by John R. Lott
105 John R. Lott, Jr., “Public Schooling, Indoctrination, and Totalitarianism,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 107, no. 6, part 2 (December 1999): S127-S157.
106 Robert Kaiser, Russia: The People and the Power (New York: Secker & W, 1976), 484.
107 Edward Taborsky, Communism in Czechoslovakia (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), 1961, 542.
108 David K. Shipler, Russia: Broken Idols, Solemn Dreams (New York: Times Books, 1983): 116.
109 Quote from John Loftus, former federal prosecutor, “Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam,” FOX News, November 5, 2006, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. (
110 Discussion from Wayne Kopping on “Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam,” FOX News, November 5, 2006, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. (
111 West argues that education in New York was essentially universal prior to government subsidies. “The term ‘universal’ is intended to mean, something like, ‘most,’ ‘nearly everybody,’ of ‘over 90 percent’ then we lack firm evidence to show that education was not already universal prior to the establishment of laws to provide a schooling which was both compulsory and free.” E.G. West, “The Political Economy of American Public School Legislation,” Journal of Law and Economics, 1967, 127.
112 John R. Lott, Jr., “Alternative Explanations for Public Provision of Education,” UCLA Economics Ph.D. Dissertation, May 1984.
113 E.G. West, “The Political Economy of American Public School Legislation,” Journal of Law and Economics (1967): 105.
114 The argument here is not that there is a mistake being made here, but simply that teachers incentives are set up to reflect the desires of those who want to have larger government. This argument also applies to public ownership of the media—National Public Radio employees likely have the same type of incentives as pubic school teachers.
115 Like the previous example, this compares totalitarian and free countries of the same total income.
116 John R. Lott, Jr., “Public Schooling, Indoctrination, and Totalitarianism,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 107, no. 6, part 2 (December 1999): S144-S146.
117 A survey of 10 countries (Canada, England, France, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, South Korea, Soviet Union, Sweden, and West Germany) found that citizens have much more choice in selecting between public doctors or different public hospitals than in selecting the public school or teacher for their child. Unlike schooling, customers of public medical care do not bear the large cost of changing their residence in order to change doctors. While public doctors and hospitals do not compete for patients on the basis of price, they do compete on the basis of quality, and doctors and administrators’ salaries vary depending on the number of patients served. Forbidding salaries to vary on this basis or stopping patients from choosing among doctors would seem to lower the quality of care produced. See John R. Lott, Jr., “The Institutional Arrangement of Public Education: The Puzzle of Exclusive Territories,” Public Choice, vol. 54, no. 1 (1987): 89-96.
Conclusion: Parting Thoughts
1 F. A. Hayek, “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” American Economic Review (September 1945): 519-530.
ABA. See American Bar Association
ABC News
abortion: in 1970s; crime and; out-of-wedlock births and; Roe v. Wade and; Supreme Court, U. S. and; “unwanted” children and; unwanted fatherhood and
Abortion: Law, Choice, and Morality (Callahan)
Abramoff, Jack
academia. See universities
academic freedom
ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union
ACORN. See Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
ACT. See America Coming Together
Adams, Frank
affirmative action: consent decrees and; crime and; norming and; in police departments; strength standards and; testing standards and
Africa, HIV drugs and
African Americans: affirmative action in police departments and; crime and; Election 2000 and; out-of-wedlock births and; voter turnout, suppression of and; voting machines and
airline travel
Alterman, Eric
AMA. See American Medical Association
America Coming Together (ACT)
American Airlines
American Bar Association (ABA)
American Center for Voting Rights
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Medical Association (AMA)
Americans for Democratic Action
AP. See Associated Press
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Ashenfelter, Orley
Asher, Herb
Associated Press (AP)
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
Association of Private Weather-Related Companies
Association of Trial Lawyers of America
auto insurance
automobiles: lemon thesis and ig; LoJack antitheft device and
Bacanovic, Peter
Beckel, Bob
Berry, Mary Francis
Biden, Joseph
black markets: price controls and; taxation and
Blagojevich, Rod
Bloomberg, Michael
Blumenauer, Earl
Blumstein, Alfred
Blunt, Matt
Brady Act (1994)
Brady Campaign
Breyer, Stephen
“broken windows” policing methods
Bronars, Steve
Brown & Williamson cigarette makers
Buckley v. Valeo
Buffalo, University of
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.: campaign finance and; Election 2000 and; gun control and; media and; reputation and
Business Week’s
Butterfield, Fox
California, University of, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Callahan, Daniel
campaign finance: 527 groups and; “double-giving” and; elections, competitiveness of and; government spending and; incumbents, protection of and; McCain-Feingold bill (2002) and; media bias and; negative political advertising and; PACs and; reputation and; special interests and; Supreme Court, U. S. and; vote-buying and; vote buying and
Campbell Soup
Canada: abortion in; crime rates in; pharmaceuticals and
Cantwell, Maria
capitalism. See free market
capital punishment. See death penalty
car insurance
Carnegie Mellon University
Carrington, Ellsworth
cars: lemon thesis and; LoJack anti-theft device and
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Vince
Carter-Baker commission
Center for Responsive Politics
central planning: economic freedom vs.; free market vs.
Cheung, Steven
Chicago, Ill.
Chicago, University of
Chicago, University of, Law School
Chicago Tribune
China; economic success in; space program in
cigarettes; predation and; smoking bans and
Clemson University
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
> Clinton Administration
Coke. See colas
colas, price discrimination and
Columbus, Christopher
Communism: economic system of; education and; mass shortages and
Communist Manifesto (Marx)
concealed-carry laws; celebrities and; crime and; drawbacks of; research onig. See also gun control
congressional elections (2006)
Congressional Research Service
Conservative Victory Fund
Constitution, U. S.
Constitutional Initiative , Montana
Constitutional Initiative , Montana
Continental Airlines
Cornell University
corporations: crime and; free market, distrust of and; gas prices and; mergers and; monopoly power of; oil prices and; stock diversification and
Coulter, Ann
Count Every Vote Act (2005)
crime: in 1990s; abortion and; affirmative action in police departments and; age and race and; arrest and conviction rates and; “broken windows” policing methods and; concealed-carry laws and; corporate; corporations and; death penalty and; education and; environmental; excessive penalties for; gun control and; incentives and; law enforcement and; minimum wage regulations and; prison populations and; rates of; rent control and; reporting of; reputation and; “unwanted” children and
Culpepper, Daunte
Cunningham, Randy “Duke,”
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
The Daily News
death penalty: crime and; international support for; public support for; requirements for; research on; Supreme Court, U. S. and
democracy: education and; reputation and
Democratic Party, Democrats
Demsetz, Harold
De Niro, Robert
Deutsche Post AG
Dole, Bob
Domenici, Pete
Donohue, John
Dorgan, Byron
Dougan, Bill
Downsize This! (Moore)
Dreyfus, Jack
Dubner, Stephen; free market, distrust of and; lemon thesis and; real estate agents and
Duggan, Mark
Duke University
economic freedom
economic self-interest
The Economist
education: academic freedom and; Communism and; crime and; democracy and; Free Schools Act of 1867 and; government subsidies and; as indoctrination; predation, public and; in totalitarian countries; voting and
Ehrlich, Isaac
Election Assistance Commission
elections: 2006 congressional; competitiveness of; Election 1980; Election 1996; Election 2000; Election 2004
eminent domain
environment: common pool problem and; pollution, government regulation of and
environmental crimes
Europe: death penalty in; HIV drugs and
European Commission
Evans, David
Farrell, Chris
fatherhood, unwanted
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Election Campaign Act
Federal Trade Commission
527 groups
527 Reform Act of 2005
Fletcher, Ernie
flood insurance
Florida; Election 2000 and; voter fraud in
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
football helmets, liability and
Foote, Christopher
Forssman, Hans
FOX News
fraud: corporate; voting
Freakonomics (Levitt and Dubner): abortion and crime and; campaign finance and; corporate crime and; free market, distrust of and; lemon thesis and; real estate agents and
free competition. See free market
freedom: academic; economic
free market: academia and; central planning vs.; distrust of; economic self-interest and; failure of; failures of; incentives and; reputation and; success of; wealth and
free-riding problems
Free Schools Act of 1867
Friedman, Milton
Fund, John
Furman v. Georgia
Gallup Poll
Gandhi, Mohandas
gas: full- vs. self-service; price of; shortages of. See also oil prices
gas stations, franchising of
GEICO insurance
gender gap
George Mason University
George Mason University School of Law
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Giuliani, Rudolph
Goetz, Christopher
Goff, Donald
Goldberg, Bernie
Gordon, James
Gordon, Slade
Gore, Al
Gould, Jay
government: campaign finance and; eminent domain and; expeditions of; flood insurance and; free-riding problems and; growth in size of; inefficiency of; licensing, professional and; market failures and; pharmaceutical industry and; predation and; price controls and; search-and-rescue teams of; subsidies and; university funding and; women’s suffrage and
Granholm, Jennifer
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Great Falls Tribune
Green Party
gun control: accidental gun deaths and; assault weapons and; Brady Act (1994) and; crime and; gunlocks and safe-storage laws and. See also concealed-carry laws
Guns & Ammo
Handgun Control
Handguns magazine
Hansen, Robert
Harrison, Marvin
Harvard University
Hassett, Kevin,
health care, socialized
Helmsley, Leona
Hern, Misty
higher education. See education; universities
Hobbes, Thomas
Home Depot
honesty: incentives for; reputation and
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover Institution
hotels, price gouging and
Houston, University of
Houston Chronicle
Hurricane Katrina
illegal aliens
Imus, Don
incentives: in baseball; crime and; economic self-interest and; free market and; for honesty; misunderstanding; prices and; stock diversification and; in universities; voting and
incumbents, protection of
insurance: car; deposit; flood
Jackson, Jesse
James, Edgerrin
Japan, stock diversification in
Jefferson, William
Jeffords, Jim
John Birch Society
John McLaughlin & Associates
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Skip
Journal of Political Economy
J. P. Morgan
judges, anti-corporate hostility of
Julian, Michael
June, Cato
Justice Department, U. S.
Kahn, Alfred
Karpinsky, Mary Anne
Karpoff, Jonathan
Katrina, Hurricane, oil prices and
Keitel, Harvey
/> Kelling, George L.
Kelly, Amy
Kelly Bluebook
Kelo v. New London
Kennedy, Anthony
Kenny, Larry
Kerry, John
King County, Wash.
Klein, Ben
Knight, Bobby
Koch Industries
Kozlowski, L. Dennis
Ku Klux Klan, real estate agents and
Landes, Bill
Last Period Problem
law enforcement, crime and
lemon thesis
Levitt, Steve; abortion and crime and; corporate fraud and; death penalty and crime and; free market, distrust of and; lemon thesis and; real estate agents and
licensing, professional; minimum time limits and; teachers and; wages and
LoJack anti-theft device
Lott, John R., Jr., Constitutional Initiative and
Ludwig, Jens
McCain-Feingold bill (2002)
McCarthy, Eugene
McCries, Robert
McGovern, George
Mail on Sunday
market failures: court regulation and; government and; lemon thesis and; LoJack anti-theft device and; real estate agents and
Marx, Karl
media: bias in; Bush, George W. and; Montana Constitutional Initiative and; voting and; voting and early calls by
Media Research Center
Menken, H. L.
Middle Ages
Milken, Michael
Miller, Alan
Milwaukee County, Wisc.
minimum wage regulations
Miranda v. Arizona
monopolies: availability of products and services and; benefits of; innovation and; pharmaceutical industry and; predation and; price discrimination and; publishing industry and; purpose of; secondary markets and; Supreme Court, U. S. and; U. S. oil industry and
Montana; concealed-carry laws and; property taxes in
Montana Constitutional Initiative
Montana Constitutional Initiative
The Montana Standard (Butte)