Always Be Mine~

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Always Be Mine~ Page 3

by Steitz, G. V.

  “You have to try this Matthew, I am so serious. I never had anything like this in my life before.” She says as she holds out a forkful of stuffed shell to me. Her other hand she holds under the one with the fork of food held out to feed it to me. Oh God, I swear I won’t make it out of here alive.

  I slowly lean in, she is smiling, so I think this is ok to do.

  “Come on, I am not going to bite, taste this. Seriously.” pushes the fork towards my lips as they move in closer to her offered hand of food to feed me.

  I go in and wrap my lips around her fork tasting this amazing meal I will now rename after her.

  “Not bad.” I say nodding. She stares at me like I just kicked a puppy.

  “Are you serious? Not bad? That’s it? This is the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life Matthew. Your chef is amazing back there.” I say looking back down to my plate.

  I lift another forkful of heaven to my mouth. “Uhhoohhh my GOD!” she groans out. “I’m so sorry, this is just really incredible.”

  I just stare at her in awe.

  She stops for a moment, laying her fork back down on the table, quickly trying to swallow what is left in her mouth. She lifts the glass of water to her mouth to take a sip.

  I clear my throat as I watch her place the glass back down.

  “Please forgive me for getting carried away. I just don’t really have a reason to really cook for just myself. So I am just a frozen dinner sort of person these days. Between my hours of work and my father, I just don’t get too many opportunities to enjoy something this amazing any longer. I didn’t mean to sound like some nut case having an orgasm in my mouth.” She tries to explain without trying to be too serious, I think.

  “An orgasm in your mouth?” I ask with my eye brows raised in shock that she actually said that.

  “Matthew, please forgive me. That was completely out of line. I apologize for sounding like I do explaining things.” she laughs a little. “I feel like such a terrible person now.” She says as she picks up her glass of wine, taking a longer sip this time. Trying not to gulp it to hide from I guess embarrassment?

  “Please, don’t be silly. I ah… I just find you um eating your ahh, meal there very enjoyable.” I grunt out as I clear my throat again. Please God, give me a heart attack so I can die.

  “I didn’t mean to make you feel self conscience. Please, forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable now.” I try to find the right thing to say to not scare her away.

  She slowly smiles again. Thank heavens. She looks down getting all pink again. She plays with her napkin in her lap. Not looking back up to me.

  “Hey.” I say softly to her to get her attention again. I raise my hand, laying it across the table with my palm open to silently ask for her hand. She quickly looks back up to me. She brings her hand up to mine. Placing it gently in mine, I watch our hands meet. I close my hand around hers, running the pad of my thumb across the top of her hand. “I’m so sorry Emma. I was really enjoying myself watch you is all. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Please forgive me.” I say softly hoping she doesn’t throw her stuffed shells at me. She nods and then I see the saddest little thing that ripped my heart out of my chest. She blinks a tiny little tear from one eye. I click my tongue, cursing at myself under my breath. She laughs as she quickly brushes it off her cheek where it fell from her eye.

  “I think I am done eating. I seem to have made myself look like a fool. Can you point me to the ladies room please” She pleads as she laughs.

  “Of course Emma, can I walk you over?” I ask as I watch her pull her hand slowly from mine. I watch her hand move out of mine. She starts to stand; I get up at the same time as she does.

  “No, please.” She laughs. “Don’t be silly. I just need to pull myself together to not look like such a fool.” She laughs again. I point her to the direction of the ladies room.

  She turns back before she leaves. “I obviously enjoyed the meal a bit too much. I really am no longer hungry. If we might leave when I get back, I would be grateful.” She asks.

  “Of course, please, take your time Emma.”

  She nods and walks off. I want to kick my ass in for acting like such a dumb ass! I snap over Franco. I ask him to package up her meal, and to have the chef add another plate of the shells she was enjoying before I took that pleasure away from her this evening. I ask them to bring it to my car, as well as my car around to the door, after handing him two C notes.

  I make my way back to the restrooms to wait for Emma. I hope she will forgive me. I feel so bad that I ruined her evening.

  I wait for fifteen minutes worrying she is a mess in the restroom and now doesn’t want to come back out.

  I call Cindy over, the restaurant manager, asking her to go check on Emma for me.

  I notice she stops to speak with Tony for a moment. She looks up to Tony’s face sadly, and accepts a piece of paper from him. She makes her way over to me holding the paper.

  “I’m so sorry Mr. Daniels. I was just given this by Tony to hand to you.” She states as she holds out the paper.

  I look at her and then accept the paper. I open it and read it.

  “Is there anything else Sir?” Cindy asks.

  “No thank you Cindy.” I say watching her walk away with a nod; I stare back down at the note.


  Thank you once again for a magical meal. I don’t think I will ever experience anything like this again. I needed to leave however. My apologies and thanks once again.


  “FUCK!” I grunt out through my clenched teeth. I crumple up the paper and shove it in my pocket.

  I walk out to the car. Taking out the tray of stuffed shells, I hand them to the Valet. Please make sure these get to this address within the hour please. I instruct him stuffing a C note in his hand. Leaving before he replies, I feel so terrible for how I made Emma feel.

  I take off like a bat out of hell.

  “FUCK!” I yell at myself.

  Chapter 6~Emma

  I have never been so embarrassed in my life. What the hell is wrong with me? I was so grateful I got out of there before he seen me leave. Luckily, while I wrote Matthew a note, Tony was able to hail me a cab. Ugh. Then I get home, and after 10 minutes the door bell chimes. I look out the window, and it’s one of the valets from the restaurant holding a tray. I open the door and the man hands me the tray stating it is compliments of the Chef and Mr. Daniels. I thank him, as I accept the package. I can smell it right away. I open it up and not only are there my leftovers but another complete dinner of them besides.

  I thought that was so sweet. I cried again in the kitchen. I warmed up the plate with my leftovers and moaned through the entire meal, by myself. At least I wouldn’t embarrass Matthew from my taste bud orgasms. I can’t believe I actually said that. Besides I fed him some of the shells. He must think I am a real idiot. I am sure if he owns the damn place, ordered for us, didn’t need to look at a menu to begin with, he sure as hell had the damn meal before. Unreal. Well, I might as well begin to look for another job tomorrow. I am positive this one is flushed down the toilet.

  I crawl back up to bed after stuffing my face to make me feel better, which really didn’t make me feel better going to bed on such a full stomach. Serves me right for devouring that damn delicious platter for three.

  I finally drag my ass into work. Walking through the does I see James at the reception desk. “Good Morning Ms. Evans.” Mr. Perky sings.

  I smile, barely. “Hi James. How are you this morning?” I muffle out as I stop briefly to do my morning ritual with him. He then goes into the huge production about his date last night with his new mystery man. Why does everyone besides me have a wonderful personal life? I can’t repulse every single man out there.

  I drag myself on off to my office. After powering up my laptop, I come back with coffee from the kitchen. I sit down and open my email box.

  Great, an email from Matthew. I am sure to write me off.

  I don’t want to just delete it. I might as well just rip the bandage off real quick and get this over with. He probably banned my pathetic ass from his entire block where his offices are located.

  I open the email to read his message.


  I can’t tell you how sorry I am for making you feel so terrible last night.

  If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t sleep at all last night.

  I hope you were able to enjoy your dinner last night without me staring you down in my sad pathetic way. I really hope you are ok. Please call or at least email me. I wanted to call or text you last night, but I was worried you would hang up on me.

  I faxed over the contract for your proposal. If you are still interested, the job is yours of course. Don’t worry; I was going to surprise you after dinner to tell you that we already accepted your bid. Of course, I screwed up royally so I wasn’t able to hand you the contract personally.

  I suppose its best I tell you now, I find you extremely exciting. You are a truly a breath of fresh air to me. Emma, truth be known, I am more than mildly attracted to you. Last night I nearly fell when you opened the door to go to dinner. You were breath taking.

  I’m sure I have completely screwed up, so I might as well polish off my chances with throwing all this in an email to you. The reason I was staring at your amazing talent to make everything look sexy last night by just eating, is because I was glued to my chair. I wanted to watch you eat all night last night when you took that first bit Emma. I don’t know how you have done it, but I am completely smitten with you. Truthfully.

  So, I guess I should stop digging my grave here. I am sure I have exceeded the “required” six feet needed to bury my sad ass by now.

  Please take the job Em. I really want to see you again. Even if it’s just on a professional level.

  I hadn’t had that much fun in a very long time. You were such a pleasure last night.

  Give this terrible old man a second chance maybe?



  I really didn’t realize I was crying when I was reading the email, until I was actually done reading the email for the third time.

  I want to email him back. I really want to accept the job from his firm, but I really don’t see how I can face him.

  I did really have a good time before I ruined it.

  I noticed he emailed me at 3:25 am. Well, I will email him later. But there is no way I am calling him. I realize he made sure in the email that I had all of his five contact numbers in case I did want to call.

  I hear a knock at my door. Quickly I wipe my eyes. “Come in.” I say clearing my throat.

  “Ms. Evans…” James chirps. Why does he have to call me Ms. Evans when he is all a buzz with giddiness? It sickens me really.

  “Hi James, What can I do for you?”

  “I have a delivery for you. Can I have it brought in to you?” He asks with a big grin.

  “Sure why not.” I say looking back at my computer. All of a sudden I hear James directing someone or something out there. I look up and a man comes in with a huge display of Pink Roses and white spider mums. I mean huge. Like two dozen roses that were the size of a man’s fist for each rose bud. And probably another two dozen spider mums. I just stare with my mouth open. He walks out, and two more men come in with two more arrangements.

  I drop my pen, and lean back staring.

  James is sitting at the chair in front of my desk watching over with the same look of shock.

  “What did yoooou do last night?” He asks. “Or should I say WHOOOO did you doooooo last night?” He says, making himself laugh out loud to the point of nearly tearing up. I threw a stack of post it notes at his head.

  After the rose parade was over, with another 4 men bringing in another four arrangements, I looked like I could easily open a florist shop for at least a couple weeks worth of business. There was a total of 14 dozen roses and 14 dozen mums in my office.

  My door opens again. I look up and see it’s my boss. Henry. He peeks in and does a double take around my flower shop.

  He pushes the door open and gapes at all the flowers like I did for the last 30 minutes.

  He looks back at me, I start to giggle.

  “Who is God’s name are you seeing? And he must have ROYALLY screwed up some how. I never seen this many roses in a store let alone someone’s office.” He says shaking his head.

  “Hey, before I forget, while I take in all the flowers in here…” He waves his hands around the room. “I wanted to congratulate you on a well done job with the Daniels proposal. I noticed it was faxed over last night to confirm their acceptance of your bid.” he hands me the file.

  “Thanks.” I answer.

  “Whatever you did, he was really impressed.

  “Henry, maybe someone else would be better to cover this project for Daniels? I mean I did land the account. I don’t know if you will want to fire me if I don’t get involved with the project. Or maybe an assistant or someone to assist with the day to day contact with Daniels on anything that goes on with the project. What do you think?” I ask looking through the file.

  Henry sits down across from me and sits quietly for a few moments.

  “Why anything wrong? Does all this have something to do with it?” He asks as he waves his hand around the room.

  I shrug not wanting to explain anything.

  “Look, the proposal was a signed deal before any of this” I say waving my hand.

  “I see.” Henry says “Well, look I don’t want to put you in a difficult situation. I won’t fire you, but maybe you can think it over the weekend? I know no one needs to get into production until next week at the earliest. Monday we can sit down and go over any ideas you have with a plan to make this work. He is a signed contract, so I am not worried about us loosing the account. But listen, I mean maybe this flower shop is a way to get you out of your shell? I know things have been difficult for you lately with your dad and all. But really, this might be a nice change of pace for you… You know?” He says getting up.

  “I’m proud of Emma. You did an excellent job.” Henry says looking at his watch. “You know it’s nearly lunch, why don’t you take the rest of the day off? It’s Friday. You could use break. Hmmm?” He looks kindly down to me from his perch at the door on my office.

  “Really, you are sure about that?” I ask trying not to sound too hopeful.

  Henry chuckles and nods with a wink. “Absolutely, you go get all this sorted out for yourself. Come back refreshed Monday as come in when you settle in you office and we can brainstorm.” Henry says with a sad sort of smile.

  “Thanks so much Henry. I won’t let you down one way or the other.” I say as he walks slowly out of my office.

  I decide to email Matthew before I leave.


  Thank you very much for the fantastic meals you sent back to my place last night. I really, well, you know how much I enjoyed it.

  The flowers… Matthew, there are enough here to open a flower shop! Good grief. You are going to go broke!

  But you still did more than shock me. They are out of this world.

  I spoke with my boss. He received the faxed contract and was pleased. I am going to go over some ideas with him Monday morning to get a crew of some people to assist in the day to day contact with MD Corp. I am sure you will be very pleased with the people I put on this project for you.

  Henry, my boss, he has giving me a hall pass for the rest of the day. Apparently my lack of sleep as well, proved I needed a few hours off early.

  It’s Friday, so I am happy that I have the weekend to come up with an outline of how our company can better suite your needs with professionalism and no worries on your end of the situation to not make you feel obligated in any way.

  I really had a great time last night. Well, before I ruined it.

  Thank you again for a really, really, wonderful two days of surprises. You are too generous.

  Have a grea
t weekend.


  Hopefully that will nip this in the butt.

  I pack up my lap top and take an arrangement out with me. Stopping once at James in the reception area, I offer him to take an arrangement as well for his new “knight in Shining Armor.” I wasn’t expecting him to walk around the desk and throw me into a big bear hug. I laughed and told him to have a good weekend and play safe.

  “Always, Ms. Evans. Please have a wonderful weekend yourself.” James says as he wiggles his eye brows around.

  Chapter 7~Matthew

  I read over the email Emma sent back as a reply to mine. Read it four times actually.

  Well this is fanfuckingtastic! If I can’t get her to stick with this project herself, I will make sure to throw a bonus over to “HENRY” to ensure her sticking it out with me. Who knows maybe she will actually forgive me. Well after hearing she has to come back herself for her boss can collect the bonus. Hmmm… I could offer her one as well maybe. I mean I bet that could really help her out with her dad. I have to find out where he is at so I can pay him a little visit.

  Little Miss Sunshine of my life hasn’t responded to my emails the rest of the day on Friday or today. Well, I realize its Saturday; however she probably checks her emails at least once a day knowing her.

  Her phone goes right to voice mail. How convenient. And texts? You think even one? One text, with one word? Nope. Not my Emma. “Oh God, I called her my Emma.” I say in a groan out loud in my car. Right… Like that will ever happen.

  I get to the care facility where Emma’s dad is at. Money does have useful purposes. Like, getting answers and information, it just takes money with this crazy world. Confidence disclaimer or not, Just takes money.


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