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Eyewitness News Page 7

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Yeah, I am doing great. There is a lot to organize, but this setup will help me to be very productive when everything is in place. And part of the credit for that goes to you and your foundation. These new keyboards are fantastic instruments!”

  “After what you had to go through, Nick, I knew that what you needed were some musical distractions to keep you occupied.”

  “Thank you for thinking of me, Jason. That and those counseling sessions with Dr. Agoura have really helped me to recover quickly. I hope you don’t think me rude for asking, but I feel I should ask you the same thing! How are you dealing with the awful things that Angelo Ciurro did to you! I know you went through a horrible kidnapping experience in your life earlier, but that Ciurro guy was one mean son of a bitch!”

  “Well, at first I was a little unprepared during the undercover operation, because I foolishly thought that nothing could go wrong, and that Captain Garcia and his men would be following right behind me after Angelo picked me up in his truck. The hardest part for me was when I was strung up to that pole. I knew I had a means to escape if I could ever get free. Being patient and waiting for that moment was very difficult. It really took some self-control to behave like the perfect, pleasant and compliant kid, saying ‘yes sir’ to this crazy man who kept talking in clichés about what his daddy said!”

  “That was the worst part, Jason, being tied and gagged for long periods of time, and then having to listen to his claptrap mouth!” Nick replied. “But I was asking more about your current mental state. Are you still getting nightmares or flashbacks?”

  “Very rarely, Nick. I did have more of an idea of what I was getting into. After we finally escaped and were free again, I planned a week of recuperation first at the beach, and then I did have a couple of sessions with Dr. Agoura, not only for me, but to make sure that we were doing everything we could for both you and Ben Kessler.”

  “I think what amazes me about you more than anything, Jason, is how casual you are about these life and death matters! Sometimes at night, I go over the events of that week again and again in my head! I cannot get over how lucky I was to survive, and how brave you were to go undercover to try and rescue me. You put your life on the line for me, someone you had only known for a month. You went against the advice of everyone to do this, because you sensed the urgency of the situation!

  “When you finally were able to release me from captivity, I was strapped down to a metal table where that bastard Angelo was about to slit my throat and cut me up into little pieces. I was only an hour away from becoming dead meat!” Nick paused for a moment as the emotional impact of what he endured surged through his mind. He then continued, “But even worse is that I feel guilt and sorrow for all of those kids who came before me — those poor kids who were strapped onto that table and then actually murdered by Angelo! Grabbed away from their families in some cases, in other cases they had no one who even cared about them! But no kid should be victimized that way. Every kid should have a chance to become successful in life!

  “I know that we will always have a special bond of friendship, because you risked your life to save mine!” Nick went on. “Although I have recovered mentally and physically from being attacked and kidnapped, I still feel that I have a spiritual obligation to pay. And that obligation begins with you, Jason!”

  Jason replied, “This proves to me that everything I sacrificed and risked to rescue you from those predators was worth it! You are a special person, Nick, with your incredible talents and abilities to communicate with and move people with your music, your sensitivity to others, and with your positive personality. Having you back as my friend, and being able to hear you play your music again is payback enough for me.” Jason put out his right hand and grabbed Nick’s hand in a ‘bro’ handshake. “And yes we are friends for life!”

  Jason let go of Nick’s hand and continued, “You are right to recognize that spiritual obligation you have to society and to the families of those other kids who were murdered. You now need to start channeling those emotions that you feel into some sort of positive actions that represent payback so the memory of what was done to them and how they suffered is not forgotten. You alone can speak for them, Nick! Now the question is what can you say or do in their behalf?”

  “I think that the answer is somehow in my music,” Nick responded. “I think that I need to compose and perform something in their memory, a piece that will remind everyone of the needless sacrifice that these young kids were forced to make!”

  “That is a terrific idea, Nick. Maybe we can coordinate our efforts on this with my foundation. Of course by doing this, you are letting the public know that you were also a victim. Can you handle that?”

  “I think that I would have to handle that, Jason. Those other kids gave up their lives to those predators. All I would be giving up is my privacy. If there is a way to make the public more aware of the dangers that these predators pose, and perhaps set up more help for kids who are being abused, then I don’t mind my story being told as part of the process. But the first thing is to write the music. That may take me some time to complete, and it may be quite emotionally difficult to do!”

  “Maybe you should consult with Dr. Agoura about this idea, Nick. My gut feeling though is that your idea would have to be the best possible therapy for you!”

  Nick and Jason went on to talk about lighter topics before Jason had to leave.

  “Thanks for coming over, Jason. What you told me was really helpful!”

  “Isn’t that what good neighbors are for, Nick?” Jason replied with a smile on his face. “If you ever want to talk more about things, or just hang out, remember I live only a block or so away!”

  * * * * *

  Nick did ask Dr. Agoura about the implications of writing a composition for the crime victims at his next session. Dr. Agoura was very enthusiastic about the idea. “I think that what you want to do is a very important undertaking in your development as a musician and as another way to heal the emotional scars that your encounters with Sal and Angelo created.”

  “It is almost overwhelming to think about the scope of this project,” Nick replied. “I don’t know where exactly to begin. I never have tried to write any kind of major composition before, and certainly this would have to be one.”

  “I’m no expert in the arts, Nick, but I have worked on large projects in my life before, like what I had to do to complete my doctoral thesis. Already you have thought about this for a while. Now I think you need to start by writing out your thoughts and ideas. Keep a journal of your thoughts. Do the same thing for any musical ideas you might have. Sit down at the piano and work out some ideas. Be sure to write down in notation anything you feel that is significant. Remember when we started to talk about your ordeal when you were held captive? I told you to just start wherever you could to describe your feelings. I told you not to worry about the order of things. That could be put together later.”

  “Wow, you are so helpful, Dr. Agoura. All of those suggestions you just gave me make a lot of sense!”

  Chapter 9

  Jonathan’s Troubles

  (Monday Afternoon)

  Monday afternoon was the next scheduled rehearsal for Daniel’s band. Before the rehearsal, they wanted to have their meeting with Jonathan. The plan for the meeting was to find out more about what was going on in Jonathan’s life and what was going on in his head. Daniel had talked about this with Jason, and Jason asked if he could be at the meeting. “I am your PR guy right now, and I would like to get to know Jonathan a little better. Plus I can serve as a mediator or somewhat impartial outsider if need be.”

  “I don’t really think it would come to that, Jason,” Daniel had replied. “We all very much want Jonathan to join the band. We just want to make sure that he can make the commitment, and that other issues, like family problems, won’t interfere with his participation!”

  “The band is like an extended family, Daniel. You all have put such a major emotional and personal co
mmitment into it. Emphasize the ‘band as family’ angle during the meeting. Let Jonathan do most of the talking. I have another suggestion. Let’s make it a lunch meeting. I’ll go over to the sandwich shop and pick up sandwiches. You guys provide the drinks!”

  Around noon everyone had gathered at Tim’s house for the lunch meeting and rehearsal. Tim had gone to great effort to make sure that the upstairs area was all cleaned up. He didn’t want a lot of lunch litter down in the studio area. Jason had arrived with a large family sized sandwich that was cut into a dozen pieces. Daniel had brought a cooler with soft drinks, juices and waters. Being teenagers, food was number one on the agenda. As soon as Jonathan arrived, the boys all grabbed sandwiches and drinks, quickly consuming the food.

  “That was great!” Jonathan said as he finished his second sandwich. “I was starving and that hit the spot! Thanks for inviting me for lunch.”

  “You can thank Jason for the sandwiches, Daniel for the drinks, Tim for the lunchroom, and me for the chips and fruit,” Eric said. ‘Oh, and Nick here gets to clean up!”

  “Now that we have all had a chance to eat,” Daniel began, “let’s get started with our meeting. Jonathan, we wanted to talk about the commitment that we want you to make to the band, and also want to get to know you a little better.”

  “Well, I don’t know exactly where to begin,” Jonathan replied. “I told you last week that joining your band was very important to me. If you are questioning my abilities as a musician, I think that I demonstrated to you last week that I am capable of being a top quality performer. I promise to work hard on any music that the band wants to perform. I will give 110% if that is what is needed!”

  “I don’t think that anyone is questioning your musical abilities, Jonathan,” Daniel continued. “You certainly proved yourself last week, and it was everyone’s feeling that you had what it takes as a musician. What we wanted to talk about was the other side of the equation. Do you have the time it will take to participate fully, and are there other issues in your life that could interfere with that full participation?”

  “I certainly plan to be on time to our rehearsals and performances, if that is what you are asking,” Jonathan said. “I know how important that is to a musical ensemble. I am hoping that the band will start working gigs, because I could use the money. I’m not the greatest student in the world, but I managed to pass all of my classes at school last year. This fall I will be involved in the school’s music programs so I know that my grade point average will go up!”

  “Jonathan is a very responsible and loyal person,” Tim interjected. “Even when I was being a real jerk to everyone at school, before I got sent away to that camp, Jonathan stuck by me as a friend. He was one of the few, and I am forever grateful for that!”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” Jonathan replied with a smile. “I knew you were going through tough times at home, Tim. But I also knew that you were a very good drummer, and those guys are hard to come by! I didn’t want to burn any bridges because I just figured that eventually you would work things out in your life.”

  “How are things for you at home right now?” Jason asked. “You mentioned to me last time that your parents were divorced, and your father has moved away to the east coast. How is your mother holding up?”

  “Things are difficult at home right now, I must admit,” Jonathan said with a frown and some hesitation. “I am really worried about my mom. Since Dad left, she has not had a very stable life. She hasn’t worked for over six months now. We survive on disability checks that she receives from a job injury, and now she gets food stamps. That’s why I really need to earn some money myself.”

  “Without your mom working, does that put you in danger of losing your home?” Jason followed up. “Has she talked about having to move away to somewhere else where it is cheaper to live, or where there is work she can get?”

  “No, actually,” Jonathan replied. “The one bright spot in my parents’ breakup was that in the divorce settlement, Mom received the house free and clear while Dad took most of the cash and other liquid assets. So our house is paid for at least.”

  “Do you think that you will have to get a regular job, like working in a store, to help ends meet?” Daniel asked.

  “I really don’t want to do that if I can help it,” Jonathan replied. “I need my spare time for homework and for practicing. If I am going to commit to playing in the band, I would need time for that as well, and to be available for gigs.”

  “With your parents divorced, doesn’t your mom receive child support money to help with your expenses?” Jason asked.

  “You would think so, but I don’t think she does. She has become very irresponsible and unreliable about things like money lately.” Jonathan hung his head with some shame after saying that.

  “So what is going on with your mother?” Daniel asked. “Why isn’t she all over your father for not helping to provide for you! You are still his son!”

  “I’m sorry that I don’t come from a perfect family like you guys have,” Jonathan replied with some emotion. He was almost on the verge of tears.

  Daniel went over to Jonathan and put his hands on Jonathan’s shoulders. “Jonathan, look at me!” Daniel said with some force in his voice. “We are not asking these things to put you down in any way whatsoever! Yeah, Jason and I are lucky with our families, but as you talk to the others in the room, they have all had serious family troubles. We want you to be part of our band family, and we want to help you and support you in any way that we can! But you have to level with us, and tell us what is going on!”

  Jonathan had looked up into Daniel’s face during his declaration. He could see the honesty and intensity in Daniel’s eyes.

  “I have tried to keep up a brave front to everyone, but deep inside I am scared to death about what is happening to Mom,” Jonathan said with some resignation in his voice. “I am afraid that you will think less of me for what I am about to say, and that you won’t want me in the band any more!”

  “No! That isn’t true, Jonathan!” Tim exclaimed. “You stuck with me during my hard times. You can be sure that I will do the same for you!”

  “I really believe that good friends should never lie to each other, no matter how difficult the subject matter is, or what needs to be said!” Daniel replied. “Tim’s right. We are not going to abandon you because of a problem in your mom’s life. We are reaching out to you to be your friends. Please level with us, and don’t be ashamed about what you must say. When you think about it, your accomplishments have to be even more impressive, if you are achieving them despite a bad home situation!”

  “Daniel’s right,” Jason added. “One of the main reasons that our friendship is so strong is because we always level with each other. If you keep everything bottled up inside you, it only is going to hurt you. It won’t solve anything either. I guess what I am trying to say is that we want to reach out to you, not in a ‘lord it over your head’ kind of way, but in a ‘we have a lot of resources to help you’ way.”

  Eric then came over to Jonathan. “Daniel and Jason are right. It is really important to communicate the truth. When I first met those two, I was trying to recover from a horrible abusive attack from my stepfather and had shut out the rest of the world. They worked on me to persuade me to talk about what was done to me. It changed my life. In fact it literally saved my life! I know exactly what you are going through, Jonathan! Now you need to take the plunge! Relieve yourself of this burden!”

  Jonathan looked around the room at the others. “Wow, you guys are really intense! Are all of your rehearsals like this?”

  Everyone burst out laughing at that comment.

  “Hey, Jason,” Daniel said with a big smile. “I guess we have a new ‘bubble-popper’ in our lives now!”

  “You’re all right, Jonathan!” Jason said smiling also. “We didn’t mean to gang up on you, if that’s what it seemed like. But whenever you are ready to tell us about what is troubling you, we are more than rea
dy to offer a sympathetic ear.”

  Jonathan looked around the room again. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, and then said, “I guess now is as good a time as any.

  “My mother has changed so much in the last six months, it is hard to believe that she is the same woman who raised me. I think one of the main reasons that Dad divorced her was because she started using addictive drugs. I think that she is now addicted to methamphetamines — you know, speed — and this drug addiction is destroying her life. Every day it seems that she is spiraling deeper and deeper into her addiction. I guess it got to a point where Dad just couldn’t deal with it anymore, so he just packed up and left! I still love Mom, but I don’t know what to do! At this point I am probably the only stable thing from the past left in her life!

  “She is now hanging out with drug dealers who prey on her addiction. She calls them her boy friends, but I think they just take advantage of her in every possible way! Her latest ‘boy friend’ is this big brute of a guy named Scott. He is a meth dealer and I think he has a lab somewhere in the mountains. Mom has lost control of her life — she is dependent on drug dealers to supply her habit — and now she is no longer able to support herself or me. In order to have money to eat, I literally have to take it out of her purse after she cashes her disability check. That money isn’t enough to support her habit. Every day I dread coming home, because another of our possessions will have been sold or pawned for drug money.

  “I have asked her again and again to go into rehabilitation. She always replies that she wants to but then never does anything about it. If I go to the authorities, I know they will take custody away from her and stick me in a foster home somewhere! It’s like I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t. I don’t know what to do any more, so I just try to go on living my life the best I can!”

  There was stunned silence for a few moments in the room. Then Tim came over to Jonathan and put his arm around his shoulder. “Jonathan, I never realized things were this bad at your house. I feel terrible! All this time you have been suffering and I didn’t pick up on it! I’m so sorry!”


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