Love Me With Fury

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Love Me With Fury Page 4

by Janelle Taylor

  Her body soon felt the same overpowering heat and hunger which his did. Her skin prickled and flamed. A gnawing ache which she did not recognize made her hunger for a nameless satisfaction. Her breasts were taut, pleading for a new onslaught by his lips and hands. She instinctively and voraciously responded to the bronze-skinned, sable-haired, blue-eyed knight above her who mutely demanded her helpless submission.

  Alexandria’s unbridled response to him heightened Spencer’s own desire and encouraged his assault upon her. Her growing ardor and urgent need for him grew greater and greater. He ignored the artless way in which she kissed him and reacted to him. He adamantly refused to comprehend she was totally innocent in mind and body.

  Passion’s flames engulfed them in a fiery glow which only total fulfillment could douse. His hands freely roamed her luscious figure, bringing her uncontrollable tremors of molten desire. He gently forced her lips to part and accept his assault. His tongue probed the warm and tasty recess of her mouth, and he savored the sweetness he discovered there.

  Even the weight of his virile body failed to release her dazed senses from their perilous enthrallment. He gently ravished her entreating mouth and tantalized her body until she was mindless of all reality except the godlike, magnetic creature who was driving her into a bittersweet frenzy. The thick mat of black hair upon his brawny chest aroused her to an even higher level of excitement as it rubbed against her sensitive breasts. She uttered feverish moans as he nibbled at her ear, his warm and erratic breathing sending tremors over her pliant body.

  Her hands anxiously stroked the rippling muscles in his firm back and upon his powerful shoulders, finally burying themselves in his full stygian hair as she inaudibly pleaded for some resolution to this torment of intermingled pleasure and anguish.

  Alexandria was totally oblivious to his gentle parting of her thighs and to his determined probings at her resistant maidenhead. Her mind was incapable of understanding this ravishment, and her own arousal aided his success. Suddenly, a searing, burning pain shattered her Eden as Spencer feverishly drove his manhood into that guarded place where no interloper had ever trespassed before. Even amidst the pain and shock, her body greedily accepted the invasion. But suddenly her Galahad became a malevolent demon who was fiendishly invading her innocent body and brutally trampling upon her purity.

  A piercing scream of sheer agony was torn from her lips as the unexpectedness of the pain ripped into her rosy world. She shuddered and attempted to escape this horror, but was pinned beneath the phantom’s unmovable body. Tears of pain and fear filled her eyes and eased into her tousled hair as her dream became a nightmare.

  Startled by her cry, Spencer leaned away from her and stared down in utter disbelief at the panicked girl who was fearfully gaping up at him. A look of confusion and anguish flooded those lucid pools of green. They darted over his astonished features, then glanced around them as if trying to decide where she was and what was happening to her. Strange, she appeared totally befuddled! He was shocked.

  She inhaled sharply. Her lovely face went stark white. She glared at him. This was not a fantasy! He was no fanciful Galahad! Aware of the bleak reality and stunning implication of the situation, she began to beat upon his chest with ineffectual blows. She screamed at him; she threatened him. She sobbed in anger, pain, and humiliation. She fought him like a tigress, trying to claw herself free from this degrading position beneath his naked body.

  “Get off of me this instant, you vile beast! My father will kill you for this! How dare you sneak in here and brutally ravish me! How dare you touch me at all! Get off of me!” she screamed again at. the bemused Spencer whose ears were still ringing from her first shrill cry. Her hair was dishevelled; her respiration was erratic. Daggers shot from her narrowed eyes. But unknowingly she provoked him even more.

  Spencer knew he should feel some pangs of guilt and alarm, but he was too intoxicated by her to do so. “Ravish you?” he taunted devilishly, his wits quickly returning. A mischievous leer flickered upon his mocking face. His eyes twinkled with renewed intrigue and daring. “My little naiad, you are the one who nearly ravished me. I merely complied with your pleas when I but stole one kiss from those sweet lips,” he teased her, trailing his finger over her lips.

  Shocked by his nonchalant mood and infuriating explanation of his vile deed, she fused a deep crimson as she shamefully and gradually recalled what she had mistakenly believed to be a dream. She inhaled sharply in rising distress as these memories flooded her terrified brain. “I was sound asleep! I was dreaming. I never meant to encourage you! I mean…” she wildly stammered in alarm and panic as she realized her own guilt.

  My God, she thought, I did respond to him! How could she behave like that with a total stranger? She mumbled weakly, “I thought I was only dreaming. I didn’t know you were real or that we were actually… You took advantage of me! You’re a devil! How dare you try to blame this outrage upon me! I’ve never…”

  Blushing and shaking with unleashed fury, she halted. How did one handle such an embarrassing situation? How had he gotten into her private world? Why had he calmly and arrogantly violated her body while she slept?

  She paled as he genially smiled down at her and seductively whispered, “You have now, my carefree nymph. Tell me, my lovely angel, how have you managed to remain untouched for so long? A woman of your matchless beauty and sensuality is impossible to ignore.” His appreciative and burning gaze boldly swept over her frozen features. He chuckled in amusement.

  Astounded and enraged by his indifference to his vile deed, she drew back her hand and attempted to slap his smug, mocking face. He easily blocked her hand, gently and firmly imprisoning it within his strong grasp. “You filthy animal!” she retorted. “Not all men are rutting beasts who prey upon sleeping, defenseless maidens! Even so, I would slay the first one who dared to lay his disgusting hand upon me!” she stormed at him, her eyes freezing into chips of green ice.

  She began to struggle with renewed strength and determination. She savagely clawed at his shoulders, and angrily bit him bringing pain and more blood. Yet, Spencer never even winced or cried out.

  He seized her other flaying hand and pinned her wrists to the ground near her head. She wiggled and thrashed about, trying her best to free herself from his grip of iron. She shrieked unladylike insults at him; she cried in fury and frustration: all to no avail. He would not release her or move from atop her.

  His eyes had narrowed and hardened when she had rashly bitten and scratched him. He casually glanced over at his bleeding shoulder with its lacerated nail and teeth marks. His fathomless gaze shifted to the helpless, struggling girl beneath him. His satanic glare slowly and deliberately eased over every inch of her body which was visible to his insolent gaze. She uncontrollably trembled under its glacial intensity.

  When he finally spoke, his voice was deceptively calm, “Now that you have painfully branded me with your mark of affection, where shall I place mine upon your lovely body?” he asked, instantly vanquishing the smug smile which had flickered briefly upon her radiant face at the mention of the pain she had inflicted upon him. “Perhaps upon one of these delectable breasts? Or here, where everyone can see who has taken you first?” he snarled, stroking her upper chest and trailing a finger over her collarbone.

  Alex shuddered and paled. Unbidden tears stung her entreating eyes as she softly whispered, “Please don’t. I’m…sorry…” From the way she had spoken that last word, it sounded to him as if this was the very first time she had ever uttered an apology!

  A heady sense of power and unruly desire entered him as he gazed down at the girl-woman who lay imprisoned in his embrace. “Apology accepted with no further need for reprisal,” he insouciantly announced to the stunned girl. “Besides, you’re much too exquisite to mar and definitely too wild to be corralled by any one man,” he hoarsely murmured, running his finger over her parted lips.

  As Alex nervously awaited his next move, her gaze helplessly travelled e
ach line of his compelling face. He was the most striking man she had ever seen. She had never even imagined a male could be so devastatingly attractive, and she knew she was at his mercy. An inexplicable and magnetic force irresistibly drew her to him like the moth to the flame. What magic did he possess? How had he come by such staggering prowess and enormous charms?

  Spencer curiously observed the ever-changing lights flashing in her eyes, and felt a novel tug of tenderness and passion suffuse his taut body. He instantly quelled such foolish and dangerous feelings.

  His manhood throbbed its reminder of need. He leaned his head forward, assuming she would no longer reject him. He was wrong.

  Noting his intention, Alex turned her face away from his approaching lips. Heart-stopping fear gnawed at her senses; she stiffened and trembled. “Please don’t,” she softly pleaded just above a whisper. “If you let me go now, I promise not to tell anyone what you did,” she said demurely.

  “Nor what you did, my seductive naiad?” he merrily quipped, a soft chuckle escaping his full mouth. “It’s a bit too late to stop now or to return what I’ve already taken. Show me that fire and eagerness once more,” he huskily entreated.

  She made a careless mistake when she jerked her head around to glare up at him and to indignantly shriek, “But I…”

  Before she could complete her denial of guilt, his lips possessively and hungrily came down upon her mouth. His lips again burned those sweet, forbidden messages across her unsteady senses and hazy brain. Her pulse raced madly. His kisses and caresses were insistent, demanding, and persuasive. Alarmed by this odd warmth and novel hunger which sent her logic spinning away, she briefly enjoyed his new assault.

  His strained voice murmured into her ear as he nibbled at her lobe and sent shivers over her nude frame with his warm breath, “Yield to me, my siren, and ride the waves of ecstasy and magic…”

  Panicked by the heat and temptation of his husky words, another struggle ensued, alas, to no avail. But when Spencer began to move gently within her, the former pain had somehow lessened to a dull soreness. Alex realized he was determined to have her, to complete his enforced seduction, to sate his carnal lust.

  In spite of her terror and resistance, Spencer used all of his skills to rekindle her heated response to him which had nearly driven him wild with passion. He could detect her rampant desire for him, her almost urgent need to put out the flames which he had fanned within her luscious body. Yet, he eventually noticed that she retained just enough strength of will to deny him any success this first time. Consumed by a roaring inferno within his own body, he reached the point of unrelenting need which erupted like a potent volcano.

  When his spasms of sheer delight had subsided and calmed, he sighed in satisfaction and contentment. He propped upon his left elbow and stared down at her. What was it about this particular female who had given his body an intense hunger and overwhelming ecstasy which far exceeded any other sexual experience of his entire life? She was totally unskilled, unresponsive, hostile, and innocent! Who was she? Why had she been lying here in the sunlight, naked and alone? Why had she shifted from fire to ice?

  He lifted a finger to wipe away the teardrops which were slipping from her tightly closed eyes. Where had all that eagerness gone? Why had she suddenly resisted him so fearfully and so fiercely? Had she merely panicked at the last minute?

  Virgins were reputed to fear the unknown, that final parting with innocence and purity. Since he had never taken one before, he could not venture an accurate guess as to her feelings. Perhaps he had hurt her…he had not been particularly gentle, but neither had he been rough. How was he to know this would be her first time! In the beginning, she had been a lusty ball of fire. She had practically demanded that he ravish her!

  Twinges of guilt and remorse nibbled annoyingly at him. He tenderly inquired, “Are you all right, love? Did I hurt you?”

  At those softly spoken words, more tears eased out from under her lids. She shuddered as she drew in a ragged breath of air, but did not answer him. He began to fret. Had she truly believed him and this situation to be a dream as she had alleged earlier? Could she have been that drowsy, romantic, and innocent? Surely not…

  He persistently tried another approach, “What’s your name, love? I can’t keep calling you my little naiad.’ Where do you live?”

  Alex tensed, dreading his beguiling manner. In a tremulous voice she asked, “If you’re quite finished with me, may I go now? Release me, please. I want to go home,” she stated wretchedly, her lips quivering. Her attempt to sound forceful and brave failed miserably.

  He immediately knew he would never see her again if he complied. For some reason, that mattered greatly to him. “Not until you tell me where home is and who you are,” he replied, concealing his abundant concern and growing affection for her, hoping to stall things until…Until what? he mused curiously.

  She opened her misty eyes and glared up at him. “No,” she declared coldly.

  So much for thinking her charmed and intimidated by him! Who was this girlish woman who could rebuff and withstand him? Had he lost his magic, his devastating prowess, his magnetic allure? According to her expression and behavior, he most assuredly had! Unknowingly she challenged his masculine ego…

  “Why not?” he casually questioned.

  Her sea-water eyes chilled into pools of stormy green. She couldn’t believe her ears. This ruthless scoundrel had just ravished her, and now he conceitedly wanted to know where to locate her in case he wished to seek her out again! Of all the unmitigated gall! She would never confess her name and residence to this criminal. He would never be granted the chance to pursue her and to soil her name and reputation as he had just done to her body. “Never!” she stormed in outrage, gritting her teeth.

  “Never is a mighty long time to lie here making love,” he taunted her, caressing her cheek. “Until you answer me…” He dramatically left that imposing threat hanging in the air.

  Her jaw dropped; her eyes widened. “Making love!” she retorted incredulously. “You call that repulsive, bestial attack making love! If such is true, then I shall die an old maid!” she vehemently swore.

  He laughed heartily. “It is always uncomfortable, perhaps even painful, for a woman on her first encounter. Or so I’m told. Having no prior experience with beautiful virgins, I really don’t know for certain,” he felt strangely compelled to impress her. “I promise you’ll experience just as much pleasure as I will the next time,” he boastfully vowed.

  “Next time…” she hesitantly repeated. “Surely you don’t intend to repeat that crude act again! You have no right to touch me in any manner! It is not only painful, it is also disgusting and humiliating. If you try to…” She halted when she realized the futility of her threat. “If you release me this instant, I’ll keep this encounter a secret between us,” she promised bitterly, clenching her teeth in resentment and frustration.

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Tell anyone you please, love. I fear no man,” he boldly declared with arrogant confidence.

  “My father will kill you for this! He will have you arrested and hanged from the nearest tree!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with false bravado.

  “First, he will have to find me,” he mocked her. “Second, he must prove you did not willingly submit to me. What will dear father say when I earnestly vow that you not only gave in, but you were lying here waiting for me, naked and hot-blooded? What will you say to your many friends and admirers when they come to court each day to hear the spicy, intimate details of how you wantonly provoked me beyond my resistance? Naturally I shall plead not guilty by reason of powerful temptation and willful provocation upon your part. Far worse, my love, how will you fend off all of those lustful swains whom you’ve obviously denied until now? Will those ‘rutting beasts’ be content to accept a haughty refusal after I am forced to reveal that fiery and passionate nature of yours? I’ll weave the most sensual, colorful, exciting tale ever told in public. Besides, w
ith the fame of my great prowess, would anyone believe I had to force you to lie with me?” he devilishly quizzed the distraught and shocked girl, her lovely face losing more color with each added threat.

  “You couldn’t possibly proclaim such filthy and damaging lies! Why should I permit you to violate my honor and then go free as if nothing happened between us? Damn you! I was asleep. I thought no one knew of this secret place. I’ve never gone swimming like this before. I was upset and I needed to relax. I never imagined anyone would come here. I didn’t lead you on. You cannot destroy my reputation as well as my honor and purity! You cannot be allowed to go around attacking innocent girls!” she heatedly argued. “I was asleep! I didn’t know you were real,” she stressed her point emphatically.

  “You could tell the court I was the incarnation of your dreams,” he playfully mocked her denials, baiting her for any additional information which she might spill forth during her rantings.

  “You, my dream man? Never! I despise you! You defiler of innocent, defenseless girls!” she screamed at him, pained by his taunting words about her foolish notions of a dream lover. Papa was right, she sadly conceded to herself. I am nothing more than a rosyeyed, naive child.

  “Girl? You? If you’re a mere girl, love, then I’m the devil himself,” he merrily parried, eying her with appreciation and admiration.

  “That’s the first honest statement you’ve made so far!” she snapped.

  He agreed, “You are absolutely accurate, love. As I made my daily rounds of earth, I saw a vulnerable and beautiful angel all alone and waiting patiently for some lucky devil to come along and to claim her body and soul. Can you blame me for being susceptible to your charms?”

  “You’re making fun of me. Stop it this minute! Please let your jokes and punishment be over,” she entreated him with a wounded glance. “Let me go home now. Please…” she added softly, hoping to touch any faint chord of conscience within him.

  “But I wasn’t making fun of you, love. You are in truth the most beautiful and desirable woman I have ever seen. Have you never looked closely in the mirror? Doesn’t your father have to continuously beat the eager swains from your doorway? Alas, what was I to think and feel when I saw you lying upon the grass so…”


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