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Mississippi Twilight

Page 2

by Ann Cory

  Lee saluted and winked. “Madeline Chase is safely in her room and pleased with her surroundings, Captain.”

  Reinaldo nodded. “Good, good. Any word on her plans for the afternoon?”

  “Sunbathing and iced tea.”

  His mind swirled with the thought of her scantily clad body. Instantly he painted an alluring portrait of Madeline’s hands bound by her bikini strings, his mouth suckling iced tea from her bellybutton and fucking her hard on the lounge chair while her cries faded off into the distance. “Perfect.” He turned to his dark-haired friend, “Marcus, I need you to deliver a message.”

  “Yes, Captain, anything you say, Captain.”

  Reinaldo couldn’t hold it in any longer and all three men broke into a round of laughter. Several minutes later he did his best to compose himself. “Work with me here, guys. Give her about an hour in the sun and then tell her I’d like to meet her.”

  Lee nudged him. “You won’t chicken out at the last minute, will you?”

  Reinaldo shook his head. “No but I’m worried she’ll take all this wrong and demand to be dropped off.” When provoked her temper blazed like an out of control forest fire. Another reason he called her his spitfire.

  Marcus shrugged. “She might get mad but I’ll bet it doesn’t last long.”

  He let out a ragged breath. “I’ll never forgive myself if I back out. I’ve dreamed of this day since she walked out of my life. It has consumed my every thought. Okay, off with you two. Take care of my lady and bring her whatever she likes. If she’s not happy then I’m not happy.”

  “Yes, Captain,” they teased in unison.

  Reinaldo waved them away and sighed, gazing out across the Mississippi river. He’d successfully wooed Maddy once. Could he do it again? If she gave him just one chance, he’d prove that what they had started meant something. His life had a new perspective and it included her. With plans set in motion, he had to keep focus and not let his nerves get the best of him. Operation Paddlewheel was a go.

  Chapter Two

  Madeline checked her ass for the fifth time in the vanity mirror and then did a profile check. The banana yellow bikini had been a daring choice but it hugged her figure like a second skin and brought out her golden tan. She knew the men in uniform would appreciate her in it. Curves looked better on her than being rail thin.

  A short stint of not eating and depression had taken her womanly body to an unhealthy skeletal look, and she hated the lack of energy that came with it. Once she returned to eating three meals a day her figure blossomed. Now she celebrated her hips and thighs. Tri-weekly visits to the gym allowed her to splurge on her favorite foods like pasta and chocolate without the guilt. If only she could find exercise as appealing as she found history.

  Madeline fixed her hair in a bun and then changed it to a ponytail before deciding to let it fall free around her shoulders. The chocolate color framed her face and enhanced the amber flecks in her eyes. Another turn in the mirror and she decided the fun and flirty look worked.

  To complete the ensemble, she added a matching sarong that hung loose around her hips, with scalloped edges that hit mid-thigh. She rummaged a torrid romance book out from her bag, along with a bottle of sunscreen, and headed upstairs to the sundeck.

  Earthy smells of nature filled her nose as she stood on the top floor of the riverboat. Water stretched for miles and the sun sparkled along the surface, reminding her of miniature diamonds. Slow and steady the boat floated, leaving behind a smooth and flawless trail. She’d never been one for swimming, considering she sank like a rock, but aboard the riverboat her fears drifted away with the breeze.

  Several lounge chairs lined the upper deck but only one had a tall, cool glass of iced tea on a table beside it. She unfolded one of the towels from nearby and spread it over the chair. The waffle look on the back of her legs wouldn’t be attractive. Her fingers tingled when she picked up the frosted glass. She tilted it to her lips and welcomed the delicious liquid as it slid down her throat. To stave off some of the heat, she pressed the glass against her cheek and neck.

  Madeline glanced around and untied her sarong. She was bummed the two hunky men weren’t around so she could give them a show. It’s not like she even knew what to do anymore. Maybe one of them would take pity on her. With smooth, even strokes, she applied a thick coat of sunscreen all over and stretched out. From her position, she could see far-off trees waving, their shiny emerald leaves reflecting the sunlight. Birds soared from treetop to treetop effortlessly. A tantalizing breeze, somewhere between warm and cool drifted across her body, cradling her in its gentleness.

  Madeline took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, relaxing each point of tension, willing herself to unwind. All the obligations, responsibilities and anguish that had been weighing on her shoulders over the past few years finally lessened. Her steady state of grief had nearly taken its toll, leaving her emotionally and mentally spent. She’d grieved the loss of her freedom, a man she once loved deeply, the passing of her beloved mother and through it all, the loss of herself. Just a few precious moments of peace and a lightness of being were all she asked for in return. Eyes closed, Madeline rested her head back and soaked in the afternoon rays.

  Half an hour later she reapplied the sunscreen and fanned herself with the book. Mid-afternoon heat bore down on her leaving glistening dewdrops over her body from perspiration. She’d guzzled her iced tea in only a few gulps and considered ordering another when the two handsome men approached. Snatching an ice cube from her glass she let it trail along her neck, the melted remnants pooling between her breasts.

  “Miss Chase, pardon the intrusion but the captain has requested to meet with you.”

  She sat up and wiped a thin layer of sweat from her forehead. They didn’t appear interested in her feeble attempt to flirt. Talk about a blow to her fragile ego.

  “The captain? Really? What an honor.” Madeline scooted out of the chair and stood, automatically primping the ends of her hair. “Um, I must look terrible. Should I change into something more appropriate?”

  Marcus shook his head. This time his gaze passed along her breasts and then drifted back up to her eyes. “You look stunning as you are.”

  Unconvinced a bikini was attire fit for an important host, Madeline tied the sarong around her hips and gave her head one last shake. Why would the captain ask to meet her? Did he greet all his guests in person? A nice dress or blouse and skirt ensemble would make a better impression than a bright yellow bikini. She hoped the captain didn’t mind the smell of coconut sunscreen.

  “Right this way, ma’am.”

  She smiled. Their manners impressed her but being called ma’am did not. She’d always considered the term as one used for much older women. Hell, she was in her late twenties, but she didn’t think she looked it. Maybe she’d show them the things a woman her age could do.

  Madeline followed the men until they reached a small room with windows on three sides and the ultimate view of the river.

  “Captain, the lady you requested to meet is here.”

  The man in front of the steering wheel turned, dressed in an immaculate uniform, his bronze skin highlighted by the tight white shirt and pants. His dark brownish-black hair hung to right above his shoulders with a fringe of bangs swept over to the side. She squinted at her own reflection in his sunglasses, trying to catch a glimpse of how he saw her. Her insides trembled. For a captain of a small town he was undeniably attractive and very fit. He held out his hand and she immediately closed hers in it. Strong. Firm. Familiar?

  “Good afternoon, miss¾“

  “Madeline Chase. I’m pleased to meet you.” She released his hand, his touch still raising questions in the back of her mind. The square shape of his jaw reminded her of an old lover, who was pretty much the only one worth remembering.

  “Are you enjoying your time aboard the Mississippi Twilight?”

  At the risk of sounding like a kid she pushed down her urge to squeal and smiled. “Oh y
es, I most certainly am. It’s beautiful. The reconstruction is intricate in detail. I thought at first I’d stepped back in time and don’t know how I’ll ever go back to my boring life again. I’m honored to be a passenger. Thank you.” Madeline took a breath, unsure of where all of the rambling came from.

  If it bothered him, he didn’t show it. “I love to hear about people interested in history—it’s important we all know what came before us.”

  His accent and mannerisms. So many similarities to a certain someone. But no, it couldn’t be. Another chapter, another time. Though the attractive line of his nose and bow of his lips made her think twice.

  Distracted, she recalled something she’d read in the brochure. “To think this river used to work as a highway in the eighteenth century.”

  “Ah, I see you know your history. Yes, the Mississippi is the third longest river and was traveled on more than anywhere else.”

  Same cheekbones, a faint dimple on the right side. She struggled to keep her mind from wandering. “Captain, what is your favorite part about being on this boat?”

  “Seeing the birds and wildlife along the shore, the long stretches of scenery, the slow pace of taking it easy and enjoying nature.”

  She hadn’t talked history with anyone except students the last few years, so she could hardly contain herself around him. “This is definitely a dream come true. Were you the one who invited me?”

  Her gaze fixed on his lips. Lips she swore she’d had the pleasure of kissing before. “Yes. I had a feeling this would be right up your alley.”

  A little light bulb snapped on in her head. How could a complete stranger know anything about her, unless he wasn’t one? Now she questioned the validity of the letter and phone call. Madeline took a step back. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  In a graceful swoop, he removed his sunglasses and tucked them inside his jacket pocket. Arms spread out at his sides he winked. “Surprise, Maddy.”

  Hands clapped over her mouth, she closed her eyes, counted to three and opened them again. “Reinaldo? Is it really you?”

  His dazzling smile had her belly doing flip-flops. “In the flesh, sweetheart.”

  Stunned, she couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say. “H-how did you find me?”

  The corner of his eye crinkled as he winked. “You wouldn’t believe how easy it was. I only had a little information about you but sure enough I got you on the third try. I had no idea you were living with your mom.”

  Her heart always sank a little further when someone mentioned her mother, but she fought the momentary pain and found her footing. “I’m not sure what to say. This is very unexpected. Explain yourself, please.”

  “No harm meant, if that’s what you’re thinking. Like I said, I thought this would be right up your alley. You always wanted to take a boat ride along the Mississippi and I thought this would make you happy.”

  Madeline tightened her fists, prepared to verbally put him in his place. “I don’t think this has anything to do with me. I think it’s all for you. I’ve been doing fine, enjoying the single life, minding my own business. It was selfish of you to assume I’d want anything to do with you.”

  His face fell and her anger momentarily subsided.

  “Wow. Eight years later and I can still piss you off in record time. You’re right—it was selfish, but I promise I didn’t expect anything out of it except maybe a rekindled friendship. We were so close, but you’re right, it was pretty dumb. I’m sorry.”

  Madeline stared into his dreamy eyes and knew better than to let him go again. The angry words were an overreaction more than anything. How could she be angry when she’d fantasized about running into him again? Fantasized about his tongue between her thighs. She’d been foolish to turn him away the first time and had beat herself up over it ever since. Madeline loosened her fists and softened her voice.

  “You know, I have to admit, I would never have thought of riding on the Mississippi in a riverboat. I’m thrilled, actually. It goes to show you still know me after all this time. Maybe even better than I know myself.”

  “So you forgive me?”

  His smile was hard to deny. Hell, everything about him was hard to deny. Discreetly her eyes swept over his body, lingered below his waist and returned to his firm jaw. In that moment it didn’t seem any time had passed between them. It took her a few minutes to realize how warm she’d become standing near him and she knew it had nothing to do with the weather. Still, the dream could never be real. They were different people now. “You’d like it to be that easy, wouldn’t you? This isn’t some movie of the week. I won’t run into your arms and play pretend.”

  He gave her a solemn nod. “I know.”

  “Right.” Even she didn’t believe her words.

  Reinaldo stuck out his lower lip and gave her the sad eyes. Beautiful brown puppy dog eyes, an expression she cherished. “Would it help for me to say I didn’t even picture you naked until I turned around and saw you in a bikini?”

  Caught off guard, Madeline burst into laughter. “I see your charismatic ways are still intact.”

  The dimple appeared again. “I try to be the best man I can around you.”

  She snorted, “Sure. And I don’t buy what you said.”

  “No?” He tried the pout again but couldn’t hold it.

  “Huh-uh. Since you lack any resemblance to an innocent nature, I’d say you thought of me naked long before you sent the invitation.”

  He hung his head and shuffled his feet. “Guilty.”

  Madeline smiled. Some things never changed. “So where’d you stow all the other passengers?” She raised her brow. “Or have you invited all the girls from your past to chain us up as your harem?”

  “Okay, you might be on to something there, but seriously, let me remind you how I’m out of the doghouse and can’t be put back in it.”

  “Whoever said I let you out?”

  His husky laugh warmed her like an embrace. “Oh come on.”

  She shook her head. “You know I love it when you beg.”

  To her surprise he knelt down to one knee, eyes pleading with her. Madeline tensed. The last time he’d knelt in front of her she’d been naked and had experienced a phenomenal orgasm as he held a vibrator against her clit, his gaze never leaving her face.

  Her knees buckled and she steadied herself. “Please, get up.”

  “You used to like me down here.”

  His sly grin made her dizzy. She grabbed his hands and helped pull him to his feet. “Go ahead, spill the beans. I promise not to get mad.”

  “You’re the only one.”

  Madeline blinked and cocked her head. “I’m the only one what?”


  “I can’t be.”

  “You are.”

  She clicked her tongue. “Ah. That explains the peace and quiet.”

  “I know, I know, explain myself further before you deck me or something. Lee and Marcus are my good friends, and the only others onboard are their wives. They owed me a favor, a pretty big one actually. I told them about you, no major details or anything too personal, and they convinced me this would be a good idea. So here we are.”

  She pressed her lips together. The man was insufferable.

  “You’re mad—I can tell. A patch of red flares up around your throat when you get mad.”

  Madeline quickly placed her hand over her throat. “It does not.”

  “Yeah, it does. You forget that I know every inch of you.”

  She shuddered. How did she wind up alone for the most part with a man who rendered her body into a ball of putty? Forget the threesome she briefly considered earlier, Reinaldo held more meaning to her than anyone else. Her style of kink involved monogamy.

  Reinaldo cleared his throat. “While I’m baring my soul I should probably let you know one other little teeny tiny detail.”

  Unbelievable. Did she climb aboard the confessional boat? She crossed her arms and groaned. “Yes?”

  “I’m not really sure how to explain this one.” He rubbed his forehead and mumbled some unintelligible words. With a sigh he dropped his hands and took a defeated stance. “This isn’t exactly the riverboat vacation you may think it is. I mean, I had to send you a brochure to make it legit and most of the time it does have people and events. See¼“

  She tapped her toe impatiently. “I’m practicing patience here but you’re not making it easy. Just spit it out.”

  “Patience? You? There’s a new trait.”

  Madeline narrowed her eyes and stepped forward.

  He playfully covered his head. “Don’t hit me. Okay, here goes. I remember how much you enjoyed a little pain with your pleasure so I thought of some exciting, shall we say, activities.”

  “Wait, I don’t understand. The invitation didn’t say anything about that.”

  “Would you have come if I’d added BDSM in place of RSVP?”

  Her body tingled at the mere mention of BDSM. “Of course not. I haven’t even explored that lifestyle since we were last together and I had no idea you’d be here.”

  His lips curled downward. “Then it’s no longer an interest to you?”

  “Wow, Mr. One-track Mind. I didn’t say any such thing. I haven’t trusted anyone else the way I trusted you. How about you?”

  “There hasn’t been another woman I’ve dared to be adventurous with. Like you, the trust has been lacking. In fact, I haven’t loved anyone else since you.”

  The sincerity in his voice touched her. A tear formed in the corner of her eye but she blinked it away in time. “Excuse me one moment,” he said.

  She nodded and watched him raise his hands to his mouth. “Marcus!”

  The dark-haired man hollered back and ran up. “What’s up?”

  Madeline jumped. She’d been so mesmerized by seeing Reinaldo again, she’d forgotten anyone else existed onboard.

  “Can you take over the wheel for me? Miss Chase and I are going to take a stroll around the boat.”

  “You got it, Captain.”

  Like old times, he reached out and slid his arm around her. “Come, let me give you a guided tour.”


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