Love Me With Fury

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Love Me With Fury Page 36

by Janelle Taylor

  “Neither, my love, it’s instinctive. But he will soon,” she promised. “I better go and feed him. Your son can thunder as loud as you when denied his wishes,” she impishly taunted.

  He stood up and helped her to her feet. “I’ll return as soon as he’s fed and put down for his nap.”

  “I’m coming to watch. I’ve missed too much as it is,” he declared.

  Before she could argue, he took her elbow and headed for the steps. “We’ll talk later, Charles. We all have some things to work out,” he stated meaningfully.

  Knowing they needed time alone, Charles returned to his work, whistling merrily after telling the staff to prepare a fabulous feast for dinner tonight. Taking the initiative, he sent word of Spencer’s arrival and the family celebration planned for that night to William Farrington—who would respond and head that way the moment the letter reached him.

  In the nursery, Alex dismissed Martha who kept staring belligerently at Spencer as she made her exit. “I take it she doesn’t like my replacing her?”

  “I’m afraid you made a terrible first impression on her; she overheard most of your violent argument with Papa after your arrival. Plus, she’s annoyed with me for going riding earlier today. I visited the pond for the first time since…” She blushed at her confession.

  He laughed and kissed her forehead. “I see you found me as haunting as I found you, love. We’ve really resisted this perfect match, haven’t we?”

  “Yes, we did. But never again,” she vowed, her gaze leaving her task a moment to look at him. Once the baby was diapered and dressed for bed, she went to the rocker and sat down. “You’ll have to wait until later to spend some time with your son, Spence. If we want any peace and privacy, we best not interfere with his rigid schedule.”

  He sat down on the edge of the bed, his gaze glued on the two people he loved above his own life. As she unbuttoned her dress, she suddenly halted and flushed like a timid bride on her wedding night. “Why are you staring at me like that?” she nervously asked.

  “I do believe you’ve returned to your excessive modesty, my love. This is all new to me and I want to share each moment. Do you mind?”

  “It’s still fairly new to me, Spence, but you can stay.” She placed the baby near her right breast this time. Relishing this nourishment and contact, his small mouth attached itself to his mother’s body.

  “Your son is just as greedy as his father. The way he eats, he’ll be your size in no time,” she commented, then giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” he inquired, touched by the scene before him.

  “It tickles sometimes. I dread to think of him sprouting teeth and using them on me.”

  He laughed heartily. “Maybe I could give him some lessons in how to use them gently. After all, we do seem to have the same parts.”

  “Spencer Farrington! How dare you speak so crudely before our innocent son,” she playfully chided him. “While you’re giving him lessons, please teach him to use his ‘parts’ wisely and selectively.”

  “Just like his old man,” he cheerfully concluded, coming to kneel down beside the rocker and fluff the baby’s hair.

  His gaze fused with hers. He traced his finger over her breast and up her throat to pass over her lips. He pulled her over and kissed her pervasively. Alex tingled and warmed; her whole being flamed with desire for him. He had always had this same effect upon her.

  She pulled back, resting her spinning head against the rocker. “If you distract me like that again, I might drop our son,” she hinted in a strained voice, laced with hunger.

  His own body enflamed with the urgent need to be joined with hers, he leaned over and allowed his warm tongue to make moist circles around her left breast. “Perhaps I should discover why my son enjoys this so much,” he huskily murmured, closing his mouth over the protruding nipple.

  She shuddered and moaned. Her breath caught in her throat; she tensed and burned. “Please, Spencer, don’t torture me like this. It’s been so long and I need you so much,” she whispered raggedly.

  Their gazes met and fused once more. “Too long, Alex. Much too long…” Was he truly in the same room with his love?

  He stood up and walked to her door. He locked it and leaned against it, torturously waiting for her to finish. She tore her gaze from his with great effort. The baby was asleep. She entered the nursery and placed him in the bed instead of the cradle in her bedroom, opening the hall door so Martha could tend him if he awakened.

  She returned to her room and locked the door behind her. As if some unspoken signal was given, they slowly walked toward each other, this moment long overdue and eagerly anticipated. Stopping only inches apart, neither spoke nor moved. They simply stared into each other’s eyes. The first to finally move, his hands came out to capture her face between them.

  Before his head came down to fuse their lips, he said tenderly, “I love you, Alex, so much it frightens me.”

  Savoring this moment, he kissed her time and time again. When he pulled back briefly to look at her, she smiled and seductively stated, “I need you too much to be modest, Spence.”

  She eased his riding coat off his powerful shoulders and let it drop to the floor behind him. Her trembling fingers struggled with the buttons upon his shirt; it, too, floated soundlessly to the floor. She pressed her exposed bosom against his hard and hairy chest. Her arms went around him; her hands explored the rippling, smooth muscles upon his broad back. Tremors washed over her.

  “Oh, God, that feels so wonderful,” she sighed in unleashed passion. “A day or a night hasn’t passed that I haven’t dreamed of this moment. I want you so much it hurts, Spencer. Please make love to me before I die of need,” she pleaded hoarsely, her mouth sought his and claimed it.

  He spread intoxicating kisses over her face and throat. When his lips teased at her breasts once more, Alex could not suppress the cry of intense anguish which ravaged her smoldering body. He pushed her away to practically tear her clothes and the rest of his from their bodies.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. The covers already turned aside for the nap she had missed during all the excitement, he placed her there and lay beside her. She instantly turned to him and pulled him tightly against her.

  Aquiver with a fierce yearning, she could hardly bear his continued assault upon her senses. Tantilizing every inch of her body, she begged for their union. When he nibbled at her ears and breasts as his hand sought to drive her mindless with blissful ecstasy, she followed his lead and gently seized his erect and throbbing manhood. He moaned against her mouth as she intensified his passion with her exploratory journey there. Never before, no matter how impassioned, had she dared to touch him in this most intimate and tempting manner.

  Shuddering with need, Spencer pushed her hand aside to thrust into her receptive and moist body. As he drove into her over and over, each time as if to withdraw briefly, Alex cried out at the pleasurable sensations which were so powerful she feared to faint from their effect. Her legs instinctively curled around him to trap him there.

  He gently rotated his slim hips and enticingly ground his molten member into her fiery furnace. They had shared great tenderness, passion, and urgency before; but never like this. Each knew this time was different and this would become the new pattern of their joinings. Just as the summit was reached, he leaned back and looked into her passionglazed eyes and vowed, “I love you with all my heart and soul, Alex. I couldn’t survive without you now.”

  “As I love you, Spence,” she replied, pulling his mouth to hers.

  All control gone, they were caught upon the wild and wonderful sea of love. Wave after wave of overwhelming love and pleasure crashed against them, sweeping them along with its power. Love’s sweet lava flowed from each and joined to create a calm sea of sated passion.

  As the tranquil aftermath of their stormy union surrounded them, still he didn’t move away. He held her possessively as if fearing she might magically elude him again, knowing he could
never endure that loss. Spencer was a long time in rolling aside to remove his weight from her body. She snuggled into his embrace, whispering her love over and over.

  His body temporarily sated, his heart brimming with love, and his mind at peace, Spencer’s thoughts focused upon his previous life and the mythical legend for which his ship had been named. He had used black sails as that goddess was alleged to use her stygian hair. He had never seen a real black mist as the legend foretold. The fable claimed the benevolent goddess of the black mist used her powers to suddenly and mysteriously cover the sea and conceal whatever lay within its obscuring path. Alleged to be her magical hair which had been lowered to hide a ship whose captain and cause she found deserving of help and survival, the myth had frequently inspired some enemies to fear Captain Joshua Steele had found her favor and power.

  His beloved Alex could have been that goddess. Many times she had come in secret, appearing suddenly and inexplicably, offering no clues as to where she had come from or why, disappearing just as mysteriously and quickly without a trace…but never again. His lovely golden mist had materialized in his grasp, never to slip through his fingers again.

  Following their second and blissfully leisurely union, Alex sighed heavily and suggested they bathe and dress for dinner. He cocked his head and scowled, “In case you haven’t realized it, Alexandria Farrington, this is our honeymoon. I haven’t seen you since September. Surely we won’t be missed this one night?”

  She laughed at the wounded expression he forced upon his face. “The marriage is very legal and binding now, Lord Farrington; it was just consummated most delightfully. Will is coming for dinner. By now I’m certain a festive celebration is awaiting us downstairs. Besides, we do have a son who will be demanding his mother’s attention soon.”

  “I see,” he mischievously taunted. “Now that you have been captivated, I must yield to my son’s wishes before my own.”

  “I fear he has even less control over his desires than you, my love.”

  “When it comes to you, my alluring siren, I am just as weak and helpless as he is. And just as eager and demanding for your attention.”

  “From your colorful reputation, Spencer Farrington; make sure I am the only female whose attention you crave from now on,” she saucily quipped.

  “Have I perhaps married a possessive and selfish wife?”

  “Without a doubt, my dashing pirate. I will expect you in my bed every single night…and most days,” she seductively tempted him.

  “Wherever will I get such stamina, you bewitching girl?”

  “I shall take excellent care of you to make certain you lose none of that vitality and virility I’ve heard so much about,” she remarked, smiling provocatively at him.

  “With you around, that’s all I need.”

  As he moved to reluctantly get up, Alex flung herself upon him and purred, “Where are you going, my sated groom?”

  He chuckled and fluffed her hair. “I have a voracious appetite, love; I shall never be sated for more than an hour. You did say we were obligated to make an appearance at dinner,” he reminded her.

  “Whatever possessed me to say a ridiculous thing like that? You think they would notice our absence?”

  “You wanton hussy. Since the celebration is for us, we would be sorely missed. They might understand if we leave early,” he slyly hinted. “Also, there’s that little product of our prior relationship in the next room.”

  “Then I suggest we get this evening started quickly so we can get to bed early. I’m exhausted; how about you?”

  “I certainly hope you don’t plan on any sleep tonight,” he threatened.

  “Only cat-naps when we get weary,” she boldly answered.

  “A woman after my own heart,” he concluded.

  “I thought I already had it,” she pouted in mock petulance.

  “Now and forever, Alexandria Hampton Farrington.”

  After several kisses, she arose to order a bath for each of them. He was shown to another room while hers was brought into her bedroom. Finishing first, he came back to watch her.

  “Are you always this slow, Mrs. Farrington?”

  “Only when it’s something I enjoy,” she cheerfully responded.

  “Does that mean you don’t enjoy me?” he playfully quizzed, alluding to their past unions of swift urgency.

  “Where you are concerned, my love, I have no control or will. Hand me that towel,” she entreated.

  “My personal services will cost you.”

  “Name your price. No need,” she quickly injected. “I shall pay any amount you wish.”

  She stepped out and reached for the towel. He held it beyond her reach. She eyed his playful grin. She laughed as she made a lunge for him. He agilely avoided her and raced around the tub with her in pursuit. “Have you no modesty, my brazen nymph, to go traipsing around like so?”

  As he scampered across the bed, boots and all, they were like carefree children. Just before reaching the other side, she jumped upon the bed from the foot and grabbed his coat. “I might rip it. Give quarter, Captain Steele; you’ve been defeated.”

  “Never, my cunning siren,” he taunted, seizing her by the waist and pinning her damp body beneath his upon the rumpled bed. He began to tickle her.

  “Spencer! Stop it! I can’t take anymore!” she squealed amidst laughter and wild thrashings.

  “Alex! Are you all right?” came her father’s booming voice through the locked door.

  She giggled and called out, “Yes, Papa, never better!”

  “Will you two be coming down soon? Will is here and we’re holding dinner for you. Martha has the baby downstairs.”

  “Give us about fifteen minutes,” she replied, tugging upon Spencer’s hair to pull his mouth from her breast. She whispered softly, “If you don’t stop that, dear husband, I’ll soon be unable to leave this room for another hour.”

  “Then put some clothes on that luscious body and stop tempting me,” he murmured, kissing her lightly. “You are wetting both me and the bed, my slippery mermaid.” She laced her fingers around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, woman,” Spencer scolded.

  “Just one last kiss until later,” she sweetly entreated, but the heady kiss led to other things which hindered their arrival for another half hour. She looked up into his tranquil eyes which revealed a love she had never dreamed to view. Perhaps it had been destined for them to meet as Joshua and Angelique. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been the same between the arrogant Spencer and the spoiled Alexandria.

  Spencer helped Alex dress quickly after splashing off in the cool water. As he unlocked the door, she purred softly, “At last, my love, your timing is perfect.”

  As they descended the stairs arm in arm, Will and Charles were impatiently waiting for them. Martha was standing nearby holding Joshua Stephen. They simultaneously halted and glanced at each other. Known only to them, it wasn’t Lord Spencer Farrington smiling tenderly at Lady Alexandria Hampton Farrington; it was the roguish Captain Joshua Steele visually claiming his wandering siren Angelique. It was like walking away from the misty past and into a bright future. They smiled at each other, their great love glowing. He placed his arm around her waist and she snuggled against his side, both excitedly anticipating their life together. Serene and eager, they happily covered the next few steps…

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