Bossed: A Steamy Office Romance

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Bossed: A Steamy Office Romance Page 11

by Kate Gilead

  I’m wet, soaking wet, but he’s big, so big that he has to go back and forth before he can sink himself all the way into me.

  His deep moans are hot and sexy, and his thick, hard girth immediately makes contact with that highly sensitive spot deep inside. The spot that makes my mouth drop open and my eyes close as all my attention narrows down to the incredibly pleasurable sensation of being fucked, hard, from behind.

  He grunts and digs into me with his length, hard and insistent, brooking no resistance, not that I want to offer any. It’s pure ecstasy as my body adapts to his movements, the way it was made to do.

  Blake’s grunts sound animal, like some mythical, horny man-beast with nothing but rutting on its mind. So fucking sexy! If he holds off for another minute, I’m gonna come…oh god he’s gonna…oh yeah…yes…I’m gonna come again….I arch my back, trying to take more of him inside me, trying to maintain contact with the exquisite heat his stroking is building within me.

  He lets out a moan that sounds like it comes from his gut; a sound that reverberates deep in his chest. My body reacts with a kind of softening and melting, my back arching even more so he can fuck me deeper still.

  He draws back before slamming me, hard…harder, again and again, and a high wail starts coming up my throat…and he slams me again and then stays deep inside, thrusting his cock from side to side now.

  Ohhh ohhhhh! That does it, that throws me over the edge again and I can’t help it…I have to scream…helplessly, a high-pitched, slow scream escapes me as he rocks me, faster and faster, to another toe-curling orgasm…his cock is impossibly hard now…impossibly hard…and then he goes still as I come all over his dick, my pussy gripping his pulsating length in hard, rhythmic contractions and yeah… oh yeah…now he’s coming too, groaning through his teeth, straining against me in pulse after pulse of ecstasy.

  “That was what I call my Blake Cameron Rock ’n’ Roll Rodeo,” he laughs. It’s about twenty minutes later. We’re outside, sitting side-by-side on a bench, cooling off and enjoying the twilight.

  “It was awesome, Blake. I mean…wow! I…I’ve never had two in a row like that before.” He clasps me to his side and I cuddle him back. I want him to know the amazing effect he had on me. “I mean, talk about your trumpets and fireworks. Heh. And I’ve never had an orgasm through intercourse alone. I usually need, y’know, um, more direct stimulation.”

  “Glad to be of service, ma’am. You ladies have all these mysterious inner pleasure spots. I feel it’s my duty to find them all.” He laughs. “Seriously, though? Nothing is sexier than making you come. When I slid into you…damn! I could barely hold off.” He kisses my head. “You are incredibly hot.”

  “I’m thinking exactly the same thing about you, believe me.”

  Glowing under my praise, he pulls me to him for another soft kiss. “I can’t stop kissing you, Jenny girl. What a treat you are.”

  I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now.

  “I’ve had my dessert, but you haven’t had yours,” he says. “I got gelato. Three flavors: Strawberry, mint and chocolate. Interested?“

  “Damn right.”

  “What flavor would you prefer?”

  “I…hmm. How about a scoop of all three?”

  “Hah! Good choice.” He gets up.

  “You need any help?”

  “Getting ice cream? I sure as hell hope not.” He winks at me. “Nah, you just sit and enjoy the sunset. I’ll bring it out here.”

  “Alright, sounds good.”

  I sit back down, checking out his muscular ass as he walks away from me, goes through the sliding patio door and closes it behind him.

  After a few minutes, I take my phone out and see that my friend Brenda has made an excited post on Facebook about starting her vet tech course. I comment, a quick congratulations, and she responds right away, asking how I’ve been. I answer and we have a little chat. She asks if I’d be interested in having a girl’s night on Friday night at her house with some other friends, to which I respond with an emphatic yes. Woo-hoo, dinner and drinks at Brenda’s! It’s been too long since I’ve kicked back with my friends.

  I browse Facebook for a while longer. Ten minutes tick by, still no Blake. I wonder if I should go look for him but I decide not to. He’s probably in the bathroom.

  The sun is lowering and it’s getting chilly. I go inside to wait.

  The patio door opens into the eating area in the kitchen. I see that there are two old-fashioned-looking, clear-glass ice cream dishes sitting on the counter.

  But no Blake.

  Well, I have to use the bathroom myself now. If there’s still no sign after that, I’ll text him. If he doesn’t answer that, then maybe it’s time to worry that he had a heart attack or something.

  I head towards the powder room and stop when I hear Blake’s voice. It’s coming from one of the bedrooms down the hallway off the living room. He’s probably in his old childhood room.

  “Yes, but, I’m not ready yet,” he’s saying.

  I shouldn’t listen in. I move towards the bathroom again, but I can’t help overhearing more.

  “I…would you listen for a minute? I’m trying to tell you…”

  I can plainly hear the smile in his voice.

  “Yeah, I know what I said, but where are you gonna stay? I don’t have a place yet….”

  Then, just as I reach the bathroom, I hear this:

  “No! You can’t stay with me in the trailer, Angel! Come on!”


  My heart pounds and sinks at the same time. I feel sick. Shit! I should stop listening now!

  But I can’t.

  “Angel…listen…Angel!” Pause, then he lets out a low laugh. “Yeah, you know I do.” Pause. “What? No, I’m not gonna…” Pause. Chuckle. “Okay, okay. I miss you. Jesus! You’re such a ….” Pause. Another chuckle. “Yep. Yes! I just…” Pause. “I know. Look, I gotta run. I’m in the middle of something. Let me figure this out.” Pause. “No I don’t know how long it’ll take. I have to….” Pause. “I’ll let you know as soon I can.” Pause. “Angel! Ha ha! Yes I promise, I’ll call you as soon as I can. Okay?” Pause. “Okay. I really have to go now. Bye.”

  Oh God. Angel.


  Is that her name or just what he calls her?

  I shut the bathroom door quietly and sit on the toilet.

  He’ll call her as soon as he can. As soon as I’m out of his hair?

  Well, that’s his unfinished business in California, then. Obviously.

  Shock and dismay reverberate through my being.

  All that angst I just got settled with him about the doctor, and control versus provide, and now, this?

  Heart sinking, it seems like all this stuff about how he wants to take care of me is just a joke.

  I’m so confused and hurt, I wanna run home to my mother like a scared rabbit.

  All I know is, he can’t be honorably engaged in courting and providing for me and have another woman back home.

  Gotta be one or the other, can’t be both.

  Struggling to get a grip on myself, I realize that I was right to think that I’m in over my head.

  I know I don’t have the right to expect him to be exclusive to me. We’re not there yet, at this point. Are we?

  No, I guess not. He can…well, we both can…see other people. I don’t want to, I’m not going to, but there’s nothing stopping him.

  I guess.

  But somehow, I don’t know why, I just didn’t expect this of Blake. Somehow, I thought––hoped––that I was more special to him than this.

  God, I’m such a fool!

  I feel like crying. My face is burning and I feel hollow inside.


  And wishing like mad I hadn’t just had sex with him.

  Mind-blowing, crazy-good sex. Shit! What the hell am I doing?

  I should have asked him outright if he was seeing anyone. Or if
he had anyone waiting for him back in California. It just didn’t seem like it was my business.

  And it’s insecure to ask. Untrusting. Which is no way to start off a relationship. It’s also undignified, and would’ve made me look like a twit. No, it’s better that I didn’t ask.

  I take some deep breaths and try to get myself under control.

  He’s not my boyfriend. He’s not committed to me. I have no right to be angry. Or disappointed. I chose to have sex with him; he didn’t force me.

  Quite the opposite. I was very much looking forward to it.

  Making matters worse, the only reason I even know about this Angel woman now is because I was eavesdropping!

  Dammit! I remember reading something about that somewhere; in The Old Farmer’s Almanac maybe? Or a website with old sayings? Something like this:

  “Never listen at keyholes, lest ye be vexed.”

  Vexed! Yep. That’s a good word for it.

  Even if it’s information that tells me something important, if I learn it through being sneaky and immoral, I have no right to it. It’s none of my business.

  True. All true! I just don’t give a damn about being on the moral high ground right now.

  Thoroughly and completely confused, I have no idea what to do.

  I’ll have to get through the rest of this evening somehow. Try to act normally, as if nothing’s changed.

  Gotta get myself together. I can’t let him see that I’m rattled. I’ll just eat my damn ice cream, and then leave. Maybe that’ll be a good thing…be the one to end the encounter first.


  But then, there’ll be work tomorrow. And the next day, and the next and etc.

  All my days are full of Blake.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The time on my phone says I’ve been gone for twenty minutes now. Way too long. I practically have to hang up on Angel, who’s insisting he’s well enough to come out here. He thinks it’d be an adventure to stay in my trailer with me.

  Maybe for him, it would be. For me, it’d be a major pain in the ass. I mean, I love the guy but I don’t wanna give up my bed for him.

  He does sounds a lot better. Much better, in fact. Just the same, I doubt he’s ready, and I don’t have any home care plan in place for him yet. Hell, I don’t even have a home!

  He’s just going to have to wait.

  My parents have already offered to host him here in their home but Angel said no, thank God. They travel a lot these days and Angel doesn’t like the idea of taking over their house when they’re not here. And even if they were around more, he won’t obligate them to help a man in recovery from a stroke.

  They’re not close with him like I am anyway. He doesn’t mind imposing on me, but that’s different. We’ve been imposing on each other for twenty years now, one way or another.

  I’ll have to worry about that later. I don’t want to keep Jennifer waiting.

  I go to the patio door to apologize for taking so long, but she’s not outside any more. I hear the powder room toilet flush.

  She comes into the kitchen.

  “There you are! Sorry to take so long. I got a call when I was using the bathroom and it took longer than I expected.”

  “It’s fine. I was using the bathroom myself.”

  “Okay, good. So, you ready for that gelato now?”


  I take the cartons of ice cream out of the freezer while Jennifer opens a drawer and finds an ice-cream scoop.

  I open the first carton to discover that it’s over-frozen, the contents as hard as a rock. I struggle to carve a few chips out of it.

  “Shit,” I mutter. “I guess I’ll stick it in the microwave for a few seconds.”

  “Here, lemme show you a little trick.” She takes the scoop from my hand and opens the faucet, letting some hot water run over the scoop. “Now, this thing’ll cut through even the toughest ice cream…like buttah,” she jokes.

  Of course, she’s right.

  We use her hot-water technique to fill the glass dessert bowls. She says it’s chilly out now, so we sit at the table. I watch her take a small portion onto her spoon and put it into her mouth. Her full lips close over the spoon and pull the icy treat into her hot mouth. My dick thinks this is sexy as hell.

  We eat in silence, my eyes riveted to Jennifer’s movements. She feeds herself delicately, eyes downcast, savoring her treat. I love how she concentrates on enjoying it, barely looking at me.

  I finish first and lean back, smacking my lips. My foot finds hers under the table. I can’t help myself, I need to be touching her.

  She smiles at me, a quick up-turning of her mouth, then she tucks her feet under her chair.

  Then, she spoons up the rest of her dessert and finishes it in two enormous bites.

  “Yum, that was great! Thank you!” she says, standing up. “I should probably get going now.”

  “What? Already? It’s just past eight o’clock.” I’m disappointed. I was hoping to spend some more time with her, get to know her better.

  Maybe even, take her into my old bed for round two.

  But if not, then I’d love to just hang out and joke around with her as well. I’ve gotten to know a certain side of her at work. A highly organized, hard-working and competent side. I respect that part of her very much but it’s not the part that draws me as a man.

  Now, I’m seeing her more-feminine and vulnerable side, and that’s the side that makes me soft and gooey for her in my heart… and rock-hard elsewhere.

  She takes our bowls over to the sink and runs some water into them. “Yes. Uh, well you remember I mentioned that my dad passed away some time ago?”

  I nod, frowning.

  “Mom still feels…a little fragile about it. From time to time. And, I, uh, you know…I like to be there for her, when I can. Soooo…yeah. I should take off.”

  She turns to face me, glances at me and then looks out the kitchen window. The fingers of one of her hands stroke the fingers of the other, interlacing and then pulling away from each other nervously.

  “Alright. Sure. I understand.” Hmmm. Something seems off, but a quick memory-search through the events of the evening leaves me coming up blank. If it was something I said or did, I don’t see what.

  She picks up her purse, slings it over her shoulder and heads towards the door. I follow her and wait as she gets her shoes on.

  “Thanks for a lovely time,” she says. “Dinner was awesome.”

  I take her in my arms. She’s a little stiff, so I pull her in close, enfolding her, and hug her to me as close as I can get. Her tits against my chest make me really wish she could stay. I bury my face in her soft neck, unable to suppress a sigh.

  “My pleasure,” I murmur. I go in for a kiss and she hesitates. I’m about to ask if something’s wrong when she relaxes against me and returns my kiss properly.

  That’s more like it.

  And then her kiss goes from a proper kiss to an almost desperate kiss. Like, we’re lovers about to be torn apart by war or something.

  What the….?

  She breaks the kiss and gives me a quick smile. “It’s been a slice, Blake. See ya tomorrow!”

  And then she practically jumps out the door.

  “Okay, thanks for coming,” I say to her receding back. “Loved having you…” I watch as she practically runs to her car, wasting my razor-sharp, witty innuendo. Ah well, can’t win ‘em all.

  I have no idea what’s going on but she looks so funny, so… adorable, I can’t help but smile.

  Women! Who can figure ‘em out?

  She fires up her Honda and a thick cloud of blue smoke belches from the exhaust pipe before clearing up.

  I wince. Oh shit. Yep, something’s burning under that hood. I’ll talk to her about that tomorrow and make sure she takes it in. Or, take care of it myself, if I have to.

  She gets the vehicle turned around. I wave at her but she’s not looking.

  I close the door
and go back inside. I’ll finish cleaning up the kitchen, put the dishwasher on and tidy up before heading back to my lonely trailer.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m driving back to my trailer when I see a car pulled over on the road.

  It’s Jenny. She’s standing outside the vehicle, her phone to her ear. My headlights illuminate a haze of blue smoke hanging in the air.

  I pull over and get out of the truck.

  She looks embarrassed and not all that happy to see me. “Blake just pulled up, actually,” she says into her phone. “Yeah. No, I…it’s okay. Let me call you back, Mom.”

  “Hi again,” I say. “Looks like your car’s having a bad night.”

  “Argh,” she says, looking at me helplessly. “It just started smoking. Like, a lot!”

  “I saw that back at the house, yeah.”

  “Do you think it’ll need a tow?”

  “That’s probably the safest bet.”

  She looks at me from under her eyelashes. Her hands join together in front of her belly, her fingers restlessly stroking each other.

  My heart squeezes. “It’s okay, we’ll get it looked after. When was the last time you had the oil changed?”

  “They did that last time it was serviced, just before I started work at Delcroft.”

  She looks scared, lost, and one hundred percent purely sweet and adorable right now. Jesus Christ! I just want to enfold her in my arms and keep her safe, forever.

  But also, drag her into the bushes by the side of the road and fuck her silly again.

  “Okay. Well, something’s wrong obviously. Might be leaking oil onto a piston head or something.”

  “Right, right, that’s exactly what I was thinking,” she says, her expression deadpan.

  Then she rolls her eyes and makes an exaggerated shrug. Her discomfort is so cute, I can’t help but laugh.

  “It’s okay, honey,” I say soothingly. “Come with me. I’ll drive you home and get a tow truck out later.”

  “I…I….wait! Ah…dammit!” She covers her face with her hands and then blows through her palms in an exasperated way. “You sure…you don’t think I could just, I don’t know, let it cool off and then drive it?”


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