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by Aiden Vaughan

  “While that may be understandable, your father still has a legal obligation to support you, at least through age eighteen. Maybe he isn’t physically present any more, but he should be sending you child support every month. There is no excuse for that, no matter what he thinks about your career options! Here is what I think we should do, Jonathan. I think that the two of us should go and visit with our foundation attorney. I have already discussed some of this with him, but you really need to be there, since it is you who must make the final decisions about things.”

  “Since I can’t rehearse with the band today, that sounds like my best option right now. I am so sorry that I have let everyone down,” Jonathan said in a sad voice.

  “You haven’t let us down!” Tim exclaimed. “Don’t ever say that and don’t ever think that! It’s just that things are stacked up against you right now, Jonathan. Trust me, I know what that is like and how frustrating that can be. You are my best friend, Jonathan. I want to help you any way that I can. And the first thing that I want you to do is spend the night here. I don’t want you to go back home and be exposed to the abuse of Scott again until there is a plan in place to do something about your situation. I don’t want you to be hurt or humiliated any more than you already have been.”

  “I told you at our last meeting that the band is a kind of fraternity and you are the newest brother,” Daniel said to Jonathan. “We will miss you at rehearsal today, but then Eric, Tim, and I will do something about your instrument situation. The easiest thing to do would be to find that pawn ticket and get your actual instruments back. But if that doesn’t work out, we will go to plan B or C until you are back playing with us. That’s what we want from you, Jonathan, your music! All the rest of the stuff is just business.”

  “Yeah, Jonathan,” Tim added. “We will keep your instruments here for the time being. You can come over and practice here. And you know I enjoy hanging out with you, as does Teresa. It would be no problem at all!”

  For the first time that day, Jonathan smiled a genuine smile. “You guys have really made me feel better! Now I am actually beginning to think that there is a way out of the mess I am in!”

  So it was decided that Jason and Jonathan would go off and consult with the foundation attorney, while the rest of the band would rehearse. Then Jason would bring Jonathan back to spend the night with Tim.

  Jason and Jonathan had a good meeting with the attorney, Mr. Peter Williams. He told them that he would look into Jonathan’s custody issues, and would contact Jonathan’s father to see about collecting the child support that Jonathan was due. Mr. Williams had Jonathan give him a dollar retainer so that he would become his official attorney.

  “Don’t worry about the costs,” Jason told Jonathan. “The Whatever Foundation will cover any expenses.”

  Jason then drove Jonathan back to Tim’s house. The rest of the band was just finishing up their rehearsal. When they arrived at the house, Jason looked over at Jonathan and said, “I want you to have this.” Jason gave him a small silver cross on a thin chain. “It is a good luck charm. Right now I think you could use some. I would like you to keep it with you at all times and wear it around your neck. Can you do that for me, Jonathan?” Jason asked as he gave him the cross.

  “Sure, Jason,” Jonathan said as he took the cross from Jason and put it around his neck. “Thank you for everything you have done for me today. This will remind me of my good fortune in meeting you.”

  Chapter 22

  The Confrontation

  (Wednesday Evening)

  After spending Tuesday evening and Wednesday at Tim’s house, it was time for Jonathan to again face the reality of his situation. Jonathan had decided that he would go home that evening to confront his mother one last time about what was happening in their lives, and to beg her to get help. As he stood in front of his house, Jonathan thought to himself, This is it! I have to persuade Mom to change and get help.

  Jonathan came in the front door and found his mother in the kitchen. After greeting her and asking how she was doing, Jonathan said emphatically, “Come with me into the living room. We have to have a serious talk.” Jonathan and his mom then went into the living room and sat down on the threadbare couch.

  “You have to do something about your addiction, Mom!” Jonathan began. “I can’t continue to live like this! I have lost just about everything I own. Now I can’t even play music, the one bright thing in my life because you went and pawned my musical instruments for drugs!”

  “Oh, I’d like to get help, Jonathan, and maybe someday I will go into rehab. But right I now I need my drugs, and Scott is a good source for me to get them! Why do you want to shake up our lives?”

  “Mom, I need to live somewhere there aren’t any drugs around. Are the drugs you are taking so important that it is worth taking abuse from Scott and letting him abuse me also? Well, I am not going to take it any more! I am calling the police to report him for beating me up! You need to get away from him and from drugs and go into rehabilitation!”

  Unfortunately, what Jonathan said was overheard by Scott Brewster. He had been sleeping in the back, but was awakened by their argument. “What’s going on?” Scott demanded coming into the living room. “It sounds like you two are plotting against me!”

  “You need to get out of here and get out of our lives!” Jonathan replied with anger in his voice. “You are nothing but trouble. Look how you have ruined my mother’s life!”

  “Shut up, you little runt! Who do you think you are giving me orders or telling me off? I think I am going to wring your neck after I beat the crap out of you!”

  “Scott! Please don’t hurt Jonathan. He doesn’t mean what he is saying!”

  “Mom, don’t be a sell out! Tell Scott to get out of here!”

  “Why can’t the three of us just get along?” Madeline said in a pleading voice.

  “I can’t believe you, Mom! Why do you always cave in to this guy!” Jonathan said. He ran to his room and slammed the door shut.

  “I’m going to kill that little bastard some day if he doesn’t learn to control himself!” Scott said vehemently. “Why do you keep that little shit around, anyway?”

  “He is my son, Scott. He’s all I have for family any more!”

  “That kid is a pain in the ass. Imagine the nerve of him to give me orders!” Scott thought about it for a moment and decided that he must subdue Jonathan and keep him isolated from any of his friends or the authorities. Then he realized that Jonathan was probably calling the authorities right now.

  Meanwhile, in his room, Jonathan was trying to call for help. Luckily their telephone was still in service. First he called Tim, but ended up leaving a message because Tim was away from his phone at the time. He next tried to call Jason but he wasn’t answering either.

  Scott burst into Jonathan’s room as he was desperately trying to call the police. Scott knocked the phone out of his hands and overpowered the boy, putting his arm around his neck in a chokehold. Madeline followed him into the room, saying, “Don’t hurt Jonathan! Stop hitting him and leave him alone! Please, I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t hurt Jonathan!”

  Scott thought things over and told Madeline, “All right, I won’t hurt him for now. Make sure that he stays here in his room and that he doesn’t try to contact anyone on the outside.” Scott then released his grip on Jonathan who quickly moved to the other side of the room.

  “Thank you, Scott, I’ll watch Jonathan while the two of you calm down.” Madeline then addressed Jonathan. “Come on Jon, sit with me for a while. I know we can work things out.” Jonathan continued to glare at Scott, but eventually obeyed his mother’s wishes and sat down.

  Scott left the room, closed the door, and decided on a plan of action. He knew he had to get Jonathan away from here now before he did something rash like calling the police or social services. He decided to kidnap Jonathan, and bring him up to his mountain hideaway where he had a meth lab. He figured that the best way to keep Jonathan s
ubdued and under his control was to make him into a drug addict like his mother. He knew that to bring Jonathan up to the lab he would have to keep him restrained and quiet because he wouldn’t come willingly. He also figured that he needed to get Madeline completely stoned on meth to accomplish this, as she wouldn’t be a willing partner to his plan while she was sober.

  Scott went out to his truck and brought in some pieces of rope that he could use to tie Jonathan up. Then he got a rock of crystal meth from his drug case to get Madeline high. He also brought in a bag of sandwiches that they had purchased at a take out place for later that evening. He figured that the food would keep Jonathan occupied while he got Madeline high. He then went into Madeline’s bedroom where he remembered she had a drawer with some bandanas and handkerchiefs that he could use to silence Jonathan and a glass pipe to smoke the meth.

  Scott then knocked on the door to Jonathan’s room and came in with a big smile on his face. “Jonathan and Madeline, let’s start over, and not fight so much! I didn’t mean all of those things I said. Here Jonathan, this is for you,” Scott said handing Jonathan the bag of food. “Why don’t you pick out a nice sandwich to eat. I’m sure you must be hungry by now, being a teenager and all!”

  “That sounds great, Scott,” Madeline replied. “What do you say, Jonathan?” Jonathan was equally surprised and said a reluctant ‘thanks’ while he opened the bag and checked out the contents.

  “Come with me, Madeline,” Scott continued. “I have something special for you as well.”

  After Madeline went with Scott back to the living room, he showed her the pipe with the meth rock inside it. He took his lighter and lit the pipe. He took a quick hit off the pipe and then handed it to Madeline. “Here you go,” he said encouragingly. “Enjoy this nice pipe.” In a few minutes, Madeline was quite stoned on the drug and oblivious to the rest of the world.

  Scott went into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and brought it with him back to Jonathan’s room. “I brought you a bottle of water, kid. How was that sandwich?” He then handed him the bottle of water.

  “Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?” Jonathan asked with some suspicion in his voice. “A little while ago you said you wanted to kill me!”

  “I guess I was just overreacting,” Scott replied. “I think we need to get to know each other a lot better, and I have a plan to do just that!”

  “What do you mean?” Jonathan asked.

  “I am going to have you come and stay with me at my mountain house for a while. We’ll become great friends, you know, male bonding and all.”

  “I don’t think so,” Jonathan said. “I don’t want to go to the mountains.”

  “I think that the sun and outdoors would be good for you, Jonathan. You know, get away from the polluted city air and all. You look sort of pale and sickly!”

  “The last thing I want to do is go up there and be isolated from my friends with nothing to do but watch you make drugs. I have no interest whatsoever in male bonding with you!”

  “You don’t have a choice!” Scott said and then without any warning punched poor Jonathan several times, stunning him. Jonathan began to fall down dazed and the bottle of water fell out of his hand. Scott broke his fall so that he fell onto the bed. He quickly went outside and grabbed the ropes and bandanas which he had stashed by the door. He pinned Jonathan down to the bed with one knee and stuffed a handkerchief into his mouth. Scott then bound Jonathan’s wrists, ankles, torso and knees with the rope and secured the gag with two of the bandanas which he tightly knotted behind Jonathan’s neck. When he was sure that Jonathan was immobile and helpless, he went back out to check on Madeline.

  Madeline was very much in a state of euphoria, and Scott encouraged her to have another hit from the pipe. He then went into the garage, opened the door, and drove his truck inside. Although it was getting dark, he didn’t want to take any chances on being seen with a bound and gagged boy. He shut the garage door, opened the back door in his king cab pickup truck, and moved the seats up. He then went back into the house and into Jonathan’s room. He hoisted the helpless teenager over his shoulder and carried him out to the truck. He placed Jonathan onto the floor in front of the back seat. Once he was in place, he moved the seats back, which had the effect of wedging the boy in further. With Jonathan secured in his truck, Scott went back inside to say goodbye to Madeline.

  “Madeline, honey, I am taking Jonathan with me up to my mountain home. We are going to spend some time together to get to know each other better. I’ll be in touch with you later in the week. In the meantime, enjoy the rock I left for you. Be careful, though! I want you to make it last for a while! Until later!” Scott then left the house and drove off into the night.

  It was nearly an hour’s drive to get to Scott’s mountain cabin, much of it on narrow and winding roads. About half way there, Jonathan began complaining through his gag with muffled protests.

  “You shut up, boy!” Scott yelled back at him. “If I have to stop the truck and come back there to silence you I will beat you into a bloody pulp!”

  Realizing that he probably meant it, Jonathan quieted down, resigned to his fate.

  When they finally arrived at Scott’s cabin, Scott got out of the cab and unlocked the padlock to the gate. After driving though and relocking the gate, he drove up the narrow dirt path to the cabin. He parked the truck then spent some time unloading gear and supplies from the back, leaving Jonathan to stew a little, pinned inside the back of his king cab and still tightly bound and gagged.

  About a half hour later, Scott finally opened the door to the back of the cab, and pulled Jonathan out. Rather than untie him, Scott just hoisted him up over his shoulder like he did at Madeline’s house and carried Jonathan into the cabin. Once inside he kicked around a chair at the kitchen table, put Jonathan down upright, and then pushed him down into the seat of the chair.

  “Welcome to my mountain cabin, boy! We are going to have a high old time while we are here!”

  Jonathan again protested through his gag, but all that come out were muffled grunts. His eyes widened in fear as he began to understand the implications of what Scott had just told him.

  “Sorry, boy, but I think you are going to have to stay tied up for a while. Would you like a drink of water?”

  When Jonathan nodded yes, Scott continued, “I’m not going to take your gag off just yet, but I’ll give you a couple of squirts.” Scott picked up a water bottle with a long nozzle on it. He pushed it into Jonathan’s mouth around the bandanas and squirted some water in a little bit at a time so Jonathan wouldn’t choke. Scott set the bottle down and then went into the other room. The cabin had two rooms, both filthy and stacked with junk and lab parts all around. The room that Jonathan was in seemed to be the living area, as there were a couple of beds along one side, a kitchen area with a table and several chairs where he was currently seated, and a very old couch and chair. A single light bulb hanging from a socket was the only light in the room.

  About twenty minutes later Scott came back into the room. He had a chain and a couple of locks in his hand. “I think you will sleep in this bed over here. He then wound the chain around the metal bed frame several times and locked the end to the nearest wound link. He then brought the other link over to Jonathan, lifted his jeans up over his sneaker and sock, exposing his leg. He wound the chain around Jonathan’s leg several times and locked the end to rest of the chain like he did at the other end. Jonathan was now chained to the bed as well as being tied up with rope and gagged.

  Next he brought in a tray containing a syringe, cotton balls, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and a piece of rubber tubing. As soon as he saw what Scott was bringing, Jonathan began to protest and howl through his gag. He struggled with the ropes binding his hands and feet but to no avail.

  Unfortunately for Jonathan, there was no escape. Scott set the tray down and slapped Jonathan hard on his face. In a very ominous voice, he told Jonathan “Be still, boy, or I will really hurt you! T
his won’t be painful at all, and after you start to get high, I will untie you so you can enjoy the experience. But Jonathan had tears in his eyes from the pain of the slap and the fear of what was about to happen to him.

  Scott grabbed his left arm and tied it off with the rubber tubing until he could see a vein. He then rubbed it with the alcohol, took the syringe and pumped a small squirt of the liquid methamphetamine through it to eliminate any air bubble. He then injected it into Jonathan’s arm. After he finished there was a little spot of blood which he cleaned off with another cotton ball. Scott then removed the tube from Jonathan’s arm and took the tray back into the other room.

  Horrified by what just had happened, Jonathan had no idea what to expect. He felt that control of his own life was spiraling away from him. After about ten minutes, Scott came back and started to remove the ropes that he had tied up Jonathan with. Already Jonathan could feel sensations of the drug coursing through his veins.

  “I’m going to remove your gag now,” Scott said as he pulled the bandanas out of Jonathan’s mouth. “I’ll keep it off, and leave you untied expect for the chain as long as you cooperate. You are about to experience an incredible high for the first time. It will be much easier on you if you are not tied up. If you need to use the bathroom it is over there,” Scott continued, pointing it out. “There is water and food over in that refrigerator should you need any. I’m going to put on music now for your enjoyment.” For a moment, Jonathan thought his situation was going to improve until he realized that Scott’s idea of music was bad redneck country music played on a very cheap boom box.

  Suddenly Jonathan experienced an incredible sense of euphoria, as the drug hit his brain like a firework exploding. Despite the trauma of being kidnapped, everything in the world seemed to be wonderful. The grating music from the boom box turned into the Nashville Symphony with a hundred-voice chorus. Jonathan’s brain was filled with all kinds of creative ideas as he envisioned a concerto for his flute, a complete album of new music for Daniel’s band, and the lyrics to dozens of songs. He wanted to write these things down, but he had no paper or pencil and soon his creative visions floated away. The chain attached to the bed was long enough that he could go outside and watch the evening sky and stars. The universe sparkled in all of its beauty. Jonathan stared at the sky for a long time trying to comprehend the movements and patterns of the stars.


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