Always Be Mine~

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Always Be Mine~ Page 9

by Steitz, G. V.

  “That Emma, she is a real doll. How the hell did someone like you meet someone like her?” He asks as he walks over to the bar, fixing himself a bloody mary.

  “Thanks Dad. Glad to see the faith you have in my ability to bring home a nice girl to meet you both.” I say teasing him back.

  “Spill it.” He says to me as he moves back over to the couch, shoving a drink in my hands so he doesn’t look like a lush at ten in the morning in case my mother walks in on us.

  “I met her a few months back. She works at and architecture firm. We sent out requests from top five firms, where she works, being one of them. She is in charge of her proposal from her firm. Needless to say, I hired her for the job to have done for our company.” I tell him, stirring the celery in my drink, picking it up chomping down on it and taking a good drink from the glass.

  “Huh. Imagine that, you, hiring her.” My father says with a big grin on his face.

  I lean back and cross my leg over the other. Studying my father.

  “I really care about her dad. She is really the best thing I ever have met.” I say shaking my head looking down at my half downed glass of the bloody mary.

  “She must be to bring her here to meet us.” He says leaning back into the couch.

  “So what do you think so far?” I ask him.

  My dad looks up to me. “She seems very sweet son. I hope you know what you are doing.” He says taking his last gulp of his drink.

  I throw my head back into the chair.

  “Yeah she is pretty innocent, but believe me, she is really a keeper. Of course, I am not going to tell her that yet. I am positive I will scare the shit out of her.” I say placing my now empty glass on the coffee table next to my fathers.

  “Your mother is probably planning your wedding out there.” He says cocking his head towards the door.

  We both chuckle at that. “Yeah we better get back out there. Hopefully Emma didn’t run out of the condo yet.” I say shaking my father’s hand, while he slaps my back.

  “I wonder if she told her to call her Bunny yet.” I say dryly to my father.

  “Ha, yeah we really better get back out there.” He says while we both leave the study, moving back into the dining room.

  “Sweetheart, how about we give these two a little time alone to scope out the sites before we meet them for dinner?” My dad asks my mom, interrupting her talking about the holidays and when we should both arrive for the gathering and party here. She has her day planner out and Emma looks scared.

  “Of course. David you are right, we should be leaving. We have plans this morning to meet the Thompson’s for a round of golf. I am looking forward to seeing you both tonight.” She says as she gets up, gathering her day planner, notes and God knows what else she has planned for Emma.

  My father winks at Emma, as she motions to get up. She tries not to flinch.

  “Emma, you don’t worry about getting up. I can imagine how that pulled muscle must feel.” He explains as we both watch her trying to hide the dark pink climbing up her neck and cheeks.

  “And you,” My father starts as he lays a strong hand on my shoulder. “You should give this poor girl a break already. Don’t go getting her into anything too strenuous. The poor thing is practically dying over there.” He says glaring at me.

  “Ok, well… Mom, thanks for coming over.” I say walking over to my mother, pulling her in for a hug.

  Emma is already standing to say good bye. She has a really tight smile on her face.

  “Yes dear, you two have a lovely afternoon together. And sweetheart, please be careful with that back problem. You have my permission to slap my son up side the head if he does anything to go over board on activities this afternoon. No jogging on the beach either of you.” She says leaning in to Emma to give her a hug.

  Emma waves shyly at my father.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you both tonight.” She says as my parents move to the foyer.

  My mother looks back at her with a wink. “Us too, dear.”

  And I walk them both out to the door.

  When I get back I see Emma gently banging her forehead on the table. Still sitting in the same place, just leaning over slowly tapping her head to the table.

  “I’m so, so sorry baby.” I say walking over to her.

  “This is just great. Matthew, your father knows we are going at it like rabbits in heat. Your mother has our “Holiday vacation” planned out for both of us.” Emma says with her using her two fingers to quote “holiday vacation”.

  “And I feel like a complete idiot for being so sore.” She says quietly the last part.

  I walk right up to her, scooping her up into my arms, carrying her off to the Jacuzzi tub in my bathroom.

  Matthew, what are you doing? You are going to pull a muscle carrying me. Then we will look even worse to your father.” She explains as I walk us in the bathroom, as she is still complaining about some bullshit about me pulling a muscle carrying her.

  “Just relax. I am running us a bath.” I say as I plant her on the chair in the bathroom.

  I turn on the hot water, throw in some soaking salts, and start the jets in the water.

  I help her get undressed as she begs me to let her take care of herself. Which I don’t pay any attention to her crazy attempts to “Not bother” me, as she explained.

  “Matthew, are you listening to me?” She asks as I pick her up and carry her over to the bath.

  “Of course baby, every word. Now just don’t move ok?” I say as I let her slide into the hot bubbling bath water. She hisses as she slides in and groans once she is sitting down completely submerged in the water.

  Chapter 14~ Emma

  Oh Good God, this water feels good.

  Matthew strolls back into the bathroom, carrying some bottled water and Advil.

  “Thank you.” I say to him as I take them from him.

  Matthew climbs into the tub, sitting on the opposite side of the tub, facing me. He slides his legs on either side of mine.

  “I should keep my distance from you for awhile.” He says to me.

  “I’m so sorry for being such a baby Matthew.” I say to him as I stare into the water, not wanting to see his expression. He is probably upset.

  He then picks up one of my feet, and starts giving me a foot rub. Making me moan I roll my head stretching my neck, relaxing more into the water. Laying my head back against the tub, once I move my head behind me, in my neck stretch rolls.

  “You are not being a baby.” Matthew says softly as he leans down, kissing my pruning instep. He lowers my foot, placing my leg on top of his in the tub. Picking up my other foot, and begins rubbing that one the same way, making me moan again.

  “Taking you four times in less than twelve hours is a bit excessive. This is entirely my fault. I really am sorry baby you are in so much pain.” He says sincerely.

  I raise my head, squint my eyes at him. “Oh no you don’t… Did you see me saying no at any time during those four times? Who was the one screaming for you to move faster and harder? Certainly wasn’t you.” I say to him, making him laugh. And that’s makes me laugh.

  Matthew and I soak for another twenty minutes before he helps me out, and dries me off.

  “I’m not five you know.” I tell him as he carries me off to his bedroom. Gently placing me on his fresh linen made bed, poor housekeeping.

  “I’m sorry about your bedding Matthew.” I say to him.

  I don’t think he is paying attention to me.

  Matthew walks back over to me, tugging and pulling me into one of his t-shirts. He is wearing some boxers.

  He pulls the bedding back and lays me down in his bed. He walks around the bed, climbs in next to me, pulling me into my new favorite place to be. Against his chest, Matthew molded up against my back. I whimper out another moan, relaxing into his arms. He plays with my hair, making me even more relaxed. All of a sudden I am suddenly wiped out. I fall asleep in his arms.

  I wake up to Ma
tthews’s voice not too far away. He is talking to someone. I stretch and notice it’s already noon. I climb out of the bed. I notice I am feeling a great deal better. I pad over to the open balcony doors, sheer drapes blowing in the room from the warm breeze blowing in from the ocean.

  I stand in the doorway, looking out at his balcony. Breathtaking, I am staring at the beautiful ocean in disbelief. “Wow,” I whisper.

  Matthew turns around with the blue tooth attached, appears to still be talking as he smiles at me.

  “Yeah sounds good Ron. Yeah, see you Monday.” Matthew says, before clicking off the blue tooth and removing it from his ear.

  “Hi sexy, you have a good nap?” He asks me.

  I nod, feeling my cheeks grow warm. I can imagine how pink they probably are.

  I walk over towards Matthew. “You have quite the view from up here.” I tell him.

  Matthew pulls me into his arms as he wraps his arms around me. “Yeah I completely agree Emma. I do have quite the view.” He says, running his nose up and down mine.

  “So what would you like to do?” he asks me with a chaste kiss to my lips.

  “Can we take a walk on the beach? I have never been to the ocean before.” I tell him, practically beaming from excitement.

  Matthew cocks his head back with complete disbelief written across his face. “You are kidding right?” He asks.

  “Nope. First time. Actually there have been a lot of these first times I have had in the last 24 hours.” I say looking over my shoulder out to the ocean.

  “Ahhhh. Yes. Well, that is certainly one first I will never forget Emma.” He tells me making me smile. I still keep my eyes on the water with out looking back at him.

  “Come on, let’s get dressed, and go down to the beach. You will love it.” He tells me, pulling me into his bedroom again.

  “I only have jeans and a cocktail dress I think. I didn’t pack for this weather Matthew, I’m sorry.” I tell him.

  Matthew glides me across the room while I try explaining my wardrobe issues and stops me in front of the couch in his sitting room area.

  “You are correct Emma. So I had my housekeeper go out and get you some things. I am sure we will be back soon, so if you like to leave them here, you can. Or take them home with you, it’s your choice.” Matthew explains.

  I stare at the bags. “Matthew, you can’t go waste money like that. I can’t accept those.” I say pointing to the bags.

  Matthew leans down, cupping my face with his large hands, “you can and you will baby. Now, pick something out and let’s get down there.” Matthew says with a quick swat to my ass.

  “Hey!” I say, giggling as I look back to him while he walks into his walk in closet.

  Matthew and I finally make it down to the private beach.

  Dressed in soft linen cream color shorts and a white cotton tank sweater knit top. Matthew donning a nice pair of tan cargo shorts and a white button down dress shirt, with his sleeves rolled up. He steps out of his deck shoes and takes my hand. It’s warm out. I flip off my sandals and walk barefoot.

  We walk quietly, hand in hand down to the water.

  “It’s so beautiful here.” I tell him as I look over the vast ocean, feeling so small in this world standing at the outskirts of this majestic body of water.

  “It’s something isn’t it?” He answers back, looking out to the water with me. “Come on, let’s walk.” Matthew says squeezing my hand.

  I look up at his gentle face, smiling and follow next to him, walking into the ripples of water that rolls in off the waves crashing into the sandy beach closer to the water.

  “You feel better since this morning?” Matthew asks quietly.

  “Yes, thank you. I am fine now that you took such good care of me this morning.” I tell him, looking back up to his face. Matthew smiles, looking down over his shoulder to look back into my eyes, and looking back down to the sand.

  We stroll for a couple minutes, listening to the wave’s crash into the shore. The smell of the salt in the air, the seagulls swooping in from the air, looking for food, it’s peaceful.

  “Before we came down, you looked sad. You ok?” Matthew asks me.

  I nod, looking down at the sand now. “Yeah I’m ok.” I answer.

  “I’m a good listener.” Matthew says, fishing for answers.

  I take a deep breath, and let it out. “My mom always wanted to take me to see the ocean.” I started with as I slowed my pace down, turning towards the water to look out over it. “It is one of my favorite memories of her time with just me. Sometimes she would tell me stories about her playing at the beach when she was younger.” I look around and take it all in again. Matthew steps over towards me. Pulling me back into his chest, standing behind me. He wraps his arms around my chest, clasping his hands around my upper arms. I lean my head back into him, relaxing into his warm hold, just listening to me talk.

  “My mom always described it to look just like this in fact.” I chuckle.

  Matthew kisses the back of my head. “Well, I am very much honored to share this “first” with you here today Emma.” He tells me into my ear. His warm breath tickling my neck, as I feel his mouth closing in on me after he speaks.

  I feel a lone tear roll down my cheek, smiling out to the water.

  “I’ve been thinking about your contract with our company. I think it might be best if I turn over your account to another designer.” I cautiously admit.

  I feel Matthew tense up behind me, not moving for a minute. “And that would be… Because why?” He asks me, as he places a soft kiss on my shoulder, still holding me in his arms.

  “Because of this between us, Matthew. I don’t want people thinking I got this account because of this, whatever it is between us. Even if this is just this one weekend, I don’t think I would be able to work with you after this Matthew.” I tell him.

  Matthew turns me around to face him. “No deal Emma. You are staying as my consultant and designer. I don’t want anyone else. This is not negotiable either, so just forget it. And don’t think I can’t make that happen.” He states, looking into my eyes. “And this weekend,” He says, “this weekend is not just a weekend thing for me. I have wanted you from the first time I met you. So “this” is going to continue between us. So just get used to it baby.

  “Matthew listen…”

  “Nope, there is nothing to listen to regarding this. End of discussion Emma.” He tells me firmly.

  We’ll see, I think to myself.

  Chapter 15~ Matthew

  Here we are, walking along the beach, actually it’s my beach. She doesn’t know I own the building that our condos are in. Now, she thinks she is going to tell me she isn’t working on the account we just signed with her company because of us being involved. I don’t think so little girl.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?” I ask her carefully.

  Emma looks up at me, our hands linked together with our fingers intertwined together. She tucks a few locks of her beautiful hair blowing across her face behind her ear. “Of course, what do you want to know?” She asks me.

  I keep walking, looking down at the sand. You said your mom died of breast cancer right?” I look back up at her.

  “Yeah.” She whispers.

  “How old were you?” I ask her.

  “Almost 10, why?” She asks me back, looking back down at the sand as we continue walking.

  “Were you two close?” I ask her.

  She is quiet for a few moments, making me look back down over at her, making sure she was ok about me asking her.

  “Yeah, we were. It was really difficult to watch her suffer with cancer. She didn’t catch it early enough. And back a little ago; things weren’t as advanced as they are today. I mean, it was sixteen years ago. Almost seems like a lifetime ago. She was only in her thirties when she passed. I was with her when she died.” Emma says looking off into the distance, giving me the impression, she was looking back at her life with her mother. Not really seeing
the beach or ocean as one might take from looking at her.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure seeing that at such a young age was really difficult.” I tell her.

  Emma shrugs her shoulders. “Thanks, but I’m ok. I kept myself busy growing up. My dad took it hard, as anyone could imagine. They were so in love. We were the three musketeers’ and did everything together. After my mother passed away, a part of my father died with her. He was lost. It was almost as if I had grown up over night. For a while we were going on fumes. Just going through the motions of life, you know.” Emma explains and my heart breaks a little more for the little girl she was when she lost her mother and had to grow up so fast.

  “Thanks for bringing me here Matthew. I feel like I lived out one of my dreams I had with my mother by visiting the ocean.” She tells me, looking up at me smiling.

  I stop and pull her into my arms. “I’m glad we got to come here for the weekend. I still can’t believe we are here together. I never thought this would ever happen between us.” I tell her into her ear with my arms around her, holding her close to me.

  “Are you having second thoughts now that we are here?” She asks with her arms around me, and her head lying against my chest.

  I pull her out and cup her face, running my thumb across her lips, looking down into her liquid emerald jewels for eyes. “Never, are you, is the better question.”

  She shakes her head, closing her eyes. “No Matthew. I’m happy we are here. Really happy.” She tells me.

  I stare into her eyes, and my eyes catch her little pink tongue skimming across her lips, wetting them making me hungry her again. I lean into, holding my mouth barely an inch away from hers. Waiting for her permission to kiss her, I rub my nose against hers, and she tilts her head up to reach my lips with hers, telling me it’s ok.

  My lips softly brush up against hers at first, her soft, supple lips gently move across mine. She bathes her tongue slowly across my bottom lip, making me part mine. I hear a soft whimper from her as my tongue touches hers for the first time at that moment. Hearing her barely audible moan, makes me take her mouth deeper into mine. My mouth lavishing hers, as I slowly move my hands from her face I cradled, down her warm arms. Her fingers tugging at my belt loop holes as she held on to me. I moved my hands down to either side of her body as I plunged deeper into her warm sensual mouth. She sucked on my tongue, causing me to growl to vibrate from deep in my throat, into her arousing kisses.


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