by Tate, Pearl
Standing, I call back. “I’ll be right there!” How do you tell someone to stay?
Still crouching in front of her, holding my finger to my lips, I make a shushing noise. I want her to realize I don’t want her seen. “Shhhhhhh.” Repeating it, I grab her hand and bring it up to her face, encouraging her to mimic me.
“Shhhhh.” She repeats back nodding.
Yes. Standing, I move towards the door and continue to keep eye contact. She watches me warily. “Shhhhh.” I take my finger from my lips and point at her firmly. I don’t know how else to say stay.
She drops onto her back, arms flopped out. I don’t suppose it will get any better than that. Sprinting towards the exterior, I see that he is just at the top and I climb up to greet him.
“Hello, Whik.” I pull myself up to clasp arms with him. “I wasn’t expecting you today. Are you well?”
He doesn’t say a word, just stares at me strangely. His eyes roam over my chest and I realize what I didn’t count on. My mating marks.
“Are those what they look like?” He looks baffled and I shrug. I’m not sure what he knows of our past, but I guess most of us have learned our Quasarian history when we were in our youth. I haven’t seen him in quite some time. We try to roam and cross paths to share any news we might come across at least every twenty to forty rotations.
“They are. I’ve found a mate.” My declaration is met with a shocked look until his face changes. It’s almost like horror is dawning.
“The shuttle? You’re the one that broke into the shuttle?” I nod as he sinks to his butt, crossing his legs. “Damn. That is what I came to share with you. News from the prison. What do you know?”
I crouch next to him. “Not much. I saw it in my daily reflections and so I waited for it to show up.”
“Yeah, but you took something or someone, right? I’ve learned they aren’t like us. The females from the shuttle are different. From another planet. Has she told you anything?” I can tell he’s excited as he realizes the implications.
“No. We can’t communicate. Her language is different. She is… unique.”
“Can I meet her?” His innocent request makes me stifle a growl of irritation. Besides the fact that I’m ashamed to admit to him that I let her get hurt, I don’t ever want to share her attention with anyone. But I also know that isn’t realistic.
“She’s resting.” My deflection seems to work.
“I guess it wouldn’t matter now anyway. If she can’t communicate yet.” He looks off towards my home under the falls as though thinking.
“What do you mean by yet? It’s only been a day, but I don’t know if I believe our languages will be easy to teach. I’ve never taught anyone anything.”
He pulls the red scarf from his head and tucks it into his pocket. Nervously, he pulls it out and wipes his face before putting it away again. “You’re mated. I assume you will have sex and then she will end up with your nanos. They will enter her blood stream and give her your immunities and should make her pick up on our language. At least in theory.”
His voice trails off and I look at him with fascination. I never would have guessed any of that, but he seems to have it all figured out.
“There are three more females, but you probably know?” He raises his eyebrows, but I shake my head.
“I did see them, but I only had eyes for Rachel. The others were there, but I only had a few minutes to get her out and stay unnoticed. So, they don’t know it was me?” I’ve managed to stay out of their sights for years. When I started seeing Rachel in my daily reflections, I made sure that I looked at every scenario. I was looking for options to retrieve her without being identified.
“No. No, they don’t know, or I would have heard.” Shaking his head, he stands and moves over to the river to fill his water skin. “They are just scrambling now trying to figure out what they are. The asshole has them all at his place and is waiting for them to wake up. I imagine they have plans for them and it will not be pleasant.”
Standing he moves back towards me before taking a long drink. I consider what they will do to the women. If it is anything like what they did to me and Whik, they are in for a very unpleasant life. Somehow, they always have Canesta, enabling them to rape whatever inmate they choose. Often, they are the young, weak, and naïve. I would know since I was one of them.
“I thought for sure when I came to tell you about it that you would be interested in getting them out of there?” The thought had just crossed my mind, but I can’t leave Rachel. And what would that do to her? Leaving her exposed if they come after me?
“I can’t.”
He nods in understanding. “Well, I will regroup and see what I can do. If I get any of them out, I won’t head towards you for fear of them realizing there is another.” Standing, he shakes his head. “Mating marks. Who would have thought that was possible?”
- Rachel
I’m so embarrassed! How could I have been such an idiot? I recognized it was dangerous outside and that I needed to stay close to Amari. Why didn’t I pay more attention?
I think he left to go talk to another alien guy. I'm glad he went without me. Carefully, I unwrap the cloth he has tied around my leg. The paste he made flakes off a bit. The burn itself isn’t too large. It’s about a half inch wide and six inches long, circling around my ankle. That plant is creepy!
It feels so much better already. When he chewed the needle-shaped plant and then spit it in his hand… I was so grossed out. But he certainly knows what he is doing because except for a twinge of pain now, it feels pretty good. It doesn’t look good. The welt is raised, and the surrounding skin inflamed.
Now that the paste has flaked off, and the air is hitting it, and it's more and more uncomfortable. I’m not willing to spit on it though so I pick up a water skin discarded by the side of our bed. Carefully, I pour a little on the bandage and paste, re-wetting it before tying it up securely again.
He’s going to think I’m a real pain. We weren’t even out that long! Just long enough for me to take note I’m really not in Kansas anymore. Who am I kidding? I clued in as soon as I laid eyes on him. With his crazy hair and our matching markings, I knew. Unless we were in some far-out government experiment, there was no way I was on Earth.
I’ve been somewhat ignoring the obvious but what else can I do? It’s time for me to be realistic about what’s going on here. I can’t just ignore it and hope everything works out. There are plants that knock people out and eat them!
There is no way I can hope to sneak off and get rescued. I don’t know where I am or which way to go. Who's going to rescue me? And there are obviously other aliens around even if my alien has quite an abundance of land.
This cave looks like a pretty permanent home. It’s not like he’s this alien planet’s nomadic sheep herder. That would suck for me.
If I’m going to get picked up by someone and taken care of, I don’t think I could’ve picked anyone better. He’s kind, gentle, and attentive. Even though he’s clearly as attracted to me as I am to him, he hasn’t pushed himself on me or tried to get more than I will give. Not that I wasn’t willing to give a lot…
I don’t know exactly what’s going on with me, but a virgin knows when she’s unnaturally horny. And I sure as hell am! I’ve never been so aroused that I noticed wetness dripping down my legs and when Amari is around, that’s my new normal. I want him all the time.
I’m not an idiot. Something odd and otherworldly is going on here. Now that I’ve confirmed this isn’t Earth, I can entertain all my other crazy science fiction ideas. Like maybe I’ve been abducted by grays and put on this planet to breed with the local Neanderthals? What are the odds of that?
Until I can understand Amari, I’m going to make sure I stick close to him. I need to attempt to learn his language. The only thing that really worries me is how his language is so guttural. Like growls. I never learned any other language, even in school. This will be slow for me. But
from the looks of it, I’m going to have all the time in the world.
I don’t feel too drowsy any longer. I don’t even know exactly what knocked me out, but it must have been the vine. I know I didn’t faint! I’ve been hurt many times before. There was one bloody time when I was ten that I fell down in the barn and caught my arm between some slats of wood. Ripped my forearm right open! It took a dozen stitches to sew me up at the doctors. Even with the blood loss and looking at it, I was fine, so it wasn’t that.
Not that the poor alpaca or sheep animal wasn’t super gross! It was like something right out of a horror flick. All those vines, poking through the eyes and ears even. Oh. I shiver and stand up slowly. It’s going to take a long time to forget about that!
Walking towards the door opening, I still only hear the falls. It does a great job of drowning out everything else and its nice white noise for falling asleep. When I poke my head out, I can see there isn’t anyone right outside the opening, so I head over to our toilet area. Now is a good time to take advantage of the privacy.
As I’m finishing, I realize that I can hear Amari talking. It sounds like it’s right above the falls in that area. I wonder if they are talking about me? Did he tell the new alien about me? How many are there, and do they have cities or towns?
I’m going to make a real effort to learn from Amari. Not just the language and how not to be killed. I have this pair of jeans and one shirt but eventually I’m going to need to learn how to make myself some new clothes too. From the looks of it, Amari isn’t buying his at the local Walmart. When he does wear anything, it’s pretty much just a skirt. A little skirt.
He doesn’t look feminine in it though. Now, I can totally understand why real men don’t feel intimidated to wear whatever they want. When a man is a man, there is no mistaking them for anything else. Amari is a real man’s man.
Splashing water on my face, I head back to our cave to see if there’s anything I can do until he gets back. I want to make him happy that I’m around and not see me as just a burden.
I don’t have a lot of experience with holding a man’s interest. Sure, right now I’m new. He is still working on getting in my pants. But over time, what if he feels like I’m more trouble than I’m worth?
If he tires of me, I’m up shit’s creek. Literally.
- Amari
As Whik leaves, I watch him head back the way he came. Many of the things he said don’t sit right with me. I'm aware of my selfishness. I’ve been nursing my own personal wounds for ages now. Hiding away and ignoring everyone still under the warden’s thumb.
With a mate though, I have even more to lose. My suffering has produced a reward that is unheard of. Our people haven’t had mates for generations. Since we incorporated nano technology into our bodies, things have changed. Many of our more primitive characteristics have disappeared or are suppressed.
Of course, the timing couldn’t be worse. I’m a prisoner on a planet full of criminals. But when would the moment have been right? Could this new race have been discovered at our home world of Quasar already? Are they the ones that sent the shuttle with them here?
Will others have the same reaction to the females from the shuttle that I did? And how much worse will it be for the females if they have mating marks and then are raped by the warden and his cruel crew?
Our home planet Quasar has the female council. Maybe they discovered this species? Were they sent to spy on how they would integrate into our criminal society? But that doesn’t even make sense. Surely, they would know our language? I’m not exactly sure what is going on but Whik is at least trying to find out and make sure others aren’t taken advantage of.
I have so many questions with no answers. Am I abandoning someone else’s mate to a life of torture by doing nothing? These are all things I will seriously have to consider.
I need to go check on my mate. We were lucky that she wasn’t hurt worse. There are so many wild things just waiting to pounce on you in this environment.
I’m fortunate there aren’t many large animals at this developmental stage of this planet. But the plants being venomous and carnivorous is dangerous. They look lovely but the most enticing plants are the deadliest. And what woman isn’t attracted to beautiful flowers?
I will have to watch my Rachel even more carefully. I’m also concerned about the weather changing. It won’t be long before it becomes cold and the pass will be closed for some time. I’m second guessing being this far from the modern conveniences of the prison.
There were areas underground that could be lived in. They are long deserted. I’d like to go look for more current medical items like medicine and equipment. As much as it bothers me to think about introducing Whik to Rachel, if anything were to happen to me, she would be alone.
Quickly, I climb down and head towards my living space. I’ve been away too long, and I don’t want her wandering off. I don’t even know if she can swim and we are right by a huge body of water.
When I walk in, I’m happy to see she is up and building up our little fire. She has straightened the coverings on the sleeping area too. She must be feeling better. Her strange short hair frames her small face that I’ve been envisioning for so long. I sense I know her already.
I grab her hand and pull her to the bed, sitting her down next to me. Pulling her leg into my lap. I unwrap her compress to check it again. I don’t know if I will be able to stop checking it but she’s so small and I don’t want it to get infected.
Once I have it exposed, she grabs my hand next to it and babbles in her language. I don’t know what she’s saying, but she looks relaxed. I don’t see pain tightening the skin around her eyes like it did before she passed out earlier.
“Does it hurt? Hurt?” I repeat it a few times and make a pained face to see if she understands what I mean.
She nods her head up and down. I believe that is affirmative but then she tries to copy my language, saying hurt back a few times. I think it’s only because I know what she is struggling to say that I understand. It’s that bad! But she’s trying, and that’s a wonderful thing.
Taking the cloth bandage from my hand, she quickly ties the area back up and then hops to her feet. She is trying to prove to me that she is fine. Walking towards the door, I watch her closely. Ah, she is trying to show me she is ready to go back out.
Nodding my head no, I wave her back and go over to the corner to pick up my backpack. Hunting through my bags, I find one that I believe will work for her. She’s watching me closely and I move around her to hold it up. It will work but I don’t want to overfill it.
She has clothes that cover her legs for when we travel. That's good and will make it so she doesn’t get cut up when we walk through the blade grass plains. I can’t explain to her that I want to head back closer to the prison. If she was informed about the others that came with her, she would want to check on them. I’m sure. She's sweet and kind.
As I move around, I pick up items and then say what they are before putting them into the bags. Rachel loves this game and enthusiastically repeats them all after me. She has trouble with many of our sounds, but I know that will come with time. As long as I can understand her that’s all that matters. If I had my way, she would never speak to anyone else. She’s mine.
Spending time with her this way proves difficult as her scent fills the surrounding air. I can smell her arousal and it makes me harder. My cock is almost in the way as I load things and try to figure out what items are the most important to take. It normally takes me half a day to get there but with Rachel, it may take a whole day.
I want this to be an adventure for us together too. Maybe we should make it take two days to arrive and stop at the half way point? If we take the high road instead of cutting through the pass, the view is incredible. It will give her a better idea of where we are and our location in relationship to the prison dome.
I’m startled by Rachel stretching up next to me and grabbing my bag from my
hands. I don’t release it because it’s too heavy for her and instead set it next to us. I want to investigate what she needs. She hooks her finger in my covering and tugs me towards the sleeping platform. I’m not sure what game she plans but there’s a shy smile on her face.
When I don’t follow right away, a childish pout crosses her face and she sticks out her lower lip. It fascinates me to see her act this way. Because I know she doesn’t understand me, I tell her, “I will follow you anywhere, my beautiful mate.” I trail beside her as she tugs me over. “I’m trying to understand you and what you want.”
She gives a shrug and I realize she is telling me she does not understand what I said. It makes me smile. She steps up on the sleeping platform. Now my height, she smiles before wrapping her arms around my neck. Our chests flatten together.
Sensations pour through my body and it’s hard to not just grab her and throw her down on the bed. But I’m curious about what she plans to do so I freeze and wait patiently.
She licks her lips and I’m fascinated by the way they shine and catch the light. One of her hands unhooks from behind my neck and travels down my chest. I’m shaking in anticipation of her soft fingers. They feel incredible no matter where she touches me. I remain frozen as her fingers skim down further and further. Lightly, she cups my cock in her hand through the barrier of material.
Still maintaining eye contact, she whispers in her language. A question. I know what this question was. She can have anything she desires.
As the blood pounds in my ears, my entire focus is on her small hand, still caressing me through my covering. I gaze at her, mesmerized by her hand. It feels so good.
Her small head tilts towards me. She slowly brings her lips to mine, touching them together briefly. A shock shoots through me. She’s as startled as I am.
The next time she does it, she tilts her head slightly, so our noses don’t hit and presses her lips firmly on top of mine. Then she shocks me by licking my lips and it send another bolt of need through me. This is the same as earlier, when I had to go see Whik. Is this a mating ritual for her?