Fae Dominance

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Fae Dominance Page 2

by J. B. Miller

  "Do you expect me to submit to you, Puck? I can't, you stupid bastard. I am dominant. What part of that do you have trouble understanding? I can give you a fucking list if you want. Let's start with the basics, why don’t we?

  “I don’t do cock for one. Two, I despise the Fae and all their games. Three, I'm a wolf. We do not share well. Four, as Alpha, I submit to no one. I can't, it would only get me and mine dead real quick. Five, you personally annoy the shit out of me. Do I need to go on?"

  I rubbed a hand down my face while he continued to watch me placidly.

  "Damn it, are you just going to sit there and stare at me all night?" The weight of the world seemed to weigh heavier than normal on my shoulders while I waited for him to reply.

  "Oh, Kale," he sighed finally. "My poor poor wolf," he shook his head. "You are so very troubled in your soul."

  His hand reached out to touch a strand of hair hanging raggedly over my forehead. "Don’t," I whispered almost brokenly.

  Robin sighed and let his hand fall back to his lap. "Let me try to address your issues, Kale. The first and most adamant, you don’t do cock. Have you ever tried it," he raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  I shook my head, not keeping my mouth shut.

  "Then how do you know you don’t like it? When we kissed earlier, even though you fought it, you did enjoy it." He held up a hand when he saw the argument ready to fly from my mouth. "Don’t lie here, Kale. These walls have ears and the king does not take kindly to untruth.

  “Secondly on your list, is that you despise all the Fae and their games." His shoulders heaved with the deep breath he took. "While it is very true we revel in games and intrigue as a whole, would you judge a whole race on the actions of the few that you have known? Can you in all honestly tell me all wolves are honest and true?"

  Pain tore through my chest as I thought of my father and the agony his greed and madness caused. Memories filled me of holding the lifeless body of my brother when I held him in my arms after my dad killed him in my mother's womb.

  "No," I whispered. "I can't hold all Fae to the standard of the few. Just as I cannot expect all wolves to be honorable. I can only try to be that myself and teach my pack."

  "They can ask for no more," Robin said kindly. His voice became more abrupt. “As for three, yes, you are a wolf. As for the sharing, you have already resigned yourself to that. Begrudgingly, but you had come to the conclusion that you would share so it is irrelevant. You just do not want to share yourself with anyone other than Dia. Get over it; we will work on that, puppy."

  I couldn’t help it, I growled at him then. "Get over it? How the hell am I supposed to do that? Are you going to use your faery magic to make it all better?"

  "No," he said. "We are going to do it by taking it one step at a time. The next on your list and this one is valid and important. I understand you are Alpha Kale. I will never step on your toes when it comes to your pack. However, what we do in the bedroom is our business. You need to learn to let go with us. We are your mates and we will protect you."

  His eyes lit up and molten silver swirled in their depths.

  "Anyone that comes after me or mine will find only death. I am more than happy to slowly and painfully kill anyone who dares to attack our family in any way. Do you understand that oh dominant Alpha Wolf King of mine?"

  Damn, he could be so scary when he wanted to be. I didn’t want to be on the bad side of his vengeance. I knew I could not defeat him in a real fight. I kept trying but deep down I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. Damn it, I trusted him. The fucking faery.

  "Finally," his eyes softened as he watched the revelations cross my face. "I take a lot of pleasure from annoying the shit out of you. For all of our differences we are very alike you and I. Both of us are dominant beings always wanting to be in control of our destinies. I like you, Kale, as an individual. You push me to the point of retaliation, yet at the same time, you burn me up with want."

  Robin's eyes raked my body and with a wink, we were both nude.

  "Look at us, Kale. We are both hard bodied in completely different ways. Your muscles bulge and strain even at rest. You are so very different from my sleek limbs. While we are both predators, you are very much the aggressive wolf while I am more the slinking panther."

  His eyes raked my body and heat rose in my cheeks. Never had another male looked at me in such a way. It was both uncomfortable and exciting. Naked want burned from his gaze and Robin did not pretend to deny his lust for me.

  "This seems so wrong," I managed. "Everything I have ever known tells me this is not the way it should be." The whole time we spoke my eyes had stayed on his but now I wanted to look at his body.

  "Don’t let rigid thinking stay you, Kale. Listen to your heart. What does it want? Listen to your wolf. Has he ever led you astray? Does this feel wrong to you?"

  Robin moved closer and my eyes closed. I listened, a deep breath shuddered through me and I spoke to him, my wolf.

  'What do we do,’ I asked. ‘Is he right? Do I just let go and see where this takes us? It can't stay the same or it will tear us all apart.'

  I knew my human mind would never come to the right conclusion so I released the wolf and let him decide.



  When Kale's eyes opened again it was not the human Alpha that stared back at me, it was the wolf. "Puck," he gazed intently at me.

  "Alpha," I nodded my head in deference. "I assume that Kale has handed over his human body to you then?" The wolf in human form tilted his head. "It is very strange being in this form but it was necessary for what was needed. He is young, Puck, and has had a harsh life. I would have gone feral long ago if not for the steel in him. He held us both together in a time when most would have rolled over and given up.

  “The situation is torturing him; he does not understand it and is fighting to comprehend. It will cause him to lash out. Be aware of what will come and do not blame him for behaving as a child who is unsure and scared."

  My eyes widened slightly at the analogy. "I understand, Alpha," I had nothing but respect for this ancient being. The wolf was born with Kale but the spirit of the beast was as old as time itself.

  "Now, Puck, it is time to answer both of your questions. You are mates. The bond is there as strong as the one Dia shares with the both of you. He is also mates with the human boy but the threads are buried deep. You will have your work cut out for you to dig them out into the light."

  Those wolf eyes took me in and he licked his lips. "It's too bad I do not have this body more often, I would not mind a taste of you in this form. Perhaps he will let us play together with me in the front seat once he is more secure."

  It had not happened in millennia but my jaw dropped. The spirit of the wolf Kale carried, had just propositioned me. I threw back my head and laughed in pure joy. "Oh, Alpha, I would like that very much." I licked my lips. "Would you mind if I touched you for a moment? A single caress before we give Kale control back?"

  "Oh, Faeling, I would have it no other way," he nearly purred. I was nonplussed for a second at being called a child but not enough to hold me back. Opportunities like this did not come often in one's lifetime.

  Carefully I inched closer as Kale's wolf rose to his knees. He reached out, took my face in his hands, and pulled me closer. A whisper of breath blew across my lips before his kiss overtook me.

  "Remember, Oberon's Puck, although I am a part of Kale, we are also separate. It will be a time before he is ready for this level of intimacy.”

  With that, his mouth covered mine and he took possession of me, the great seducer. I was overwhelmed. His mouth devoured mine and ate at me while at the same time he touched with the most delicate of caresses. Mouths open, our tongues tangled in a loving dance that had none of the aggression I expected but the lovemaking of a mate.

  I was humbled even as my body rose to the occasion. Our cocks rode each other hard, hips grinding against one another as we embraced. Damn, I wanted to feel h
im buried deep in me while he kissed me just like this, fierce and gentle.

  This was heaven, I knew it was the wolf but it was also my Kale. It was just Kale who had not found himself yet. I made an oath to myself in that moment. I would find this man buried beneath all the grief and pain and bring him into the light.

  Dianthe deserved this mate, I groaned into his mouth. Hell, we all did. The sure hands fondling began to falter and the lips and body so sure in itself became hesitant. Our eyes met and Kale the man was back in control.

  He did not jerk away from me but shyly continued our kiss. He was so tentative in his caress that my heart ached for him. I had thought that organ long dead until I had met Dianthe. Now I found it beating even more for my wolf.

  Cautiously, we disengaged. Our foreheads rested against each other while we caught our breath. Kale's breath was harsh in the silent room before he pulled back from me.

  Looking up at him, I waited. He had to handle this one, as he was the one kissing me.

  "I was aware," he began after a long silence. "I'm not going to blame you, Robin, while the wolf was in control I was there. I knew everything that was happening and I could have stepped in at any time." He closed his eyes before continuing, "This is not going to be easy. I can't give up control to you because you ask. I understand we need to be equals and I know we are mates. That is clear now. You will have to help me. I don’t think I can do this on my own."

  Kale's eyes opened then and they were haunted.

  "Something has changed and you feel the same to me in here," he tapped his chest, "as does Dia. You are mine and I am yours." His voice broke before he caught himself and continued, "Puck," he whispered. "I don’t know how to do this. Will you help me?"

  Where had all my wisdom gone? I was The Puck, Oberon's right hand and the one that all of Fae feared. Yet here I was laid low by the broken man above me.

  "Anything," I vowed. "Kale, Lord of the wolves, I will do everything in my power to free you from your chains and bring you joy in this life, will you accept this promise?"

  "Yes," he whispered. A chain broke and a new one formed. It linked us together and began the bonds that would bind us together for eternity. Kale leaned down and gently kissing me one last time before he drew back.

  He hung his arms over his drawn up knees, unconcerned with his nudity now. "Thank you," he sighed and let the tears silently trail down his cheeks.

  We sat in silence for hours. It was a peaceful quiet where we reflected and essentially took in each other's presence. Nothing was asked and nothing was taken. The two of us were just souls who were lost trying to find their way home in the stillness.

  Kale finally broke the quiet reprieve we had been floating in. "Where do we go from here," he asked.

  I smiled at him and told him truthfully, "Forward, Kale, we go forward."

  "Yeah, but how, mate? I mean, what is the next step? Are we good now or is there some more mystical rubbish to muddle through?"

  I held out my hand to him and waited for him to grasp it. Once he did, I pulled him closer so we were shoulder to shoulder and could lean against one another.

  "One step at a time, puppy, one step at a time," I sighed. "The first step will be to leave these rooms," I nodded toward the walls in distaste. This place had become oppressive since last I was here. "It seems that I now find this," I paused looking for the right word to describe the palatial room, "distasteful."

  "Huh," Kale murmured. “I thought this was your personal rooms?”

  "Yes," I replied. "But now I find it lacking." They had never been deficient in the past; in fact, I had taken great pleasure in the decadence to be found here. It had always been soothing to my more indulging tastes. The thought slightly perturbed me and I was not sure that I liked this feeling.

  The pup broke into my thoughts when he nudged me almost playfully. "Warmth, Puck, it lacks warmth. My place is pretty similar but I have my mum to add a feminine touch to the pack house. But my rooms," he shrugged. "They are just a place to sleep at night. I've never even brought a female there other than Dia. I didn't want them to get the wrong idea. I knew I had nothing more than sex to offer them," he finished lamely.

  My eyes closed in thought and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Kale's body stiffened for a second before relaxing against me. "It seems the more time we spend together, the more we realize we are more alike than previously thought," I mused. "This is just a secure place to rest. I have never had a home," a chuckle escaped me before continuing, "entertaining guests here upon occasion would be the main difference. It is perfect for uninterrupted privacy."

  "Yeah, might not want to share that with Dia, mate," Kale laughed heartily. "I don’t think she would take it too well."

  "Indeed, Kale, it would not be a wise story to share. I have a feeling we could share a few tales between us though," my eyebrow arched questioningly. For the first time I had seen, Kale threw back his head and laughed light heartedly. "Oh, Puck, you have no idea, mate. You have no idea.”

  "What do you say we leave these depressing walls and I give you a tour of the Sith. These hallowed halls of the Sidhe Fae of Oberon, Lord of the Light?" I rose up from the bed and willed clothing for both of us. "It is a shame to cover up that tasty body of yours, Kale, but I would not want to start a riot having you walk the halls in your skin," I smirked.

  "Ha…ha…ha, bloody funny, Fae. Here I was starting to like you a little more as well," Kale grumbled. With a deep sigh, the clothes materialized over both of our forms. "What the hell am I wearing? Seriously, Puck, is this some kind of faery style?"

  "Well," I drawled. "I think you look fan-fucking-tastic, emphasis on the fucking." With great pleasure, I took my time enjoying how the clothes fit his physique. "You are larger than most males here so do not be surprised at the attention you will get," I told Kale.

  "Somehow, I'm not surprised in this getup." Kale glanced down at himself. "You have a mirror, Puck?"

  I lifted my chin in the direction of the far wall where the required item manifested itself.

  "Right, faery glamour at its best," Kale said under his breath. He walked over to the mirror and took in his reflection. He wore a deep blue silk shirt, well fitted and long sleeved, covered by an exquisitely handcrafted leather vest in darkest brown. The shirt lay open at the neck and exposed that broad chest of his.

  The best part and what he couldn’t see at the moment was how the soft leather trousers that matched the vest, hugged his beautiful ass. So well fit, they practically cohered like a second skin low on his hips. They clung to those well-muscled thighs and traveled down Kale’s masculine legs where they were met just below the knees by heavy leather boots. Ahh, the boots both functional and sexy. A darker tone than the rest, they emphasized the pure maleness that he expelled.

  It only took a second to be behind him my hand at his waist while I peered over his shoulder to watch our reflection. "Well what do you think, puppy? Do you like it? Mine is not very different as you can see," I moved to his side so he could see us both. My shirt was red, a perfect foil for my hair. The leather black to his brown but otherwise the same. He stood a head taller than me and was much broader. He was dark to my fair and we made a striking image.

  Kale met my eyes in the mirror before replying, "I would like for you to stop calling me pup. Otherwise, it looks like executive biker but comfortable enough. And this is what they wear here?" he asked me absently.

  "It is casual, yes, not something we would wear in the Royal court but for our purposes tonight, it is very appropriate." My eyes narrowed on him with the next words. "And I will stop calling you pup when you stop using Puck in a derogative way. Do not think I do not know you use it as a curse."

  Kale sighed loudly and rubbed a hand through his hair. "Look…I'm sorry, Robin," he paused. That almost sounded painful, I snorted to myself. "I have had issues with the Fae for a lifetime. I am trying to overcome those prejudices. It doesn't help that I feel like we are in competition with each other over Dia
," he trailed off.

  Reaching up to touch his face, I held his gaze steady. "That is why we are here, Kale, to get past this rivalry and become the mates we are meant to be. No matter how long it takes, however," I smiled up at him before pulling him down and surprising him with a kiss, "I don’t think it will take as long as you believe.”

  Kale blushed slightly and pulled back before clearing his throat. "Hey, I thought you were going to give me the grand tour." He nudged my shoulder. "I never planned to come to Faery but since I'm here, I might as well take advantage of it."

  "Most definitely, but before we go let me drop the glamour. Are you all right with that? Most here will be in their natural forms." I watched to see his reaction. In the past, he had difficulties with me un-glamoured.

  para>"I'm good with it, Robin," he stumbled over my name. I felt my mouth lift at the corner—he was trying. A deep breath later and the glamour coating me slipped away, leaving me in my natural state. Waves of multi-colored hair fell in waves down my back ending just below my waist. Dianthe loved the colors, and I was loathe to cut it since she took such joy in it. The length was becoming bothersome though.

  Chapter Three


  I watched in awe as I often did when Puck, I shook my head slightly, I mean Robin, dropped his glamour. He was the most beautiful being I had ever seen. It had always made me uncomfortable to look at him in the past.

  Now at least I understood why even if I were no more comfortable with the situation, my wolf made it clear we were mates. He had been more than happy to come to terms with it, for me it would take more time.

  I had never been with a male before nor had any inclination to. Damn, this was hard. In more ways than one, I snorted to myself. His hair was beautiful. Dia was not the only one fascinated by it. I wondered silently what it would feel like to run my hand through those multi-colored strands. Dia was right, his hair poured like waves of autumn. All those reds, gold, and browns, intertwining into a mass of silk were beautiful.


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