by Billy Roper
When U.S. aircraft began hitting anything moving with a red star on it north of Portland, Harry had cashed out. First British Columbia was evacuated, with thousands of ethnic Chinese civilians following the retreating troops southwards. Then Seattle was hurriedly looted, and abandoned. The golden horde clung together as it receded, even those who had been here for generations fearing reprisals by the victors. The former immigrants already outnumbered the soldiers, by that point. The roads were clogged with Asian refugees. They hunkered down in Tacoma to lick their wounds and regroup.
While American militia groups harried the Chinese rear guard, Harry made his plans. He was, if anything, an opportunist. He also saw the end coming. All through the first week or March, as the perimeter around the Bay Area of Chinese control shrunk, he had his employees gathering every American flag, previously outlawed as a symbol of terrorism, that he could find. He chose Petaluma to position between the People’s Humanitarian Peacekeeping Forces and the Republica irregulars chewing up Stockton. Like the frog in the boiler of heating water, knowing just when to hop was everything. When the Anglos saw 1,300 obviously Chinese people, led by Harry Lee, waving American flags and chanting “Go Home!” outside the Chinese-American Friendship Office in Petaluma, they were bemused. Several videotaped it. The next day the footage was broadcast on Telemundo and Univision. That had not been a part of the plan.
Harry Lee went into hiding, hunted by the peacekeeping forces as a traitor. Several members of his family, including his wife, his older brother, and his youngest son, were captured and publicly executed. Lee’s miscalculation was that in order to save face, the People’s Humanitarian Peacekeeping Force withdrawal had not been completed. A major reason for this was that they had no available transport to go home, and no support from the Chinese navy to withdraw. A secondary distraction was their internal uncertainty over whether to support Jiang in the north, or the Yulin regime in the south. They held the Bay Area. Harry waited, in the darkness, alone.
I Think I Know Enough Of Hate
He began his early morning staff meeting with a prayer, short but sincere. It took him just a few minutes to line his staff out for the day. Kip was asked to move the Klan lawyer meeting back to three, and make sure he was met and welcomed when he flew in from Branson. His security team was instructed to watch out for any agents of the Bank that might want to snoop around the office before their scheduled meeting. They also were given the names and descriptions of the expected media interviews for the day. They were more paranoid than he was, after the attempted assassination. His secretary was given a list of letters to type and a recorded tape of dictated correspondence to transcribe and mail. In ten minutes, they were finished and dismissed.
Lt. Col. McNabb showed Carolyn his heavily redacted and annotated map of the North American continent. The huge unfolded paper covered the entire boardroom table surface in his new office in the Old Courthouse building. This particular room had featured an exhibit on the historic Dredd Scott case, but the displays had been hauled downstairs to the dumpsters out back. There was room now for his desk, two chairs and a couch, and the board room table and its’ chairs, where he held staff meetings…when it wasn’t covered with maps, that is. Today was a map day.
As he leaned over the map to describe what was happening in Canada, the still healing scars on the right side of John’s body made him wince for a moment. With Quebec declaring their independence and inviting Francophone refugees from the intifada going on in France to relocate there, Toronto had no choice but to let them go, as civilly as possible. That made it possible for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to formally secede from the Dominion, as well. They had sent delegates back for the second phase of the convention. It wouldn’t start for another week, but they were already in town.
The battle lines shifted on him almost every day, so the borders did, too. Kip, his Chief of Staff, kept erasing and redrawing as new reports kept coming in, continually. John himself was busy drawing up plans for the different committees to divide the delegates into. One would tackle Energy production and allocation, to get as many operational power plants back online as quickly as possible and restore electricity to as many regions as they could. The second would dive into Agricultural Operations, and allocate resources for seeds, fertilizer, equipment, and fuel to begin large-scale preparation of the ground and planting as soon as the Spring thaw was complete in the nation’s breadbasket. The third, of course, would oversee Unified Command integration of the armed forces for the twenty-two states and territories invited to attend.
Most of the delegates who had made it back to St. Louis were knee-deep in barroom dramas over what a new nation would be called, or the national song, or their uniforms, or what its’ flag should look like, or what its’ seal should have on it, of all the absurdities. None of the imagery and flash really concerned McNabb, even though he understood that it was those kinds of things which helped inspire and unite and motivate people, so they would have to be handled, too. Okay, a fourth committee for “Administrative Symbolism”, then, he guessed.
And fifth, a “Currency Committee”, to take stock of how much physical gold the allied regions still had control over, in places like Fort Knox., protected by the loyal Army base there. Probably around $150 billion there. All together, enough to start a new currency with, based on the gold standard, for the spread of interstate trade and commerce. McNabb’s ‘New Dollar’ plan was a favorite pet project.
Smaller subcommittees would look into immigration control, which included continuing the deportation of insurgent, potential terrorist, and nonWhite population elements, and the establishment of international relations with foreign governments. It was going to be a busy Spring. They’d take it day by day. At some point the Republican and Democrat and Libertarian and Constitution and Nationalist parties would begin lobbying the delegates to affiliate with their platforms, plank by plank, but that would take them time.
This afternoon, the presumed Chairman of the convention had meetings with the soon arriving delegate from the North Arkansas territory, a lawyer from the Klan family whose organization had taken over and kept order in their town and county, then expanded to adjacent counties. Then, with a member of the Board of Directors of Banks of America, who wanted to try to talk (and bribe) him into establishing another private, corporate bank as a new Federal Reserve. Like that would happen. But before then, they had to get him to his first of three interviews with foreign media, this morning.
Back in the newsroom at her desk, Carolyn switched her microcassette recorder on ‘play’. It was hard not to sneer at the cow-eyed reporter from Le Temps, the largest French language newspaper in Geneva, as the Swiss journalist asked the same trite questions based on the same liberal assumptions as their playbook dictated. Here we go. John’s familiar voice sounded tinny from the small device:
“That is a scientifically incorrect statement. Homo Sapiens sapiens are not a race. Humanity is a species of which there are several subspecie, just as canines, dogs, are a species of which there are many different breeds. All dog breeds are members of the canine species, but many dog breeds differ genetically in their intelligence, temperament, and inherited personality traits. Human races, such as Whites, Blacks, Asians, and their various hybridizations such as Hispanics and Jews, are analogous to different dog breeds, in that regard. If you were to go and tell a veterinarian, or a member of the American Kennel Club, that the only difference between the different dog breeds is in the color of their fur, they would laugh at your silliness. Unfortunately, some people are more concerned about the pedigree of their pets, than the pedigree of their grandchildren.” He sounded irritated. She needed to remind him to keep his cool. They still had not crossed the line of being more than friends, but he had learned to trust her instincts when it came to public relations.
“Yes, so you say, Monsieur, but that is racist, is it not? Oui?” the reporter shot back. With Scotland going independent, and Corsica breaking away from France, and the
Flemish-speaking northern Belgians seceding and joining the Netherlands, liberal Europeans were on edge, these days. Her photographer clicked pictures frantically from every angle as McNabb walked them around the third floor of the rotunda, just to keep them moving. He paused to straighten his glasses thoughtfully and inhaled deeply, before responding.
“If science is ‘racist’, if nature is ‘racist’, if the truth is ‘racist’, then what does that say about the ‘anti-racist’ worldview? Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and “assimilating” with them. Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non- Whites.What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries? How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem? And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this? But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. They say they are antiracist. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for antiWhite.”
Carolyn replayed the interview she had recorded as a precaution, just in case it was quoted incorrectly or out of context. That is, if the European papers even dared publish it. The North Italian Republic had just voted to leave the rest of the boot behind. From their capitol in Milan to the Appenines, they were doing pretty well…while the rest of the country had nothing going but their dead tourist traps. Not many people were going on vacation and buying souveniers, these days. So much Balkanization was going on in Europe for some reason, maybe following the American trend. They wanted to be fashionable? Sure, but not if it meant being racist. Of course, the Post-Dispatch would run the article. After expanding from a weekly back to daily publication, an article about the Lt. Col.’s emerging leadership of the convention was featured in every issue. She made sure of it. Today’s articles were printed up and laid out separately in the old fashioned way on the drawing board in the center of the newsroom. All of the reporters jockeyed and lobbied every day for their stories and their bylines to get the most prominent feature. The most envied, above the fold spots, were already taken. She typed quickly.
By the time she finished her rough draft blurb and printed it out, competing articles were shoulder to shoulder in the ‘National’ section. Several were worthy adversaries. “Tensions out west remain high after L.D.S. separatist commandos from Deseret claimed responsibility for a raid on the Aztlan border station in Durango last week, during which several Mexican military advisors were killed.” was next to “Delegations from Spokane and Boise arrived at the Old Courthouse Wednesday to petition the convention for more troops to help push back Chinese incursions across the Columbia Plateau.”, which seemed like old news, especially with the Chinese in full retreat, already. It would probably be trumped and replaced by the updated story:
“At a news conference under the arch, representatives from both the Idaho National Guard and the Free Washington Unified State Militia praised the Unified Command for their actions, and urged the rest of streamlined America to join them in their two-fronted fight. In response, a column of some 5,000 volunteer mounted infantry are reportedly moving southwards from Calgary to cross the former border in support of their new fellow Americans. Resupply and rearmament by airdrop has been pledged from a U.S. air force unit stationed in Butte.”
That was more interesting that the “In Boston, anti -occupation protesters pelted United Nations peacekeeping forces with rocks and bottles during a three day long clash that left dozens dead and wounded”. The international section was so dramatic and sensationalistic, these days. Their lead article ran with:
“In Baton Rouge today, the New Black Panther Party has announced that their successful evacuation of survivors from a New Orleans irrevocably flooded for the final time by Hurricane Shaniqua is, quote, “an indication of the success of the single party system of democracy”. Former Nation of Islam spokesman Kwebeke Msufime, who led the breakout of the besieged Houston African-American community when the Texas National Guard withdrew from the encircled city as the Mexican Army approached last June, officially announced the unification of the N.O.I. and the B.P.P. under Atlanta's leadership, a sign of hope and future stability for the nation of New Africa. Msufime, leaving behind the traditional suit and bow tie of the old N.O.I. for a more dashing African tribal look of animal skins and urban camouflage, stated that:
“Just like our brothers and sisters who had their back to the water when they died fighting in Chicago and Detroit, our people in New Orleans were starved out and surrounded by the Mississippi and the ocean which come flooding in. A quarter million of our folk from each of those butcher shops made it out and we got them back. Traded the devils from the Redneck Riviera for them so now we can play on the beach, right? Many of those fighters from Chi-town and Motor City now serve in our great New African army. Some of you are here today. You remember how the Indiana and Illinois Guards and the Michigan Militia surrounded your neighborhoods, turned off your electricity and running water, blockaded food deliveries, and tried to kill you all. If that wasn't bad enough, you remember how some of our people turned on one another, as gangs didn't want to turn their guns in all the same directions, at first. But they learned. We learned. We know who the real enemy is, and we know his face. Real thug life is here and now. Real thug life carried babies across the causeway on their backs. Real thug life carried sandbags, not t.v. sets. And now we feed our own. That's thug life. So let's turn our backs on New Orleans, it's just one more wasted city, and leave it behind like we have so many others up north and out west. We have our own country now, where thug life rules. Let's keep it real…”
Some people were having a real hard time seeing that China was on the ropes, Carolyn saw, based on the secondary “International” articles: “Igalut, the capitol of Nunavut, having elected a pro-Chinese city government, has declared themselves a sovereign nation and is seeking Chinese diplomatic recognition. Other aboriginal militants have claimed to have taken control of Yellowknife and declared themselves the Republic of Denendeh, but that cannot be confirmed, as no contact has been made with the Northwest Territories capitol in over three weeks, since the city was reportedly under an organized aboriginal attack.”
There was still some humor, though: “An organized crime syndicate in New Jersey has released to the media videotape purporting to be their liberation of the Liberty Bell from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where the German commanding officer in charge of a heavy presence of peacekeeping force patrols has declined to comment on the reported loss.”
Some stories just seemed too bizarre to be newsworthy. “A Carnival cruise liner packed with elderly Jewish-American zealots on their way to fight in Palestine was boarded by Cuban pirates last month off the coast of Miami after the pirates were apparently tipped off by the Dade County Sheriff's Department, which has assumed the duties of the armed forces of southern Florida. The Haitian crew were killed by the pirates, and the passengers held for ransom for three days until no Jewish community could be contacted by radio or phone in North America or Europe with the resources to ransom them. An envoy from the Paris Jewish community was assassinated in Normandy after he invited the pirates to bring the Jews there, but the leading Rabbi of the largest Buenos Aires synagogue had persuaded the Argentinian government to negotiate the release of the 1200 hostages at the price of 10,000 Yuan each. Their resettlement there, howe
ver, was stymied when they refused to leave the ship in Havana. Further complicating the transaction was the condition of disrepair which had caused the closing of the Panama Canal Zone, requiring the ship to attempt to skirt the coast of Brazil, still technically at war with Argentina. At present, the cruise liner is anchored off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, a city still under military quarantine due to the cholera epidemic there, but supplies onboard are expected to be running low.” Really? Who cared, when there was a local hero story to give people hope, Carolyn thought?
In the end, Lt. Col. McNabb’s interview with the Le Temp reporter was scooped by the Post Dispatch, and ran just below the fold on the front page.
Chapter Eleven
“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a figh ter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.” -Adolf Hitler
Is Also Great, And Would Suffice
The Deseret Department of Public Safety was its normal chaotic racket today, but Kelly was as taciturn as always. Her co-workers were used to her not talking to them, and her bosses had interpreted her quiet nature as meaning that she was trustworthy to handle more sensitive materials. The truth was, she just hated people. The headphones, which were supposed to be tracking praise music, were delivering her very own private playlist. At the moment, ‘Separate Ways’ by The King was being sadly crooned in her ear, and the words made her smile at their appropriateness for the last few months: