July's Fourth (BBW & Billionaire)

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July's Fourth (BBW & Billionaire) Page 3

by Alexis Ayres

  When I awoke a couple of hours later, I could still hear Beau on the phone outside. It seemed as though the sniper was one of the FBI guys from the convention; Beau was saying that the man had just gone bonkers.

  Which was quite fitting, because I was also going bonkers; I’d never felt so sexually frustrated in my entire life. The pressure between my thighs was building up as I listened to Beau’s sexy voice bossing people around. I pulled up my favorite little black dress, unable to endure the tension any longer. The covers tumbled off of me as I starting touching myself, completely aroused by Beau and totally frustrated by his lack of attention to me.

  I was so involved with my fantasy about him that I didn’t even notice when my bedroom door cracked open.

  Oh no…

  For the second time in just a few hours, I was completely horrified. There hadn’t been enough time to climb back under the sheets. But I began to relax when I realized that Beau didn’t seem to mind what he was seeing. On the contrary. As he opened the door even wider, I could see those blue-green eyes focusing in on me…and my hand.

  There was the sound of him taking a deep breath, and then I became bold, looking straight into his eyes as I continued to stroke between my legs.

  Beau removed his tie as his gaze stayed trained on me. “Would you like some help with that, July?”

  “Uh-huh,” I moaned, becoming even more confident as I saw how turned on he was.

  He licked his perfect lips as he removed his jacket, then his shirt, watching me the whole time. I could see the considerable bulge in his suit pants growing. The rest of his body was impressive, too. His broad shoulders and taut six-pack were making me even more wild.

  Another announcement echoed through the hallway outside.

  “We are still securing the building. Please remain in your rooms until the area has been swept and declared safe.”

  “Guess we’re gonna have to stay in here for a little bit,” Beau said in a hoarse voice, a bit of sweat starting to appear on his forehead.

  “I guess so,” I grinned, tossing back my hair and thrusting out my chest.

  Who was this person? I’d never felt so naughty in my entire life. Something about him brought it out of me.

  The very early morning light was starting to stream into the room. Beau quickly snapped down the blackout shades before walking over to join me on the bed.

  “It might take them several hours,” he said. “So we’ll have to entertain ourselves in here.”

  “Huh, what a shame,” I murmured, as Beau slowly climbed on top of me and gently grabbed my hands, moving them above my head as he leaned down to kiss my neck.

  The close view of his perfect body was turning me on even more.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this ever since the line at the airport,” he whispered, his lips trailing down my shoulders.

  “Really? I thought you hated me.”

  “You keep saying that,” he sighed. “Quite the opposite. The whole time, I was looking at your luscious ass and thinking about taking you to bed. But…we were in public, with a long flight ahead of us. It seemed impractical,” he smiled.

  “Impractical, huh?”

  “Yeah,” he grinned. “I might have gotten a little ornery with you. It’s just…you don’t put a nice, juicy cut of filet mignon in front of a man who’s hungry. I may have acted out a little bit.”

  “A little bit?” I laughed. “I thought you were gonna try to kill me!”

  “Why don’t I make it up to you right now then?” he growled, as he caressed my tits quickly, then ran his hand down my body.

  When I felt his fingers teasing my pussy, I started squirming all over the bed. It was one thing to touch myself, but quite another to feel Beau’s strong hands on me.

  “Ohhhh,” I sighed, as his hands became even more insistent, exploring my core.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he bent down and replaced his fingers with his tongue. I was in heaven, about to explode, as his probing tongue gently pushed aside my little red g-string panties. The more he licked and sucked, the closer I felt to losing control. I was moaning and moving like crazy when he stopped for a second.

  “Not without me, sweetheart,” he smiled. “Like I said, you’ve been frustrating me all day with that body. It’s my turn.”

  When he unbuckled his pants, I realized that he hadn’t even been wearing underwear. Because of the angle, I couldn’t even see how big he was. He didn’t bother to pull down his pants—things were moving way too quickly for that. Before I knew what was happening, he was teasing my entrance with the head of his cock, testing me out. And it felt so good that I reached down and grabbed his ass underneath his pants. I couldn’t see it, but it felt firm as I gripped on and urged him to take me over the edge.

  “Beau…” I sighed. “I’m soooo wet. I need you so bad, I need you to—“

  “You need me to what?” he growled, entering me just a tiny bit more.

  I gasped at the unexpected surprise. Based upon what I was experiencing, it felt like Beau was going to be huge. But I was ready for him, my pussy soaking the sheets with my anticipation.

  “I need you to fuck me,” I groaned.

  “My cock’s really thick, July,” he whispered into my ear. “Are you sure you’re ready for it? Are you sure you can handle all of me? Because once I slide fully into that sweet pussy, I’m not going to stop.”

  I gulped, my body shivering with joy.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” I said petulantly. “I told you what I want, now give it to me.”

  “Alright,” he groaned, pushing in further. “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  He was right; the immense girth was a shock to my system at first. I’d never experienced a cock like this before. But the more he started to move, the more I realized how much I liked it. Actually, I didn’t just like it…I adored it. The extraordinary sensation of being filled up by Beau’s lust…there was nothing else like it, no other pleasure that even compared.

  “Fuck me harder,” I urged him.

  “Oh, you’re gonna get it,” he said, a sly smile lighting up his face as he gave me everything he had.

  And that was all it took. Within mere seconds, I could feel my pussy starting to explode with spasms as he rode me fast. As Beau saw me starting to lose control, his face turned almost predatory as he increased his speed even more. The delicious feeling of being wanted swept throughout my body, and I found myself falling prey to Beau’s animalistic urges. My body was his, completely swept away by the depth of my release.

  After several minutes of this, Beau allowed himself to come, thrusting wildly before his body fell on top of mine. We remained silent for awhile after, catching our breath in the dim room. He spoke first.

  “See, if only you’d let me do that to you in the airport. Then you could have avoided seeing my asshole side,” he joked.

  “The sad thing is, if you had asked to do that to me in the airport, as awful as you were, I would have let you,” I gasped.

  Chapter Six

  The Afternoon

  Beau and I both fell into a deep sleep, lulled by our exertions and the blackout shades. By the time we woke up, it was practically two in the afternoon.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” he said in his sexy voice, gently cupping my chin in his hand as I looked at him.

  “Hi,” I smiled.

  It really wasn’t a dream; I’d hooked up with the most devastatingly handsome man on the planet, who also happened to be insanely wealthy. The planets were aligning, in Vegas no less. Fortune was smiling upon me, at least for the moment.

  Beau rolled over and checked his phone.

  “Good news, sunshine! They swept the hotel; we’re good to leave if we want.”

  “Leave?” I said, reaching over to massage his muscular shoulder. “Why would we want to do a thing like that?”

  “Good point,” he grunted. “Geez, you’re kind of good at that, July.”

  Taking the initiati
ve, I sidled up behind him and started giving him a proper shoulder massage. My naked lower body gently brushed against his buttocks as he relaxed into the rub. It wasn’t long before my fingers found their way to his chest, gently sweeping my hands across his impressive pecs.

  “God, you have a nice body,” I sighed.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Obviously, I feel the same way about you…everything about you…that beautiful chest, those thighs…”

  As soon as I heard the blatant desire creep into his voice, I moved my hands down to his abdomen. I didn’t want to be too pushy, but my body was attracted to Beau’s like a magnet. And when I reached down just a little bit more, I could feel his arousal. Licking my hand and then closing it around him, I gently started stroking.

  “Oh, July…” he groaned.

  Then, looking over his shoulder, I caught a peek of it for the first time. Big and bold, it was the perfect accoutrement for the ideal male body. Unable to stop myself from gasping a little bit, I kept moving my hand diligently up and down his shaft.

  “Can I suck it?” I whispered in his ear. Something about this man made me abandon all my prior hang-ups.

  “Only if you climb on top of me and let me take care of you, too,” he grunted.

  He didn’t have to wait long for me to assume the position. Within milliseconds, I’d planted my pussy right above his mouth, as I began gently sucking his engorged cock. Our passions were running high again, and within just a few moments, both of us went way over the edge.

  I’d never met a man with whom I felt so sexually compatible. Something about Beau was just right; every angle, every shape of his body was the perfect match for mine.

  “Where have you been all my life?” he gasped as we collapsed into the pillows for the second time that day.

  “I could ask the same,” I said, my arms stretching out over my head. “I guess the important thing is that we found each other this time.”

  “I guess so,” he grinned. “Hey, what do you wanna do for dinner tonight?”

  I loved the tone of his voice; there was something so easy and warm about him.

  “I don’t know this city,” I laughed. “But I imagine that you have a few suggestions, no?”

  “You got me,” he grinned. “I was hoping we could head out to Franzini’s—it’s this great Italian spot on the Strip.”

  “Oh yes, that sounds awesome. Italian food and I are friends. In fact—“

  Just as I was getting ready to tell Beau about an Italian family I knew in Milwaukee, there was a knock at the door. I was about to hop out of bed when Beau held me back.

  “Hey, we still don’t know exactly what’s going on out there. Why don’t you let me take this one?” The way he said it was caring, not controlling.

  “Sure,” I said, settling back into bed.

  As much as I loved being an independent, modern woman, it was nice to have a protector around sometimes—someone looking out for my best interests. I watched as Beau stepped into one of the hotel robes and went out to get the door.

  I heard the familiar voice as soon as he opened it.

  “Oh, sorry, I must have the wrong room number,” the man said.

  Nick Sweetzer.

  I could not believe it. And I did not want to miss this golden opportunity. Quickly jumping into the other hotel bathrobe, I made my way to the door, right behind Beau.

  “Nope, you’ve got the right room, buddy! What the hell are you doing in Vegas? Did you know that there was a sniper on the loose around here? You should be careful.”

  The expression on his face was priceless as I stepped out from behind Beau’s impressive frame.

  “Oh…uh, sorry, July…I was just looking for you guys.” Nick’s normally confident swagger had been taken down a notch by Beau’s presence. He’d never seen me with a guy before.

  “I don’t know if I’d contact Tiffani if I were you,” I said. “She seems pretty upset by whatever you did to her.”

  Beau raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Tiffani, and what did he do to her?”

  “Fucked with her head,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You know, BOYS…Takes some of them longer to mature than others.”

  Nick’s face flushed, and I could tell that my work was done.

  “See ya back at work, bro!” I said brightly, letting the door shut quickly.

  “That guy seems like a real douchebag,” Beau said.

  “Indeed,” I grinned. “Poor Tiffani. Anyway…dinner?”

  Beau called for his driver to bring one of his other suits to the hotel, as I went into the bathroom and got glammed up for the evening.

  “I’ve got a little surprise,” he told me through the door as I did my eye makeup. “You’re gonna love it.”

  “Oh, but I hate surprises! What is it?”

  “Swear to God, you’re gonna love it!”

  Thirty-five minutes later, we were hovering above the Strip in Beau’s helicopter. Although Beau was a licensed pilot, he’d chosen to have his guy fly us around so he could focus on the important things…like me.

  And I was a mess at first. I’d never been in a helicopter before, and it was nothing like flying in a plane. The propellors were loud, and every dip and shimmy of the chopper made it seem like it could pitch forward into a building. But once I got the hang of it, I absolutely loved it.

  “See?!? I’ll make you a helicopter pilot one of these days!” Beau said jokingly, as he noticed me gazing appreciatively out the window.

  It was one of those nights when everything was perfect. The sky was perfectly illuminated by the Strip, and I was sitting next to an incredible man. After the chopper set back down, a town car whisked us away to dinner at Franzini’s. An old-school Italian joint, it was one of those places that had been rumored to be a haunt of the Rat Pack back in the day.

  My spaghetti bolognese was perfect, and the red wine we were drinking complemented the meal.

  “So…I feel like we haven’t even talked about some of the important stuff!” I said to Beau as Frank Sinatra music echoed throughout the restaurant.

  “Ah, yes…we’ve been too busy, uh, getting acquainted on other levels,” he winked.

  I found myself blushing, even though it was ridiculous. We’d already done so much together. But I couldn’t help it; my body reacted to Beau in a myriad of ways, and blushing happened to be one of them.

  “Right…so, let’s see…” I started. “Where do you live?”

  “Ah,” he said, taking a piece of bread from the basket. “You’re not going to like this, but I live in New York.”

  “Awww, man!”

  “I take it you live in Milwaukee?” he asked. “Where we first became acquainted?”


  “That’s alright,” he said. “We’ll make it work.”

  I was taken aback for a second.

  We’ll make it work?

  Was he interested in making this more of a long-term thing? Because I certainly was, but I was glad he had the guts to say it first.

  “I mean…providing that you want to make it work, right?” he said, starting to look alarmed by my expression.

  “Yes, yes! Of course,” I sighed. “I was just shocked. These things…these, uh, love connections. I haven’t been lucky in the past,” I said, looking down.

  “Well, you’re in Vegas!” Beau said grandly. “Looks like your luck has turned around, darlin’!”

  “Indeed it does,” I said, raising my glass of wine in a toast. “Indeed it does. To us!”

  “To us,” Beau said, clinking glasses with me, taking a sip, and then setting his down to kiss me on the nose. “You are exquisite, July.”

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Over spaghetti, wine, and tiramisu, we talked into the wee hours of the morning, desperately trying to find out as much about one another as we could. I discovered that Beau had been a Navy SEAL, but that he’d also come from a wealthy family. It had been important for him to prove himself.

The evening was incredible. It was almost as if we were two souls separated by circumstance, and we had just been reunited. Everything inside of me felt like it was reawakening. And the last thing I wanted to think about was the fact that I only had forty-eight hours left in Las Vegas.

  Chapter Seven

  The Farewell

  There was an impressive fireworks display on the actual holiday. It was so strange, but I felt practically unaware that there even was a holiday; being with Beau felt like such a fundamental shift that it changed everything else.

  Underneath the canopy of beautiful lights, Beau and I continued to bond. For people whose lives were so different on paper, we had a lot in common. That night, we made love like we meant it…slow and soulful, completely different from our first wickedly passionate bursts of pleasure together.

  The next day, the hours before my afternoon flight sped by at warp speed, and I had to stop myself from welling up at times. I didn’t want to leave, but life had to go on, no matter how badly I wanted to suspend it in this happiness.

  Beau had a meeting with his fellow shareholders, so he had his people drop me off at the airport. He’d upgraded me to first class, so I found myself sitting right across from a very surprised Tiffani and Erica.

  “July! What are you doing here?” Tiffani said.

  “Uh…flying on a plane,” I grinned. “Why? Surprised to see me out of steerage?” I gestured towards coach.

  “No, no, of course not,” Tiffani laughed a little too hard. “You’re so funny!”

  The flight attendant came around offering champagne, and I grabbed a flute.

  “Hey, thanks for what you did with Nick,” she said in a quiet voice.

  “What?” I was shocked. Tiffani was not the type of gal to thank anyone for anything.

  “With Nick…you and your guy, uh, telling him off,” she said, as Erica looked on.

  I had the distinct sense that Erica had told her to thank me, but it was still a great improvement from where our relationship had started.


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