Act of Brotherhood_Paranormal Security and Intelligence_PSI-Ops an Immortal Ops World Novel

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Act of Brotherhood_Paranormal Security and Intelligence_PSI-Ops an Immortal Ops World Novel Page 14

by Mandy M. Roth

  She cried out under him and came, her channel gripping his cock in quick motions. That only served to excite his wolf more. He ran his hand down and under her ass cheek, lifting her pelvis higher, letting him dive deeper into her tempting recesses.

  “Garth! Yes!” she screamed, and clawed at his upper chest this time.

  The buzzing he’d heard when he’d first run into her returned. It wasn’t painful this time, but it was loud and disorienting. Garth tried to focus through it, tried to gain control of his runaway wolf, but couldn’t. All he could do was continue to piston in and out of the beauty below him. He sheathed himself, holding steady for a second, his incisors lengthening at a rapid rate. He snapped his mouth shut, hiding that fact from her. She may know of supernaturals but there was no sense in scaring the crap out of her.

  He dipped his head, unable to fight what felt natural, what felt right.

  No! Do not fucking claim a human! Do not pull a Malik!

  There wasn’t any amount of yelling that was going to get his wolf to obey. It had a fucking mind of its own, and right now, it wanted Nicolette marked. It wanted her claimed. And it wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  She trembled under him, coming again as she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing his mouth closer to her tender throat. Didn’t she understand how dangerous he was? How close she was to having him do something he could never fix? That he could never take back?

  “Yes, Garth. Yes,” she panted as her body continued to convulse around his cock.

  He buried his head in her neck, the smell of her skin driving him mad. Already his control was shredded. He didn’t need any help in that area. As she clung to him fully, he felt hair sprouting on his arms and knew things were going to go from bad to worse, very fast.

  No. Don’t fucking do it.

  His body nearly betrayed him. He inhaled deeply, the lure of her flesh great. The wolf wanted her marked and, truth be told, so did the man. The small thread Garth hung on by began to break, and he roared, slamming into her as he spurted seed in hard pulses. He continued to pump, his body doing what felt natural and right.

  He’d never come in a woman before.

  Nicolette clung to him, her pussy clenching his cock in tight bursts. She cried out in his arms and he kept his head bent, savoring the feel of her body.

  “Ohmygod,” she whispered. “That was amazing.”

  He laughed softly, and the act helped to sooth his beast. His wolf, satisfied with coming, tucked away within him, allowing him to have this tender moment with Nicolette. Now that his features were fully human once more, he kissed his way over her cheek, to her lips and stayed nestled in her depths.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nicolette woke slowly to the feel of Garth’s weight shifting on the bed and to the sound of thunder rolling in. The room was blanketed in darkness, so she reached out to feel for him. He caught her hand in his.

  “I’m sorry, beauty. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, his accent making it sound like he’d said “main” instead of “mean.” She could listen to the man talk all day and never tire of it. Though she had to admit it was funny to hear how he pronounced certain things.

  “Good-bye…and thank you,” she said, sitting up and tugging the sheet up a bit to cover her exposed breasts. She almost turned on the bedside lamp but wasn’t sure she actually wanted to watch the man walk out of her life for good. It was best he go under the cover of darkness.

  The room lit as lightning flashed outside. It illuminated Garth’s form on the bed. He was propped on one elbow. His head was tipped, his long hair spilling over one shoulder as he gave her a quizzical look. “Good-bye?”

  “Aren’t you leaving?” she questioned, sitting up more. She wasn’t sure what time it was but didn’t think she’d been asleep all that long. “I thought this was you trying to creep away to avoid awkward good-byes. You know, leave when I couldn’t see you go?”

  He stretched, taking their joined hands to his groin. His cock was hard, long, and ready for more. She wasn’t sure how the man could possibly be able to perform again, considering the performance he’d already put on. Then again, he wasn’t the one who had to fit something the size of his cock into him.

  “Beauty, I’m not trying to sneak away,” he said softly. “This is me getting up to grab a drink and something to eat. I worked up an appetite.”

  “Oh.” She traced her finger over the head of his cock, pleased he wasn’t rushing off and away. “I just assumed you were leaving. I thought that was what men like you do.”

  “Men like me? Do I want to ask?”

  She fondled the head of his dick more. “You seem like a guy who warms a lot of beds temporarily, if you catch my meaning.”

  “Ah. I see.” He took her hand and placed it around his shaft fully, and then began to use her hand to stroke himself. “If you want me to go, I will. But Nicolette, I don’t want to go. I only wish to warm your bed. I don’t want this to end.”

  “Me either,” she whispered, though the words alarmed her. She didn’t want to have her heart on the line with this man. He’d literally crashed into her life and she didn’t want to think of the mess he’d leave when he drifted away, especially if she let herself get any more attached to him than she already was. And, as it stood, she was pretty darn attached.

  He took his hand away from hers and reached between her legs. He parted the folds of her sex and dipped a long finger into her wet core, drawing a small gasp of arousal from her. He pushed her to the bed and leaned over her, before kissing her slowly to start, and then increasing the intensity and pace.

  Another flash of lightning flooded the room with light, making Garth seem ethereal above her. Like he was some sort of mythical creature, carved from marble and sent from the gods themselves. Nothing about the man seemed mundane or ordinary in any way.

  He was magnificent.

  He fingered her faster, and she moaned into his mouth. Garth grabbed his cock, moved up and over her fully, spread her legs with his knees, and then settled between them. He drove home in one long, powerful thrust.

  Nicolette shouted in ecstasy at the feel of being filled completely by him. There was nothing small about the man. As he pounded into her with wild abandon, she gained a firsthand reminder of just how large he was all over.

  It felt amazing.

  There was little question in her mind that he’d be the man she compared all others to from this point forward. That she’d forever hold up her time with him as a benchmark for pleasure.

  “Beauty,” he whispered, driving into her, a sheen of sweat forming on his chest. She ran her fingers through the light dusting of hair he had there and marveled at the feel of him. He moved his hips just right, causing his cock to hit her special spot, only serving to make her shout more. The neighbors would call in a complaint soon if she didn’t stop. But she couldn’t. It felt that good. That glorious to have him in her. She was thankful Clara was gone, or she’d have felt bad for being so loud, so late at night.

  Plus, Clara would have recorded it all to play back at a later date and embarrass Nicolette.

  Garth didn’t bother to be quiet either as he grunted loudly with each thrust, the sound only serving to turn her on more. He was as into her as she was him, and that thrilled her.

  When he took hold of her wrists and moved her arms above her head, Nicolette nipped at his scruffy jawline. He pinned her to the bed with his body and used one large hand to secure her wrists in place as he continued to pound into her. He used his other hand to prop himself up slightly on the bed above her, his gaze meeting hers.

  There was nothing between them. Just pure intimacy and passion in its rawest form.

  She writhed under him, swiveling her hips as much as she could, grinding her body against his. The action felt right and natural. He seemed to enjoy it from the way he quickened his pace and began to moan, his jaw going slack, still holding her arms above her. He began to whisper to her, but it wasn’t in English. Whatever he was s
aying to her sounded as sexy as could be. She melted under him. Tingling began in her toes and moved up, settling between her legs as she hit her zenith.

  A rush of French curses flew out of her mouth as she clung to the man above her, her body caught in the throes of passion.

  Garth plunged into her, his chest hair rubbing against her breasts as he did. The extra stimulation on her sensitive nipples made the aftershocks of her orgasm even more intense.

  “Beauty,” he roared. Lightning flashed again, and it was followed by a giant boom of thunder that shook the house. The sound of summer rain hitting the roof and the backside of the house helped to set the mood around them.

  Garth held firm in her, and she felt his cock twitching. He continued to whisper to her in a language she didn’t understand as he planted tiny kisses over her face tenderly. Finally, he released her wrists and then dragged his thumb over her lower lip. “I’d wanted to let you sleep, and here I am keeping you awake. You mentioned work and a party with your class happening in the morning. You need rest.”

  “I’d be mad but really, that was mind-blowing. Wake me up anytime you feel the need to do that again,” she returned.

  He chuckled above her. “Careful or you’ll find yourself flat on your back for eternity, beauty.”

  “I’m totally down with that idea.” The idea of something more with him, something long-term and real, didn’t send her into a panic. Clara had been right when she’d said Nicolette hadn’t been ready for something real when she and Cody had made an attempt at dating, but she felt ready now.

  More than ready.

  Too bad she’d picked a random hot guy who was set up to be a one-night stand as the guy she wanted a commitment with.

  There was another roll of thunder that made the house vibrate. It was so loud that it caused her to jolt and grab hold of Garth.

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “That is just Thor riding through the sky in his chariot. He causes the thunder.”

  She smiled and went for his lips, kissing him affectionately, knowing that she was doing something even dumber than bringing him home with her to start with.

  She was falling for the man.

  Big time.

  In many ways, she’d already fallen for him, so she didn’t have far to go.

  He whimpered softly. “Beauty, I don’t want to leave your body.”

  She cupped his face. “I don’t want you to leave it either.”

  “Good,” he said, nipping at her lower lip friskily. “Mmm, I’m wide awake now. You get some sleep. I’m going to call and check in at work. I’ve a few other calls to make as well.”

  “It’s the middle of the night,” she said.

  He snorted. “My job is sort of an always-on-call kind of job.”

  “What is it you do?”

  He eased his cock from her and the action created a wet slurping sound that was anything but sexy. “Um, I work for the government. It’s classified.”

  She knew he wasn’t telling her the whole truth of the matter, but then again, he wouldn’t if it was classified. “Are you leaving now?”

  “I’m starting to think you want me gone,” he said with a laugh.

  “No.” She touched his cheek. “That’s not it. It’s just…this…this is intense.”

  “It is,” he agreed, but didn’t seem worried about it at all. “I’m going to call work and check in on a friend of mine who’s in the hospital.”

  “Oh no. What happened?” she asked.

  “He was involved in an accident and gravely injured.” Garth was quiet a moment. “I need to see how he’s doing.”

  She touched his lips. “I’m sorry he was hurt. I hope he’s okay.”

  “Me too.”

  He caught her hand and held it to his chest. “The men I work with sent me down here on what I think was a fool’s mission, just to get me to leave Gram’s side for a while. I was pissed at first. Meeting you has changed all of that.”

  “Gram is your friend who’s hurt?”

  “Yes. He’s the closest thing to a best friend I’ve ever had.”

  Nicolette ran her foot up his leg partly, liking lying in bed with him. “I’d think your brother would be.”

  “You’d think wrong,” he said, kissing her hand, keeping it tucked close to him. “Grid and I don’t speak anymore. We haven’t for a long time. He walks a different path than me in life. A dark one.”

  She shivered though she wasn’t sure why. “I’m sorry. I can tell that upsets you.”

  “It does, but it is what it is. I have to accept that and do what needs done,” he said.

  She continued to rub his leg with her foot. “That can’t be easy for you. Like I mentioned before, I’m an only child, and I’d give anything to have a large family.”

  “And I want to give you that,” he whispered, his voice so low, she wasn’t sure she’d actually heard him right.

  She yawned and stretched like a cat in the bed before laughing softly. “Sorry. I’m sleepy.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Sleep. You’re exhausted.” He snaked an arm around her waist and slid up alongside her on the bed once more. He then dragged her against his frame, turning her onto her side as he held her. “I’ll be here while you fall asleep. And I promise you, I’ll be here come morning light.”

  Nicolette closed her eyes, unsure she believed him. The man was simply too good to be true. There had to be something majorly wrong with him. That was the only reason she could think of that he wasn’t already taken.

  He traced lazy circles over her stomach with his hand as he kissed her shoulder, still holding her to him. Her back was pressed to his front. The longer she remained there, the more darkness began to swim around her vision. When sleep finally came, it did so with a vengeance.

  When she next stirred awake, she found the bed was empty. The window was wide open, letting rain come in, as it stormed outside. Squinting, Nicolette peered through the darkness to see Garth’s large frame near the open window. From what she could tell, he was fully dressed, and his hair was braided once more.

  She shivered as a gust of cool wind blew in from the window, past Garth and over her. The framed picture of her and Clara on the dresser fell to the floor. He bent and retrieved it before standing tall once more, clutching the photo in his hand. He was barely visible with as dark as it was, but she could faintly make him out there, standing, still facing her, saying nothing.

  It was strange.

  “You’re very pretty,” he said, his accent the thickest she’d heard it to date. Not to mention there was something in his voice, or rather something missing—warmth. He took a step towards her, and she heard the squeak a shoe makes when wet.

  As she peered harder in his direction, a flash of lightning went off outside, casting light over him. He was in the gray T-shirt she’d seen him in earlier, in the square, and he was wet.

  Very wet.

  “Garth, did you go outside in this weather? And why on earth did you open the window?” she asked, reaching for the covers to both shield her from the bite of the stormy night air and conceal herself from his view. She wasn’t sure why she felt compelled to do so. He’d had his face between her legs, for crying out loud. The man knew what she looked like naked better than she did by this point. Still, she tugged the covers up more as he stepped even closer towards the bed. He held the framed picture in his hand and lifted it up, examining it.

  “You’re both very pretty girls,” he said, his accent still sounding way thicker than it had earlier in the night. He walked to the edge of the bed, his boots still squeaking as he did. He then bent and set the picture on the bed before leaning over her. His face was partially shadowed. He touched the top of the covers, near her breasts. He swiped his finger back and forth over the mounds of her partially covered breasts. “So soft. So smooth.”

  Alarm trickled through her, but she didn’t understand why. It hadn’t been there before.

  Why now?

  What was different?<
br />
  A massive clap of thunder caused her to jolt upright. It was timed perfectly with a bolt of lightning that was so bright, it was nearly blinding. She lifted her hand to shield her eyes and when she lowered it again, the room had plunged into darkness.


  He didn’t respond.

  Nicolette reached for the bedside lamp, nearly knocking it over as she did. She turned the switch but nothing happened. Was the power out?

  “Garth, can you try the main light switch?” she asked.

  No reply.

  Nicolette slid out of the bed slowly, pulling one of the lightweight summer blankets from the bed with her. She made sure the blanket was wrapped around her fully, even though Garth had already seen the whole show. She took a step in the direction of the main light switch but slipped on a small puddle of water on the floor.

  Her feet went out from under her and strong arms caught her.

  While she’d seen with her own eyes that Garth was the man in the room, her body didn’t react to his touch as it had before. He didn’t feel the same to her. She knew that sounded crazy. In addition, he smelled heavily of cloves, vanilla, and cinnamon. Something he’d not smelled of before. It was nearly overpowering, as if he’d dunked himself in the mixture.

  He dragged her against his body and held her arms tighter than necessary to keep her from falling. He pushed his face against the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. “Fuck, you smell so good.”

  “Um, thanks. Garth, you’re hurting my arms,” she said, her hands going to his chest. “Your shirt is all wet. How did you get changed into this again? You didn’t have any other clothes with you before.”

  He jerked her harder to him. “You ask a lot of questions.”

  She stiffened. “Garth?”

  He cocked his head to the side and laughed, but it didn’t sound friendly. “It is your lucky night. The Outcast grows near, and it would appear he’s found a friend.”


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