Always Be Mine~

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Always Be Mine~ Page 12

by Steitz, G. V.

  “Do you need me to pick something out for you to wear or are you going to get up and find something yourself?” I ask, watching Emma turn 3 different shades of red. She is panting, her nostrils are flared. She looks like a rabid dog.

  “I said, I DON’T LOVE YOU, MATTHEW! Now LEAVE!” She screamed, pointing to the door.

  I held my hands up in the surrender pose. I slowly walked out of her bedroom, backwards, keeping my hands up to show I am without a weapon.

  Emma jumps off her bed, marches over to her bedroom door, and slams it right in my face.

  “Yep, that went well. That’s my little hellcat.” I muttered.

  I go outside, sitting on her front porch. Emma will probably think her little temper tantrum really worked. She has no idea how she is not pushing me away. Hell no.

  “What the hell are you still doing here?” She barks, making me snap out of my day dreams.

  “My little kitten.” I call her as I stood up, facing her.

  Emma just glares back at me. “Please move your car Matthew.” She spits out.

  “We are taking my car. You won’t be able to drive after. Ready?” I say, looking as cheery as I possibly can, trying to get her to melt a little of this ice princess façade she thinks is working.

  Emma stands there, crossing her arms over her chest, causing me to look down at them since they are actually swelling up her chest with her arms crossed, pushing them up. I see Emma make some sort of grunt and cocks her head a bit to one side. “Might as well drink in the sight of them in now. You won’t want to soon.” She says as she plows through the porch, knocking my shoulder as she shoves past me. Emma stomps off towards my car, opens the passenger door up, and throws herself in, slams the door, crossing her arms again over her chest. All the while Emma is putting on this dramatic scene for me to watch, very impressive I might add, I am trying so hard to just not start laughing hysterically. So cute, she definitely deserves an Oscar for best actress in a drama.

  I walk over to the driver side and get myself situated after I pull her seat belt over her and click it in.

  She doesn’t move an ounce. “That’s my brave girl.” I say to her as I start the car. That should ruffle her feathers a bit. I twitch my lips back and forth trying to let the slow burn rise up her neck, into her cheeks, while steam billows out of her ears.

  Emma just slowly turns her head to look at me and with a low tone, and growling she starts on clearing up my error. This really isn’t an error.

  “I am NOT YOUR GIRL!” She slowly says to make sure I didn’t misunderstand any of that three word statement she growled out. I just winked at her. “Whatever you want to believe in that pretty, little head of yours.

  Well, we arrive at the hospital, without another word exchanged between us. Perfect day it is, this should be reeeeally a perfect day indeed.

  We are in the waiting room for Emma to get called in to go into the out patient surgical room for her biopsy. She is a ball of nerves sitting next to me.

  I slowly move my hand over her fisted one on her lap, gently wrapping my hand over her white knuckle fist.

  So far so good, she hasn’t pulled away yet. I slide the palm of my hand under hers, opening her fist, I link my fingers with hers. I bring her hand up to my lips, and run my nose across her knuckles first. After doing that, I move my lips over all of her knuckles, and I hear her barely make out a quiet little moan. I smile into the top of her hand; I run it across my cheek, and kiss each knuckle, stringing kisses along to connect each knuckle.

  I slowly bring her hand down, and place both our hands in her lap. Emma thinks she is one up on me. I am not looking at her. Just moving my hand with hers. She pulls her hand out from my hold, which is perfect for me. I move my hand between her two thighs. I wind my fingers from the inside of her thigh and wrap my fingers underneath her leg, giving it a little squeeze. Emma then slowly lays her head on my bicep, wrapping her arms around my arm I have clenched under her leg. She squeezes me into her hug. I lean over and kiss the top of her head, with a soft chuckle.

  Chapter 18~ Emma

  I couldn’t do it any more. I tried to get rid of him. I should have known better. I do really love him too. I can’t believe I played that “I don’t love you,” card. What an asshole I am. And here with me, even after my verbally chastising him, he sits with me. Matthew taking my hand in his, kissing my vice grip and relaxed my white knuckle hold. After he placed our hands into my lap, I moved my hand and he just slipped his hand around the inside of my leg and squeezed my thigh. Matthew was giving me an assuring squeeze. I am so in love with this man.

  “Ms. Emma Evans?” The nurse shouts out at the door to the surgical room. I raise my hand and rise from my chair, still holding Matthews hand. I look down to Matthew sitting there, looking up at me.

  “Want to come with me?” I quietly ask him. He surprises me because I don’t even have to wait and worry what might say. Matthew immediately stands up, staring into my eyes. “Are you sure baby? I can wait here if you want.” He gently asks, cupping my face with both his hands, Matthew leans down, kisses my forehead and looks back down to me.

  “Yeah, I want you with me.” I say as I nod.

  Matthew catches a tear falling down my cheek with his thumb as he brushes them across my cheeks.

  I pull him over with me to the nurse, who really looks like a prison ward. Scary really. She looks at me, over to Matthew, glaring at him, with her lips snarled.

  “Family is only allowed in here sir. You will have to wait out here for Ms. Evans.” She grounds out, like she won some victory with her evil sneer.

  Without missing a beat, I trump her comment. “Matthew is my fiancé; he is coming in with me.” I tell her, as I wrap my arm around Matthews’s waist I squeeze him into my side.

  Matthew looks down at me, lovingly smiles and shoots me one of his killer panty melting winks. Still doesn’t say a word back to the nurse, he just keeps his eyes on me, smiling.

  “Fine, I suppose he can come in with you in that case.” She huffs out, dropping her shoulders in a defeated stance, Nurse Killjoy, walks us into the back. Once we are situated in the surgical room, she pleasantly takes my vitals, glaring at Matthew, making me giggle as I watch her.

  Matthew looks like he is in a daze. I probably scared him shitless with my comment to get him in here with me.

  After Nurse Killjoy mumbles something under her breath about Matthew acting like some hot shot, she instructs me on removing my garments, and dressing in an, oh so pretty gown. I am positive whoever created the look of hospital gowns, HAD to be related to the idiot who invented the ever popular bowling alley shoe. Two beauties for sure!

  After I get changed into my fashionable hospital ware, I planted myself on the surgical table, swinging my legs off the side, I look up at Matthew. Who, by the way, is still staring at me. I can’t help roll my eyes and giggle.

  “I’m sorry about that comment I made. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted you with me.” I tell him; trying to break this scary gaze he won’t stop doing.

  Matthew gets up, walks up to me and firmly plants himself between my legs. He wraps one arm around me, and cradles my head with the other as he leans in and nuzzles my nose with his. “I see, so I shouldn’t get my hopes up with that being an actual proposal then?” He says gruffly.

  He holds his mouth a mere inch from mine, waiting for me to respond I think.

  I clear my throat. “Matthew, you are teasing me right? I didn’t mean to upset you.” I say slowly. I shiver in his hold on me.

  Matthew leans down, brushes his lips across mine, and then places a barely there kiss on them.

  The Dr. comes in all of a sudden, breaking the moment, and we both separate from each other.

  “Dr. Reed, this is Matthew Daniels. Matthew, this is my Dr.” I introduce them to each other.

  Dr. Reed moves to shake Matthews’s hand. “Very nice to meet you Mr. Daniels.” Dr. Reed says.

  “Please call me Mat
thew, or Emma’s Fiancé. Which ever you prefer, either one is perfectly fine with me.” Matthew tells the Dr., making me choke on my own saliva.

  “Congratulations! When did this happen?” She asks us both as she moves over to the sink, washing up.

  Matthew looks over to me, grinning back at me. I glare back at him through my squinted slits I have formed with my eyes, making Matthew chuckle.

  “Very recently.” Matthew pipes in before I bite him.

  “So have you two love birds set a date yet?” Dr. Reed asks.

  I roll my eyes. Great, now I am in trouble.

  “Right after this, we will be going over the plans in detail.” Matthew says, not taking his eyes and happy face off of my not so happy face.

  Turns out, Matthew knew exactly what he was doing. He was distracting me. So much in fact, I didn’t know when we began or ended the biopsy. He was certainly good at distracting me, that’s for sure. All I could think of was how many ways I can hide his body after I kill him, without anyone noticing. I came up with a positive 5 ways for certain. And another 5, that I would have to take more time to work through my head with the final details.

  After I dressed, the Dr. asked me to try to take the next couple days to relax while they wait for the results.

  Such a simple request right? It would have been easier if she just asked me eat broken glass as far as I was concerned. Who “calmly” relaxes while they wait for results from a biopsy?

  We finally get out of the hospital; it’s really cold outside this time of year. December, in Chicago is sometimes scary. We could have all four seasons in a twenty four period. Just never know.

  Matthew quickly gets me into his car, safely secured me in the seat belt, checking it before he took care of his.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “My place.” He says with a grin.

  “MmHmm. I see.” I say dryly with a hint of sarcasm because that’s how I roll.

  Matthew walks me into his penthouse, and pulls me over to his dining room table. He gently lifts me up, and places me on the table, laying me on my back.

  “I can’t wait any longer. I want you right this minute,” He tells me as he makes good time on removing my shoes and socks. He unsnaps my jeans, peels them off to see my hot pink lacy boy shorts. That alone made Matthew groan, making me laugh. He does double time on ripping his own clothes off and then makes me squeal as he crawls up himself, on to the table. He looks like he is stalking his prey. I can’t believe how much it turns me on, at the same time making me panic. Not that Matthew would ever harm me; he just gets all primal on me sometimes.

  He kneels over me, and literally rips my blouse off my body. Buttons flying all over, clinking on the table and floor. I take a sharp breath in, watching him watch me. His eyes graze over my entire body. My matching pink lacy bra, he stares like I’m the first meal he is being offered after being stranded on a desert for five years. Hungry eyes are all I see.

  “You are so beautiful Emma.” He tells me, passionately.

  He leans into my body with his head. Trailing kisses up my torso from my panties, up to my neck. Making me moan, I arch my body into his touch. He feels electrical. Each one of his kisses, searing my skin, branding me with his hot lips.

  “I will never get enough of you baby.” Matthew whispers into my skin as he moves up my body, the palms of his hands, planted on either side of my body, he slowly climbs up my body, moving his hands up towards my head, at the same pain staking pace as his knees move up and his lips following the trail of branded kisses up my chest.

  “Don’t think you are getting rid of me baby doll.” He warns me in a possessive tone. My body shudders as he makes me feel waves of the intensity he has for me. Matthew tugs my bra in between my aching breasts. He runs his tongue around each of them, nipping at my nipples through the lace that covers them. I reach in and unsnap the front clasp, making them spill out from the bra.

  “Fuck, Emma you drive me insane.” He groans.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling into his hold, I tug at his hair, moaning.

  “Please Matthew.” Is all I can mewl out at the moment.

  “If you think there is a chance in Hell, that I will ever share you baby, you are really in for a huge surprise. That will never happen. You are mine. You’ll ALWAYS BE MINE!”

  He groans huskily into my ear as me nuzzles into me. Nibbling on my ear lobe, Matthew runs his talented tongue, down my neck, leaving feathery, light kisses along my jaw line, moving up the other side of my neck to my other ear. I can lie still any longer. I am beyond aroused.

  “I will always love you Emma. Do you understand baby?” He whispers in my ear, wrapping his lips now around this ear lobe.

  “Please Matthew.” I pant through my breathless lips.

  “What is it baby?” He asks me, moving his mouth to seal over mine and devours me, his lips and tongue, assaulting mine. He pulls his mouth off mine slightly, nipping my bottom lip in between his teeth, and then bathing it with his tongue to sooth his bite. Matthew opens his eyes, as he pulls his mouth off of mine. My lips feel swollen from their recent ministrations performed on them. His eyes are piercing. They glare with a commanding strength in them I never seen before. All I can think about is how badly I must have hurt him with my violent words this morning.

  “I’m sorry about this morning. Matthew, none of it was really how I feel.” I whisper into his mouth that is hovering over mine.

  “How do you really feel then Emma?” He asks me with a serious tone in his voice.

  “I was afraid. I… I didn’t want to burden you with this. I wanted to scare you away. Spare you to deal with anything that might happen.” I tell him with a tear running down my face.

  Matthew studies my face, my eyes and my lips. “You won’t ever be a burden to me Emma. You won’t ever scare me away. No matter what, I can deal with anything when it comes to you baby. As long as you let me stand beside you. There is absolutely nothing to spare me of. I just found you. I am not about to loose you.” He tells me, brushing his nose up against mine. My tears falling more freely down the sides of my face to the table.

  Matthew moves his lips over to my tears, kissing and licking them off me. I wrap my arms around him; he pulls me up into his arms, Matthew on his knees, moving me to sit up into his embrace.

  “Is this table going to break?” I ask because I am really worried.

  Matthew’s low chuckle that vibrates through his chest makes me moan into his neck as I kiss him.

  “Not going anywhere baby doll. This is solid cherry wood.” Matthew confirms with a fist pounding on the table. He then climbs over the edge, steps down to the floor, and made the come here hand signal to me, making me smile seductively towards him.

  I curled myself over to get on all fours, and crawled slowly to him. I knew this was making him crazy, his hard, enormous cock was twitching. He caught me looking down at him and how aroused he was, when I looked back up to his eyes he had a grin on his face as he leaned down towards the table, placing his hands on the table to hold himself hovering over the table at me.

  “Enjoying the view Emma?” He asked suggestively, with an arched brow.

  I crawled up to the end of the table and knelt up, leaning back with my heels pressed into my ass, I nodded.

  All of a sudden, Matthew grabbed me by the waist and pulled me off the table into his arms, making me squeal.

  Matthew snaked his solid large arms around me, keeping one hand on the small of my back and the other one wrapped under my ass. I wrapped my legs around his body and we reacquainted our lips and tongues to one another.

  This time, our kisses were desperate. We both were worked up into a frenzy, aching for each others consumption. Both of us, moaning into each others mouths and Matthew walked us over to couch. He plopped down onto the couch, pulling me on top of him as he fell back.

  I straddled his body, as he pulled my legs wider apart with him spreading his legs out more.

  He imme
diately took his hand down between us, and circled my clit with his finger. “Fuck Emma, you are so ready aren’t you baby?” He moaned in between kisses and tongues lashing at the others, in a battle or duo in a sword fight.

  I pulled my mouth off of his, stretching myself up, bending into his body, arching into his hard body. I started grinding my hips into his, craving deeper penetration.

  “Plllease Matthew, I need you so badly.” I moaned.

  “What do you want baby? Tell me.” Matthew asked, pushing me closer to the edge.

  “Please Matthew; I want to feel you inside me. Please.” I mewled in desperation for his cock to be buried inside me.

  “Mmm, Emma, I love to hear you sound so desperate to have me. You sound so sexy begging for it.” He groans with a low grunt as I wiggle in his arms.

  Matthew takes his throbbing cock and rubs my clit with it, running it up and down between my drenched folds.

  “I love to feel how soaked you get for me baby. You like how that feels?” He teased me.

  “Please Matthew.” I couldn’t think, I couldn’t do anything but beg for him to release me into euphoria. Matthew finally guided himself to my wet opening, placing the palm of one of his hands on my chest, between my breasts. He kept his hand flat against me, moving his other hand, widely through my hair, holding the back of my head.

  He then leaned me back into his perched up legs on the coffee table. He slowly moved his hands down the sides of my body, gripping his hold around my hips, pulling my pelvis to arch into him as I slid down onto his hard, pulsating cock, creating an intensity between us, we both groaned a sound of pure pleasure. I leaned my head back into his bent legs, allowing my head to dip back down between his legs, up by his bent up knees.

  “You have no idea how gorgeous you look like this, allowing your body to give into its pleasure. So fucking gorgeous baby doll.” He says slowly as if it pains him to speak.

  Matthew starts pulling my hips down onto his cock; I began thrusting myself into him when he pulled me into his groin. “Sit up for me baby, I want to watch you come for me.” He whispers, as he guides me up with one of his hands.


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