Bitcoin Billionaire's Babysitter_A Single Dad Next Door, Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Bitcoin Billionaire's Babysitter_A Single Dad Next Door, Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  Wow, what a body.

  I can’t stop thinking about what she just did for Brianna, but I know tonight it’s Diana herself that I won’t be able to get out of my mind. Nor will I want to.



  I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling replaying the events of this evening in my mind again.

  Brianna was sooo cute! She even reminded me of myself when I was her age.

  And Joshua. What happened there?

  Last I remember he was on his way to dad body, without even being a dad. But that’s definitely not the case anymore. He is a dad and he’s ripped! He must have hired a personal trainer, or a chef, or something because he looks like he could be a movie star right now. Jason Statham look out! But Joshua comes with hair. Bald can definitely be beautiful, but Joshua and his full head of hair and all those muscles is what I really want right now.

  And his body isn’t the only thing he’s transformed.

  That place of his used to look like a fraternity house. Not anymore. When in the world did he put in those marble floors and that teak furniture? I couldn’t tell if I was in a world-class hotel, or in a simple Bali home. The contrast between sophistication and simplicity was breathtaking.

  Did he do that himself, or did he hire an interior designer?

  So much has changed since I went off to college.

  And it’s not just the things and people around me. I’ll soon find out if it’s also me.

  My doctor’s visit earlier today has me feeling anxious. I have to wait a few days for the lab tests to come back. It’s going to be a grueling wait, and I need to get my mind off it. It certainly doesn’t help that I still haven’t landed a job and will have time on my hands. And when there’s time on my hands thoughts of how bad this might really be can slowly creep into my mind. That’s the last thing I need right now.

  What I really need is another look at Joshua.

  All these years and he was just the guy next door. The guy my dad ran off with to go fishing, play basketball, or any and all of the other things that guys do. I saw him around the house from time-to-time, but never looking like he did today.

  Is it really true that men get better with age?

  I noticed my dad has slipped a bit since when I left for college, but Joshua has definitely headed in the opposite direction. Better body. Better taste. And what a darling Brianna is.

  I heard about the circumstances, and they are absolutely heartbreaking. I just want to go over there and hug that little girl with everything I’ve got, and never let go.

  I can’t even imagine what she’s going through. And she doesn’t even have a feminine presence in her life there by her side to fight this huge challenge life has thrown at her.

  I try not to cry, and roll over onto my side.

  If the doctor gives me bad news, Brianna won’t be the only one fighting a battle while only surrounded by the presence of men.

  I cross my fingers and whisper to myself that everything will be all right.

  I feel better already and my thoughts turn back to Joshua.

  I have to know what’s gotten into him lately...why has he seemingly upgraded every part of his life.

  Is there something I don’t know about?

  And is there someone I don’t know about?

  Maybe he’s met someone and she had a hand in it all.

  Probably, I tell myself. I don’t want to get my hopes up that a guy like him might actually be single.

  Not that he’d have an interest in me, in my current state.



  I pat my face down and hang the towel over the top of the door. I flip off the light and lay down in bed flat on my back, but I know I won’t be going to sleep anytime soon.

  I finally have someone who might be interested in buying the business, but they’re on a very tight timeline. They’re flying into town and can only meet tomorrow evening.

  In my world anonymity is of the utmost importance, but the potential buyer wants a face-to-face. I could detect a Japanese accent on the phone, and based on the times he was interested in meeting I think he’s flying in from Tokyo. All the times he asked for were within two hours of the landing times of the flights from Tokyo to LAX. It’s a solid hour plus drive to where I live, far away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, but close enough to enjoy it when I want to.

  I prefer my privacy, so I’ve got the best of all worlds.

  But when I think of privacy, all I can think about right now is what Diana might have whispered into Brianna’s ear.

  What did she say that changed her so quickly? How did she get her to smile like it was the easiest thing in the world, when I’ve been striking out left and right since day one?

  Maybe she’s just good with kids.

  No, it can’t be that. Even if I really am that bad with children, at some point I’d get out of my own way and say or do something that would resonate with Brianna.

  But nothing. Nothing from me at least. This evening was all Diana.

  It was like they had a natural bond, an instant connection.

  My mind wanders back to tomorrow night’s meeting.

  There’s no way I can take Brianna. There are hundreds of millions of dollars on the line here, and if the buyer goes all in we’re talking a couple billion. Billion with a b. Plus, what little I know about Japanese culture tells me that you just can’t conduct business this way. Presentation is very important and if his first impression of me is showing up with a kid in tow, what does that say about how serious I respect his taking the time to meet with me?

  He’ll just perceive that I’m too lazy to get a babysitter or something fishy is up. How can someone who planned ahead so far and bought Bitcoin when it wasn’t popular, not have the foresight or resources to hire a babysitter for the evening?

  This is business. He won’t want to hear a sob story, nor do I plan on giving him one.

  But what about Brianna? She’s not ready to be left with someone she doesn’t know. She might not be ready to be left with anyone, for that matter.

  But the way she took to Diana today. It was unbelievable. The way Diana connected with her so quickly blew me away. And that’s not the only thing.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to get that image of her from behind out of my mind, and I’m right. I roll over on my side and stare at the wall.

  The way she swung her hips. That low cut top she had on…the one my eyes were fighting a battle with, trying to stay focused on her eyes and not her…well…other assets.

  And what beautiful brown eyes she has. When I was speaking with her, even thought it was brief, I could just feel her presence. How she’s so there. No distractions. No eyes wandering to a cell phone, or checking out the walls of my house or anything other than me. She’s really in the moment, and that’s not something you see often these days.

  I still haven’t adapted to this youth culture yet, and probably never will. When someone says, “One second, I have to check something on my phone,” it drives me crazy. A few times is okay, but it just seems so constant now. And it’s not like my previous dates had something better to do than to be out with me. They were taking selfies with me, and calling me when we weren’t together. And I never let them in on my business. I want a woman who wants me for me, not my money. I have to know her intentions are pure and true, and only after that do I really open up and spoil her like I can.

  I’ve been fortunate in my life, and I want nothing more than to share that with someone. Not anyone. Someone…someone special..very, very special.

  I’ve known Diana her entire life, or at least known her from a distance. She’s a good girl. Her parents raised her right. It’s really a pity her mom can’t see her now. Cancer took her way too young, when Diana was in high school. I gave all the support I could to her father, but in that moment he really just needed to be with his daughter. They needed each other more than ever.

  I don’t want to connect dots that
aren’t there, but maybe that’s it. Maybe Diana can relate to Brianna because they’ve both lost their mothers. I don’t know…maybe it’s me looking for a link that doesn’t exist.

  I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, and suddenly Diana comes into my life, as an adult, and I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s only been since this evening but there’s just something in my gut feeling about this that tells me she’s special.

  But I have to focus right now, no matter how hard it is.

  I have to figure out how to handle this meeting. It’s not just for me. It’s for Brianna. With the sale of the business Brianna will be set for life. I’ll follow her parent’s wishes and put her money in a trust. She won’t know anything about it, as her parents wished. She just needs to be a kid now, but it will be nice to know that she’ll never have to work a day in her life, if she doesn’t want to.

  But if she’s anything like her dad, she’ll want to work. She’ll be ambitious, curious, and will want to use that money to build something…to fulfill her own dreams. I can’t wait to see what those are.

  But first I have to come up with a plan to make this all work.



  The next morning

  “Diana. Are you awake?”

  I set my Job Interview Prep book on my comforter, next to my paper and pen. I’ve been writing out answers to the practice interview questions since six this morning. I could barely sleep so I decided I might as well do something productive.

  I slide out of bed and open my door.

  “Up here, da—“

  I look down into our living room and there sits my dad, with…Joshua.

  He’s looking just as incredible as yesterday, maybe even a bit better actually.

  From my view from above I can really see just how wide his shoulders are.

  When he sees me he stands like a gentleman, and it’s like those shoulders of his are coming right up at me. He’s so tall.

  His body is angled, and I can see the perfect V-shape he’s sporting. Somehow those massive shoulders taper down into what looks like a trim, 32ish inch waist. How is he so fit, especially for a man who’s a tad over 40?

  And why am I looking at him the way I am?

  He’s my dad’s age, for crying out loud. I couldn’t imagine one of my friends dropping by and checking out my dad. Gross! Then again, most of my friends are back in Boston. They got jobs in the city right away after we graduated. I thought it would be good to job-hunt here back in Southern California. So much for that idea.

  Now the interview season is over at college. No recruiter visits until the end of next semester. I’m stuck finding something here or waiting it out and trying next semester, all the way back in Boston.

  But what I’ve found right now might just be a whole lot better, and I can’t take my eyes off him. He’s looking up at me, and our eyes are locked again. It’s just like yesterday. I like how he makes me feel like the center of the universe, just from his look.

  The boys in school didn’t pay me much attention, and when they did it usually felt like my presence was barely registering. Their eyes seemed to always be darting around. They were either constantly looking over my shoulder or focused on their cell phone screens. Their eyes seemed to look at anything other than mine. With as much as they looked past me, I started to wonder if someone was behind me about to play a joke, or maybe some celebrity was back there. They never seemed to focus on me. I guess it’s just a byproduct of growing up in the age of Tinder. Just keep swiping until you find what you want, even if it’s only for an hour, or less, of the physical. Not for me. No thanks.

  I want something real. Something lasting. And maybe that’s been my problem all along. I was surrounded by boys, when I really needed a man. And Joshua is definitely a man.

  Tall, dark, and handsome? Check.

  Responsible? Check.

  Ambitious? Check

  Good with kids? Half-check. I know he’s trying, but I think he just needs a little help. A woman’s touch.

  “Joshua wants to talk to you for a second,” my dad says.

  “Okay. I’ll be right down. One second.”

  I run back into my room and try to slow down my breathing.

  What is he doing here?

  Joshua has never just dropped by…to talk to me.

  Why does this feel so formal? I mean he and my dad are sitting in the living room like he’s asking for my hand in marriage.

  I laugh so hard I almost snort, and then laugh again at my first laugh.

  I step in front of the mirror, and run my hands through my hair, freshening it up a bit so it doesn’t look so flat.

  I pucker up and put on some lip balm. It’s glossy, but not overkill. I can’t really put on a ruby red lipstick to go with my lounging clothes.

  Thank goodness I took a shower already. After a mostly sleepless night I thought it might help me relax, and maybe even squeeze in a much needed hour of rest this morning, but it only served to freshen me up even more.

  I throw on a more presentable shirt and then push up my bra a bit and make sure the girls are in place. Too much, and my dad will be all over me when Joshua leaves. Too little, and Joshua might still see me as the flat chested little neighbor girl. It’s a delicate balance.

  I spray a small bit of perfume on my wrist and then rub my wrists together before touching my wrists to the side of my neck.

  “This isn’t a date,” I say under my breath. But why does it suddenly feel like one?

  I’m walking a fine line between looking presentable and overdoing it, so I stop, take a deep breath and turn towards the door.

  Go time.

  I step out into the hallway and Joshua stands again. My dad is looking up at me, and then turns to look at Joshua. He gives him a curious look, and I must say Joshua does look a little eager. I can’t complain one bit though. I can’t remember the last time a guy really seemed excited to see me, and not just because he wanted help with his homework, to borrow some money, or some other self-serving interest.

  “Good morning, Diana,” he says.

  I must not have noticed it yesterday. I was too taken aback by the sight of him, and the sight of Brianna standing there behind him. Today those raspy notes his voice is hitting are front and center.

  He sounds like he was up all night too.

  Did he have a date?

  Was he playing more games with Brianna?

  Was he thinking of me?

  I push the crazy talk back in my mind and focus on what I can control…making a good impression.

  “Good morning, Joshua. How’s Brianna?”

  “She’s good. Thanks. Actually she’s the reason I came over this morning.”

  Oh no. Did I do something wrong yesterday?

  Do I even admit I was at his house yesterday?

  What will my dad think if he finds out?

  I mean it was innocent. I just went over to give a child some candy. I wasn’t expecting to find a hunk…the same guy I’ve known forever, but never in this way.

  “Oh. Okay,” I say as I stand there facing him.

  When I spoke with him yesterday he was inside and I was on the front step, a bit lower. I only walked past him to get to Brianna.

  Not today. We’re face-to-face, squared up. He dwarfs me…makes me feel so small. Suddenly my nervousness if replaced with a feeling of safety and security. He’s just so much bigger and stronger than me. I must be light as a feather to him, if he were to scoop me up in those big arms of his. Well, maybe not a feather, but I can certainly wish can’t I?

  “I have somewhere I need to be tonight, and I was hoping you might be able to watch her for a few hours.”

  “Brianna?” I say. I want to slap myself. Of course Brianna. Who else would it be? I just feel a bit dreamy in Joshua’s presence, and it’s causing me to ask obvious questions. Pull yourself together, Diana.

  “Yes. I already spoke with her and she excited to spend time with you.”

nbsp; “Excited?”

  One side of his lip moves upward into a smirk…god he’s so sexy right now.

  “Yes, but I’m not sure if she’s excited to get some time away from me, or to be spending it with someone of the same sex. Regardless it’s a win either way for her, and it would be a huge victory for me.”


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