Montana Fire: A Small Town Romance - Book 1

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Montana Fire: A Small Town Romance - Book 1 Page 17

by Vanessa Vale

  He felt enough for me to be jealous! It sounded kind of stupid, but it felt wonderful. Ty was being possessive and not in a creepy, chain-me-to-the-bed sort of way. My heart might burst with joy and excitement. Need. I’d never had that happen before. I felt like a teenager, but wiser.

  Ty’s feelings probably came from the genetic makeup of his ancestors, the caveman. He needed to beat his chest, stake his claim. Mine were newer to me. I just learned I had power over a guy, over Ty. Who needed a box of Goldie’s toys when I just needed confidence in myself to make it happen?

  “Hell, yeah, I’m jealous.” Ty shook his head. “I want you to go out with me, have my friends mention seeing you on my arm. Do I feel threatened you went out with another guy?” He shook his head. “There’s some reason why you did, I just don’t know what it is yet. I know enough about your past to know you’re not a cheater.” His eyes raked over me in my new dress.

  The light bulb went off. “Oh.” I smiled at him. A full wattage smile. “You’re jealous because I wore this”—I moved my hand in a sweeping gesture over my new dress—“for another guy. It bothers you I put effort into a date with someone else.”

  “You look hot as fuck in that dress. But if the guy you were with needs that dress to get him interested, he’s not the guy for you.” He pointed his beer bottle at me. “You don’t need to wear that to turn me on.”

  I angled my head to the side. Looked at him. Really listened to his words. Goldie and Kelly had been right. I’d needed an update to my wardrobe. But they’d been wrong about part of it. I’d needed a makeover for me, not for Ty. Ty wanted me just as I was, uninspiring clothes and all. He’d seen me at my worst and wanted me.

  “I know.” All my doubts, my insecurities about getting close to a man were gone. Poof! Just like that. Knowing Ty liked me for me, not for a smokin’ dress, was all the help I needed to let go of that last little bit of insecurity.

  The slow burn for him had grown to forest fire proportions. I thought about what Kelly had said about answering the door naked.

  I took a deep breath. It had been years and now, it was Go time. With a man in uniform.

  “You know?” He looked confused. “Know what?”

  I slowly undid the top button at the front of my dress. Ty’s eyes dropped to watch my hands.

  “You’re the kind of guy who goes for a little…less.”

  He cleared his throat. I saw his hands clench into fists. “Less?”

  I undid the next button. “Less clothes.”

  He swallowed. “Less is good.”

  And the next until enough buttons were undone that I could slide the dress from my shoulders. Ty’s eyes stalled at my lace covered breasts when the dress dropped to the floor. I stood there in front of him in only my newly purchased red lace bra and panties and my strappy heels.

  “Holy shit,” Ty murmured.

  His eyes raked over me and I felt my nipples harden. I was unbelievably nervous under his scrutiny, but the look on his face got rid of that. Fast. I was starting to get to know Ty’s various expressions, but this one was new. I recognized it as pure, unadulterated lust. Completely out in the open. No hiding it to keep me from chickening out.

  And it looked damn good on him.

  His pupils dilated to make his eyes even bluer. A muscle ticked in his jaw. The fingers of his free hand were clenched at his side. I took in the front of his pants. Hello! Ty had a Whopper Dong of his own.

  “You’re right. Less is fine with me,” he replied as he placed his beer bottle roughly on the counter, and then took the two steps that separated us. One finger lightly brushed over my breast above the red lace.

  I sucked in a breath. Fire! Fire!

  His hands moved up to tangle in my hair as he pulled me into a kiss that was all tongue. Worked for me.

  It sent a lightning bolt of need straight south. There was the zing again that had been missing when Dex had kissed me. This was the difference between Dex and Ty. Dex who? Once I felt the zing, there was no going back. And I intended to go all…the…way.

  I tasted beer, smelled it as well as soap and something I recognized as pure Ty. He slowly backed me up into the fridge and leaned into me. Ty’s hot body pressing into me from the front, cold steel against the skin on my back. I gasped at the shock. I was so turned on, so needy. God, yes, I wanted this. I wanted him.

  Ty spun us around until my butt was against the kitchen table. “Better,” he murmured between kisses. He grabbed my hips and lifted me up so I sat on top without breaking the kiss. His hands pushed my knees apart so his legs fit between mine. I felt open and exposed and oh so good. “Yeah, better.”

  My hands moved to frantically work the buttons on his uniform shirt while his reached around behind my back and unhooked my bra. The straps caught at my elbows and my breasts tumbled free.

  He broke the kiss for his first glimpse of them, to watch his hands cup them, his thumbs brush over the hard nipples. Then he traded his hands for his mouth, sucked on one nipple. Then the other.

  My fingers tangled in his hair, holding him there.

  “Um.” I had a thought, but it was gone. He looked up at me through his lashes. The thought was back. “Remember when you told me that guy looked at me like I was a piece of meat?” He didn’t say anything, only circled his tongue around my hard tip, so I continued. “You have that look right now.”

  He gave a quick grin as he stood up straight. With one yank he pulled my hips so they were at the edge of the table. I cried out in surprise, grabbed hold of his firm biceps. Another yank and my brand new lacy panties were a scrap on the floor.

  “So you’re saying I should have a taste?” he quirked a brow as he looked at me. There.

  “Um,” I said again as I leaned back on my elbows. His mouth moved lower, made a path with his tongue to my belly button while his hands pushed my knees wider.

  “Like this?”

  His mouth moved lower still and his tongue went for a ride up one side of me and down the other. HOLY CRAP! I hadn’t felt a Super Zing like that in…I couldn’t remember ever feeling a zing like that. My head fell back and I saw the red spaghetti sauce stain on the ceiling Zach made when he was two. I would never look at that mark in the same way again.

  “Oh my God!” The tips of my ears tingled. I took a few deep breaths trying to get enough oxygen to my brain so I didn’t pass out as Ty settled his mouth on my pussy, lapped at my entrance then flicked my clit.

  I pulled on his ears and Ty came up for air. He had that crazy grin on his face. His mouth glistened and I’d never seen such need before in his eyes.

  The need was mutual. “Inside of me. Now!”

  Slowly, he shook his head. “Not until you come on my face first.”

  My eyes fell closed and I dropped back on the table as he put his mouth on me again. And added a finger. I gasped when it slipped inside, curled over a spot that had my back arching, my heels digging into his ass. “Yes!” I cried.

  He was so skilled and I’d been horny for him for long enough that he pushed me right into my first man-made orgasm in…oh, who the hell cared? I screamed his name, writhed on my kitchen table, naked, as he got me off with his head between my legs.

  Once the pleasure ebbed and I released my tight grip on him, Ty stood up.

  He had a smug, satisfied look on his face as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  I was too sated to care. He’d earned that look. I just wanted more. I was naked while he was dressed. I had to have my hands on him, on his bare skin. I roughly spread his uniform shirt to reveal his chest, lightly matted with hair that tapered in a line down to his pants…and beyond. I ran my hands over his hot body, reached around to his butt and pulled him into a kiss. I could feel the hair on his chest tickling my breasts, making my nipples ache. Much lower pulsed with need while my fingers fumbled with his belt buckle. I all but cried with frustration when I couldn’t get it open. Ty took over, undid the button and unzipped his pants in record time.
r />   I had to have him in my hands. I reached inside his boxers and pulled his erection out into my palm. He was big. Big enough to ruin me for all dildos in the future. Eight inches, easily. I slid my hand gently up and down. Once, twice, felt the little spurt of pre-cum coat my palm. Now it was his turn to gasp.

  “Shit.” He pulled back out of reach of my hands. I saw him now, long and thick, a ruddy red color, the crown broad. It curved up toward his belly. It was a gorgeous cock and I’d seen plenty. Not personally, but professionally.

  “This is going to be fast. And we’re going to do it here,” he told me as he pushed on my shoulders so I lay back on the table once again.

  I was naked, sprawled across my kitchen table with Ty’s fiery gaze raking over me. He’d been too far south to look at me all of me before. He ran one palm from my neck, between my breasts, his long fingers brushing tauntingly over a nipple, past my navel and lower still. One finger, then two slid back inside. Yes! I made some kind of sound in the back of my throat and my eyes rolled back in my head.

  Ty did the same come-hither motion with his fingers. I arched my back into his touch. Yeah, the g-spot did exist.

  "Please," I begged.

  He fumbled with his pants and pulled a condom from his back pocket, his cell phone falling out and onto the floor with a clatter. In seconds, he was sheathed and ready. In one thrust, he was inside. I stretched around him, my inner walls clenching and squeezing to adjust. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my ankles crossed behind his back. Ty was all the way in, his hips pressing my thighs wide. He stayed still and groaned. It felt so good, and he hadn’t started moving yet.

  But then he did and it was…mind blowing. I’d come once and that had gotten me all sensitive and easy, primed to come again for him.

  I didn’t consider myself an overly religious person and I never had a very close relationship with God. But I just shouted out His name a few times and hoped He wouldn’t start paying me a lot of attention right now.

  The feeling of Ty inside me, filling me, was…amazing.

  He started moving. Hard. Fast. In. Out. Our breaths mingled. The look in his eyes, his expression, the pleasure, the intensity had me cupping his face. He turned his mouth into my palm, kissed me, as his hips pumped.

  We worked the table across the room as he went harder, faster still. Keeping one hand on my hip, he used the other to touch me as he thrust deep.

  Three, two, one. Blast off!

  I saw rockets and fireworks and felt the whole parade.

  I’d never had an orgasm like this, not even from his mouth just minutes earlier. Hell, I’d never had an orgasm with a man until him.

  Within moments, Ty yelled, “Fuck!” and gave one last thrust, deeper than ever. He smacked his palms on the table, his rough breath mingling with mine, holding himself off of me.

  I lost all thought besides how my body felt, savoring the last lingering aftershocks of pleasure. I couldn’t help but smile. After a while, I opened my eyes. Ty too, had a very satisfied look on his face.

  “I think we just gave the neighbors quite a show,” I commented, looking out into the darkness.

  My kitchen table was placed directly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the back yard. Now it was about two feet further to the left. “Good thing the Colonel’s out of town.”

  Ty chuckled as he pulled out and I hissed. “Those gnomes, they’re checking out my ass.”

  I looked up at the counter. Yep, the gnomes had their beady eyes glued to Ty’s butt. Better thinking it’s his ass they were staring at than my….

  “Smart gnomes,” I told him.

  I sat up. Mortification could have swept in faster than the passion receded. I’d just had sex on my kitchen table, with the lights on. Anyone in the back yard would have had a live-action porno. But I didn’t care. At all. I’d just had the orgasm of all orgasms. To hell with everyone else.

  Goldie would be so proud!

  “That was—” I couldn’t finish. I wasn’t sure of the adjective that might work.

  “Fast,” Ty answered. He buttoned his pants but left his shirt undone. The look really worked for him. “But sweetheart, we just got started.”

  “I don’t think my table can take anymore.”

  Ty grinned. “Good, because I want to try a bed next. I want you to ride my face. I want you to grip my headboard as I fuck you from behind. I want to take you in my shower. The list is long.”

  Oh. A long list. Worked for me, and my pussy.

  In one swift motion, Ty bent down, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. I got a good view of my kitchen floor and his butt as he carried me out the back door. “Where are we going?” I shrieked.

  “My bed. I’ve got Goldie’s gift box of condoms and we’re going to use every one of them.”

  “I don’t have any clothes on, just my heels!”

  “You won’t need any clothes. And don’t even think about taking the shoes off.”


  “It took most of the night but we made a good dent in that box of condoms,” Ty said as he rolled onto his side to face me, one arm thrown over my waist. He grinned, obviously pleased with his extensive and thorough male prowess. Every inch of me was pleased with his male prowess, too.

  “That’s because you had me demonstrate the trick from the bachelorette party.” I pushed on his shoulder sleepily. “Several times.”

  A hand snaked up into my hair, one of Ty’s fingers wrapped around a curl. Pulled gently. “I love your hair.” He looked enthralled.

  “My hair?” I couldn’t have been more surprised. “I figured you for a breast man. Or a leg man.”

  “Definitely a breast man.” To prove his point, he moved his hand down to the top of the sheet, lowering it just enough to expose one. His fingertip circled my nipple ever so lightly. “Ever since that morning when you flashed me—”

  I threw a hand over my eyes and chuckled. “Don’t remind me.”

  He pulled my hand away, kissed my knuckles.

  “—I dreamed of seeing you naked, touching your breasts.” He looked at my hardening nipple like a boy opening a present from Santa. Mesmerized, obsessed. “Pink. The same pretty shade as your pussy.”

  Who knew a man’s words could make you feel…wonderful. Sexy. A whole lot naughty. It was like a Band-Aid to my wounded libido. I felt attractive, alluring. And that was very empowering.

  “But your hair, it drives me crazy.”

  I harrumphed. “It drives me crazy, too. I’m glad you like the one thing that’s the bane of my existence. It’s curly,” I grumbled, as I pulled on a curl, let it spring back.


  “It’s messy and lacks style.”


  Wild. I would never have used that adjective to describe it, but if it floated Ty’s boat, it was okay by me.

  “Save my spot.” Ty climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom.

  It was just getting light, the early morning sun coming through Ty’s bedroom window. I could now make out what I’d missed the night before. I hadn’t noticed his interior decorating skills at the time. I’d been too distracted by…other things. There was a bed, a big one, an oak dresser with a fichus plant on top, wicker laundry basket in the corner. The walls were a light tan, white trim. Rattan blinds on the windows. I hadn’t seen or touched the floor yet as Ty had dumped me straight into bed the night before and hadn’t let me up since. I rolled over now and saw refinished pine.

  “Why do you think I left you there?” Ty asked as he leaned against the bedroom doorway, naked. Very, very naked.

  I looked at him, confused. I didn’t remember what we’d been talking about. “Where?”

  “The damn bachelorette party. If you’re going to put a dick in your mouth in front of me, it’s going to be mine.”

  I remembered how it felt stretching my lips wide, against my tongue. The taste of it, the way it swelled even further just before he came. I looked down at
his growing…dick. “So it’s a good skill to teach?”

  He yanked on the covers, exposing me to the waist, and climbed back in bed. Moved on top of me. I felt every hard, hot inch of him. “You might need to practice some more.” His blue eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned.

  “You didn’t think I was skilled enough last night?”

  His eyes went all out of focus as he remembered back to the multiple times I’d helped him with a condom.

  “This is where I get jealous and possessive knowing you did this with some other guy.”

  I smiled up at him. His beard had grown in surprisingly quickly and he was on the way to being Grizzly Adams. “Then you’ll probably be happy to hear I learned it, not from being with another man, but from Goldie.”

  “I don’t know if I should be creeped out you learned that from your mother-in-law or thankful.”

  I ran my hands down his lean back to his butt and pulled him closer. “I’m thankful for the gift box of condoms.”

  I opened my legs so he fit in between, felt his hard length pressing against my entrance.

  Ty shifted slightly and I moaned. “What about the toys?” he asked.

  I reached down and took him in my hands. Ty sucked in a breath. “Like you said, who needs toys?”

  * * *

  “I think we should talk about your husband,” Ty said, awhile later.

  We were still in bed, the sheets a tangled mess, although we’d eaten, showered and returned to make a bigger dent in the condom box. I was insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of Ty, of his hands on my body. But with those words—

  “I don’t usually take two men to bed, even if one’s dead.”

  I wore one of Ty’s fire department T-shirts and nothing else. I sat up, propped by pillows against the headboard.

  He smiled, ran a finger up my bare arm. I swatted his hand away.


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