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Eyewitness News Page 9

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Aren’t you going to call a foul on Jackson?” Grover said in a demanding voice. “Didn’t you see how he knocked me down?”

  “If you deliberately try to impede the progress of another player, it’s not a foul. In fact, I could probably call one on you!”

  “What the …..” Grover responded. “Are you blind? That guy was trying to hurt me!”

  Instead of taking Grover’s side, Mr. Renteria called a technical foul on Grover for calling him a name. “Try another stunt like that and I will eject you from this game!”

  Chauncey had a big smile on his face as he walked to the free throw line. He quickly sank his two baskets, adding to the Red score. After the technical foul shots, Red was given the ball. As Chauncey rejoined his teammates, he said, “Those were two of the most satisfying baskets I’ve made in a long time! I don’t know what you said to the referee, Jason, but whatever ever it was, thanks!”

  Over on the Purple team side, there was a change in their line up, as Grover was made to sit on the bench. With the whole issue of Grover trying to make Chauncey look bad no longer a factor, the Red team turned into a one man juggernaut, as Chauncey went on to have one of his best days ever, scoring over thirty points during the course of the game. At the end, the Red team had defeated the Purple in a rout, 64 to 24.

  After the game was over, the teams shook hands, as was the custom in the league. Samuel Grover was in the line but wouldn’t look Chauncey in the eye when they shook hands. Normally all the players just said “Good game” as they went through the ritual handshakes. With Grover looking down, Chauncey said to him “Good game is an honest game!” when he got to Grover in the lineup.

  The Red team then went to greet their supporters, mostly Chauncey’s entourage. Chauncey pulled Jason aside and said, “Chuck, you have to tell me what you said to that ref!”

  “It was really nothing at all, Chauncey. I just mentioned how important it was to have an honest game, and that I had overheard a certain opponent of ours saying that he wanted to sabotage the game. Believe it or not, having an honest game is the goal of the referee. By being polite and respectful to him, but not asking for any kind of special treatment, I think I got the message across to him loud and clear. Then you friend Grover did the rest!”

  Chauncey put his arm around Jason and gave him a hug. “This time, my man, you took the monkey off my back! When it comes to people issues, you are the master! I am really glad that you are now an A-list guy!”

  Jason smiled back at Chauncey. Coming from someone as talented and athletic as Chauncey Jackson, that was high praise indeed. “That’s what friends are for, Chauncey! You can count on me anytime!” Jason replied.

  “Then I am really looking forward to our next game together,” Chauncey said with a big grin on his face as they hit knuckles. “I can’t imagine playing now without my friend in the red high top chucks!”

  Part of Jason’s workout routine was riding his bicycle to his basketball scrimmages and games with Chauncey. But today, as he was riding back home, it seemed as though he was floating on air. Those red high top chucks he was wearing on his feet had never felt lighter or cooler.

  Chapter 11

  Daniel and Jason Talk Strategy

  (Wednesday Evening)

  It was like a blast from their not so distant past. Tonight Daniel had come over to visit with Jason, talk about things, and play some of the latest video games on Jason’s great system. Before the two boys became amateur detectives, they used to get together all the time, just to play games and enjoy each other’s company. Now with so many more complications in their lives, an evening like this was a rare pleasure.

  First up on their informal agenda was the latest with Daniel’s band. All of the care and planning that Daniel had put into the formation of the band, first on his own, and then with Eric was starting to come to fruition. With the talented rhythm section he had put together, the band was very solid, and now with the addition of Jonathan, the band was about to enter a new level of achievement. But Daniel was very worried about what Jonathan was going through at home. Now he wanted to find out what Jason had learned from his consultation with his Whatever Foundation attorney.

  “Jason,” Daniel began, “what have you learned from your attorney about Jonathan’s situation?”

  “I had a meeting with Mr. Williams and discussed Jonathan’s situation for nearly an hour. His analysis was that Jonathan was definitely getting short changed on the financial support he should be receiving, and that he has clear legal grounds to go after the child support money that he is owed. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it is often difficult and time consuming to collect on that money. Divorced fathers often default on the money they owe for child support. In many situations, the money is not collected because the other parent doesn’t have the time or resources to pursue it through the legal system. He said that because Jonathan is a minor, the money is supposed to be paid to his mother.”

  “And that could be a problem because she has been acting irresponsibly,” Daniel surmised.

  “You are correct about that,” Jason replied, “but Mr. Williams said that there are others options that could be set up, if both parents agree. The pursuit of a case like this is also what he called ‘a doubled-edged sword.’ Most likely a court hearing on the matter would bring out the fact that Jonathan’s mother has a drug problem, and the court might want to look at other options for custody. As Jonathan’s friends, I think the last thing we want to do is something that might make the court want to put Jonathan into the foster care system. He did mention that custody could be assigned to other close relatives, if all parties were willing. That is another possible option, but clearly we would have to talk to Jonathan about that. Again our goal should be to help him stabilize his home situation, not make it more unstable!”

  “It is a tricky situation,” Daniel said. “It seemed clear to me that he still loves his mother very much and wants to stay with her. The problem is that if she is hanging out with an undesirable crowd of people, and is a true addict, that is an unacceptable living situation for Jonathan. You saw how stressed out he was when he told us the truth about how he has to literally take money out of her purse to put food on their table!”

  “Jonathan is living in a house of cards that could collapse at any moment!” Jason exclaimed.

  “I wish that there was a way Jonathan could live with one of us, although that becomes an even greater complication in the long run,” Daniel said with some frustration in his voice. “He’s such a nice person, I feel terrible that he doesn’t have a more stable living situation!”

  “Mr. Williams said that he would contact Jonathan’s father on behalf of Jonathan, and see what he has to say about the lack of child support money. From all accounts I have heard, Mr. Kowalski is a successful businessman. It sounds like he would have the money for Jonathan’s upbringing. So the issue is why he is not paying child support every month.”

  “What if we started giving Jonathan some money?” Daniel suggested. “None of us are exactly in the poor house!”

  “We could, I suppose, Daniel, but I think that it would be a terrible loss of face for Jonathan. Everyone has their pride, and unless we knew he was desperate or literally starving, it would be like rubbing his bad fortune in his face. On the other hand, maybe we could take turns inviting him over for dinner or lunch. That is a pleasant option, but again if all of a sudden he was getting all of these dinner invitations, I think he would feel a little humiliated about it.”

  “You are right, Jason,” Daniel responded. “Jonathan needs to be able to stand on his own two feet, be independent and self-sufficient. He needs to feel that he is our equal, not our welfare case!”

  “There has to be way that we can help Jonathan without being too obvious about it, and without making him feel like we are taking pity on him!” Jason said. “The problem is to figure out what that could be!”

  “I think that the real problem is not Jonathan,” Daniel sa
id emphatically. “The real problem is his mother and her apparent drug addiction. It’s too bad that she can’t seem to understand how her new life style is harming Jonathan.”

  “I can’t imagine any caring mother who would want to do that to her own son!” Jason said with a touch of anger in his voice. “I wish that there was a way we could intercede with her, or at least get her to examine the downward spiral that seems to be their home life lately!”

  “You know, Jason, it just might have to come to that!”

  “I want you to closely monitor what Jonathan says about his home life,” Jason said. “Maybe do it through Tim, since he and Jonathan are close friends already. I have a very uneasy feeling about Jonathan’s situation.”

  The two best friends then went on to talk about other band issues. Jason told Daniel about his recent meeting with Nick.

  “The more I get to know Nick,” Jason stated, “the more impressed and amazed I am about his capabilities and potential. Getting him into your band and our circle of friends has been such a positive development!”

  “And to think I was against even going to meet him!” Daniel replied a little sheepishly.

  “Don’t start that again!” Jason said emphatically. “You had every right to be upset and angry because of your treatment by Nick’s grandfather. The important lesson here is that no one should be judged by who their relatives are! Isn’t that what we were just saying about Jonathan?”

  “Yes, Jason, you are right. Nick is one awesome musician!”

  Jason then described how Nick was thinking about writing a musical tribute to the victims of Salvatore Butera and Angelo Chiurro. “I think that we are on the verge of something very special here. I know that I want to do everything possible to support this idea, since I suggested that he do something like that.”

  “Nick has been a great addition to the band,” Daniel said. “He is so talented and such a hard worker. I feel I have been living a charmed life lately getting my whole rhythm section as a result of our detective work! We are just starting to realize what our potential as a band can be. You have been hearing the results, Jason. It’s almost unbelievable!”

  “Every time I hear you guys perform, I am blown away,” Jason replied. “And yes you truly are the Second Chance All Stars! But it’s not just chance, Daniel. You are the person who makes it all work! I believe that you have the leadership skills and talent needed to get everything put together. One of the things that attracted me to you as a friend was that inner passion and drive to succeed that you have. That goes way beyond musical talent!”

  Daniel held out his knuckles with a big smile on his face. “Thank you for saying that, Jason. That’s one of the nicest things you have ever told me!”

  “Well, don’t let it go to your head! I still plan to kick your butt in games whenever we play!”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Daniel replied decisively. “Now let’s get down to business!”

  The two friends played competitive video games for about forty-five minutes and then decided to take a break. After getting some drinks and cookies from the kitchen, they relaxed for a while. Then the subject of girlfriends came up, as it usually did these days.

  “How are things going with you and Diana?” Jason asked. “Do you like having her as your steady girl friend?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Daniel answered. “It has been great so far. In a way we were probably going steady for a while before it became formal. We spent a lot of time together just on school and other activities, so in a way it has been a natural progression in our relationship. Now I am happy that the passion and love between us seems so natural. When we are together, we no longer have to go through the normal teen angst things like, ‘should I try and kiss her?’ Or ‘will she go on a date with me?’ Now hugs and kisses are expected every time we get together!”

  “You two make a nice couple,” Jason continued. “I could sense that there was some chemistry between the two of you long before things became formalized!”

  “Yes, it is ironic that music brought us together, but now we see each other not as collaborating musicians, but just as two people with a real physical attraction for each other. Diana is good for me because she is so practical. When I am into my musical things, my head is up in the air all the time, and I forget about mundane regular things. I can’t act that way around Diana for very long, because she brings me right back down into the real world just by her physical presence and her love for me. Our relationship in that sense is a real safety net for me!”

  “Wow, Daniel, it sounds like things are going very smoothly between the two of you!” Jason responded.

  “Yeah, and the food factor is terrific, too!” Daniel replied referring to the Miglione catering business run by Diana’s mother. “Every time I go over to her house she always has some little special treat for me! Now tell me how you and Laura are getting along.”

  “I never realized a number of things about Laura until we did start going steady. One of those things is her social agenda. She has been planning all kinds of activities for us to do together, and then there are her family get togethers, and her parent’s friends who visit on a regular basis. I really need a calendar to keep track of everything!” Jason said laughing.

  “It sounds like the spider web is weaving around one Jason Hunter!” Daniel replied with humor in his voice. “Going steady definitely has its consequences!”

  “I sure have found that out! But our love is strong. As much as I tried to not deal with it, especially when we were working on cases, I could feel it building and developing to a point where in all honesty I couldn’t deny it any longer. So why fight a good thing?” Jason answered shrugging his shoulders.

  “Have you worked out your differences about doing detective work or helping others yet?” Daniel asked.

  “Not really,” Jason replied. “In all honesty, I don’t know if she will ever be comfortable with the fact that sometimes I go out and take chances. That still is the biggest point of contention in our relationship. Right now that isn’t a big issue between us, because I have been deliberately trying to just have a fun summer, especially after that whole case with Nick and those horrible predators.”

  “Having gone through that, I can understand Laura’s point, Jason. I was scared shitless during the whole time you were gone undercover. I still shudder when I think about what those perverts did to all those kids, and what they were doing to Nick and planning to do to you!” Daniel got up and paced around the room for a minute.

  “It’s okay, Daniel, I understand that I have tested our friendship in many ways. But sometimes you have to act for the greater good! Somehow that has become my mission in life! How else can you explain that windfall from my great grandfather, Winfield Hunter? I don’t always like it, but I have learned not to fight against it when an opportunity to right a wrong comes along.”

  “As much as it upsets me, I realize that you are doing the right thing, Jason. Until I change my mind about that, you can always count on my help!” Daniel said with some determination. “I guess I am just as crazy as you are, Jason!”

  “Right on, my friend,” Jason said with a nod of approval. “I couldn’t imagine doing that kind of work without your help and assistance. You did push me into it, but once the die was cast, you have never backed down! That is true friendship. Maybe one day I will be able to explain that to Laura in a way she can understand.”

  “How do you balance true love, true friendship, and your crusader’s passion against predators and other wrongdoers?” Daniel asked.

  “I don’t know if that is possible,” Jason replied. “But so far I have managed to do so. I have no guilt about it whatsoever. I actually feel privileged that I have had so much given to me, that I have had significant opportunities to do good in this world, and that I have such great friends and family supporting me! I sure hope you will continue to support me, Daniel!”

  “Of course, Jason. How else could there be Hunter & Holmes?”

/>   Chapter 12

  A Party for Arthur Vincenzo

  (Sunday Afternoon)

  Sunday was a special day for Jason and Daniel. One of their “people projects” had finally come to fruition. They were invited over to the house of Captain Antonio Garcia and his wife Marisol for an afternoon barbeque to celebrate their adoption of Arthur Vincenzo. Arthur was a kid about Daniel’s height and age whom they had met at Camp Chinquapin, the now defunct boot camp for teenagers. At that time, Jason and Daniel were trying to find out what had happened to Tim Wilkinson who had been sent to the camp but later placed in what the camp officials described as “anger management training.”

  Although Jason and Daniel had passes to get into the camp on one of their rare visiting days, they were afraid if they used Tim Wilkinson’s name at the entry gate, they wouldn’t be admitted. Arthur’s name was close alphabetically, and when Daniel glanced at the list of names checked off on the list, Arthur’s was still available.

  After taking the required camp tour, Jason and Daniel were able to talk to Arthur and pump him for information about Tim. The information that Arthur provided was invaluable to Jason and Daniel in their quest to find Tim. At the same time they discovered that Arthur was another troubled teen who could use some outside help. In all of the time that Arthur had been at the camp, Jason and Daniel were the first people who had come to visit him!

  Arthur’s story was a sad one. His real father was a wealthy businessman and contractor based in Mexico City. He and Arthur’s mother had an affair while he was building a housing project in the small border town where Arthur grew up. At first he had promised Arthur’s mother that he was going to divorce his wife and get re-married to her, but that never happened. Even so, they continued seeing each other whenever he was in this country. He would send her support money to pay for her silence about the affair, but never wanted any contact with Arthur.


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