Ruby Queen

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Ruby Queen Page 7

by L C Taylor

  “Shit,” Christine almost fell out of bed, reaching out to grab it, “Hello?” she grunted into the phone.

  “Rory?” a timid voice spoke on the other end.

  “No… it’s Christine. Rory’s asleep.”

  “Christine, it’s Sarifena.”

  “Oh, Your Majesty. I’m sorry, let me wake her.”

  “No… actually, it’s better that I speak with you.”

  Christine sat up abruptly, the sheet falling from her body, startling Rory awake. Rory looked at her, “What is it?”

  Christine shrugged, “Ok, what’s the matter?”

  “It’s Commander Blake, Anthony.”

  “Oh God,” Christine gasped, “Is he… is he…”

  Rory sat up, “What, Christine? Is who what?”

  “No, Christine… calm down,” Sarifena spoke, “We’ve found him. He’s here at the Sapphire Kingdom.”

  “Is this real?” Christine looked at Rory, tears welling up in her eyes, “You’ve found him?”

  Rory snatched the phone, “What the fuck is she talking about, Sarifena? You’ve found who?”

  “Rory,” Sarifena sighed into the phone, “We found Anthony. He’s here in the Castle getting medical treatment.”

  “OH MY GOD!” Rory jumped up from the bed, not caring that she was naked as the day she was born. “You have him? Oh, God… Oh God… I’m going to be sick,” she tossed the phone at Christine and ran toward the bathroom.

  “Your Majesty?” Christine spoke.

  “Seriously, Christine, you can call me Sarifena. Is she ok?”

  “Yeah… I think it’s a shock. Are you sure it’s really him?” Christine asked in disbelief.

  “As sure as I control the water. Anthonys here. He's safe.”

  “We’re coming. We will be there in a few hours. I’ve got to go and see if Rory is ok. We’ll call you when we leave. Oh, God… I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made us. Thank you, Sarifena. Tell him we’re coming. Tell him…” Christine paused, “Tell him we love him.”

  Sarifena got quiet for a moment but then spoke, “Ok. I’ll tell him.”

  Christine hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom. She found Rory hunched over the toilet, “Rory, what the fuck?” She knelt beside her on the tile floor, “What’s going on? And don’t lie to me. You’ve been sick for weeks now.”

  “I’m pregnant,” Rory whispered into the bowl.

  “What?” Christine brushed her hair back, “pregnant?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything. We’ve never talked about kids and with Anthony gone… I guess I didn’t want to say it out loud yet.”

  “Pregnant?” Christine flopped down onto her butt, “We’re having a baby?”

  Rory glanced over the porcelain edge, “Yeah…” she raised an eyebrow in question, “are you ok with that?”

  Christine reached out, pulling Rory to her, “I’ll admit… it’s a shock, but I always hoped to have kids one day. And knowing I wanted to be with you, I figured we’d have to work a donor out. Instead, it’s with a man we both love. Yes, Rory,” she hugged her, “I’m ok with it. Now,” she stood, helping her from the floor, “Let’s get cleaned up and maybe put on some clothes. I don’t know about you, but my ass is freezing.”

  “I can’t believe they found him. What if… what if he doesn’t want this anymore?” Rory looked at the woman she loved.

  “Don’t be stupid. He loves us. And when you tell him, we’re having a baby… well, he’ll be over the fucking moon.”

  Christine helped Rory get cleaned up. They dressed faster than ever before and rushed out of to find the Captain and Constable.

  Both men were waiting for them, already aware of the development. Sarifena had previously called them when they’d hung up earlier.

  “Captain, let’s get this show on the road.” Rory nodded towards the front door, “I’m not waiting another moment. In fact, when we get there, I plan to have the Sapphire Kingdom’s Constable marry the three of us.”

  Christine gasped, “Rory… slow down. Anthony may not be in any condition for a ceremony.”

  “Fuck that. We’ll just do the legal part and have a real ceremony in a few weeks.”

  “We still haven’t made an announcement to the people, Your Majesty.” Constable Philips reminded her.

  “I don’t care. I will not go another day without making the two people I love my husband and wife. People can accept it or not. Now let’s go.” Rory stormed out the front door and stomped her way to the awaiting car.

  Christine shook her head, “I don’t think there is anything that will stop her.”

  “Probably not. Captain,” the Constable turned toward the commanding guard, “Take care of them. We can’t lose the queen.”

  “We won’t. The Sapphire Kingdom is meeting us halfway to escort us in. I will notify you once we arrive.”

  “Very well.”

  Rory, Christine, and the Captain climbed into the back of a blacked-out SUV. Once they were all buckled in, he gave the signal for the small convoy to pull out. Rory and Christine tangled their palms together, the anxiety was palpable in the confines of the SUV. Christine moved their joined hands to rest over Rory’s stomach. Christine smiled, the secret only she knew made her wink at Rory. They were going to be a family despite the effort to tear them apart.

  Chapter 23

  Rory barely let the SUV come to a stop before she was out of the backseat and running up the steps of the castle. Christine was on her heels, telling her to slow down and wait.

  Sarifena was there, waiting with the door open. Rory leaped into her arms and hugged her, “Thank you for finding him.”

  “Actually... he found us, but he promised to tell me his story once you were here. Come on, I’ll take you to him.”

  “Wait,” Rory tugged on Sarifena’s hand, “I need to introduce you to Christine.” Rory grabbed Christine’s hand and smiled. “I’m in love with her and Anthony. I’m tired of hiding it and wanted to tell you the truth.”

  Sarifena glanced at the two women, “I kind of wondered if there was more than friendship between you two. But I’m surprised you’re in love with Anthony as well. If it makes you happy, who am I to judge. Hell, what I thought was truth this whole time was a lie. Let’s go. I’m sure he’s eager to see you both.”

  Sarifena led them through the castle towards the back. The medical wing was at the rear, hidden deep inside the castle.

  As soon as they walked through, Rory gasped. Anthony was lying on a bed, I.V.’s and monitors attached to him. His side was bandaged up, and his face was littered with cuts and bruises.

  “Anthony!” Rory rushed to his side and laid her body on his.

  “Umphf,” Anthony grunted, “Rory…” his eyes welled with tears.

  “I thought you were dead,” Rory wept against him as Christine walked up beside them.

  She leaned down and embraced Rory and Anthony, “Anthony… you saved me.”

  Anthony laced his fingers through Christine’s hair and held on to Rory’s arm. He squeezed them tightly against his chest, even though it hurt.

  “I love you, Anthony.” Rory pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “I love you, Rory. And you, Christine. When I was being held, all I could think about was coming back to you both.”

  “Where have you been?” Christine stood, glancing at the Sapphire Queen, “And how did you find your way here?”

  Rory moved, pulling a chair up beside him. She kept her fingers laced in his, “Anthony… what can you tell us?”

  “First… Dimitra is alive. They were holding us together in a cell.”

  “Dimitra? Where is she?”

  “Gone. The man who took her has people working for him through force and blackmail. The man, Jason Castor, set me free but had to move Dimitra to a new location. His own sister, who is only nine, is being held captive. If he doesn’t do whatever the man says, his sister will die. They have some sort of metal bracelets on Dimitra that keep her from using he
r magic. Jason promised me he’d look after her – he doesn’t want to be doing this… he saved me. They were going to kill me because I wasn’t useful.”

  Rory sucked in a sob, “What?”

  Anthony squeezed her hand, “But he told them I was already dead and that he left my body to rot. Dimitra made a big scene – so I think they bought it.”

  “But where did they take her?”

  “Jason was afraid to tell me too much. All he said was they were taking her to the place where the fire meets the water and is covered in darkness. Does that make any sense to you?”

  Sarifena spoke, “My mother spoke of something similar when I was a child. I remember her telling me about the deadlands or something.”

  “Can you ask her? Maybe this means something to her. I know you aren’t talking to her, but this is important.” Rory smiled, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “Yeah… I’ll go see her later. She moved out of the castle. I think she feels shame for the lies she told.”

  “Your Majesty,” Doctor King interrupted her, “I am sorry to interrupt you, but we need to take Commander Blake for some more scans. We want to be sure there isn’t anything embedded in his side.”

  “Really? Now you want to do this?” Sarifena snapped.

  Rory glanced at Christine, “It’s ok, Sarifena. I want to be sure Anthony is well. Thank you, Doctor, we can wait for him to get done.”

  The doctor nodded and stepped close to Sarifena. He whispered something in her ear, causing her to blush. Sarifena stepped back, “Do your job.”

  The doctor nodded towards the nurse standing near him, “Go on, take him to the x-ray room. Let’s get this done so he can be with his family.”

  Rory bent down and kissed him on the forehead, “We can finish talking when you return.”

  Christine also bent, kissing him on the cheek, “We missed you, Anthony.”

  Anthony grabbed her hand and squeezed, “I love you, too, Christine.”

  Christine wiped at the tear rolling down her cheek, “I love you, too.”

  Rory watched as the nurse unhooked him from the machines and pushed his bed out of the room.

  “Alright,” Rory turned toward Sarifena, “We know she’s alive. I think we need to call the other kingdoms. Do you know if anyone has heard from Onika? I haven’t been able to get her or my former commander on the phone.”

  “No… but,” Sarifena sighed, “They’re in the Amethyst kingdom. Amalee called me a few days ago. Onika won’t tell her what has upset her, and your former commander only says she’ll tell us when it’s time.”

  “Well, shit.” Rory put her hands on her hips. “She needs to tell us what is in that journal. We can’t wait any longer. This is all tied together.”

  “I agree, but I’m not supposed to know she’s there. Amalee let it slip when I called to tell her about Emersyn and me.”

  “Damn it! She can’t hide from her kingdom forever. What the fuck is in that god damn journal?” Rory gasped, running for the trash can. She heaved out everything in her stomach as Christine rushed to her side and rubbed her back.

  “What the fuck?” Sarifena asked.

  Rory stood up, wiping her mouth with the back of her arm.

  “Well, no hiding it now… I’m pregnant.”


  Rory gasped, spinning to see Anthony being wheeled in by the nurse. His eyes were wide as he looked between her and Christine.

  Chapter 24

  “I’ll give the three of you a few minutes alone. Doctor, let’s give them some privacy.” Sarifena motioned for everyone to leave the room.

  “He needs to be hooked back up to the monitor,” Doctor King started towards his bed, but Sarifena grabbed him.

  “What the fuck, Heath. He isn’t going to die because the stupid monitor isn’t hooked up. Let’s go.” She dragged him out of the room, Christine and Rory watching with their mouths open.

  “Did I hear you, right?” Anthony pushed himself up on the bed, “you’re pregnant?”

  Rory sat on the edge of the bed, holding Christine’s hand, “Yes… you’re going to be a dad.”

  Anthony’s eyes moved from her face to Christine’s, looking for any sign of anger. But all he saw was love. “You mean we’re going to be a family? Christine… are you ok with this? I know it isn’t something we talked about.”

  “Anthony,” she ran her hand down his cheek, “I want a family. And while this might not be the normal way to do things… I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love Rory. And somewhere along the way, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  “I’m going to be a dad,” Anthony placed his hand on her stomach, “holy shit.”

  Christine pressed her lips to his, “We’re so glad you’re back home. We couldn’t breathe with you gone.”

  “Christine!” Rory whispered, “I was blind. I didn’t see the hurt you were feeling, too. Can you forgive me?”

  Christine turned to Rory and pressed a kiss to her lips, “I would withstand fire or ice to protect you, Rory. You’re the love of my life. You needed me to be strong. That’s what you do for the people you love.”

  Rory rested her head against Christine’s, “How did I get so lucky to have two people loving me?”

  “We’re the lucky ones.” Anthony rubbed Christine’s back and squeezed Rory’s hand. “Lay with me. We can talk more after I rest.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you,” Rory glanced at Christine and then at Anthony.

  “I was asking both of you. And there is no pain worse than thinking I’d never see either of you again.”

  Rory moved to squeeze in beside him as Christine walked around to the other side. They wedged themselves onto the tiny mattress, each held in one of Anthony’s arms.

  “I love you both.”

  Rory listened as Anthony’s breaths evened out. Easing herself onto her elbow, she glanced at his sleeping face. Christine was watching her as she ran her fingers across his chest.

  “I don’t know about you, but I have to pee.”

  Rory burst out into a fit of giggles.

  “Shit…” she snorted, burying her face into the crook of his arm, “I don’t want to wake him.”

  “I’ll just hold it. I’m just glad to have him back. And I am happy to hear Dimitra is alive. It gives me hope we can find her.”

  “We will find her.”

  Rory snuggled against him. Slinging her leg over his, she locked it around Christine’s calf. Christine smiled and closed her eyes. It was surreal to be wrapped around Anthony with Rory holding her tight.

  “Well damn… I’d say he was a lucky man.” Doctor Kind stepped into the room. “I was going to hook his crap back up, but I think he’ll be fine. You ladies let the nurse know if you need something. You know… we can probably move him to a bigger bed.”

  “Maybe later. For now, we will just enjoy having him back.” Rory held Christine’s hand across his body.

  “Doctor King,” Sarifena shook her head, “Leave them alone, Jesus.”

  “Sarifena,” he smiled, “perhaps you could escort me to my quarters. I’d like to discuss something with you.”

  “I’m not going to your room.”

  “Are you afraid to be alone with me?”

  Rory smiled, watching Sarifena struggle with a response. It was evident there was tension between her and the doctor.

  “Of course not.” Sarifena glanced at Rory and Christine, “I’ve asked for you to be moved to a suite. Doctor King assures me Anthony will be fine. That bed looks uncomfortable, and I know you need to be close right now.”

  “Thank you. We will move in a little while.”

  “Come on,” Sarifena thumped the doctor on his shoulder, “You want to talk… well now’s your damn chance.”

  Chapter 25

  After a week of being cooped up in Sarifena’s castle, Anthony, Christine, and Rory headed back to the Ruby Kingdom. True to her word, Rory had the three of them married by the Sapphire Kingdom’s C
onstable. She didn’t care about anything else other than making them hers. Anthony was feeling much better and had mostly healed from his time in captivity. Anthony told them everything. How he wandered the woods for days, resting in caves or inside hollowed out trees. He stole food and drank from the rivers when he could.

  Everyone was shocked that he managed to survive two months trekking through the kingdoms as he did. Anthony was able to determine he’d come from the west of the Sapphire kingdom, but what he didn’t understand was where he’d started from.

  Sarifena spoke to her mother, who confirmed an old folktale of somewhere called the deadlands. It was supposedly beyond the Sapphire Kingdom’s border to the west – which aligned with where Anthony walked from.

  Now, two weeks later, he laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. Christine and Rory avoided any physical contact with him, other than snuggling and a few stolen kisses. They were afraid to hurt him.

  Glancing down at the tented sheet, Anthony groaned. Just thinking about Rory, and quite frankly Christine, had him hard as a rock. He looked around the room, wondering where his women were. Hearing the shower, he smiled. One of them was in the bathroom, naked. And right now, he didn’t care which one it was. He was going to corner them into realizing he wasn’t glass. Hell, his dick was so hard it could likely break glass if he thumped it hard enough.

  He eased out of bed and tiptoed inside the large bathroom. The glass walls were fogged over from the steam rising behind it. Anthony paused, listening.

  A hand pressed against the glass, as a moan filled the room. Anthony fisted his cock, jacking himself off as he stepped toward the opening. Peering around the corner, he nearly came on the spot. Christine was pressed against the tile with Rory kneeling between her legs. Her face was buried between Christine’s thighs as Christine’s head was thrown back in sheer pleasure. Anthony stepped inside behind Rory.

  Christine glanced at him, a smirk filling her face as she watched him tugging on his cock. Rory cut her eyes up, never removing her tongue from between Christine’s folds. Anthony grabbed Christine’s head and took her mouth in a searing kiss. She reached down and wrapped her delicate fingers around his rock-hard member. Rory ran her hand up his leg, gripping his ass in her free hand.


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