The Planner

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The Planner Page 21

by Robert Smith

  “A game?” raged Katherine. “Yes, you didn’t take any of it too seriously. Your story was crap: a giant conspiracy theory based on supposition and coincidence. Can you really believe that in America, the most sophisticated technologically advanced nation in the world, was taken by surprise and brought to its knees, by 19 light weight Muslims armed with box cutters and the will of Allah? Managing to easily outfox the planet’s most sophisticated intelligence agencies, they decided that the best way to achieve their aims, which they didn’t bother to tell anyone about… or give a clue about what they hoped to achieve, was an impossible attack that, oh, and while we’re at it, also involved collective suicide?”

  Planner looked uncomfortable.

  “I guess they were motivated by their leader, Mohammed Atta; who drank alcohol, snorted cocaine, gambled, frequented strip bars… with a pink-haired, stripper, girlfriend and was cruel to her kittens. These are well-known characteristics for a leader for a religion-based kamikaze mission!” Katherine sneered sarcastically. “But guess what? Through the joys of computer gaming, they were able hit their two targets at the World Trade Center, flying beyond the capabilities of their aircraft and in the process, destroying their indestructible black boxes and flight data recorders? But not of course, their passports which emerged from the rubble!”

  Katherine was not finished. She held up a finger to stop Planner interrupting. “Little did these hijackers suspect that their air crashes were nothing but a prelude to the real shock and awe: the world’s tallest buildings, built to be hurricane proof, proven to be bomb proof, crumpled to the ground in ten seconds, an hour or so after impact, with a TV-audience-attention-seeking fifteen minute interval between them. And then, later, another skyscraper decided to crash down at freefall, in sympathy, I suspect… half a day later.”

  “Now that was not their plan…” protested Planner meekly.

  “But no, no, no. Wait, there’s more; A third plane then manages to fly for 45 minutes across US airspace from Cleveland to Washington, before hitting the most secure, CCTV-covered building on earth completely unchallenged by the US Air Force. And completely unrecorded by photo or video, it crashes into where? Only the newly refurbished, and largely empty part of the pentagon, devoid of important people… other than the accountants investigating illegal securities that were due the next day and the DoD’s missing $2.3 trillion that Rumsfeld announced the day before! This is the most ridiculous, stupid conspiracy theory of all time.”

  Planner said, “You’re right again. It is ridiculous.”

  “You say you were the planner?” said Katherine curtly.

  “Yes, but in truth, most of the big ideas had already been put in place: the story, such as it was; the organisation; contingency plans running along side. Wheels within wheels.”

  “So who had the original idea? Someone must have been behind that? A political guy? Wolfowitz? Zelikow?”

  “Wolfowitz? Quite possibly237. Zelikow, no, he was too junior at the time. Actually all the dual-national US-Israeli types including Wolfowitz, Zelikow, Chertoff, Doc Zakhiem; they may all have agenda to work towards the benefit of their Zionist ideals. I don’t know. I thought it was for Oil. The problem of peak Oil… It could have been for Israel too.”

  “Or Rove?”

  “Sure. Maybe him. He’s credited by Bush as being the Architect. There’s evidence that Rove gets his hands dirty too;238 He’s not just a backroom weasel, rigging elections.”

  “What about Cheney, Rumsfeld? They run the COG, right?”

  “Cheney and Rumsfeld are JFDI guys. They are in for the money, I think. It could have been them. The big idea had been brewing for years and they have been around for a long time. But the puppet master keeps away, even from the puppeteers, let alone the puppets and patsies.”

  “But you were the Planner. Weren’t you? And if not, then what, then?”

  “I was really just a field officer, commanding soldiers on the battlefield. I was fed an imposing title to make me feel more important than I actually was. Just another puppet being played.”

  “So what’s next?” said Katherine.

  “We live our lives,” said Planner.

  “What for?” said Katherine with a shrug, exhausted from her diatribe. “The country’s changed. The first action of a dictator is to change the laws. You helped them changed the law. The constitution is dead. We’ve lost our freedom. We’ve lost our hope. What’s the point?”

  “We get them to change the laws back,” said Planner grimly.

  “How?” she said.

  “I’ll write a book.”

  Katherine looked at him through narrowed eyes, unconvinced.

  * * * *

  For the enlightened 80 % that have reviewed the alternative media, they know the official story is fiction. The real villains are more dastardly than any TV bad guy and good people follow them because they are the ones in Authority.239 That’s how they have been conditioned, from education, from religion, from TV and the government-controlled mass media, by peer pressure. We are all expected to follow the voice of Authority. Even when it conflicts with Physics: Newton’s Laws of Motion and Momentum. People could do the calculations themselves. But they don’t. Planner found that perhaps Psychology is the stronger science.

  * * * *

  Outside a mountain cabin, somewhere in the Rockies with a beautiful view of a tree-lined valley, Katherine was beating a rug over a line. Inside, Planner finished off a manuscript called “The Planner” on his Apple Macbook. He knew it was a simplification of the real story. A simplification of even what he knew. But he felt it told the story. He typed “The End”, even though he knew it was not.

  – -------------------------------------------------.

  1 The anonymous stars in the CIA’s Book of Honor memorialize covert operatives lost in the field.

  2 PsyOp is short for Psychological Operations.

  3 WITSEC and other terms are discussed here:

  4 CIA infiltration of the media is briefly described here

  5 “Continuity of Government” described in Iran-Contra Hearings.

  6 Operation Northwoods was rejected by JFK in 1962. The plan was made public in 1997.

  7 “Fighter jets are scrambled to babysit suspect aircraft or ‘unknowns’ three or four times a day. Before Sept. 11, that happened twice a week. Last year, there were 425 unknowns; pilots who didn’t file or diverted from flight plans or used the wrong frequency. Jets were scrambled 129 times.” Linda Slobodian, The Calgary Herald, October 13, 2001

  8 Lewis Powell was part of the conspiracy to cut off the head of the United States government by assassinating its key leaders.

  9 “September 11, 2001: Radar Located in Northeast US Offline for Repair Work”

  10 There were over 40 military drills and exercises occurring on 9/11. Of these, there were five large-scale military exercises. Flight controllers, commanders and pilots were unable to distinguish real world events from exercise scenarios.

  11 Of the 2,500 interceptor aircraft available to the USAF, there were only 14 in service to protect the whole of North East USA. Only 4 aircraft were scrabbled during the hijacking period of 102 minutes.

  12 Background to the Ptech affair: and Bush Administration’s Michael Chertoff sabotage of the investigation into Ptech.

  13 Simulated track appearing on radar during 9/11

  14 Describes the concept of computers sharing data in only one direction due to security classification.


  16 describes how GPS is degraded for civilian use.

  17 (National Security Agency) does electronic monitoring and broadcast intelligence, home and abroad

  18 The Defense Intelligence Agency is concerned with Military Intelligence gathering.

  19 The DIA’s Lt. Colonel Shaffe states that ABLE DANGER identified several of the hijackers a year before 9/11. The project was closed down in 2001 and all data used in the project was deleted in 2005.

  20 According to wikileaks, an FBI supervisor sent a warning to officials in Washington, pleading he was “trying to keep someone from taking a plane and crashing into the World Trade Center.”

  21 John O’Neill, until August 2001, was the FBI’s top expert on Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.


  23 John O Neil investigation into the USS Cole incident caused problems within the FBI hierarchy and O Neil resigned. amp;id=4140263

  24 The hijackers are reported to have planned 9/11 from a motel across the road from CIA headquarters.

  25 Hani Hanjour was refused Cessna flight instruction a few miles down the road from CIA headquarters.

  26 “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism” book by Trevor Aaronson.

  27 “Hijack ‘suspects’ alive and well”


  29 FBI Crisis Response Unit Goes to California for Training.

  30 “Report: CIA Lost Office In WTC”

  31 The California electricity crisis of 2000 and 2001, was caused by market manipulations, illegal shutdowns by Texas energy consortiums, and capped retail electricity prices.

  32 While Tuesday mornings are not a popular flight time. The passenger numbers on the 9/11 flights were below industry average especially when subtracting the number of hijackers from the totals.

  33 Daniel Hopsicker’s interview with Atta’s girl friend, Amanda Keller. It portrays Atta as a drinking, drug-taking, party animal, strongly contradicting the official story of Atta having been a devout Muslim. Summary here:

  34 Hanjour was the only person listed with flight training on Flight-77.

  35 DoD Finances had been a long-standing problem. Programs to fix the problem started rapidly after 9/11.

  36 “1999…over $400 million was unmatched and that at least $180 million could not be reconciled.”

  37 The office “Resource Services Washington” lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack.

  38 “Ronald Vauk, the watch commander in the Navy Command Center, (was on) the phone trying to get more fighters scrambled at the time the Pentagon is hit, … to protect Washington.”


  “The Pentagon Project… began in 1999, and by September 11, 2001, one-fifth of the renovation was essentially complete. Structurally the renovation was not major; the most significant changes were the addition of new elevators, stairs, escalators, and mechanical equipment rooms. Additionally, the exterior walls and windows were upgraded to provide a measure of resistance to extreme lateral pressures…”

  40 The Navy lost 70 % of its Pentagon

  offices, including a portion of the Navy’s budget office, the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, and its telecommunications operation center. The U.S. Army’s Information Management Support Center was also destroyed and apparently was unable to access its backup tapes. See Barbara Honegger’s presentation “Behind the Smoke Curtain”

  41 “co-author of the USA Patriot Act”

  42 “key administration supporter of passage of the USA Patriot Act.”

  43 In the section on “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, it says: “… the process of transformation [to rebuild US Defences], even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor.”

  44 A stated US policy since 1996, the concept of “Shock and Awe” was first determined in 500BC by Sun Tzu.

  45 “The 9/11 Anthrax Frameup.”

  46 A number of White House officials begin taking Cipro from the evening of September 11, 2001

  47 A September Manhattan is a regular Manhattan blended with the ice from the shaker.


  49 The twin towers were built with around 400 tons of asbestos (although it was slowly being removed). The eventual cost of removal could have been as much $500million.

  50 Data compiled by the FAA between 1991 and 2000 showed that Boston’s Logan Airport had one of the worst records for security among major US airports.

  51 American Airlines employees who were dealing with phone calls from the first plane to be hijacked on 9/11 were told by their superiors to keep quiet about what they had learned about the unfolding crisis.

  52 The Hijackers left a clear trail of evidence

  53 “The letter has been fabricated in an attempt to find evidence against Ziad Jarrah,” said his uncle, Jamal Jarrah.

  54 “Virginia Chief Medical Examiner in ‘Tug of War’ Over Who Should do Autopsies of Pentagon Victims”

  55 Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah were filmed together recording their martyrdom wills in Afghanistan but their words are unknown.

  56 Flight Data Recorders were only recovered from the Pentagon and Shanksville crashes. No Flight Data Recorders were found at the WTC. However, a hijacker passport was handed in by an unnamed member of the public directly to the NY Police Chief (who has since been sent to prison on unrelated charges). Unbelievably, a hijacker passport and an intact bandana were found at the Shanksville crash site.

  57 Flight Data provided by the government is missing crucial information to link the data to a specific aircraft

  58 News report that “an air stewardess with her hands tied have been found in the World Trade Centre’s wreckage”

  59 The story was later just a “bound pair of hands was found atop one of the neighboring buildings.” Not even snopes can verify this story.

  60 No official attempts have been made to fully investigate the full-scale Global Guardian exercises and what effect they had on the military’s response on 9/11.

  61 USAMRMC supported the FBI on scientific aspects of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. While assisting with the science, it also soon became the focus of the FBI’s investigation of possible perpetrators

  62 There is a dispute on the level of weaponization of the anthrax spores and whether Fort Detrick was the source of the powdered anthrax.

  63 The spores used in the 2001 Anthrax attacks were traced back to US Military Labs. The 70 year old record of anthrax spores at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at Iowa State University were destroyed October 10th, 2001, two days before the first attack.

  64 “Legends” are cover identities and cover stories in covert operations

  65 FBI agent at JFK autopsy did not believe the magic bullet theory


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