Doggone Ugly Creek

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Doggone Ugly Creek Page 13

by Cheryel Hutton

  “Poor thing probably just misses her husband.” Stephie looked so sad.

  Was it bad that I wanted to laugh?

  “You go right on over there and tell her how sorry you are he’s gone.” Terri leaned back and crossed her arms.

  “That doesn’t explain why she hates Ace,” I said.

  Liza’s forehead wrinkled in thought. “I heard she hates dogs, and he has a bunch. Maybe that’s her issue.”

  “She hates dogs all right.” Terri’s eyes flashed fire. “She and that devil cat of hers harass Trixie all the time.”

  “Devil cat?” Stephie’s eyebrows rose.

  “Yep. The damn thing comes over in our yard, keeps on until he gets on Trixie’s nerves and she barks at him. Then he hightails it back through the fence to act pitiful for Miz Crabby.”

  I took over before the mixing of pronouns began. “Then Miz Carlisle gets mad at us. She’s not reasonable.” My stomach twisted and my pulse raced. “She tried to set Ace up one night. She played a recording of barking dogs, then called the police.”

  “You’re kidding.” Stephie looked stunned.

  “No, Terri realized she’d looped the recording. It was obvious after she pointed it out.”

  Liza nodded. “Not being a fan of dogs, she wouldn’t have noticed the different sounds.”

  Stephie shook her head. “Wow. Madison said Ace was a great photographer, and an okay guy. Although, for a while there he was a pain in her ass. She and Mac adopted one of his dogs, or more like it adopted them.”

  “I’ll ask around, see if I can find out anything,” Liza said.

  “Don’t worry about it, Liza, you have too much to worry about now. I’ll do the snooping.” Stephie grinned. “I’m good at it.”

  “That you are.” Liza stood. “I hate to break this little get-together up, but I really need to get back to work.”

  Stephie and Liza said their goodbyes on the porch, and as I turned to go back into the house, I saw Miz Carlisle pretending to work in her flowers. I growled deep in my throat, and Terri gave me a startled look. I laughed in spite of myself. This place was always interesting.


  Two days later Trixie and Hugh romped in Ace’s yard as we sat on his porch, drank Cokes, and watched Dusty romp near our seats.

  “So, you borrowed Terri’s dog just so you’d have an excuse to come and see me?”

  I narrowed my eyes and tried to mentally shoot fire at him. “Arrogant, aren’t we?”


  I grinned. “Actually, I came to see Dusty.”

  He put his hand over his heart and leaned back in a wildly exaggerated poise of distress. “You wound me, woman.”

  I smacked him on the arm. “Don’t call me woman.”

  A gray sedan pulled in Ace’s driveway, and I recognized the black-suit, white-shirt-clad man who got out.

  Ace headed down the steps to meet him. “Special Agent Killian.”

  “Mr. Ellison.” The men shook hands.

  By this time I was standing beside Ace, Dusty in my arms, and my curiosity meter on high.

  The agent nodded toward me. “Miz Carpenter.”

  “Special Agent.” I held out my hand to him. No way was I about to be dismissed without thought just because I happened to be female. He shook my hand, but not very firmly, which lowered my opinion of him.

  “I hope you’re here to tell us you’ve figured out who broke into Steve’s building,” Ace said before I could.

  “Actually, Mr. Ellison, I’d like to ask you some questions.”

  Ace shrugged. “Ask away, but I don’t know anything about the break-in. Or Steve’s business, for that matter.”

  “Is there someplace we can speak privately?”

  “Sit on the porch,” I told them. “I’ll go out back and play with the dogs.”

  I sat on the back porch steps and watched Dusty run around near me. I tossed a tennis ball for her a few times then she climbed up beside me and promptly went to sleep. I stroked her soft head while I watched Hugh and Trixie chase each other around the yard. I gotta admit, even after all these years, it was weird knowing my cousin was a dog. Seriously weird.

  I heard a car start up just before Ace came around the corner looking confused and just a bit angry. “That guy is weird.”

  “If you say so.”

  “He asked more questions about my rescue operations and my dogs than he did about how I know Steve or much of anything that has anything to do with solving the damn case. Personally, I think he’s a fruit loop.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he’s investigating the dognappings.”

  Ace snorted. “Yeah, like the FBI cares anything about animals.”

  I rubbed his shoulder. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  Bright green eyes looked into mine. “You’re right. Besides,” he rubbed his knuckles gently over my cheek. “I have better things to think about.”

  Then I was in his arms, and he kissed me with a passion that should have melted my panties. I closed my eyes and let him hold me, let his tongue tangle with mine, let his hand slide down my back to cup my rear.

  The sharp bark startled us both, and we looked toward the culprit. Trixie eyed us innocently, a doggie smile on her mischievous little face.

  “Maybe we should go in the house,” Ace whispered.

  “Sounds good.”

  I scooped Dusty up, and when Ace’s back was turned, I stuck my tongue out at Trixie. Once we were inside, I put Dusty in her crate, and turned to find Ace beside me, his eyes dark and his hands reaching for me. I leaned into the firm body of the man I cared way too much about. He tugged me into his arms and lowered his lips to mine.

  His hands moved down my body to rest on my rear. He pulled me against him, and my knees buckled under me, trusting him to hold me up. I slid my arms around his neck and let my fingers explore the silky hair that hung slightly over his collar. I whispered his name, and he tightened his hold on me. He was hard, all of him, and my feminine part went soft at the feeling of that hardness against me. One hand slid up and under my shirt to cover my breast. I gasped in spite of myself, and he chuckled.

  “Evil man.”

  “I’m just getting started.”

  He pulled my shirt up and used his mouth to tease my nipples right through my bra. Before I knew what was happening, my bra and shirt flew in the general direction of a chair, and he licked and sucked my nipples. When he unzipped my jeans and slid his hand down to my most feminine area, I seriously thought I would faint. Before I could recover from that, he scooped me up.

  I gasped. “This is getting to be a habit.”

  “Do you want me to put you down?”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “All right then.”

  He headed down the hall, and I leaned against him.

  He let me slide down beside his bed, which was neatly made up this time. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and ran my hands up his chest. Meanwhile he was busy relieving me of my jeans and panties. I kicked them aside and together we removed clothing from his body.

  For a magical moment, we stood there looking at each other while the air between us tingled with our attraction. He reached for me just as I reached for him, and we tumbled into bed together.

  I pulled at Ace, wanting his hard, warm body close to mine. He had other ideas, such as kissing my neck, shoulders, fingers, belly, and the sides of my breasts. I instinctively arched my back as I tried to move my nipples toward his wandering mouth.

  The rat laughed. “Want something?”

  I’d have smacked him but just then he ran his fingers up the inside of my left thigh, leaving hot tingles where he touched. I moaned his name and grabbed his shoulders in an effort to get him closer.

  “Oh baby,” he whispered.

  His hand moved between my legs while his lips finally moved to my nipples.

  I think I levitated.

  The sound of a package ripping was enough to put me on the brink of takeoff. “Hurry.”
  “Trust me.” He sounded short of breath. “I am.”

  Then he edged my legs apart, and I gleefully helped him in his effort. He kissed me with a passion that all but sizzled, then he was inside me and nothing mattered but Ace and our connection.

  It didn’t take long for us to shoot into space together. Past the moon and planets and into the stars we soared. Then, still together, we drifted back to earth.

  Ace rolled, pulling me along with him, so we lay side-by-side.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “Don’t call me woman.” I have to admit, there wasn’t much strength behind the words. I was too relaxed and happy to be upset over such a small thing.

  He ran his finger slowly over my collarbone.

  “Doing anything tomorrow evening?”

  “Not really. Why?”

  “I was thinking about driving up to Knoxville to check out that new Italian restaurant I keep hearing about.”

  I fought hard to hold back my smile. “It’s supposed to be good.”

  “Would you like to go with me?”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  He smiled as he leaned in for another kiss. Things heated up, and we made like astronauts again. And again.


  The sun was dipping behind the mountains when Trixie and I headed home. As soon as we went in the door, Trixie became Terri.

  I braced myself for the teasing; no way she didn’t know what had gone on in Ace’s house. She surprised me, though.

  She let out a long yawn as she headed toward her bedroom. “Shower. Bed.”

  Grateful not to have to deal with her, I went into the kitchen to grab a sandwich. I sat eating and thinking about the day, about Ace, about our relationship. About possibilities for the future. I have a great imagination, okay? Whether or not any of it was actually possible was irrelevant.

  Terri, wearing Garfield and Odie pajamas, trotted into the kitchen and pulled out the makings for her own sandwich. “I thought you were going to bed.”

  “Too hungry to sleep.” She dropped into the chair across the table. “Gotta sleep, though. I want to get some serious word count in the morning.”

  “I thought you were almost finished.”

  “I am finished. I’m letting that one set for a few days before I go back over it. While I’m waiting I decided to work on the sequel.”

  I stared. “Good grief, girl. All you do is write or chase butterflies.”

  She shrugged. “Same difference.”

  I laughed. “You might be right about that.”

  Grinning, she put her plate in the sink and headed off to her bedroom.

  “Dedication and self-discipline,” I muttered to myself. That’s what it took to be a serious writer, and was something I’d been lacking of late. Groaning, I put my own plate in the sink and went to get my laptop. No way would I let a dog show me up.

  If I could get my mind off one solidly built beach bum long enough to work. Damn the man.

  I smiled as I booted up my laptop.

  Chapter 14

  The next evening I wore a sky blue dress with just a bit of frill at the bottom. I paired it with a simple black belt and black heels. I knew I looked cute; still I fiddled with my makeup and hair to the point I made myself more nervous than I already was. What the hell was my problem? I’d been out with Ace before. I’d slept with him. Why was I nervous about going to dinner with him?

  The answer was so obvious it should have smacked me in the face. I was nervous because I’d spent quality time with him, because I’d made love with him, because I was falling for the man.


  I closed my eyes and leaned against the bathroom sink. I knew I was in deep. This was exactly what I hadn’t wanted to happen. The absolute last thing I needed was to get tangled up with a man. Men were high maintenance, and right now my life was all about letting go of responsibilities, of learning where my place was in the world.

  “He’s here,” Terri said from the bathroom doorway.

  I straightened up, did one last check of hair and makeup, and turned to face the evening. What was there to be afraid of, really?

  I walked into the living room, and I knew exactly what I was afraid of: losing my heart to that handsome man. Too late, a voice inside my head sang gleefully. I smiled in spite of it all and walked across the room.

  Ace took my hands in his and kissed me gently.

  “You look beautiful.”

  My face felt like I had leaned too close to a just-opened oven. “Thank you.”

  He put his hand on my waist as we walked to his SUV. He opened the door for me and held my hand while I climbed up. I was grateful too. I really hadn’t thought of how high his seats are, and how short I am. Factor in a skirt and four-inch heels, and I was happy to not look like an idiot.

  He went around to get in the driver’s side, and I caught a glimpse of Miz Carlisle watching us from behind her six-foot-tall sunflowers. Refusing to give in to the juvenile desire to yell something stupid at her, I smiled at my handsome date, and resolved to forget the crazy woman and enjoy the evening.

  Instead of taking the road that would lead directly through town and to the Interstate, Ace headed down a side road, slowing as he neared a house with green siding and ragged lawn. When I saw the dog, I knew why Ace had come this way.

  A beautiful German shepherd was chained to a tree. The dog had managed to wrap the chain around and around so that he was caught tightly against the tree. I could hear him whining from the road as he pulled against his restraint. A bowl that likely held water was a good three feet out of the animal’s reach.

  “Poor thing,” I murmured.

  I realized the car had stopped when Ace opened the door and headed toward the dog and the tree. My hand instinctively gripped the door handle. Not that I was ready to jump out and join him, or maybe I was. All I knew was my heart hurt for the innocent creature, and Ace just might be saving its life.

  A noise to the left caught my attention and I saw Chuck Vanetti run out of the house and toward Ace. Well, run is a bit generous, waddle might be a better word.


  He looked behind him, right at Vanetti, but continued loosening the dog’s chain. I held my breath as I watched disaster about to erupt.

  Vanetti sputtered obscenities as he grabbed Ace’s arm. “You have no right to be on my property!”

  Ace easily pulled loose and faced the older man. “I was saving your dog’s life.”

  “You need to leave my dog alone.”

  “You need to take care of him then.” Ace glared hard at the man.

  “What I do with my mutt is none of your business.”

  “Take care of your dog. I’ve already notified the authorities.”

  Vanetti laughed. “You go right ahead and call whoever you need to.” He stuck his finger in Ace’s face. “You come on my property again, and I’ll introduce you to my shotgun.”

  “Take care of your dog, and there won’t be a problem.” Ace turned and sauntered back to the SUV as if he were taking a stroll.

  As we pulled away, Vanetti stuck up his middle finger.

  “I had no idea there were people like that in Ugly Creek.”

  Ace squeezed my hand. “Thankfully, not very many.”

  “I hope the authorities do something about the situation.”

  “Me too, but I have my doubts. Animal control services are almost a joke in Ugly Creek. I guess it’s because mistreatment of animals is so rare here.”

  “It’s an odd little town.” I said.

  He let out a short laugh. “That it is.”

  There was still enough daylight on the drive to Knoxville to see the beautiful autumn colors covering the mountainsides. In fact, the sunset caused the red and yellows and browns and greens to go all fiery and even more beautiful.

  Either because it was new and people were curious, or because the food was excellent, the restaurant was packed.

��s expression was apologetic. “They don’t take reservations. We can go somewhere else if you’d like.”

  “Here’s fine,” I told him. “I’m not in a hurry.”

  We sat squished together with three other people on a bench outside the restaurant door for almost an hour. The time passed quickly, though, while we talked about everything under the sun.

  The conversation continued after we were seated at a table toward the back of the restaurant. We laughed, we shared excellent food, we gazed into each other’s eyes. If I hadn’t been in love with him before, that night would have done it for me.

  We were quieter on the drive back, both of us lost in our own thoughts. As we got close to Ugly Creek, Ace took my hand in his.

  “Should I take you home?”

  “Wherever we go, I would like to spend time with you, if that’s all right.”

  His smile was warm and sexy. “It’s more than all right.”

  “I…um…I would invite you to my house, but…” I don’t want you to find out my cousin’s a dog. “With Terri and everything, I’m not sure…”

  He squeezed my hand. “We can go to my house, if that’s okay.”

  “I’d like that.” My cheeks went hot.

  He winked, and my face felt like it burst into flames.

  Twenty minutes later, we were in his house and stripping each other as we went down the hall. I fell into the bed and he landed on top of me, but made it better by kissing me all over.

  He moved off me and I grabbed at him. He didn’t go far, just enough to use his talented fingers to get my body into a state of serious need. I tried to return the favor, but he kept grabbing my hands or moving so I couldn’t touch him.

  I saw his big grin and narrowed my eyes. “Not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair, sweetheart.”

  Then he kissed me until I couldn’t remember what country I lived in.

  A few, incredible minutes later, he slid inside me.


  I woke up the next morning with warm green eyes looking at me. Before my brain woke up I blurted, “I love waking up next to you.” As soon as I said the words, I turned away. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  He put his hand on my chin and turned my face so we were eye-to-eye again.


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