, 2
Witness for the Prosecution and, 208–9
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 140, 343
Acampora, Franco, 363
Ace in the Hole (Wilder film), 127, 129–30, 185, 216, 258, 352–53
The Big Carnival as alternate title, 140, 286, 352, 382n37
budget, 147
cast, 132–33, 353
characters and plot, 135–38, 353
critical reception, 138–41
“The Human Interest Story” as tentative title, 130
musical score/songs, 134, 135, 353
other Wilder films compared with, 271, 283, 309
photography, 133–35, 353
production crew, 133, 157, 353
screenplay/shooting script, 131–32, 353
set design, 133, 353
true-life story based on, 130–31, 134
actors, Wilder’s relationships with, 78, 175, 238, 298–99
Arthur (Jean), 103–4
Bogart, 158–59, 160, 161, 164, 170
Cagney, 256–57
Crosby, 93
Dietrich, 102–3, 202, 203, 335, 336
Holden, 160
Kinski, 335–36
Lemmon, 227–28, 230
MacLaine, 237–38
Monroe (Marilyn), 170, 174, 217, 218–22
Stephens (Robert), 299–300
Stroheim, 117
Actors Studio (New York), 170, 174, 213, 219
Adams, Edie, 359
Adorf, Mario, 365
“Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans, The” (Conan Doyle), 294
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (film), 141
Affairs of Anatol, The (film), 114–15
African Queen, The (film), 163, 196
Agee, James, 84, 96, 111, 125
agents, 14, 35, 164, 180, 218, 238
Agnini, Armando, 349
Agren, Janet, 363
Aguirre der Zorn Gottes [Aguirre, the Wrath of God] (film), 334
alcoholism, 56, 72–73, 77, 151
delirium tremens (d.t.’s), 79, 80, 82
Holden’s death and, 332
on set of Sabrina, 158, 159–60
Alfredo, Alfredo (film), 319
Allen, Christine, 359
Allen, John, 359
Allied Artists, 186, 188, 191, 195, 356
Allied Liquor Industries, 83
All Quiet on the Western Front (film), 308
Alpert, Hollis, 243
Ameche, Don, 24, 25, 26
American Cinema, The (Sarris), 104
American Film Institute (AFI), 126, 141, 209, 229, 246, 343
American Graffiti (film), 314
Anatomy of a Murder (film), 183
Anderson, Judith, 201
Anderson, Roland, 347
Andrews, Edward, 317, 363
Anet, Claude, 186, 188, 356
Angrisano, Francesco, 363
Anna Karenina (film), 325, 329, 331
Ansen, David, 338–39
Apartment, The (Wilder film), 308, 316, 341, 358–59
Academy Awards and, 244–45
Buddy Buddy compared with, 337
budget, 232
cast, 233–34, 240, 273, 358–59
characters and plot, 232, 239–42, 358–59
critical reception, 242, 243–44
The Crowd quoted in, 234–35
Legion of Decency and, 264, 275
musical score, 234, 239, 358
in National Film Registry, 343
other Wilder films compared with, 255, 289
photography, 236–38, 358
popularity with audiences, 268
production crew, 234, 239, 358
realism in production of, 236
reputation, 246
screenplay/shooting script, 231–32, 235, 240, 245, 345, 358
set design, 234–35, 298, 358
sneak previews, 243
Ariane (Anet novel), 186, 356
Ariane/The Loves of Ariane (film), 187
Arise, My Love (film), 36
Armstrong, Richard, 37, 132, 215, 315
Arsten, Stefan, 327, 365
art house circuit, 9, 276, 279
Arthur, Jean, 24, 100, 103–4, 107, 351
Arthur, Robert, 138, 353
Asimov, Michael, 208
Askin, Leon, 249, 359
Astaire, Fred, 38
Astor, Mary, 24, 25
Atkins, Irene, 209
Aubrey, James, 333–34
Auschwitz death camp, 21, 139, 152
Austria/Austro-Hungarian Empire, 2, 13, 21, 44, 142–43, 344
Avanti! (Taylor play), 315–16
Avanti! (Wilder film)
Academy Awards and, 321
budget, 321
cast, 317, 363
characters and plot, 316–17, 319–20, 363
critical reception, 320–21, 323, 324
production crew, 318, 327, 363
screenplay/shooting script, 316–18, 363
Taylor play as source, 315–16, 363
Axelrod, George
return to Broadway, 175, 179
Sabrina and, 164, 165–67, 169, 174
The Seven Year Itch and, 354
Azar, Leonid, 191, 356
Azzini, Nedo, 363
Baby Doll (play and film), 275
Bacall, Lauren, 156, 164
Bach, Steven, 102, 200, 202, 207
Bachelin, Franz, 147–48, 350, 353
Background to Danger (film), 61
Baker, Roy, 362
Balaban, Barney, 72, 83, 96, 157, 309–10
Baldwin, Peter, 353
Balfour, Michael, 363
Ball, Lucille, 323
Ball of Fire (film), 29–31, 62, 90, 189, 308
Barefoot Contessa, The (film), 159
Bernardi, Herschel, 360
Barnathan, Maurice, 360
Barnes, George, 91, 92, 350
Barr, Byron, 349
Barr, Stanley, 83, 84
Barra, Gianfranco, 363
Barrymore, John, 24, 25, 26, 293–94
Barson, Michael, 195
Barton, Charles, 16
Basinger, Jeanine, 208
Bass, Saul, 171–72, 355
Battle Circus (film), 159
Bavaria Film Studios (Munich)
Fedora and, 237, 326, 328–29, 364
One, Two, Three and, 252, 253, 254, 257
Baxter, Anne, 43, 348
Beckman, Henry, 361
Bedig, Sass, 361
Begelman, David, 334
Begley, Ed, Jr., 365
Bell, Joseph, 293
Bells of St. Mary’s, The (film), 85
Benchley, Robert, 3
5, 36, 348
Benedict, Paul, 364
Benedict, Richard, 133, 353
Benet, Stephen Vincent, 201
Ben Hur (film), 311
Bennett, Compton, 125
Bennett, Guy, 351
Bennett, Joan, 232, 308
Bennett, Marjorie, 354
Benny, Jack, 212, 227
Bergman, Ingrid, 189
Bergman, Paul, 208
Bergner, Elisabeth, 187
Berlin, 1, 4, 25, 27
arrival of sound movies in, 8–9
Berlin Wall, 252–53, 258, 259
Billy Wilder Plaza, 344
cold war and, 247–48, 249, 252–53, 255, 258
decadence of 1920s, 53, 334
East Berlin, 222
A Foreign Affair shot in, 87, 97, 101–2
Romanisches Café, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Berlin International Film Festival, 258–59, 344
Bernard, Butch, 355
Bertrandrias, Maj.-Gen. Victor, 356
Best Years of Our Lives, The (film), 135, 206
Bevan, Donald, 142, 144, 145, 154, 353
Beyond the Rocks (film), 117
Big Carnival, The. See Ace in the Hole (Wilder film)
Big Sleep, The (Chandler), 55
“Billy Wilder, Closet Romanticist” (Sarris), 104
Binder, Maurice, 362
Bing, Herman, 91
Biró, Lajos, 41, 42, 47, 247, 348
Bixby, Bill, 360
Blair, David, 362
Blake, Larry J., 352
Blakely, Colin, 295, 298–99, 301, 362
Blanc, Mel, 361
Block, Bruce, 240
Blue Angel, The [Der blaue Engel] (film), 100
Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife (film), 17, 19, 25, 91, 189
Avanti! compared with, 320
Love in the Afternoon compared with, 192
Blum, Edwin, 141–42, 145, 146–47, 155, 199
Blume, Mary, 328
Bobby Deerfield (film), 326, 327
Bogart, Humphrey, 60, 152, 156–61, 163–64, 190, 354
Bogdanovich, Peter, 156
Bogie (Schickel), 157
Bolton, Lois, 359
Bonacci, Anna, 269, 360
Bond, Raymond, 352
Bonifas, 356
Bononova, Fortunio, 348, 349
Borchert, Brigette, 7, 8
Borger, Hanus, 86
Bourdin, Lise, 356
Bowker, Aldrich, 348
Boyer, Charles, 27, 28, 29, 180
Boyle, Edward G., 358, 360, 361
Brackett, Charles, 16–17, 19, 35, 96, 146, 187, 343
Academy Awards and, 84, 125
alcoholism in family of, 73
Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife and, 17, 19
career after Wilder collaboration, 127
casting for Sunset Boulevard and, 112, 113–14
as civilizing influence on Wilder, 89
defense of Wilder, 140, 141
Double Indemnity and, 51, 54, 61
The Emperor Waltz and, 350
A Foreign Affair and, 351
The Lost Weekend and, 349
The Major and the Minor and, 347
Midnight and, 25
at New Yorker magazine, 36, 114
as producer, 41, 100
on Wilder’s “exuberant vulgarity,” 244
See also Wilder-Brackett script collaboration
Bradshaw, John, 323
Brand, Harry, 168
Brand, Neville, 353
Breen, Joseph, 34, 98, 166, 274, 401n4
Ace in the Hole and, 132
Double Indemnity and, 54, 90
The Emperor Waltz and, 90–91
A Foreign Affair and, 102
The Lost Weekend and, 73, 74, 90–91
Stalag 17 and, 145
Sunset Boulevard and, 111
Breen, Richard, 98, 127
Breffort, Alexandre, 259, 360
Brel, Jacques, 333
Bremen, Leonard, 364
Bressart, Felix, 22
Bretagne, Jo de, 356
Bride of Frankenstein, The (film), 199
Bridge on the River Kwai, The (film), 149
Brief Encounter (film), 194, 231, 297, 316
Briskin, Sam, 13–14
Bristol, Howard, 357
British Academy of Film and Television Arts, 344
British Film Institute, 345
Broadway theater, 75, 142, 157, 175, 316
Avanti!, 315
Connie Goes Home, 33
The Front Page, 307, 314
Irma la Douce, 259
Sabrina Fair, 152, 153, 154
The Seven Year Itch, 164
Sherlock Holmes, 294
Witness for the Prosecution, 197
Brode, Douglas, 168, 223–24, 241–42, 249
Brodnitz, Hanns, 8
Broidy, Steve, 188
Brooks, Jack, 200, 357
Brooks, Richard, 159
Brother Rat (film), 75
Brown, Hugh, 350, 351, 360
Brown, Joe E., 215, 358
Brown, Lew, 364
Brownlow, Kevin, 9, 193, 195, 234
Bru, Myriam, 257
Brucker, Roger, 130
Buchholz, Horst, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 359
Buddy Buddy (Wilder film), 333–34, 365
cast, 333, 334, 365
characters and plot, 334, 336–38, 365
critical reception, 338–39
male friendship theme, 333
musical score/songs, 336, 365
photography, 335–36, 365
screenplay/shooting script, 334, 365
Weber play as source, 333, 365
as Wilder’s swan song, 339, 342
Bullet for Joey, A (film), 215
Bumstead, Henry, 311, 364
Bunsch, Inga, 328
Burke, Johnny, 350
Burks, Robert, 355
burlesque, 265, 274
Burnett, Carol, 311, 364
Burroughs, Dan, 353
Burschenlied aus Heidelberg, Ein [A Student Song from Heidelberg] (film), 9
Burt, Bennie, 359
Burton, Robert, 356
Bush, George H. W., 343
Bushman, Francis X., 162, 354
Bus Stop (film), 213
Butterfield 8 (film), 245
Butterworth, Charlie, 35
Buttons, Red, 250, 359
Caan, James, 360
Cactus Flower (film), 316
Cady, Frank, 353
Caged (film), 133
Cagney, James, 226, 282, 309
in One, Two, Three, 248, 250, 254–57, 258, 359
in Public Enemy, 193, 215, 250
Cahuzac, Georges, 347
Cain, James M., 51, 53–54, 55, 58, 349
on Double Indemnity film, 66, 67, 69, 84
The Postman Always Rings Twice, 62
Calihan, William, 359
Callow, Simon, 204
Cameron, James, 127
Canby, Vincent, 304, 331, 338
Cannes Film Festival, 84, 155, 329
Canterville Ghost, The (film), 141
Capell, Peter, 249, 359
capitalism, 245, 248, 249, 257
Capone, Al, 225
Caps, John, 120
Captain from Castile (film), 201
Career Achievement Award, 343
Carey, Nick, 364
Carleton, George M., 352
Carné, Marcel, 190
Carpenter, Edward Childs, 33, 347
Carpetbaggers, The (novel and film), 274, 287
Casablanca (film), 264
Casper, Drew, 231, 233
Castle, Alison, 220
Castrini, Giselda, 363
Catholic Church, Roman, 171, 266, 269, 291
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (play and film), 224
Cawdron, Robert, 363
censorship code, 34, 193
The Apartment and, 243
Double Indemnity and, 54, 70
The Empe
ror Waltz and, 90–91
A Foreign Affair and, 102
illegal drugs as film subject, 294
Irma la Douce and, 260, 263–64, 276
Kiss Me, Stupid and, 273–74
The Lost Weekend and, 73–74, 79, 81
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes and, 302
revisions of, 291, 312
The Seven Year Itch and, 165, 166, 169, 171
Some Like It Hot and, 223
Stalag 17 and, 152
Challis, Christopher, 298, 304, 362
Champion (film), 133
Chandler, Raymond, 55, 199, 336, 349
alcoholism of, 56, 72
cameo in Double Indemnity, 58
Double Indemnity script and, 55–58, 59, 62, 65, 68
on original screenplays, 345
vow to not work with Wilder again, 146
Chaney, Lon, Sr., 310
Chapin, Miles, 365
Chaplin, Charlie, 2, 118, 196
Chapman, Marguerite, 355
Charley’s Aunt (film), 212, 215, 223, 227
Chevalier, Maurice, 189–90, 192, 356
Christie, Agatha, 196, 197, 198, 199, 207, 293
Murder, She Said, 298
Murder Most Foul, 298
on Witness for the Prosecution film, 209
Witness for the Prosecution play and novel, 357
Christopher, William, 362
Churchwell, Sarah, 173, 213, 219, 221
Ciment, Michel, 318
CinemaScope, 167, 174, 355
cinematographers (at first mention)
Challis, 298
Fapp, 251
Fisher, 327
Harlan, 201
Krasner, 167
Lang, 24
LaShelle, 237
Laszlo, 36
Mellor, 190
Schüfftan, 7
Seitz, 43
Stradling, 335
Toland, 29
Tover, 36
Citizen Kane (film), 29
City across the River (film), 133
civil rights movement, 288
Claire, Ina, 22
Clark, Al, 56
Clark, Fred, 352
Clarke, Mae, 250
Clift, Montgomery, 113–14
Clinton, Bill, 343
Clyde, Vander (“Barbette”), 217
Cocks, Jay, 321
Code and Rating Administration (CARA), 291, 302, 312
Cody, Iron Eyes, 353
Cohan, George M., 250
Cohn, Harry, 13
Colbert, Claudette, 19, 24, 25, 26, 39
cold war, 60, 248, 258
Coleman, Charles, Jr.
Ace in the Hole and, 353
Double Indemnity and, 349
The Emperor Waltz and, 350
Five Graves to Cairo and, 43, 348
A Foreign Affair and, 351
Kiss Me, Stupid and, 360
The Major and the Minor and, 37, 347
Sabrina and, 354
The Spirit of St. Louis and, 37, 355
Stalag 17 and, 353
Sunset Boulevard and, 352
Coletta, Lino, 363
Collier, Marian, 358
Collins, Floyd, 130–31, 134
Collins, Stephen, 365
color films
first films in color, 91
Some Like It Wilder Page 57