Meet Clara Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 3)

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Meet Clara Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 3) Page 13

by Lacey London

  Handing over my boarding card I follow the crowd down the tunnel and take my seat by the window. This is crazy! I can’t believe that I am leaving Lianna behind! I am about to call her one last time when the air hostess tells me to put my phone away. Hearing the plane engine fire up, I pluck the duty free catalogue out of the seat pocket in front of me. I don’t know why I bothered pre booking the seats, half the plane is totally empty. Trying to block out my worries of Lianna, I lean back in my seat and close my eyes as the last of the stragglers take their seats.

  ‘Clara!’ I open my eyes to see Lianna crashing into the seat in front of me.

  ‘Lianna! Thank, God! Where the hell have you…’ I come to a halt mid sentence as I notice who is in the seat beside her. ‘Pablo?’

  ‘Isn’t it amazing?’ She squeals, draping her arms around Pablo’s neck. ‘Pablo is coming home with me!’

  I look behind me at my mother and Janie who are both smiling like it is the most romantic thing that they ever seen.

  ‘Can I speak to you for a moment?’ Dragging her into the seat next to me, I hold up the duty free catalogue in an attempt to stop Pablo from overhearing.

  ‘What is going on? You have lost your mind! Seriously, Lianna, I think you have completely lost your mind. I am starting to get really worried about you!’

  ‘Oh, Clara!’ Laughing hysterically, she plants a big kiss on my cheek. ‘You care about me and I love you so much for that, but I know what I am doing.’ Is that gin that I can smell? ‘Trust me.’

  ‘Have you been drinking?’ I ask appalled.

  Attempting to put a finger to her lips, she misses and hits her nose. ‘Shh. Trust me.’

  Oh, God! She’s drunk! How have they even let her on the plane in this state? I watch in horror as she buckles herself in next to Pablo. This cannot be happening.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Home time!

  Just to let you know that our flight is on time so we should be with you around 4pm.

  P.S I missed you.


  Chapter 38

  Looking out of the plane window as the aircraft comes to a steady halt, I screw my nose up at the thick, grey clouds that are littering the sky. It’s hard to believe that behind this layer of smog is the beautiful clear blue sky that we have just left behind in sunny Spain. Stretching my arms up above my head, I let out a giant yawn. A quick check of my watch tells me that it is just before 3pm, plenty of time to get home and jump into my lovely roll top bath. Granted the rainforest power shower in the hotel was amazing, but for the past few days I have been dreaming about filling my bath with lovely Jo Malone bubbles. A hot bath and the scent of Pomegranate Noir is my idea of heaven.

  As the rest of the passengers jump to their feet, I sit back in my seat and wait patiently. I’ve waited four days for my bath, I am sure another ten minutes won’t do me any harm. Looking behind me, I am surprised to see Janie, my mother and Lianna huddled together whispering. Twisting around, I lean over the back of my seat and pop my head into their scrum.

  ‘What are you three whispering about?’

  ‘Nothing!’ Lianna looks up guiltily.

  ‘Whispering? We weren’t whispering.’ My mother mutters, her cheeks flushing red.

  Puzzled, I look at their three guilty faces. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Jeez! Didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to eavesdrop?’ Janie scolds. ‘Rose, didn’t you teach your daughter not to eavesdrop?’

  Frowning at their weirdness I tug my handbag onto my shoulder and make my way inside the airport. Jet leg does strange things to people. The airport is busy and crowded making it difficult to stick together in the masses of people. Holding onto Li’s backpack, I grab my mother’s hand as we snake our way through the crowd to Passport Control. As non UK citizens, Janie and Pablo have to join another queue which is notably shorter than ours.

  After being granted access into the country by a scowling, plump, middle aged woman we head over to the baggage claim. I am studying the conveyor belt of cases when I spot my familiar floral pull along making its way along the track. With great effort and the help of a spotty teenage boy, I manage to drag it to safety. The rest of the gang have already collected their cases and are once again huddled together. Is it just me or are they acting a little odd? Seeing me coming their way they plaster smiles to their faces. Definitely odd.

  ‘Are you guys ready?’ I ask, too tired to get to the bottom of their weird behaviour.

  ‘Mmm hmm.’ Lianna mumbles, biting her lip as we drag our cases over to the taxi rank. ‘Can I borrow your phone?’

  ‘Sure.’ Feeling rain drops land on my nose I pass her my mobile.

  The rain is really coming down hard and I am suddenly regretting my decision to not pack a jacket. Why do I never learn?

  ‘Where to?’ The cab driver asks, holding open the boot for our luggage.

  I am about to give him my address when Janie shoves past me and dives onto the back seat followed by my mother, Li and Pablo.

  ‘Oops! Looks like there’s no room in this one!’ My mum laughs, slamming the door shut. ‘You should get in the next one.’

  I stare shell shocked as the cab pulls away onto the road. Have they seriously just left me standing here? That is beyond rude! I don’t even think that I have enough money on me for a taxi of my own. Grabbing my case, I look around for the next cab. The rain is starting to dry up but it is too little too late as my hair and vest top are drenched. Holding my handbag over my head for shelter, I look enviously at the exclusive private transfers. A glossy, red canopy provides refuge from the rain for the many stunning women who are being ushered into limousines. Men wearing slick black suits are holding signs bearing names of the lucky few that have opted to travel in style. Reading the name cards, I try not to feel jealous.

  Elizabeth Miller… Patricia Windsor… Henry Carter… Clara Andrews …. Helen Parker…

  Clara Andrews? How bizarre! I would kill to be her right now! I watch as a flurry of beautiful people are ushered into luxury cars until there’s only one card left, Clara Andrews. Wandering a little closer I dig my passport out of my bag. Could I get away with it? A quick feel of my dripping wet clothes tells me to give it a shot. Feeling like a naughty school girl, I flash my passport at the tall man bearing my name. Not even bothering to look at it, he opens the door to a sleek, black limousine and takes my suitcase.

  It worked! This is incredible! Trying not to squeal I slide across the leather seats as the driver fires up the engine. An ice cold glass of fizz is resting on a tray that has been sprinkled with rose petals. Wow! This Clara Andrews sure lives the high life. I trace my fingers across the rim of my glass and take a sip of the delicious bubbles. It’s only when I place the glass back on the tray that I notice a tiny box labelled open me. Well, I have stolen this woman’s limo and Champagne, I don’t think opening this would make the situation a whole lot worse. Fumbling with the ribbon, my eyes take in the flowing script.

  Just go with it… Oliver x

  Oliver? This was actually meant for me? That doesn’t make any sense, why would Oliver book me a limo? Checking my pockets it takes me a moment to remember that Lianna has my phone. Well I guess that I don’t have any other choice other than to go with it. I look out of the window and realise that I have no idea where I am. Wait a minute, did I even tell the driver my address? Taking another sip of Champagne, I read the note again.

  Just go with it… Oliver x

  Feeling like I slipped into a strange fairytale, I pinch myself to make sure that I am awake. Ouch! Definitely awake then. I might not know how or why I have ended up here, but I am intrigued to see where this journey takes me and I am most definitely going to enjoy the ride.

  Chapter 39

  Two glasses of fizz and lot of confusion later, the limousine comes to a smooth stop outside a hotel that I don’t recognise. Peering out of the
window I realise that I actually don’t have a clue where I am. Before I can ask, the driver whips open the door and motions inside the hotel.

  ‘Thank you. Thank you very much.’ Taking my case I wonder if he needs paying. Surely Oliver doesn’t think that I can afford to pay a bloody limo for the fun of it.

  Not knowing what else to do, I take my case and wander inside the hotel. What the hell do I do now? Approaching the check in desk, I bite my lip and smile at the receptionist.

  ‘Erm, it’s Clara Andrews?’

  Instantly her face lights up in recognition. ‘Miss. Andrews, we have been expecting you.’ She turns to her keyboard and taps a few keys before handing me a key card. ‘Room 14. Harry will take your cases.’

  Accepting the key card I follow Harry down a beautiful stairway. Why have I never been here before? I feel like I have fallen down a rabbit hole and entered an entirely different universe. Intricate paintings of various wild animals adorn the walls in the most vivid colours imaginable and the cupcake lamps that are scattered around the place complete the Alice in Wonderland effect. Maybe Oliver is surprising me with a romantic get away! I am always on at him to be more spontaneous, it looks like this time it finally went in.

  I watch in awe as Harry opens the door to Room 14. Pop art style images of old Hollywood icons are mounted onto the rich purple walls. The crazy mix of colours should be clashing, but it works in the most amazing way possible. A giant, circular bed is positioned in the centre of the room and behind it is an entire wall of photographs. A closer look reveals that each one is of a different celebrity that has stayed in this very room. Wow.

  Totally distracted by an image of Brad and Ang sprawled out on the bed, it takes me a few minutes to realise that Harry has been standing awkwardly behind me for some time.

  ‘Sorry!’ I laugh, feeling a little embarrassed. He is obviously waiting for a tip. ‘Here you go.’ Handing him a handful of coins I offer him an apologetic smile for the pathetic tip.

  ‘Thank you, Miss. Andrews.’ Accepting the money, he reaches into his pocket and produces another little box. ‘Mr. Morgan has instructed that you don’t open the package until asked to do so.’

  As Harry disappears into the lobby I take a seat on the edge of the plush bed. Studying the box closely I realise that it is identical to the one that was in the limo. I am about to give in to temptation and tear it open when there’s a knock at the door. Kicking off my shoes, I pad across the soft carpet and gingerly and open the door.


  ‘Yes…’ I eye up the pretty brunette carefully.

  ‘I’m Melissa! I’m here to do your hair and makeup!’ Flashing me her perfect veneers she pushes her way into the room.

  ‘OK…’ I reply in confusion. ‘Is Oliver taking me to the theatre or something?’

  ‘Something like that.’ Melissa’s cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and it’s not down to the copious amounts of MAC blusher that she is wearing.

  I watch as she opens a vanity case and proceeds to remove a selection of lotions and potions and places them on the dresser. Pots of glitter, tubes of gloss and brushes galore cover the table.

  ‘Come and take a seat.’ Melissa pulls out a chair from the dresser and motions for me to sit down. ‘I think I will start with your make up and then do your hair.’

  Facing away from the mirror, I enjoy Melissa applying various creams and gels to my face. My, God this is relaxing.

  ‘So, tell me a bit about him.’ Melissa’s voice stops me from falling into a deep sleep.

  ‘Sorry?’ Peeling open an eye I do a quick check to make sure that I haven’t been drooling

  ‘Tell me about this man of yours, Oliver?’

  ‘Oh, Oliver.’ A smile creeps onto my lips at the mention of his name. ‘He is great. He is kind, caring, gorgeous, funny and generous. I hate to say it, but he is pretty much perfect.’

  ‘Oh, really?’

  ‘Really.’ I confirm smugly. ‘We are actually getting married soon, a matter of weeks in fact’

  ‘Wow! Congratulations! Are you excited?’

  ‘I am excited, very excited.’

  Melissa smiles and continues to squeeze my eyelashes with a frankly scary looking eyelash curler. ‘It’s just that if I am completely honest, knowing what I know now, I would have run away and done it just the two of us.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Melissa probes, putting away the blusher brush.

  ‘I mean, it’s easy to forget that the wedding itself is just the beginning. It’s the marriage that’s the important part.’ Closing my eyes for Melissa to apply eye liner to my upper lids, I let out a small sigh. ‘I just want to be married to him, like right now. I wish I could click my fingers and make it happen. Do you know what I mean?’

  ‘I know exactly what you mean…’


  ‘Are you ready?’ Melissa squeals, dusting my face with finishing powder.

  ‘Ready as I’ll ever be.’ I reply, trying to wiggle some life back into my numb bum.

  I really hope that he isn’t taking me to the theatre, to be frankly honest I would rather have a hot bath and a take out. Scratching my nose, I glance towards the window. The sun has set and the street outside is cast in the night’s shadow. How long have I been sat here?

  ‘Before I show you, I need you to open the box.’ Smiling manically, Melissa gestures towards the tiny box left by Harry earlier.

  I squint my eyes at her suspiciously. I can’t work out whether this is super romantic and spontaneous or super weird. Taking the box, I pull the red ribbon gently. Wrapped in the softest tissue paper is an old American quarter, a stunning Pandora bracelet, a necklace that I recognise as my mother’s and a pair of beautiful sapphire earrings. Beneath the pile of random articles is another note.

  Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue…

  My heart starts to pound as I take in the text. Does this mean? I look up at Melissa who is beaming like a crazy cat lady. Does she know something?

  ‘Does this mean…’

  Melissa nods enthusiastically and claps her hands to her face. ‘I guess you got your wish.’

  ‘I’m getting married?’ A gasp escapes my lips as I try to think clearly. ‘I’m getting married now?’


  ‘Oh, my God! This is incredible!’ I think I am going to cry! Jumping up and down, I clap my hands together excitedly when a thought hits me. ‘Wait a minute! What am I going to wear?’

  Melissa takes me by the hand and leads me to the giant wardrobe. Flinging open the doors she produces a silky garment bag. This is so surreal! My wedding dress is in this very bag.

  ‘What if I don’t like it? What if it doesn’t fit?’ I shoot Melissa a worried look.

  ‘There’s only one way to find out…’

  Chapter 40

  ‘Is that really me?’ Blinking at my reflection, I try not to erupt into a sea of tears.

  My hair has been twisted into delicate curls which have been pinned into the perfect chignon. Tiny pink roses have been intricately worked into the design, completing the fairytale look. My skin appears practically flawless, perfectly contoured and bronzed to perfection. How? How has she managed to do that? My eyes land on the dress and I can no longer contain it. Tears spill down my cheeks as Melissa tries desperately to stop them from landing on the ivory satin.

  It’s just so perfect. It really, really is perfect. Nothing like anything I would have ever picked, but it’s perfect. The halter neck strap is holding up a stunning gathered bodice that highlights every curve and somehow hides every imperfection at the same time. The dropped waist clings against my hips before spilling out into a modern yet elegant trumpet skirt.

  ‘I absolutely love it.’

  ‘You look incredible, Clara.’


  Spinning around, my jaw drops to the floor as my dad steps into view.

  ‘Dad! What are you doing here?’

  ‘You didn’t think
that I would miss my little girl’s big day, did you?’

  Choking back more tears I attempt to run over to him, but the style of my dress makes it more of a waddle. ‘How did you even know about this?’

  ‘I’m your dad, I know everything.’ Flashing me a wink he holds out his arm. ‘Ready?’

  Taking a deep breath I give myself one last look in the mirror. ‘Ready.’

  ‘Wait!’ Melissa yells as we head to the door. ‘I forgot to give you your flowers.’

  Throwing open the wardrobe she pulls out a giant Interflora box and produces the most stunning bouquet. A beautiful selection of pink roses and purple gerberas are bound together with an ivory ribbon. I’m almost more in love with the flowers than I am with my dress. Almost, but not quite. The dress is pretty spectacular too.

  ‘Well, I guess this is it.’ Smiling anxiously at my dad, I give Melissa a giant hug and thank her for her amazing work.

  Linking arms with my father I let him lead me through the hotel lobby. As we walk, I listen to him tell me how proud he is of me and just how hard Oliver has worked to pull this off in such a short space of time. It turns out that when Oliver spoke to Dan, Dan blamed his infidelity on their upcoming nuptials. Apparently the pressure and strain of planning a wedding all got too much for him. When Oliver heard this, he insisted that he wasn’t going to let the wedding destroy us too. Pathetic as Dan’s excuses may be, I can wholeheartedly agree that planning a wedding is beyond stressful and I will be eternally grateful that Oliver has taken away all that pressure.

  The strangest part of all is that Janie, my mother and Lianna knew all along! With the help of Whatsapp, Janie and Oliver had planned this whole thing in just a few days. I don’t know what is more unbelievable, the fact that this is happening or that Lianna managed to keep this a secret.

  We pass a couple of other hotel guests who stop to make lovely comments about my dress and wish me luck. I can’t believe that this is actually happening! Coming to a stop outside an old oak door, my dad squeezes my arm as the soft guitar strings of the Goo Goo Dolls, Iris, drifts out into the lobby. This is our song!


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