Perpetual Love (Albert and Anne)

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Perpetual Love (Albert and Anne) Page 16

by Jamie Salisbury

  A knock on the bedroom door brought her from her daydreaming. ”Anne,” Thomas asked. “May I come in?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  When Thomas opened the door, the beautiful woman standing in front of him took his breath away. After a moment he began, “Anne, you are a beautiful bride. Shall we go see your groom?”

  “Yes,” she said, smiling, “I think I’ve kept him waiting long enough.”

  As Thomas took her arm and laid it over his, he kissed her cheek and told her, “Let’s go get you and my son married.”

  When Anne and Thomas stepped out of the house, he paused briefly, “All set?” he asked.

  “Yes sir, I’m ready,” she smiled at him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Albert, standing under a large canopy, had seen her come out of the house with his father. He was stunned by how beautiful she looked as Henry leaned over and said, “Albert, you’ve got to be the luckiest man in the territory.”

  Smiling at his brother he watched as his father brought his bride down the aisle to stand next to him. Thomas took her hand and wrapped through Albert’s arm. Anne smiled up at the tall, handsome man next to her. Albert placed his warm hand over hers, smiling down at her.

  The minister began the wedding ceremony by having Albert and Anne face each other. As Albert looked into her stunning blue eyes, he repeated his vows, his heart melted as she looked at him. Slipping her ring on her finger, he then patiently waited as she repeated her vows. When the minister pronounced them man and wife, Albert took her in his arms and kissed her, holding her longer than propriety dictated. Smiling at each other, they proceeded down the aisle, well-wishers applauded as the minister introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stuart. After greeting their guests and accepting hugs and kisses from his father and brothers, George led Albert and Anne to their table.

  Leaning over and kissing her, Albert told her, “Well Mrs. Stuart, you were right on time.”

  “So were you,” she said, smiling at him as she caressed his face.

  “I see Father gave you my mother’s necklace and earrings. They look beautiful on you,” he told her.

  “Thank you, it was a privilege for me to wear them today,” she said.

  “I just realized something,” Albert began, smiling, “You are my wife. Finally, after all this time.”

  “Yes,” she said leaning into him. “And you are my husband. And you best never forget it.”

  “I never will, sweetheart,” he promised.

  The Stuart-Wallace wedding would prove to be the largest and most lavish wedding ever performed in the territory. Guests from as far away as San Francisco had made the long trip to celebrate the marriage of the eldest Stuart son to the beautiful and gracious young woman from London.

  Noticeably absent was Anne’s father, although no one in attendance had the audacity to voice his or her questions on John Wallace’s absence. Henry and Ben were the first to toast the newlyweds as each brother made a speech before encouraging the guests to join them in toasting.

  George and his family had outdone themselves with the dinner fare. Rounds of beef, succulent legs of lamb, and tenderloins of pork accompanied with tables overflowing with every imaginable side dish. Pastries most people in attendance had never seen, much less tasted before. The wedding cake however, was the piece de resistance. Seven layers of each a different flavor, each one separated by assorted berries, jams, and glace, covered in a snow-white butter crème frosting.

  After dinner, they sat talking quietly until the music began and Albert led her to the dance floor. Taking her in his arms, they glided across the floor, their eyes only for each other. As they glided across the floor, Albert pointed out, “If I were a gambling man, I would bet neither of my brothers will be capable of moving tomorrow. As fast as they are drinking champagne, they’ll be worthless for days,” he laughed.

  “Albert, lets enjoy our wedding and not worry about Henry and Ben. They’re grown men and this is a celebration, so let them celebrate,” Anne told him.

  “You’re right, I’m not their keeper anymore. I have someone else I prefer to watch over,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Someone who pleases me far more.”

  After cutting their wedding cake, the couple decided it was time to begin their goodbyes and depart the reception. Albert had hired a carriage to take them to their new home. As Thomas and his brothers saw them to the conveyance, Thomas told them, “We will take care of everything while you are gone. Have a wonderful time. We will see you when you return.”

  On the ride to their new home, the newlyweds sat holding hands, Albert’s arm around her. He looked down at the reflection the carriage lights made. When they pulled up in front of the house, Albert helped her out, taking her hand, guiding her up the stairs to the front porch. He had her wait there as he opened the front door and sat their small bags inside. Returning, he lifted her into his arms as he carried her across the threshold into the foyer.

  George had seen that fresh flowers graced every room, along with the lamps he had lit earlier that evening, which glowed softly in every room. Albert knew and understood her hesitancy, taking her in his arms he held her. After a moment, he felt her hands on his back returning his embrace. He knew without either one of them saying a word they were one. Gently holding her face with his hand, he kissed her softly. As he showed her the lower level of the house, Albert waited for her reaction as she explored each room, finally telling him, “It’s beautiful, Albert, absolutely beautiful.”

  “This is my gift to you Anne, I built it for you. We still have some finishing to do, but we can take our time. I just wanted to have the essentials before we moved in,” he told her.

  “I have something for you also,” she said. “Nothing quite as grand as your present, but I think you will like it. Wait here.” Returning shortly, she handed him a small black box. “Open it.”

  Slowly lifting the top, inside he found an exquisite gold pocket watch and fob. Removing it from the box, he turned it over in his hand and read the inscription on the back. To Albert, my love, my life. Anne

  “It’s beautiful Anne,” he began.

  “Open the case,” she said softly.

  Doing as she said, he opened the watch clasp and inside found a picture of his mother and father on their wedding day.

  “Where, how, did you find this picture?” he asked.

  “Your father was showing me some photographs one day. We came across this one and he gave it to me. When I had the watch made, I had the watchmaker encase the picture,” she explained, then added, “You have your mother’s eyes.”

  Speechless, Albert stood staring at the watch in his hand finally finding his voice he told her, “Thank you my love, it’s beautiful.”

  Taking her in his arms, he kissed her passionately, with her returning his fervor. Knowing both their minds were on what lie ahead upstairs, Albert silently went throughout the house turning off the lamps and checking the door. Taking her hand, they went up the stairs together.

  Chapter Twenty

  Entering their room, she told him, “Albert, it’s beautiful.” Candles, along with a low fire burning in the fireplace, cast muted light throughout the room. On the table was champagne, along with fruits and candies.

  He poured each of them a glass, kissed her softly, then told her, “You complete me, you touch me and I want you, you look at me and my heart melts like the snow when the sun shines on the mountains. Today, when I saw you come down the aisle, I knew I had realized my dream to marry you. From the moment we met I loved you and today, my heart is over-flowing with that love. My only desire is to love you and live the rest of my life with you.”

  With his words, all apprehension left her. As she set her glass down and walked over to him. Embracing him, she told him, “I will love you for the rest of my life and beyond.”

  Albert had calmed her fears with his words and now she wanted to be one with him. As he held her, he felt her heart racing and her body tremble. Both were kee
nly aware that soon they would take the next step as husband and wife.

  Anne excused herself and went into the dressing room to change. Removing her wedding gown, hanging it in the closet, she then took the pins from her hair, allowing it to flow down her back. She changed into a diaphanous nightgown, took a deep breath, then stepped back into their bedroom and found Albert gazing into the fireplace. He had removed his suit coat and tie, his shirt unbuttoned to the waist. When he heard the door open, he turned to see her enter the room.

  His pulse quickened as he watched her come to him, stopping in front of him. He had to remind himself to take it slow. He did not want to frighten her. He sat his glass on the mantel, gathering her into his arms.

  Pulling her to his chest, he told her, “Anne, don’t be afraid, we’ll take it slow. We have all the time in the world.”

  “I’m not afraid Albert. I just don’t want to disappoint you,” she said, looking into his eyes.

  “You could never disappoint me Anne, never,” he said, as his mouth covered hers. Gently at first, then more demanding as his tongue forced her mouth open, slipping into the sweet, warm depths. Anne’s hand rested on his chest, her fingers playing in the black dense hair there. Reminding himself again not to rush, he gently pulled back from her, as he took her hand from his chest, kissing her fingertips.

  “Anne, don’t be afraid. Remember I told you once, I would help you and prepare you when the time came?” he said, looking at her.

  “Yes, I remember Albert and I’m not afraid,” she answered. Her arms circled his neck, pulling his mouth to hers as she kissed him tenderly, his arms pulling her closer, molding his body to hers. She felt herself begin to respond to his kisses as Albert’s manhood grew, pressing against her stomach. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to their bed. Laying her there as he took his shirt off and stepped out of his pants.

  Anne’s eyes grew wide as they swept over his body, resting on his hardened manhood, straining against the thin material of his undergarments. He slipped into bed beside her, pulling the sheet over them as he took her in his arms, gently stroking and kissing her. Soon all fears were gone as Albert’s touch woke feelings in her that yearned to be free. Anne willingly gave herself up to his caresses, responding to his touch. They took their time, exploring and undressing each other as a spark began in both as their desire and want for each other took over.

  They strove to satisfy the other, giving everything they possessed. Although he had prepared her as best he could, when he entered her for the first time, she experienced pain like none she had ever known, her nails digging into his back as tears sprung up in her eyes. He whispered words of love to her that soon turned all the pain into a burning desire for him. That night a passion ignited between the two lovers that would never be quenched.

  Afterwards, as they lay entwined in each other’s arms, after assuring himself that she was all right, he promised her he would never hurt her again.

  “The first time is painful Anne, but I swear from now on there will be no pain, only pleasure.”

  Reddening, she told him, “I’m alright now. I just wasn’t prepared for the, for the intensity of you of


  “It’s alright sweetheart, don’t be embarrassed. This is what married people do,” he explained.

  After a few moments of his caresses, she asked, “Do you know when I fell in love with you?”

  Stroking her hair, he answered, “I’m not sure.”

  “It was the very moment I heard your voice and looked into your eyes,” she told him.

  “And do you still feel that way, Mrs. Stuart?” he asked, smiling.

  “Yes, every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love with you all over again,” she said, stroking his chest. Albert had given Anne all of the love he had and now married, she could give of herself freely to him.

  Later that night, Albert lay watching his wife sleep. He had made love to her again that first night, far more than he would have ever imagined. He had planned to introduce the intimate side of their marriage to her slowly, but Anne, eager to please him, ignited a fire in him he could not deny or control.

  He had been concerned that given her upbringing, she may be inhibited in this area of their marriage. His fears had been short lived, as he soon realized, Anne had a burning want to please him both in and out of bed. She was finally free to shower all of her love and affection on him. That night they both slept better than they had in all their lives, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  As the sun rose the next morning, Albert looked down at the woman sleeping in his arms. Brushing a curl from her face, he gently kissed her as she snuggled closer to him, her hand on his chest. A sense of contentment swept over him as he folded her in his arms knowing she was his forever and drifted back to sleep.

  Anne, waking a short time later, lay there looking into the face of the man she loved so much that it made her ache. Her thoughts slipped back to the night before, her body still tingling from his touch. She slipped from his arms, quietly got out of bed, put a robe on and walked out on their balcony. The view was breathtaking. A mist rose over the deep blue lake with the snow-capped mountains rising majestically behind it. Wrapping her arms around herself, she thought of her husband and last night. Albert had been gentle and patient with her, awakening feelings and emotions she had never imagined existed in her. She smiled, remembering her husband’s lovemaking, as two strong arms wrapped around her and soft lips kissed her neck.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Stuart,” he greeted her.

  Turning to face him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiled and kissed him softly. “Good morning. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, I just missed the feel of you in my arms,” he told her.

  “You were right, the view is beautiful. I will never tire of looking at it,” she told him.

  “Well, sweetheart,” he said, pulling her close, “we have a very long time to enjoy this view. The rest of our lives. There is something else I want to share with you.” Grinning, he swept her into his arms and carried her back to their bed.

  From the beginning she had been an obsession with him, but never more than now, as he was insatiable in his want of her. After Albert had fallen back to sleep, Anne slipped out of the bed and went to the kitchen. She found that George had stocked the pantries with assorted foods to tempt the lovers. Anne brewed coffee and began making breakfast for her husband.

  Albert woke to the smell of coffee, biscuits and bacon frying. Rising, he splashed water on his face, combed his hair, slipped on a pair of pants, and was buttoning his shirt as he went down the stairs. Entering the kitchen, he found his wife at the stove.

  “Anne, you didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble, besides I’m hungry. I hope eggs, bacon and biscuits are all right,” she said, pouring him a cup of coffee.

  “That is perfect. In fact, I’m starved. I’m exhausted from last night and this morning. I need food to keep my strength up in order to satisfy my wife,” he told her, grinning as he sipped his coffee.

  “Albert,” she blushed, “you cannot possibly. . .”

  “Anne, I told you I will never tire of making love to you. However, you are right, I am hungry. We need to eat. Then I want to tell you where I am taking you for our honeymoon.”

  Going to him and putting her arms around his waist as she looked up at him, she said, “I would be content not to go anywhere, just stay right here with you.”

  “I know you would, but I want our honeymoon to be special, something we will never forget.”

  After they dined, he told her about San Francisco, and was delighted by her reaction.

  “We leave the day after tomorrow,” he told her.

  “San Francisco! I’ve never been there. What a wonderful surprise,” she declared, throwing her arms around his shoulders, kissing him softly.

  For the next two days, they enjoyed being alone and adjusting to living together as man and wife.
Albert’s family respected this time, knowing the couple wanted no one but each other. Anne cooked small meals for them with Albert helping her clean up the kitchen afterwards.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The morning they left for San Francisco, Albert woke before sun-up, kissed her and whispered, “Time to get up, sweetheart. We’ve got to hurry to make the morning stage on time.”

  “Mmmmmm, Albert let me sleep just a while longer. I feel as though I just fell asleep,” she moaned.

  Chuckling, as he remembered the night before, he said, “You did, but I’ll let you sleep on the stage. Really Anne, you much get up and get dressed.”

  When he received no response from her, he pulled the covers off her, resulting in a squeal, “Albert Stuart, you are the most infuriating man!” she cried.

  “It was the only way I could get you up,” he explained, watching her climb out of bed, her gown riding up on a shapely thigh. Pulling her back onto the bed with him, he kissed her, then nuzzled her neck telling her as his fingers toyed with the top of her gown, “Maybe we do have a little time.”

  She gently pushed on his chest, nuzzling his ear, telling him, “No, you are right. I must get up and get dressed. Perhaps if you had woken me a little nicer we would have had time for other things.”

  “Anne, I don’t believe it. We’ve only been married for three days and you are already refusing me.”

  “No darlin’,” she said caressing his face with the back of her hand, “I will never refuse you. I’m just doing as you requested, I’m getting up and getting dressed. Your other ideas will have to wait until later.”


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