Always Be Mine~

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Always Be Mine~ Page 7

by Steitz, G. V.

  “Matthew…” I whisper.

  “Yes Sir. Everything is ready to go.” Charlie guy says back to Matthew.

  “Great. Bags are in the car, if you don’t mind.” Matthew says and pulls my hand to follow him in the plane.

  Charlie nods, and runs off to the car. Matthew pulls me into this plane.

  “Oh my God, Matthew. Are we going to get arrested for being in here? I am sure this is illegal. What are we doing?” I whisper in a frantic whisper scream.

  “Yeah, its not happening baby, No one is getting arrested. We are not getting in trouble or doing anything illegal. He plops me down in a chair that is beyond first class. Matthew buckles me in, and sits down next to me, doing the same thing for himself.

  There is a nice table in front of us, and two other plush chairs on the other side of the table facing back to us.

  “Good evening Sir.” Some older woman says to Matthew. “Hi Mary, How are you?”

  Very well Sir. Thank you for asking. What may I get you and your guest?” She asks.

  “Mary, this is Emma. Emma is very special to me. So please, if I am not around and she needs anything, please make sure she gets it for me?” Matthew says back to Mary.

  “Very good, Sir. Hello Emma, I am very pleased to meet you. As Mr. Daniels said, my name is Mary. What may I offer you to drink?” She politely asks me.

  I think I am in shock. I don’t know what to say. I just look at Matthew. I swallow and look back at Mary.

  “Water please?” I say sort of not sure what to ask for.

  She smiles and nods. “And for you Sir?” She asks, looking at Matthew. “Vodka cranberry please.” He tells her. “Very good Sir, I shall be right back. Salads will be served one we are cleared for take off and have gained to altitude.” Mary confirms for Matthew.

  “Very good, thanks Mary.” Matthew says.

  No sooner does he get those words out, I look back to him. “What the hell is going on?” I ask him a little worried now.

  “We are going to go on a little mini weekend trip. I did hear you tell your father you were going to stop by next week, right?” He asks.

  I nod.

  “So, you have the weekend off, I gave myself the weekend off, and now we are both going to go on a little get away.” He explains. Like it’s the most logical thing he has ever said.

  “Ah, ok, and so who’s plane are we hijacking? I mean, at I’ll know if anyone should ask when we get arrested. Or killed.” I tell him

  Matthew laughs. “Emma. I would never put you in danger. Not you. So that is something you don’t have to worry about. Ok?” He tells me, which puts my mind at ease a bit.

  “We are going to Florida for the weekend. And this is my plane.” He tells me.

  Mary arrives with our drinks. I ask her for one of what Matthew is drinking, and accept the bottle of water while I wait. After I pull my chin off the table in front of us, I gulp down half the bottle of water in a hurry.

  “WHAT!” It’s not really a question. More like a shock statement.

  “This is your plane? You can’t be serious Matthew.”

  “Oh, I am so serious.” He says.

  Mary comes back; I think I thanked her for the drink. I finished it before we took off.

  Once we got into the air, I pried my hands off of Matthews. I am positive, by the look on his face; he was keeping his thoughts to himself of how I might have broken his hand from my white knuckle grasp on it as we took off.

  Our salads we served and I was apparently hunger and didn’t know it.

  We finished our salads. Mary came by to take out plates.

  “So where are we going?” I ask looking around touching everything like a little kid on their first plane ride. Smiling and getting all excited.

  “We my love bug, are going to Florida. Ft. Myers Beach to be exact.” Matthew says as Mary brings out our dinner.

  And low and behold, guess what it was… You got it. The orgasm lobster and crab stuffed shells.

  “You have got to be kidding me! MATTHEW, these in here? Are you insane?” I say under my breath as I smile at Mary.

  “OH my God. I can’t believe I told you what I did about how good these were.” I moan.

  Matthew just laughs, wiggles his eye brows, and digs in.

  After many moans and groans from me, we finish dinner. And I feel tired all of a sudden. I yawn. “Thanks for a fabulous dinner. I swear that’s got to be the best meal in the world.” I say as I lean back into my plush chair.

  Matthew undoes my seat belt, and pulls me up.

  “Where are we going?” I ask as he pulls me behind him.

  “To take a nap.” He says and opens a door.

  “You have a bedroom in here? What is this for your membership to the mile high club?” I ask looking around. Matthew just bursts out laughing like he never heard anything so funny.

  The room is nice. Queen size bed, with an en suite full bath, a dresser and mirror, a closet, and a light above the bed mounted on the wall.

  “Actually, no, I don’t belong to the “Mile High Club.” Yet. Maybe we can join that exclusive club on the return flight. And I have never brought another woman I was or wanted to be intimate with before you.” He says as he wraps his arms around me from behind and leaning into me kissing my neck.

  Matthew walks around me and pulls me to the bed. Sits me down, leans down takes my tennis shoes and socks off. They he kneels up between my legs, and takes the hem of my sweater and pulls it up over my head. He leans into my breasts and leaves a soft kiss between them. Then he pushes me back into the bed, and peels my jeans off of me. Matthew must think I am a doll to dress and undress. I laugh as he goes through all this.

  He stands me up, pulls the comforter back, and sits me back down. I watch him, as he unbuckles his belt, as he pulls his shoes off with his feet. He reaches down, pulls his socks off, and takes his shirt off and drops his pants. All we both have on is our underwear.

  He moves his hands and fingers like he his shooing me away. I scoot over, he climbs in after me.

  He lays us down and pulls my back into his chest and pulls the covers over us.

  He brushes my hair over to the side of my head lying on the pillow, wraps he arm tightly around my waist, as he kisses my shoulder and neck.

  “Take a nap with me.” He whispers in my ear.

  I must have been tired. I think I fell asleep right away. It was only about an hour and half but I really felt refreshed.

  The intercom rang; Matthew hit the call button and spoke. “Yes Mary.”

  “We are getting ready to land sir.” She says.

  “Very good, thanks Mary.” He says and clicks off the button.

  “We’re here love bug.” He says all excited and jumps out of the bed. He pads over to the dresser. Pulls out a pair of jeans and a sweater he gets dressed in them.

  “You have clothes in here?” I ask watching him as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

  “Well, I do need to keep a change of clothes in case I leave from work to go visit my family or I have a business trip some place. It makes it easier than having to pack all the time.” He explains. This makes sense. Wait.

  “Visit your family? Matthew? Like in your parents you mean family?” I ask in panic mode now.

  ‘Yeah. Them, that family.” He says with a wink and chuckles as he walks into the bathroom.

  I jump out of bed, quickly getting dressed, I finish as he walks back out.

  “Help yourself to the bathroom. Meet you back in front.” He says with another damn mouth watering wink and walks out to go in front again, closing the door behind him as he leaves.

  I walk into the bathroom and there is a post it note on the mirror.

  “I met your dad, now you can meet mine. *wink*”

  I rip the post it note off the mirror and put it in my pocket. I take care of business, wash up, gargle and brush my hair out.

  I open the door and get to my seat next to Matthew, ready to hyperventilate.

, just in time to descend.” He says as he leans over and kisses my lips.

  “Mmmm, minty. You taste yummy.” He says

  “You are so in trouble if they hate me. I am warning you now Mr. Daniels.” I grind out between my clenched teeth as he clicks my seat belt in as I keep my arms folded over my chest. Making him laugh again at me.

  “They will love you. Will you relax please.” he says as he reaches for my hand, holding his palm open for me to take his hand. I place mine in his, and he brings it up to his lips and kisses the back side of my hand. He brings our hands back into my lap, which I fully intend to clench the life out of for sure now.

  We land, taxi down the run way, and get up and start our way out of his plane. I can’t believe he has a freakin plane. Figures, the rat bastard.

  Chapter 11~Matthew

  I really, REALLY loved watching her face as the information unfolded and she heard everything and seen everything for the first time. God it’s priceless to witness that.

  I called my parents while Emma got dressed and ready to leave her place. They were more than THRILLED to put it mildly. I actually don’t bring women home to meet my parents. In fact, I never have. I mean they know I date. They have heard enough stories and seen enough pictures or seen those tabloids TV shows with me at some function with some who knows who, hanging off my arm. God, I don’t even remember their names. I really must have been shallow. Or no longer care that I have this beautiful creature with me.

  We get off the plane, walking out into the cool night, humid, but so much nicer than back home.

  I walk Emma to our waiting car on the tarmac, we have our own driver from my parent’s condo I have hire for them at their disposal.

  “Hi Larry, how are you?” I ask him as I shake his hand.

  “Very well, thank you for asking sir.” He replies.

  “Who do we have here?” He asks looking down at Emma.

  I place my arm on the small of her back as Larry opens our door.

  “Emma, this is Larry. Larry, this is my girl friend Emma.” I tell him. I look down at Emma, for her reaction. She whips her head up to me so fast; I started to snort a chuckle out. I swear I thought her head was going to fly off her shoulders. Either that or start spinning around like she was possessed. It was hysterical.

  She turns pink right away, raising an eye brow at me; I shoot one back to her, as if I dare her to dispute my admission.

  “Very nice to meet you Emma, if there is anything you need on your stay here, please let me know.” Larry says as he shakes her offered hand and gives her a wink, making her blush.

  “Thank you Larry. I’m in good hands here.” She replies looking back up to me with a smile.

  That little comment sends my cock some sort of twitching signal immediately. God this woman is unbelievable.

  We climb into the sedan, and head to my condo.

  “What was that little comment?” She whispers as she leans into me, brushing her breasts up against me, sending twitching signal back down between my legs.

  It’s not up for discussion.” I tell her as a matter of fact, taking her hand in mine as I bring hers to my lips, I kiss her knuckles. I bring her hand back down to her lap and I place my hand on her thigh, wrapping my fingers underneath it from the inside, pulling her leg tight to mine. She leans over to my arm holding her thigh, and kisses my arm, then lays her head down on it.

  We arrive at the complex. We are right on the water, our balcony over looks the ocean and private beach. The sun has set so it’s too dark to look out onto the water, but tomorrow will be nice.

  Larry grabs our door and opens it. As I climb out, I hold my hand out to help Emma out as Larry grabs her bag from the trunk. He hands it to me and we shake hands. We all say our god nights, asking him to pick up the four of us in the limo tomorrow for dinner at 7pm. I will take her to my other restaurant here with my parents.

  I walk us into the building. Twenty four hour security and guests service, greets us as we walk in.

  After another couple hand shakes and pleasantries, we are off to my place. I punch in the code and slide my card in to the elevator. It won’t take you up unless you have a code and key to get to the Penthouse level.

  We get up to the top floor, twenty two, and walk out to my door. Emma looks around. I don’t if she is looking for someone to jump out and scare her, making me smile. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing out loud.

  “There are only two doors up here.” She tells me.

  “Yes, there is only two pent house condo’s on the top floor. One on either side of the building, they both have two levels. This one is mine. So when I come to visit I don’t wake my parents if I arrive late.” I explain while I open the door with the key, and punch in the security code for the alarm system.

  I hold the door for Emma. She cautiously enters the condo. Making we smile again. God she is fun to entertain I think to myself. I can’t believe she’s here with me. It just feels so right with her. We just get alone together so well, and she drives me insane for her.

  We walk in, I show her around to a few rooms tonight.

  I put on some soft music, grab us some bottled water and a bottle of wine from the wine frig. I open up the bottle of Riesling, pour us both a glass, and open up the balcony, taking her out with me.

  The night air feels good and we both settle into a couple chairs, listening to the waves crashing up on shore.

  “It’s so nice here Matthew. Thank you for bringing me. I didn’t think it would be so nice. It’s really peaceful here. I can see why you like it here.” She says, relaxing into her chair taking a sip of her wine.

  “I do enjoy coming here from time to time. Mostly to unwind. I do have business out here, so it is sometimes necessary to come out here for that, but for the most part, it’s to visit with my parents and relax.” I explain as I take another sip of wine.

  We’re both quiet for a few minutes just relaxing, breathing in the salty air that smells fresh from the ocean. The gentle wind, blowing across us, I reach over to her chair, holding my hand open, silently asking for her to place hers in mine.

  She offers her hand up to me, I bring her fingers to my lips, kissing them, bringing them back down, and running my thumb over her hand. Her skin is so soft. It looks and feels flawless. So smooth, her skin so creamy and her scent is vanilla and flowers. It’s really intoxicating.

  “Anything you want to do while we are here?” I ask her. Looking down at her face.

  “Just to be with you.” She answers, looking up at me.

  “Are you tired?” I ask her.

  She shakes her head. “No. Are you?” She asks me.

  “No. I’m not tired.” I tell her as I look back and forth between her eyes and her mouth. I let her hand go as I look back over to the water, taking another sip of my wine. I have a million different thoughts right now going through my head. I don’t even hear Emma placing her glass down on the table or notice her getting up.

  I look up after I feel her standing in front of me. She moves her knee between my legs, and I part my legs for her. She takes another step and stands between them, looking down at me in my eyes.

  I lay my head back on the back of the chair, looking back up to her, looking at her, studying her not knowing if she wants this to go in the direction we were headed earlier today.

  Emma’s hair, lightly blowing around her face and around her shoulders, with the moon shining down, she looks angelic. Like there is light outlining her silhouette. I watch as she tucks her hair on one side of her face, behind her ear. “Take me to your bed Matthew.” She tells me as she is looking down at me.

  I almost asked her to repeat what she said. I didn’t think I heard her correctly at first. She stayed standing there for a minute. We both looking into each others eyes. Emma takes a step back, out from between my legs. I slowly stand up, brushing my body up against hers as I move up. She doesn’t move. She stands right there, waiting for me to touch her. I look down into her eyes, without
either one of us saying anything. I wrap one arm around her waist and pull her into me tighter. I suddenly find myself in disbelief over her determination in getting me into bed with her. I’m the one holding back. Fear is why. Fear of hurting her. Fear of disappointing her. Fear of loosing her. I don’t know. I feel her body shudder against mine. I then feel her take my other hand in hers, she gently squeezes my hand. “Kiss me Matthew,” she says to me. I lean into her and touch my lips to hers. She runs her tongue between my barely parted lips. Moving her tongue, she baths my bottom lip, making me part my lips and move my tongue across hers. I drop her hand, and place both my hands on either side of her neck as I deepen our kiss. I feel her body relax into mine. She places her hands on either side of my waist, and then she softly moans into my mouth. I pull away from her mouth looking back and forth between her eyes again.

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to do anything you know. Honestly, I would be happy just holding you.” I tell her. Silently begging her to want to go further.

  “You might be happy with just holding me, but I certainly won’t be.” She says back as a smile slowly spreads across her face. And right at that moment, I got a stiff cock again. She pulls me away from the chair and I push into her, guiding her back into the condo.

  Once we get inside, I pull my lips away. “Are you sure?” I ask her again. She lets go of me, and crosses her arms at the bottom of her sweater, pulling it up over her head, dropping it on the floor next to us. Her hair falls back over her shoulders, spilling onto the tops of her full breasts, making me let out a deep groan from the back of my throat.

  “If you ask me one more time if I am sure, so help me God Matthew, I will pull you down on the floor right here.” She tells me.

  I reach over my head behind me, pulling my sweater up over my head, dropping it onto hers. I pull the waist of her jeans in the center of her body, sharply towards me. I hear her let take in a quick gasp of air and then I slam my lips over hers. She makes me dizzy with desire for her now. I feel her hands moving across my waist, unbuckling my belt, she tugs at it pulling it off completely, and dropping it. I continue to kiss her, devouring her mouth with mine, pushing her back, guiding her towards my bedroom. We stop in the hall; I pull my shoes off with each of my feet, leaving them where I took them off as I continue walking her backwards towards my room.


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